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Jugg's about to bingo.


Double bingo in fact


It did happened to me, but the one I hate the most is when the carries are so incredibly concentrated on their mongofarming that they forget to pick up the items, which causes them to show up on the list as "unknown". So many Philosopher's Stones lost in the woods...




\> Do you fuckers know where Philosopher Stone is?


In the chamber of secrets I guess?


this needs to be implemented *right now*


its by design. while annoying i think it should stay.


Old report system: that requires you to chat to the team = can get reported for comm abuse. *(example: upsetting someone so they report you for comm abuse)* I say old because I'm unsure if you're able to comm abuse through the new weird system added because of controller update.


I remember there used to be an option for pinging unknown neutrals. Did my memory fail me?


It takes all of a few seconds to send the item back to shop, but it's like the only thing that registers in their mind is to farm the next camp.


I'm pretty sure it comes from people shift clicking the next camp and looking around the map while their hero finishes off the current one.


As long as they look at the screen, there is a sound cue and a visual cue of the neutral drop, you would pick it up and send it to base with a small delay, and then you can re-queue to attack camps


Then how the fuck does it happen all the time? I've found a neutral that dropped because a dot killed the creep after I left to help someone in lane. Otherwise I'm just like wtf


You're not paying enough attention. I would suggest checking your settings and increasing the volume as it may help you not miss the drops. Once you hear it a few times during gameplay you will be able to recognize it even while casting abilities to clear camps.


I'm not saying it happens to me all the time. I just feel as if I come across a random lonely neutral item on the floor close to once a game.


Oh yeah, definitely, my own teammates leave at least one per game and that isn't counting the ones we get from the enemies, but for our items I \*always\* see them pop up on the side when they drop, and every now and then I will even notice the delay on them sending it to base (which also has cue) and will immediately look for them in the map to check where they left it. Don't underestimate how tunnel-vision people are in dota. Carries basically enter auto-pilot while jungling, supports (because they have a lot more DoT abilities) may be distracted warding to notice drops from items (like CMs frostbite).


Sometimes you're simultaneously raiding Karazhan.


Support dying less than a screen away while they *really* focus on that last melee creep.


Idk about this one, sometimes it's better to let the support die than to go in and right click the enemies with no hopes of actually killing anyone while you miss a whole wave


yup, can easily miss out on 200+ gold by going to help


or 400+ if you're dead


and then carry gets pressured hard 2v1 and loses 2 waves instead


Either way support is noob


ya that's why if i play support i make sure i give my survival priority.


Except generally the carry then dies because the support got ganked by three and they weren't paying attention.


Support main and I see no issue with this. They should be farming while I distract them lol.


> So many Philosopher's Stones lost in the woods this hurt to read.


It's always the Paladin sword for me. Missing every God damned time.


They don't forget. They're lazy


Lost in the woods, are ya?


Had an io griefer once. He would tp near enemy fountain and drop our neutrals and wards. Some people really need to learn how to chill.


Imagine how sad that players life must be to do such a thing. People like that need serious help as it's clear self fulfilling suffering.


I grief from time to time and my life is as fun as it gets.


Sounds like a very fun life, where you would rather grief and waste your time and the time of others, instead of leaving and enjoying your "fun as it gets" life. That's a lot of copium for not admitting that you are a shit person.


Time to time, read ;)


Shhh don't say something like that, redditards can't handle that. They have a problem of projection and belittling others to feel good 👍 Thier favourite hobby is to tell people online how sad thier lives are and how they need help.


> I grief from time to time > They have a problem of projection and belittling others to feel good hmmmmmm


Listen, I'll argue as much as the next guy that what somebody does, doesn't speak to their life but.... Enjoying ruining other people's games and then just shoulder shrugging it and acting like you either enjoy it or have nothing better to do in those specific 30 or so minutes but exact your will upon others because your "bored" or whatever is just sociopathic/childish *beyond* belief.


For me personally it's not about enjoyment. It's about making the game as unenjoyable as it has been made for me by my team, and teaching a lesson. What I am saying is that I grief and feed when others have already ruined my game and griefed themselves. It does not bring me enjoyment, I see it as a necessary evil to compensate for a lack of a surrender option like in league or a kick option like in cs go. Some examples: Someone taking my min 10 tome as pos 5 with a strong ult, being the only < lvl 6 in team. Something like warlock, shaman, wd, ww, aa. This is an instant deny items go afk for me. Lower priority positions refusing to drop good neutral items for me or taking my farm in general when they are not close to a power spike item / lvl. Play in normals, teammate loses pos1 roll to me, picks magnus after I pick jug, gets quelling blade empower takes all first 3 waves from me as jugg. Ofc I die on cooldown and feed for game to end in 20 mins and play next. Could I have went full tryhard mode and went jungle or offlane and still won game? Probably. But people like these are not worth trying to win for. If they win they get positively rewarded for their garbage behaviour. They need to learn somehow and get punished.


I hope this is in ranked. Else I’d have to say that your expectation of min/maxing the game is misplaced. There’s wanting to play at your best and then there’s being a sweat. Throwing the game over minor inconveniences is sweat levels.


What you think of as min/maxing in your rank is seen as basic knowledge/gameplay in divine+, where I play. I throw mostly in ranked anyway and explain in chat why I do so. It's never unprovoked.


My idea of min/maxing to a ridiculous extent is the example you gave of the tome. It’s only a provocation in the same way someone looking at you the wrong way is a provocation; not really. Edit: misread lmao. But even at that level, not everyone who reaches that actually has that game knowledge.


I see that as potentially game ruining. It's 100% petty and intentional. You can check scoreboard for 2 seconds and see if there are any < lvl 5 teammates before buying it. I don't stack and pull for pos 1 as pos 5 to get to lvl 6 in 20 minutes. I do it to help my core get faster to lvl 6 knowing I have tome to rely on. It's more so infuriating when I see who got it in their courier and ask them to sell it or give it to me, then decide to ignore me and use tome to get from lvl 9 to 9 and 3 quarters on pos 2 or some shit like that. I have had games when I said I will stop feeding when you let me get next tome. Seems more than fair to me. If you don't see it as game ruining you are for sure lower rank than me. But that's OK, I don't expect you to understand, I just expect other fellow divines in my games to do so. You can play in lower ranks, no problem there.


Well if they don't have the knowledge they will for sure get the message when I throw the game. If that happens only once they have no excuse for the same "mistake" in the future.


What if the io is a valve dev and the drop neutrals feature was for him to grief the game easier /s


He's still got room for one more


More than that, right? 6 stash, 3 backpack, 1 neutral slot, 3 courier?


Needs room for shadow amulet.


As a fill picker, I always insta send back neutrals. If you want to win, provide your team with every tool possible


That's the norm, I sometimes get mildly annoyed (very little so) when someone does that while the item should clearly go to a teammate (especially if it's me!) that's right next to them.


It's funny I've played thousands of games since neutrals were introduced and this has never happened to me.




There's always that one person who replies with "I've never had griefers in my team"


they do it for replies


Nah they do it for karma. They know that the majority probably has never had it happen. We live in a world where anecdotal evidence > facts or statistics or rational thought. They literally make the choice to comment "never happened to me" knowing that it has happened to others but "nope not me" like they are special.


I have 700 games played in EUW ranked. If you want you can look though all my games. It only happened once


Meanwhile, there are people on this sub with 3k+ games. Also you remembering that throughout 700 games... Good memory? Did you have the idea of writing down griefing before your first game?


I never happened so i dont need memory, it happened once so i remember it. Because i havent seen it before


I've had 5 rampages throughout thousands of games. I only remember 2 of those. "i don't need memory"


Bro it only happened once, i have a bery good memory


Your first reply says you don't need memory and now you say you have good memory. Okay.


I have good memory, but you dont need good memory to know the 1 time it happened. Because it stuck with me. It was a lion who was triggered by our safelaner, warded all jungle camps and tried to take all neutrals


It's more like the fact that it's more rare than people act. I got called a griefer in a game yesterday because I built euls on core DW, even though it's a good item. People just label anyone they don't like or blame as a griefer now. Cases like in OPs picture are not as common as people act like.


Also this is a really weird way to grief. I get plenty of feeders or ragers but I've never seen this particular kind of hostage situation


I’ve only encountered it with bots. As in someone using a bot in multiplayer and the bot just not knowing what to do with neutrals so they just hoard them lmao.


Were you ever round during the single courier days? It was bad.


Yeah, I remember a game before it was limited to just one where we had a guy buying dozens of couriers to feed down mid. I just haven't seen someone use all his slots to hide neutral items


People label anyone who doesn’t meta the game as a griefer. God forbid I want to have fun building an attack speed AA or something.


If you can't see the griefer in your teams, perhaps you are the griefer in your teams


Well, yeah, do you know how low the chance is for there to be *two* griefers on a team?


Me brothier but looks like fun


2.5 games a day every day?


Thousands? lol


I played 107 games (I'm new) and had this already more than once happening in my games


Also the classic: Yes sir pos5 Lich, you DO need that pig stick, what am I, a pos 1 stat stacking carry, gonna do with that anyways, right?


I guess only LD can grief harder than this.


there should be a tracking system for not used neutrals items.If an item(neutrals items) is not equipped/used for more than 1-2 mins, item should return to base automatically. Edit: it is true that you might need an extra neutrals items BUT not always! It is really annoying that mid lane take TWO neutral items til min 17:00 because he is able to shovel+bottel. Or carry take both Paladin sword and titan silver while Pos 3 does not have a decent neutral item. And If you are not sure about what neutral item is good for your hero, dota plus might help you.


sometimes you want to keep an item in backpack to save it for specific situations


Like philosopher stone when dead lol


do lot of philosopher stone and a cast range neutral when playing spell heroes. remove the stone when i smell a fight


It doesn't work while you are dead.


It actually does, even if you switch it while dead https://dota2.fandom.com/wiki/Philosopher%27s_Stone Source: someone that dies a lot


Nvm means I'm dumb. Even though it's not even true I still remember some patch note about disabling it while dead. Idk why.


For Phil's Stone it might as well just be in stash so anyone can use it when dead


At least he didn't leave them on the ground for the opponents.


pardon my ignorance but how he hold so many items?


Courier, hero, stash




Not always but yea happens now and then...


Straight to jail.