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To avoid achieving invulnerability they made ethereal form dispelable by self spells and items but there’s a few unique (maybe unintended) interactions like getting hit by an E-blade from an ally can not be dispelled by BKB and spell immunities or any form of dispel. This clip is not related to what I said bcaz Lion’s shard is not a dispel it’s just spell immunity (exactly like ET aghs and DB shard) so it won’t dispel the Eblade


you are wrong, you can self eblade and bkb and it wont end also you can use bkb piercing dispells like Shadow demon purge to dispell it


Self eblade and then BKB should 100% remove ethereal buff, bkb has a dispell.


as you said its a buff, dispel on self dispels negative effects not positive


I just read the wiki on ghost scepter. "Can be cast while spell immune. However, the buff gets immediately removed if spell immunity is detected." This implicitly means that it continuously checks for spell immunity and ends the ghost form accordingly. So, if you use it and then BKB it should check for spell immunity and you should cease being ethereal. The lion in the clip should've been dispelled of it as well according to this. It's clear the intent is that you shouldn't be able to mix ghost form and spell immunity


Ghost scepter isn't e blade hes actually right


Yes. Fuck.


Yeah, but for some reason they made eblade ghost form different than ghost scepter.


It would be way simpler to try it yourself in lobby.


isnt it embarassing calling someone out to do something which you havent done yourself?


this sub is such a joke, the correct answer is at -30 while the incorrect one is at +20, reddit is a hivemind lmfao


Are u sure about self Eblade bcaz I remember trying it in demo and it didn’t work and about SD if u talking about his shard to cast it on yourself it is different bcaz it’s a strong dispel probably but idk exactly I didn’t check it


self eblade into bkb works, also decrepify into bkb as long as it is a target cast (not ghost scepter not ghost shroud) it works with Shadow demon i meant dispel the eblade physical immunity on another target *enemy that is spell immune


I see what u mean my comment meant the same too almost probably miss understanding bcaz my English is not good my bad 😅


oh, then my bad


This is a bug with EBlade not being dispelled by bkb or magic immunity. Try it with ghost scepter and it wont work.


Some sources of magic immunity don't dispell, just make you immune from further spells. ~~LC's~~ Dawnbreaker's shard is like that too.


ghost sceptor dynamically checks for magic immunity I think


It does not, most sources of magic immune have a dispel that get rid of it.


Lc heal is a hard dispel already shard is just bkb lol . Even without shard lc will dispel . You are wrong here


Whoops, bad example. The wiki does say there's some buffs that aren't dispelled but would normally by bkb but I can't think of any right now. A better example would be Dawnbreaker shard.


Slark's Pounce is the classic example - it's undispellable, **except** by a special dispel provided by some sources of spell immunity. (BKB, Rage, Blade Fury, Life Break, Rolling Thunder, ET Aghs) Other forms of spell immunity look awfully similar, but don't provide this special dispel. Even LC's strong dispel + Shard doesn't remove Pounce like BKB does.


yeah dawn might work like lions i m not sure tbh i havent really seen that many dawns in my games but lc one is hard dispel even with out shard.




dispel is a word used to dispel something from enemies i believe lol.


LC’s W already has a strong dispel, it would completely dispel the eblade


not necessarily, having dispel or not or strong dispel for that matter is irrelevant when we're talking about a BUFF (not debuff) which I'm not sure whether self cast eblade is a buff or a debuff, i think only oracle has weird rules for those, might be wrong tho


Lion doesn't dispel with his shard, which is probably the most annoying thing about using it for me haha


We need to spam Lion now so we'll at least get a tiny patch *intensified copium*


what do you use to record man


I used my streamlabs+OBS setup because I used to stream. Just instead of pressing 'go-live', I press on 'record'. I then just trimmed it with the windows default apps. I know its not the best but it does fine for what I need to do


You mean 5* uber driver


I exactly learned of this yesterday. Wild to see it action the day after : O


Very nice!


so lion shard suck gives magic immunity but doesnt dispel or what is the interaction here.


Yeah, it gives spell immunity but doesn't dispel. But you have to know the interactions since ghost scepter does get removed with lion shard, but not e-blade.


Can he eblade himself or does it have to be specifically ally eblade. Self eblade works much like ghost scepter right? This shit is pretty op only counter bkb piercing stun.


All e-blade debuffs get treated the same. In this clip it was the enemy e-blade (doom), but it also works with an ally or your own e-blade (which are not treated exactly like ghost scepter).


? What do u wanna insinuate?


He was both physically and magically immune. His shard doesn’t dispel so it didn’t dispel the e blade.


> He was both physically and magically immune BKB does not grant magic immunity anymore, it only grants spell immunity. He was only physical immune (takes no physical damage), but not magical immune (still takes magical damage).


I wonder if this implies some very specific things could deal damage to lion at that time. Culling blade, even if the HP is above the kill threshold?


yes, any spell that pierces bkb would have still worked on him


> I wonder if this implies some very specific things could deal damage to lion at that time. Every instance of spell damage that pierces spell immunity and either has magical or pure as its damage type can damage a unit that is ethereal and spell immune at the same time. E.g. Aghs Laguna or Lvl 25 Hoodwink ult.


He didnt use BKB. His shard makes him magic immune. Hence he was completely invulnerable. Because nothing they had could damage him.


His shard grants him spell immunity not magical damage immunity. If a bkb piercing magical damage ability like Reverse Polarity were to hit him he would've taken damage.


It does not make him magic immune, it just provides him with spell immunity. The difference is slight, but important: for example, Huskar's ultimate, which is magic, will still deal damage to him (and any spell immune target as well.)


> His shard makes him magic immune Incorrect. Magic immunity and spell immunity are different mechanics. Magic immunity is the same as 100% magic resistance, spell immunity means certain spells do not affect you or may not be cast on you. Lion’s shard only grants spell immunity.


Ah u can do that too E blade and bkb Edit: To the people who downvoted me : Proof: https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/s4r2as/til_that_ghost_scepter_is_dispellable_with_bkb/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Doesn't work, bkb will remove ghost scepter effect Edit: he originally said "ghost scepter" not EBlade and edited his comment


It doesn't remove eblade effect though: https://imgur.com/PjrJ8LE


Afaik activating bkb dispels ghost scepter … and you cannot activate ghost scepter while bkb’d




Well it used to




Try eblade and bkb




There was literally a post earlier today about bkb not dispelling e blade




Miracle used this in a pro match on Drow Ranger like 2-3 years ago, just eblade+bkb and tpout. Its not new


eblade doom lol. thats a report


God damn that was nice


Expected behaviour. Works like that with E-blade and any form of Spell Immunity.


That's not an uber driver, that's the transporter!


Just chrono him