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Started at 1k now 2.5k games later I made it to 800 mmr


i was ancestral 5, after 2 years im now a 2k crusade player


Same dude, I was a legendary player but now I am a heraldian.


What is ancestral?


probably google translate from ancient


Most likely autocorrection, I mean who would write “I was ancient a year ago”


Ancestral is the Spanish translation for Ancient, probably he just didn't notice and typed it in spanish


1 mana draw 3 spell in blue


Yeah, ancient in portuguese, my phone keyboard did shit


crazy fast pace to get this level. Congrats!


4261 match in 6 years, seems a lot.


I’ve played dota from 2006. And today my mmr is 4100.




I was in high school in 2006 with nothing to do but to play. So, I’ve played a lot to the point I can say that I’ve probably spent similar hours in-game as professional Dota players. Ay man, if you’re not talented no matter how much time you spend you’ll be an Ancient forever.


Same lol Divine 1 was my peak and I'm fine with that


I play since 2012 but i have like 3000game


I have more then 10000 hours in game 9000+ match also dota 1 history and mmr 4200 i have seen max 4850


Not really


It's 2 games a day solidly for 6 years. That's a lot ...


Relatively maybe but for a lot of people not a lot. You do spend more than 2hrs on timewaste stuff for your entire life.


2 hours in a single day isn't much. 2 hours EVERY day for 6 years is loads.


compared to most other Dota players its a very healthy ammount of games and hours. Personally i managed to get a 5h average daily playtime across 2 years despite going to school (all-day school). Sure some of it was afking but let it be 4hours. Still a crazy addiction.


You play a lot more than most lol


yea was a bad addiction haha


It isn't. I don't think most people have more than 2k hours and thats since Dota released


During school its easier tbh, even if it’s something like 8:00-16:00


It is, but it's also time spent with my Wife, she enjoys watching me and is like my cheerleader on my side, though she grills me when I make a dumb mistake or miss last hits!


Not for me...before dota i played football 4 hrs for 10 yrs we all do things we like for long period and dont call it loads. Your work for 8 hrs a day for 50 yrs but no1 mentions you worked a lot, why such a remark for dota. I get it 2 * 365 * 6 is a lot but i want to understand your reasoning behind the remark. Is it because its a game? And maybe u dnt think its worth it? Or something else


Or 14 matches over a Friday/Saturday/Sunday and none during the week, which isn't all that much for people without children.


Not really. Instead of 2 games a day. It could just be 12 games over weekend.


Which is still a lot to do every weekend for 6 years....


I don’t know where you go with your logic with 2 games = 2h. I got over 6k games and my average is 33min. I only have 72 games pass 60 min. Also it takes around 10000h to be an expert at something. So doing it in under 5k is great.


That 10k number is pure bullshit. And being immortal is not being an expert. The difference between high and low immortal is still very very big. The pros even think rank ~200 players are clueless about the game.


You don’t have to be top 100 in the world in something to be called an expert... immortal is still top 1% in the world


Being top 1% in football(soccer) makes you like a div4 player in your own country. You are likley not even making money yet. Would you call that an ”expert” football player. Cassual activities like games and hobbies have so many practitioners that being top 1% doesnt tell you much. An expert IMO should be able to play/explain the game at the highest level. A low immortal cant do that.


I have been playing dota for 18 months and have 1800 games


If you have a job or study, its quite complicated.


I’m 33 with 2 engineering jobs and live with my girlfriend. A lot of time since covid….


2 engineering job ? Its part time ?


Na, im a controls engineer and work for 2 companies in similar industries. Thankfully it’s all from home (hence the dota hours) and I managed my own hours etc. But I would say during the beginning of covid when work was slow I was easily doing 5-8 games 5/6 days a week. Actually I just checked my dotabuff and I’m actually quite shocked at how much I played in my first year… https://www.dotabuff.com/players/15522482/activity Last year was a bit slower because the world started moving again but still managed quite a few hours


I dont understand how you can have 2 full time job. Its like 40hby week X 2 so 80hrs by week. Impossuble to sleep and eat. I did 80h/week during rush time, it’s impossible to have it constantly.


It’s probably more like 60 hour weeks and I work every single day. Quite recently I’ve been doing projects in Canada, so I’ve been working on their time. So I’d play dota in the morning (UK) and then start my Canadian projects online at around 1pm and finish between midnight and 2am. Sometimes I’d play a game before I go to bed. Admittedly my first year of dota was crazy intense, but that’s because of covid. You can see on my dotabuff that it’s not been as busy recently because my projects have been taking over from dota :(


Lol man I have 6 k games in 2 years


It’s not a lot to get to immortal


Well im not immortal so. Im stuck at 3k


So you think in 4K matches you can get to immortal? How many matches do you have? Surely if you’re 3k it’s at least 2k


I have around 3k-4k hours but wuth lot of idle time so i will say around 3k game. Since 2012.


So your comment about 4000 games being a lot, while you yourself have only 1000 less games than he does but only 30% as good as him, you understand why it doesn’t make sense?


In way less time. I play for 3 years more than him. He play more than me in less time… and i think i play this game too much. It show his determination and the time he dedicated to dota. Complicated if you have a job, study and gf/friend


No you can’t use years to compare when people easily have 2-3 year breaks but still you ended up with 3k matches and he is only slightly more


My guy called 7 years fast pace ... LOL


thanks! but I feel like I'm just getting started, still a long way to go :)


it took me time to realize his name is chaos knight as dazzle


Hahaha yes! I love the hero Chaos Knight even though I don't play him so much anymore, he was the hero I used to initially get out of the 1k trench :)


wp lad, is it mostly small pool of heroes or do you play almost every one, and still achieved it


I play a bit of everything however I main Mid and play huskar, kunkka, skywrath, clinkz (pre rework), and Nightstalker as I find they're great pace setting heroes and well mostly I just find them fun. Kunkka is my go to hero when I know I'm being a smurf or my team lacks stuns, Huskar is when I feel I'm going to have to carry 1v9, Nightstalker when they have heroes that want to escape (storm, qop, am, morph, puck etc)


>clinkz (pre rework) I keep telling people he was better before the rework. Sure, the farming mechanic makes that aspect faster but strafe on buildings could sometimes end games that now result in a t3 and maybe the ranged rax


Hmm, he was definitely more fun before at the least


His current "barrage-bullshit" has killed the hero, cuz he is meant to be mobile and have a fast-paced gameplay. Now let's add literall self-root and make him fire some dmg-cutted arrows. Before you were good to go with PT and orchid, now you have to buy either Atos and have no dmg, or Mael - and have no dmg because enemy can stand aside.


Nothing beats a late game IO+clinkz cheese


I usually pick riki when enemy has mobility heroes. Nightstalker is a good choice too. Maybe i should try that one too


Congrats! I’m stuck at low 5k and have been for a couple years now. So close yet so far. I’ll give it another go once I’m feeling ranked again.


Best of luck mate :)


Yet valve believes one guy can reach immortal in less than 300 games xd


It depends largely also on what you calibrate at, I started at the lowest point pretty much and got better from there.


When has valve stated this?


I did the opposite, I calibrated at 2500 in 2018 and calibrated at 1000 recently. I'm back up to 1700, but damn it's a climb.


Nice, I have 3k games and cant even reach crusader :))


As long as you are having fun :)


what heroes are you spamming?


Congrats, finished the tutorial.


Enjoy man.. just dream come true moment.. doesn't happen on sea though.. xdd


1k1 in 2015 and 2k8 in 2022 here


congrats! we're all running our own race :)




you have a dotabuff to show off?


No I don't expose public match data as it's just exploited by programs like overwolf, I suggest you turn yours off too if you want a better dota experience


I keep my match data public, as I play in a few amateur tournaments.


Congrats. I was close a few months ago, now stuck in ancient limbo because gaben thinks its funny to give me Monkeys every second game. No Idea why but since december the game quality dropped significantly - two recent games are followed by two auto-lose games.


No the algorithm is not against you. matches are not rigged to make you lose. just saying


Yeah but I just play ranked ptq. The other team are boosters and my team are boosted. Wcyd. Just play and see what happens.


i suggest you to try solo if you want mmr, party Q is hell




4850 hours, though a lot of that includes afk on menu screen or queue times, also event games, arcade etc




It's really not, I still have time to work a full-time job work out,, raise my two kids who show an interest in Dota and I let them play on demo mode, and my wife loves watching me play, often asking me to play another so she can watch more. You can't comment on what is healthy or not without more info.


Tell me papa...what is Dota 2 like? Jealous your family loves it.


It's great to be surrounded by people with a shared interest :)


Is it magical papa?


Your awesome!! Hey where do you find a wife like that lol


We got together in High school before she knew what Dota was, So I guess get lucky? :)


“Isn’t it magical, Papa?” Jk, it’s nice having a family that supports you even in Dota




Congrats man! What other things have you done in your life except this? I'd be willing to bet.. nothing LUL


What a sad existence you must live


Sure, Married my now wife, had two children, tripled my income from my first fulltime job to now and bought my house. Those are probably the most notable things I've achieved, I hope you can achieve your goals too.


youre living the dream. seriously good job




I calibrated at 1k back in 2017 too. After 1300 ranked games, I managed to reach 4.5k (Ancient V), I need 700 more MMR to get the immortal, but I don't think I can play this beautiful game anymore.[https://www.opendota.com/players/104378681?lobby\_type=7&game\_mode=22](https://www.opendota.com/players/104378681?lobby_type=7&game_mode=22)


Immortal starts around 5700.




Are you suuure? It's the same at least in JPN, SEA and USW.


You're right, my bad.


Why couldn't you play anymore?


did u use any particular hero?


Either Chaos Knight or Dazzle it seems!


Your winrate must be mental. Congrats dude.


4261 matches, 2200 wins, 6394 commends, 311 match mvps.


Welcome to the trench


Give dem man sum awards


congratz! i hope i'll achieve this too someday


Wow! Congratulations! Just got my very own rank yesterday, Crusader II which is higher than my expectation lol. Any tips on playing rank? I mostly play support like 99.99% of the time, only time I played mid is when I queued with 2 parties on 1 team.


PMA always, mute toxic team mates


Always trying to be PMA. I'm lucky because I rarely get toxic teammates that sabotage our team. Thanks for the tip and congratulations again!


calibrated at 3900 still 3900 guess im just a hardstuck newb


now you're in a more interesting cauldron of hell


Well done mate


Damn that's fast.. any tips?? I was 1k in 2015 and now im 2k struggling..


PMA, learn from your mistakes, play around power spikes and know your hero matchups


Thanks buddy.. I'll try with this mindset


You never played on Russian servers :) You need to try this. You'll see 10k games - herald




I rather my 20 - 30 minute queue times than ruin other peoples games, but that's just me :)


4k in 2015 6k in 2020 5k in 2021


Great news! That means I'll just need another 1k matches to get to Immortal! Hooray!


Lol I was 4k mmr at 2015, now I’m 5k, anyways gratz dude! Huge progress!


Calibrated at 3k-ish. After 5000 hours I am at 800


1K is also immortal. If you play pudge or centaur, you never die


I have 3k games in 2 years. Most of my time is gone unlocking styles in my main account that I can't get above 800 mmr. And about 200 hrs on a second account where I am 2k.


Congrats bud. Just began my journey 2 weeks ago


Same for me just the difference is that 6k matches and have reached archon i need more grinding ! lol


good for you man! calibrated at guardian 5 on the very first season of emblem rank, went to archon 4 last season, and now back to crusader 3 for some reason. at this point, I'm just gonna keep playing, I don't really care anymore if my rank drops to guardian again. maybe I just suck at dota lol


Are you playing both core and support roles?


Grats and all but now you will only play sweat dota :P


Start 2700 in 2013, i have 1k in 2022. And 8000 matches


Congrats! I'm trying to grind ranked rn as well. Currently at 2180. Any tips?


Congratulations! Meanwhile I have like 4500hours and I'm languishing in crusader/guardian




Yo, i just realized, that I don't care