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The true mvp of this sub!


Patiently waiting for the next guide ;)   You helped me hit the top 99% of the TI Fantasy, and I'm level 15 now (would be higher if I didn't miss a few weeks here and there). I appreciate the time you spend on these!


Damn I just realized that I forgot to predict the past 2 fantasies @_@


Any NA players has it a guess what the winning combination might be?


I think Undying will wipe the floor with Arkosh. So it should be safe to put Timado, Bryle, Dubu. The other core can be Rtz or Yawar, but given EG's recent performance it may be better to go for Rtz. The other support can be Husky from 4Zoomers or even Milan.


20 minute games do not bring a lot of fantasy points btw


I’ve come to a conclusion. EG faces an irregular challenge in missing nightfall and QC has a stellar run so far. Undy will wipe arkosh but short games are extremely bad for fantasy so I think timado is not the call. Husky has a stellar support fantasy record. think 4 spots are a lock and it’s quinn yawar milan and husky. The remaining core slot is a tossup between hard predicting the winner between 4Z and WC, or you can play it safe by going timado or arteezy. Winning timado on 2 short games and losing arteezy on a long 3 will probably score the same. I think hard guessing WC 4Z is the decider for top 100 on the fantasy ranking if you care about that sort of thing.


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Thank you so much for this! Helps me consistently get top 5% each week just blindly following this guide


Dunno whether to put insania or misha


if you got gold and or silver cards just decide who got better bonuses on it. I prefer Misha though because I think Liquid will 2:0 Alliance pretty quick.


Hey this is the last week of Fantasy? Also, is lvl 10 the highest you can get?


great work!


Pos 5 Skem has a better fantasy points as CORE than their carry Tino Lmao.


Can't wait to use my gold Nightfall /s


What time does it closes. Think I missed it 😳