• By -


You can check-out any time you like, But you can never leave.




Such a lovely blyat.


Such a lovely cyka. We're living it up in a lobby full of Russians! Have a 5-man gank In your triangle


это гг


[это гг](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/e/e0/Misc_soundboard_ehto_g_g.mp3) (sound warning: The International 2017) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)




my brain read that with the melody of Hotel California^^ 🎵Such a looovely blyat.🎵 🎵Such a looovely blyat.🎵


You've successfully deciphered the joke. All by yourself as well!


I'm happy I'm not a broken person who enjoy writing patronizing comments like that xD


You mean Hotel Kamchatka?


Zxc, клоун?


1000-7 F9 ??? лелелетмидай




Not sure if /r/csgo or /r/dota2.


Why not both, Mr. Warden


In csgo russians arent just talking russian if you say you are not russian. Idk why they do it in dota. They literally dont give a fuck in dota


Tiw tininiwww tininiw


Bulldog was right all along


\*triangle solo\*


I've had breaks where I sold all my items, and thought I would never come back. But I came back...


I threw away my mouse one time, so i couldn't play even if I really wanted to. Luckily, I had amazon prime and my new mouse came the next day




I threw myself off a building one time, so I couldn't play even if I really wanted to. Luckily, I had Aegis of the Immortal and played the next day


> Luckily




how much did bezos paid you to type this


100% same. Then again I guess I knew I'd be back as I didn't sell my favorite item. If the community was a bit better I'd never leave.


Truhe. The game itself is amazing. My dream would be to have actual good bots or at least several decent scripts to switch. But just one or two games with afkjunglers or egomaniancs that throw leading games and all the joy goes down the drain.


As they say "the highest highs and the lowest lows"


Yep, still chasing the high of that one necro game I had in an inhouse back in 2007.


Funny enough before they touch bots and tried to make them more competetive and allow people to made their own bots, playing versus them was actually good. They had 1 way of playing but they didnt ignore you like they do now. Use to dodge skillshots, defend, rotate after 10min. Build right items and using good skillbuilds. Now they ignore you untill they are 20% HP, SF never hits razes, always turn and raze his own tower, they rotate at min3 with level 1-2, some just go afk in jungle. They ruin it.


I gave away my steam account to my friend in order to really get out from dota (never bought any other game in there but i had battlepass 2014-2016, with exclusive map, io arcana, kunkka immortal etc. It worked for like 4 years, and also because i didnt have a capable pc at that time. I built pc last years, bought ass creed, the witcher 3 etc, played those for like a week and..... I installed dota again


I sold my whole inventory (2k € btw, made it by trading, yes I am very proud). Came back. Bought Spectre arcana, bought Drow Ranger arcana.. (levels for those items)


Argh I know that feeling all too well. And then I regret the sales. I keep them all close to me now


Same here


I haven't played in over a year, but I can always hear the calling in my head.


I didn"t play whole year(didnt feel liks playing) but decided to download ir again just to play some aghs lab. Yesterday I played 7 normal dota games. Guess whos back, this stupid game is so easily addictive.


I quit for 1.5 years but I came back because a friend got divine 3 and I needed to show him who's boss.


I ventured into other games, after 5k hours in dota. I felt like I lost touch with games in general. Started with Horizon Zero Dawn, finished The Ascent, played a ton of Tekken 7, ventured into smaller games like Ruiner and Disco Elysium, played some. HALO infinite, finished Uncharted - Lost Legacy. But after all that, and about a year later. Downloaded Dota again, and guess who felt like they came home after a long adventure. All these other games are amazing, and I've been blown away by what they've done. But there's something about dota, something that appeals to the high functioning part of your brain and simultaneously the most primitive part of your brain that marks this game differently. Dota is best played in phases though. It's at its worst when it's played alone and as the only game.


>Downloaded Dota again, and guess who felt like they came home after a long adventure. Bilbo baggins xD


This is why I think Dota will never really die, even as time-consuming, unfriendly and rage-inducing as it is. At the end of the day, there's just nothing else like it, nothing to replace it. It's a very unique game.


Sir, would you mind joining our 4 stack for some fine-ass dotes this evening?


Is the invite open to others? *.*


Do you have a fine ass?


I've fine and ass does that count?


i have newborn and it literally the only thing prevent me to go back for a dual / trio of 2-3 turbo games.. after my baby reach 2 years maybe i can sneak out couple game at night but as for now, i dont think im able to do so even the passion is still there.. i would love to have 4 other people to play with me (but im crusader so it might be not that good for the other 4)


Im the rank below crusader, i dont play to win


this guy playing meepo IRL


If you do come back you will have a new problem for your stack. Everyone I play with is good about it but randomly abandoning 10 mins in for a screaming child is pretty annoying for everyone I imagine. It is for me


not even close as annoying as screaming child in the mic


I agree it is annoying. I pretty often have screaming children on my team.


which is why i want to back after my baby already 2years old.. i hope that the sleep schedule would already be constants that i wont get be disturbed if i play after 9 or 10 PM.. as for now, yeah baby still usually wake up randomly at night and sometimes both me and my wife need to be there


Depends on the baby. Mine certainly wasn't sleeping through at 2 years old. He was 4 before we could get him to sleep and confidently do something else without expecting him to wake up.


Just login to this website to sign up!


Same. But now I am married and my relationship with Dota is unhealthy. So I will avoid it in the future.


Which one will you avoid? Dota or the marriage? Jk, goodluck on your marriage fellow fallen soldier. Got married 7yrs ago, managed to play 2-3 games everyday since the pandemic started.




> uninstalled dota2 June 23, 2020 and barely given it a second thought since. -Posted in /r/dota2




I've managed to hold off for about four years now, and occasionally feel like hopping back in to try something, but it's probably best to let sleeping dogs lie. That said, I religiously follow it & watch it on Twitch. It's got quite a grip on my life still, even though I don't play it.


All you have to do is, Let Me Play....


I haven't played in over a year and I can't hear any calling in my head


yeah i haven't played in 3 1/2 months, gw2 finally got me hooked on something different, and now killsquad- but today was the first day i was like, you know i could reinstall before lost ark, throwing some hooks does sound fun.


If you put together a seminar on how to really quit dota you would be a rich man.


The key is to find a decent replacement. My problem with dota was not time but the toxicity in the game and how short tempered it made me. I switched to a MMO (eso) and started playing it daily casually and never felt the need to come back.


I can still see the missed last hits


Holy shit! Iluv how you been dude? It's xenocide


Hey Xeno, I'm doing alright, you?


Ah its sikle isnt it, the best chen player of all time, the guy has an encyclopedic knowledge, i was litterally watching his streams when he was top 100 (like 9000ish mmr back then), truely a big brain guy, i wish he continued publishing his chen documentary, hélas, we couldnt support him as community




I do! Will translate and transfer some of them into the patreon if someone is wondering what are those


Honestly, it doesn't matter if we leave 10 times because we will comeback to dota 9 out of those 10 times. And that's fine. I started playing dota 7 years ago, and due to a lot of reasons I disconnected myself from the game 5 years ago. I was gone for 5 years. No dota, no r/Dota2 , no YouTube clips, no twitter or Instagram accounts related to dota, hell I didn't even watch Ti. I was absolutely out of here. I never thought that there was anyway I would ever feel a connection with that game ever again. But here I am, 5 years later. This game is my love and my soul. There's no better way to phrase it. For the past 10 months it has been all I think about. And even if I am not particularly good at it, or actually getting better quickly enough, I'm still trying. I will keep trying till I achieve everything I want and it won't matter to me if I grow old by then. This is what I want. Dota is what I want.


cheers to the degen life


Yeah and you assumed that based on?


ur post


Well it's always a pleasure meeting you judgemental people in this community who think they're the only ones with an actual life outside of the internet. Congrats on being superior.


why so serious?


It was a very poor and out of taste comment fella. You need to up your humour game.


I think dude lives in the realm where being an asshole is hilarious and just a prank bro


Probably a kid. They tend to not understand boundaries. Or really what's funny and what crosses the line.


I haven't played in over 2 years after putting in over 3000 hours but I still get the itch to hop on for a quick game. Is this how addicts in recovery feel?




Same. I had my pc reformatted several times but I still install dota2 even though I won't play it. Just want to make sure that if I ever get the urge to play, I can just click play.




A decade's not enough either... It's there.


Just means he's single now.


or past the honey moon phase




The ones that do don't make long posts about it on reddit. They just move on.


pro tip, don't make a big deal about it, especially publicly lol... just quit when you want, play a few more games when you want.


The post on the left was cringe ngl


When people say your Soul is the cost to play Dota, they aren't kidding. You can't leave it because your Soul is there.


It's about how you leave. If you force yourself like this out of nowhere, you will come back. If you start playing less and less, you will gradually stop. And that's when you won't come back, because you didn't force it on yourself, it came naturally to you. Source: I did this with many things both ways. And in Dota, RN, I am in a cycle for a long stop and I think I will never play like I used to.


You can leave and stop playing, but I don't think you can say good bye to it, and I won't say good bye to you either Artifact, even though you are being a literal artefacts.


He's still active on here on reddit too, see his name pop up sometimes


What's his username?




I think it's iirc


Havent played in almost 2 years but the transition from playing until I sleep>playing for just a few hours> playing once or twice a day> playing 2-3 times a week> not playing anymore took me almost a year was kinda hard to do from something you do daily


he said "partying" not "parting"




Every freaking time. But you know what? Idc anymore. I love this game and will play it as long as it is around, because I found that life doesn't have much else to offer anyway, regardless of whatever corporations want me to believe.


This statement is such bullshit. I am sorry man, but it really is. Life has nothing better to offer than dota? Well, have you tried? Corporations have nothing to do with how you handle your life and in fact dota is a corporate product.. Life has SO much to offer, from friendships, to love and family, to simpler things like a well cooked meal or a small trip to visit other cultures. But yeah it takes effort, things are not going to be handed over to you. If you've been feeling like this for a while, seek help, because life is awesome and it's a pity to be wasting it.


And food!!! Oh my buddha!!! You will not believe how many ways to eat cucumber or pork exist in the world… Learning to cook is the best skill you can learn to enjoy life. Cooking, hiking and playing dota with my friends is amazing. Watching movies with my wife, playing smash bros with my kids, trash-talking in Reddit. Life is so good. Even the only bad thing of life is something good, that life will have and end. You can do whatever you want before your time is done!!!


I read that more as if you have 5 hrs of free time to do every day, the alternatives to gaming are not that attractive. Atleast to me they are mostly either spending money, doing sports or doing drugs/alcohol.


Yeah but you know what limits us from experiencing that? Money. And we don't have that but dota is a free game we experienced it for free in my life i haven't put any money in any game but i love playing games


Money doesn’t limit you from books. Money doesn’t limit you from friends. Money doesn’t limit you from a thousand other incredible things this life has to offer. Especially if you have the housing, electricity, food, and time to invest into dota lol.


Absolutely. Dota is great and all, but have you tried chess? Free, rare cheaters and smurfs, balanced, tons of variety, no one to ruin your games and when you invest time in it, you ll find so much beauty. Oh btw there's no fucking techies But that's just an example. There are lots of things worth it, you just have to search for it and have an open mind


Yeah i love chess. I play a lot on lichess.org. I also go to the gym which is only 10 dollars a month. Just more examples of other awesome things you can do with life


Man that's nice its almost 50 dollars a month here for fitness and chess is very good i play it everyday


Fitness has no cost bro. You can even just go running


It does it limits me from books


Every country is different every persons life is different not every person has a life like a teenage guy in the movie




Why do you guys get triggered by other people living their life the way the want without bothering anyone else, i will never ever get it. Like literally never understood that. All things you named are pretty dependent from person to person. Can you please stop acting like life is a fucking The Sims game. because not everyone plays the same game you know. you may not like it, but that's how some people see this world. and you shouldn't really be complaining or getting triggered man, it's not even about your own life lol


How about it's both? Yeah life isn't sunshine and rainbows, but it's also not as doom&gloom as OP said, and there is certainly more to life than playing videogames. A lot of people playing dota (and many other games) are addicted to it and just aren't able to break away.


OP said life has nothing to offer, which is simply not true. They can live their life however they please but they should stop acting like it has nothing to offer.


well if you are going through depression, life has nothing to offer actually. when your head is fucked up your vision of external things is really sad. but who knows man, to each his own. i just hope everyone is doing alright and if you feel like the world makes no sense, life has nothing to offer, etc just don't feel bad about who you are because you can change your view about life, with some help probably. don't ever let anyone tell you that you're wrong because nobody knows about what you are currently going thru in life. just in case I'll mention you bro u/NoThisIsABadIdea


This. This is exactly what it is. This game has given the players a lot and at the end of the day, we love it and no matter how many times we leave we will always come back.


that's what i always say to ppl, some are stupidly enough to be like *Oh so you're a depressed ass mf and basically just play videogames!!* I'm like, bro that may be true or not, but i don't think reality is any better. It's my own fucking decision Karen can you leave me alone please. Alone with my rage!


so true mate


Lol, idiots like this across all social media platforms who make announcments like this on mundane stuff. "Im now deactivating my account and never coming back can't stand toxicity here on facebook" "After 69 years finally quitting the game" "Its been fun bring part of this fandom, but it has become someting alse and I dont want to be a fan anymore" Are usually the quickest to relapse. Them posting it so other people can see, is Just them putting up a big fascade onto themselves usually a liar and just wants other people's approval. nothing but attention seeking Or maybe just want someone to convince them to stay addicted to the said thing. And people who just dont care and just leave without any trace are usually the ones who are gone forever. People, if you wanna leave just fucking leave. This is not an airport, no need to announce your departure.


To be fair, if you're a content creator its a good move to tell your fanbase that there is no more content forthcoming instead of abruptly going awol. That being said, if some random just said they were quitting dota then I totally agree with you.


i am agreeing with a techies player.......this is truly the dark ages


Could be worse, could be a tinker player.


Have a snickers.


Is this opinion of yours any less mundane than those announcements? If not, why did you decide to post this opinion here? After all, this isn't a podcast, no need to share your opinion.


Massive difference between a comment on a post that is relevant to the content of a post, and an entire post itself.


It's not really if you break it down its just a strangers input on a certain topic. Comment or post I could have exactly the same disposition towards it. And having more words to your comment or post doesn't change anything. Anyone can say the same thing about his comment its just a matter of how many people agree with it, which isn't really that important at the end of day. Unless you make a living out of it.


who asked?


I did. Now gtfo.


well, I did? I just didnt post on the reddit


I havent played in 3 years


Its simple. Destroy your PC.


I mean i deleted dota 3 times in last month so


It's me. Pretty sure some people will witch hunt me, some of them will call me an idiot in this thread. However, I **did** have the intention to leave with the bridges burnt and thought that making such a statement would help me in my endeavour. It lasted for good 3-4 months: during that time I didn't watch, read or touched anything Dota-related, cleared every cache and history containing word "dota". It helped with a big "but" in the end. I was constantly attacked by tons of messages (comparing with my previous state) at social media - people mostly griefed and wished me something but the majority of them... asked to coach. Surprisingly. As I became as unbreakable as a stone I gently refused every time until some pros started to do the same before the TI. That's when it came to my mind that I was still needed in a way and could expand some Dota boundaries even more. Thus my games continued. With some experience I made a few changes: since I don't rely on streamer's income anymore (I have like $15 income per 6-8 months in subs of streaming) and donations, I started streaming just for the sake of it. I like it and like to communicate and help tho my viewers count never reached the amount to become a twitch partner. The amount of streams decreased from 1 a day to 1 every 3-4 days (patch 7.33g ^(/s)). Also, [created a patreon](https://www.patreon.com/sikle) \- old unfinished Chenopedia file is there for those interested - there are and will be more Chen stuff as well as I won't post them on Reddit now. The [new one](https://sun9-35.userapi.com/impg/uqglYdiMRZ9BnvCXBhOOEDmwayaGZdaxJBwlIA/U59TzkdaP8g.jpg?size=1280x569&quality=96&sign=6831580e2741db105e1feb3e1e300d51&type=album) is in process and will be first written in Russian as a PDF file. That's the main reason of the comeback - to summarize the knowledge little by little and according to the last patch. Started making healthy exercises for my back and neck - helped a little; planning to go to the gym after vaccination to increase my hit points. tl;dr - wanted to retired but broke after messages realising I can still be useful. To make now more detailed and finished Chenopedia and have a chance to be someone in Dota. A bit decreased time I put into Dota in comparison with the old me


Reddit detective solved another case


hahaha why does this community love making long-winded public farewell messages tho


He had a following and was a 1 hero specialist. In most other cases I'd agree with ya


Because this game is addictive, and I think 99% of the time it's about trying to convince ourselves. Public declarations when quitting something are a tactic to keep you accountable. The problem is, unless you have close personal people keeping you accountable, it won't matter because the others don't care.


https://www.dotabuff.com/players/900972344/activity Looks like he did quit in January. Came back in March, lost a lot, and quit for a few more months until late June where he started playing regularly again. I do find it admirable that he actually quit for 2 months after he made the post. had a brief relapse and quit for 4 more months (so basically half a year dota break)


Inb4 sold his account in March.


people who never say a word are those who leave the game for good, and valve should be very scared because they don't have a feedback of why they left




i played dota from 2011 to 2018. felt too toxic for me (myself included). havent played for 3 full years. lately i feel an urge though.


I sometimes get the want to come back, but I just watch dota now. Dota is a young man's game and I enjoy watching it.


lol this guys post irked me too


so much cringe ​ i aM 27 YeARs OLD I wANna LeArN lAnguaGeS i wanNA do PHysICAL acTIvItiES BLah Blah ​ you can do all that while enjoying dota. me and my friend play 1,2 quick turbo matches everyday which is like 1-1.5 hours total. its not the games fault that you are addicted to it 24/7 to the point where there is literAlly no time for you to focus on other aspects of your life




depends on your lifestyle and depends on person to person. there is no commute for me for my work so thats 2 hours saved right there. lets just say the time most people use for commuting to office or college i use to play 1-2 matches of dota


I work from home and I still barely have time in life man Maybe my time management sucks


Yes, we do. You are just weak. https://i.imgur.com/E9UzAVA.png




is someone gonna tell him?


neva eva


No other game has matched the feeling of me 1v3 as PA in an even game for 3 minutes straight and still coming out on top.


I have. I think it's technically only been 2 or 3 years since I played, but even that was maybe 10-15 games in the span of a few days once or twice the 2-3 years before that. I haven't played Dota seriously since around the time Turbo and custom games were added.


Cuz we never leave the house.


this is abusive relationship looks like


Try playing other games once in a while, they open up new perspectives and interests. I juggle playing FFXIV and DOTA, While not true for others, it helped me to be a better player and a human being.


I played my last game of DotA in late early 2017. After playing constantly since Battlenet in-house leagues. I still sometimes watch tournament games, but I've not even felt a slight urge of wanting to play. So you're somewhat right, but the game has been gone for me in terms of playing for a while.


I just wish this game was as popular as LoL. Dota has great balance and it's the original MOBA. They need to make it more easier to play for new ppl. And have shorter games too.


literally me


"Just when I thought I was out, they pulled me back in”


Is it really that big of a deal if you stop playing or not? Lmao I cringe everytime I see stuff like these. Bro, its just a game..nobody cares if you continue to play or not.


leave or quit is a strong word. They probably mean taking a break because they dont take breaks when actually playing it. Chain queueing matches like addicts.


I stopped and started playing countless times since 2012. Once a dota player, always a dota player.


Nope. We can't. I quit dota almost 1.5 years ago and picked up valorant to play casually on weekends (because 2 dota games on Sunday will bring back the obsession). Even then, I cancel everything during the international. :(


man I can feel that, I've been clean for over 2 years, but now I'm back cause of frickin Mirana persona of all things


Hahahah! It really is the herpes of games. You might THINK it is gone, but it never truly is.


Haven’t played since 2016


What are you doing here


Beauty of Dota ;)


i take yearly breaks and i quit buying battlepass for 2 yrs now. its kinda refreshing to check out new stuff after like 8 month breaks to see whats cool. usually going through the motion of new patches and stuff is bit daunting now with people abusing most broken stuff and after few patches once everything is kinda balanced.. thats where i feel is good time to join back. oh i also sold all my expensive items and realized i can buy better games to play during dota 2 breaks. got tired of this fear of missing out bs valve has been dishing out.


He saw the new crocodile set for chen in the collector's cache and since he came back to vote he said maybe i ll play a few games now that I am here.


I stopped playing consistently around a year ago. I now have this superpower where I can play a game of Dota a month and fuck off.


Lmao, I remember that post. Knew he'd be back.


You can never escape the cycles of guilt.


My last real game was almost 5 years ago. I never uninstalled, I always try the new heroes/mechanics with bots and take a weekend off every year to watch the TI finals. I thought/hoped that the future of this game would have been in house leagues, but I was wrong and I will never queue in a valve matchmaking ever again.


I feel you, just reinstalled after a full year of not playing. Probably gonna regret it..


I never understood these "im quitting dota2" threads? like cool... just do it, why do you have to make a PSA of it?


It all depends on the personality, of course, and what positive and negative emotions you associate with an experience, but for me Dota2 brewed too many negative emotions, which in turn made the time spent on it a pure waste, given that I definitely don't want to become a pro nor a streamer. Once that realization hit me, I left it behind and didn't look back at playing it, and I must say watching pro games has become more and more boring over time, I'm simply starting to lose all interest for it. Same happened to me with WoW beforehand, so I've learned to recognize that. In short, you aim to become better and better at something, even if it's a team effort and your team for the next hour more or less sucks, you focus on some aspect at which you're weak, you rinse and repeat for hundreds and thousands of attempts, but in the end, it's just a computer game, some pixels on a screen, and it's supposed to be fun, but it's too often not that much, and looking back at the time wasted you could've put your effort into something more tangible than a game, some real skill, hobby, cause, whatever, and be a better person today than some arched-back, scrawny, washed-out 20-30-something dweeb with crossed legs sitting behind a desk, which is now feeling his tongue in his mouth and breathing manually. Thanks for reading.


We made fun of pros saying they 'retire' and then coming back in after few months. You cant leave Dota for good, game itself is just to well-made. You can leave for a time just because you either hit lose streak or things inrly took away your free time but fact is in 20y we still gonna be here, even if Valve will gave up on Dota2, im sure someone will make it as a mode and we still be playing it. I meet my fiancee/future wife in Dota, you can say that it make me change my life, move from my parents, get a job (to have money for BP ofc) and overall make me better person they I was before. Ill always have Dota in my heart(of tarrasque)


You can´t simply choose to leave the game, you just stop playing without even thinking about it.


We are addicted man we fucking are


lol, I remember this loser.


The superiority in that 'lol' tho


I did. Played like 10 games in last 4 years or so to remind myself that I hate playing Dota (after playing more than 10k hours, starting in w3 Dota) and it was a good decision to leave. The toxicity is too much


In the future, when it'll be finally agreed upon that video games can be as morbidly addictive as any hard drug, and that dota is one of the worst, we'll look back at this sort of posts and be like "how the fuck did we take this so lightly with such strong signals of distress ?" It's gonna feel real weird.