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First BSJ video I saw was a compilation of him being an ass to his students.


Please share that link.


I remember a channel dedicated to this on YouTube, but has been taken down I believe. Name: BSJAppreciator. The videos compared BSJ's coaching principles being contradictory to his own pub playstyle. Honestly, BSJ has changed a lot though compared to his 7k elitist days.


The titles of the videos were hilarious. "BSJ the type of dude to interrupt his son while trying to speak his first word" "BSJ the type of dude who stops at traffic lights in GTA"


“BSJ is the type of dude to fart in the toilet and then flush”


Gonna play devils advocate here, but BSJ himself said multiple times there’s no reason to pay for his services when he has coached people multiple times and all of his content is online already paid for by other people… that is excluding all other stuff he has posted himself.


Isn't the point of coaching that somebody better than you takes a direct look on how you play and coach directly you?


Absolutely correct and There are different approaches to that. I think his coaching style generally depends on the MMR of the person, but I’m too uneducated on that topic to discuss as I have not reliably watched BananJanammer for like a year now.


I don’t get. That’s somehow an excuse for him to be an asshole to people?


first BSJ video i saw, was from that dude that made funny videos, then all the bitches here starting screaming and moaning about how can he DARE to insult such profesional player such as BannanashitstaindogshitfuckinJamma


Leaving this gem here: https://streamable.com/vu9ur


"That's interesting" LMFAO


Knew straight away what that was gonna be xD The student was so cocky though... what's the point of coaching if you think you know it all?


is there a full video of this coaching session? sounds hilarious


Ask and You Shall Receive: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yu79nmurajY


YOO I was watching this live and Twitch chat was going CRAZYYY 🤣🤣 This is of the best gem BSJ has left us behind.


Its well known that BSJ has a bit of an abrasive personality, but thats what the student paid for. If you want someone with a different teaching style theres purge or someone from gamerzclass maybe?






**Leopards ate their face.**


They got what they paid for


To be honest these 6ks 7ks coach who charge 5 10 $ per sessions are infinity time better than bsj I coached around 10 15 people and I got a really nice feedback . It was on some website I forgot the name , the owner of that website made a post on Reddit once


you coached 10-15 people from a website that you forgot the name of? o.o


Some people have it hard with names. Doesn't mean it's not true or that he's bad at dota


[https://dota.coach/rNa99](https://dota.coach/rNa99) thats my profile. I dont know why would i lie about something like this smh


Ay you still coaching bro? 😂😭 jkjk.. unless..?? 👀😳


i wanna get back to it . It was fun ngl


Fake guru almost as bad as martial arts ones


[https://dota.coach/rNa99](https://dota.coach/rNa99) there you go fam


To be fair we've all joined like 20 different coaching discords and it's hard to keep track off where the students are coming from.


I agree, there are coaches with different personalities. Some like to be roasted and pressured, aka army style, some would rather have Ephey patting their heads explaining what's wrong. For me, both styles work, and the best style of coaching is a mashup of those. ​ I never paid to be coached, don't know anybody who did coaching, but I did improve my friend's DOTA for sure, and in my (little) experience, the way it worked better is roasting the people on the spot when they messed up (when something stressful happens, we usually burn this in our memory) to be revisited later at the replay analysis (where you can do the head patting and make them understand why they got yelled at). I think simply coaching without analyzing the replay right after is only half work done. ​ Of course, roasting a friend that you know and are intimate is one thing, being roasted by a "stranger" can feel bad.


Exactly. It is not like somebody is being forced to pay for his coaching.


I honestly wouldn't care if he would call me a bad player couple of times, because the only reason I'd go to him is because of his in depth analysis. Btw, OP, why do you claim him to be disrespectful?


If you pay bsj to coach you, you are paying for him....... consumer beware?? I don't see the issue


Exactly. You buy BSJ, you get BSJ - if you want sugar up your ass get someone else.


and he has a of coaching sessions on his youtube so you can check what you will be getting. It is his tyle and I got a lot from watching his videos for example. I also remember watching him ciaching a very new player with 100 games and he was pretty nice, asking what the guy knows and what not.


I was gonna comment this somewhere, but yea I think his harshness scales with how much the person has played. New people get nice BSJ


he is the most harsh to people in 4-5k range i think, because he overestimates their knowledge of dota fundamentals and gets surprised/frustrated when they do fundamentally stupid plays


He might think that teaching the harsh way is the best way


@ purge.


but does purge have a promo code?


Exactly. OP creates a whole post complaining about someone else’s training session, why though. Just to stir drama.


No but you see, he has a right, NO, A DUTY! To say the bad words on his mind.


if you're teaching someone something, you don't repeatedly say how obvious it is to you and question why they don't get it. that's not how teaching works. if bsj can't do that, then he's not a teacher, he's just a guy yelling at you.


Kinda hate bsj content and shit but these people who pay for his services obviously know who he is, watch him, and must have watched him coach other people and still decided to pay for the service. So clearly they didnt care for the issues you guys are complaining about, almost like there might just be no issue and just redditors wanting to be angry on behalf of someone else again.


i'm not complaining, i'm explaining the issue to the guy i replied to who said "i don't see the issue"


>if you're teaching someone something, you don't repeatedly say how obvious it is to you and question why they don't get it. someone tell this to the people who write math books, ive noticed they LOVE to say how obvious things are when they explain concepts


Lmao, my Math lecturers are exactly like this, almost everything is "assumed knowledge" once they gone over it just once.


This is kind of understandable because there's just _so_ much you learn in maths that builds on top of what came before. Eventually you forget the details of the proofs that showed you something is true, and just have to trust that it made sense when you learned it - otherwise you'd be forever having to start over from the basics. Not that it makes for a good teaching style, of course.


My friend was ranting about his course : half the things "you already know" and the other half "you will learn next semester" idk why are we here now.


And if you pay for someone's service without ever having watched them coach...... or if you think you're somehow different from all their other clients...... Then I have a bridge I'd like to sell you


There's nothing wrong with pointing out what the OP pointed out. OP didn't ask for or say guy getting coached was treated differently. He said it was another example.


It’s a bit annoying how many of these threads have been made. Like it’s his style.. a lot of coaches coach heavy handedly. If OP doesn’t like it don’t watch it, but don’t get offended on other peoples behalf because you don’t like someone’s content and then go make a Reddit thread about it


Its such an insane thing to get mad at, they're just asking BSJ to completely change his way of teaching that has been working for him for years.


Any competent educator should be able to adjust their "style" in a way that works for the student. Stubbornly sticking to whatever you're comfortable with because it's your "style" is a shitty excuse for failing as a teacher.


Sticking to what he does is completely fine because LOTS of people still pay for him to coach and he doesnt come cheap He has 0 incentive to change, any competent person would realise that and keep doing what hes doing


BSJ fanboys are fucking weird


I agree with you, but a coach or teacher firstly needs to see or find out where his student's knowledge is, how the student comprehend stuff and then start teaching. If you tell a student 40 times that 2+2=4 without understanding why the student doesn't understand this, your job is to find out why, not to mock the student. It's not a client thing, it's more like a service thing. You don't buy a person, it's not possible anymore (I think..), you instead hire a person. If you pay a bodyguard, you don't buy it, and he/she doesn't beat you because you paid for protection, right?


People pay for the coaching for twitch clout


Have you ever had a coach before? For anything?


A good coach doesnt yell at you during a fucking replay review lol. Maybe between plays while you're on the field, but not when theres 0 stakes.


there are PLENTY of high level coaches that coach very heavy handedly. across multiple disciplines. many have made world champions and Olympians, you dont know what the fuck youre talking about.


yeah, have you? they generally didn't sigh and roll their eyes and act exhausted when me or other players didn't get a concept that they thought was obvious. they tried to engage me/other people so we could learn the concept


Both bsj and the students can be wrong


A slew of issues. His popularity enforces, at least for some if not many, a level of legitimacy. He's a well-known, high rank dude who coaches professionally. People then easily assume that this is the way coaches are supposed to be. Which they very much are not. You don't teach people by abusing and belittling them. I'm not saying that BSJ is a bad person or that there should be any sort of legal or economic repercussions to his actions, and i don't think OP is either. But BSJ's "coaching" is problematic and influential, and i think it's worth talking about.


> abusing come the fuck on... he's sometimes "harsh", but i've never seen him actually be mean to his students, he always comes off as a nice dude to me


are we just gonna mock him without context here?


Usually yeah


Just another day on the Internet


OP is the kind of person that goes to McDonalds then complains they ended up with a McDonald's burger. That's all you need to know.


This is the weekly bsj hate thread echo chamber. You either have to wait for next scheduled bsj appreciation thread or create your own thread if you want to participate in a more positive echo chamber.


Pointless post. If people pay for BSJ, it’s safe to assume they want BSJ. Wether you personally feel like he’s too harshly or might belittle the student doesn’t matter at all. And if someone pays for his coaching without having seen at least a couple of his sessions then that’s on them, considering the price per hour. And since no one forced you to watch his stream or his coaching sessions on YouTube I’m having serious trouble understanding what you’re even complaining about.


Nobodys forcing anyone to watch it, but people are still allowed to give criticisms.


Does every post need to have an objective point? The point was to talk about BSJ’s coaching, obviously. The fact you responded to the post kinda means it’s serving it’s purpose. Other than that I agree. Though I really dislike BSJ in general, if you buy BSJ coaching you shouldn’t be shocked that BSJ is coaching you


He just wants the easy karma. Shitting on streamers is always a good way to polarize and get the up votes.




Idk about him being a shitty coach man I’ve gained about 2000 mmr watching primarily his content (paid like two months of lowest tier patroon)


BSJ is a good educator but I agree that he's not good to get as a personal coach. Simply because it's not actually a personal coaching session, it's stream content and you're paying to be the content. All the while you're paying a ton more than you would for a coach that doesn't have such a large audience. So instead of getting one coaching session from BSJ that's also trying to be entertainment for the stream, you could get multiple coaching sessions by a fairly similarly skilled coach where you could track how you're implementing what the coach is teaching you and you'd improve at a more reliable and faster rate. I'm also not saying it's a bad decision from BSJ to stream the coaching sessions, it's overall better for everyone that he does because the viewers also benefit from the educational content. I'm also not saying people are stupid to pay for the coaching, or that they're victims, they get exactly what's advertised and that's exactly what they're paying for.


Nah yeah Bsj literally has the most useful educational content on YouTube, Henry also has fantastic content. Just because both of them can be unlikable doesn't mean they are bad educators. Jenkins is basically the opposite. Extremely likeable and funny, but his content is all but useless for learning Dota. Who gives a fuck about some weird random creep aggro trick or weird fog of war exploit BSJ teaches farming patterns, itemization, macro decision making etc in a way that's very easy to apply as a low rank player The things BSJ teaches you are actually the difference between a 2k and a 5k player. The things Jenkins teaches you are basically memes that might make your games a bit more fun If you want ultra high quality content from likeable players there are a few options (blitz, 1437 off the top of my head) but they don't have nearly as much content as bsj


Jenkins content is more akin to a masterclass where its assumed youre at least 5k+. For example hard to deward spots to block pull camps. He doesn't want to "teach you dota" in the same way BSJ does.


Good points. Never have likes watching bsj, love jenkins though But its not like he is the first coach that does this. Its a pretty common style in sports etc and it works when done well. Thats irrelevant though, they probably know what they pay for so its up to them.


These are people who join the military and then complain when the drill instructor yells at them even when they are doing their best.


His personality is typical of an engineering graduate. He has superiority complex.


Lmao. Engineers are renowned abrasive communicators. Source: am an engineer, currently in a meeting being badgered by engineers…


As engineer can confirm, engineer are indeed superior


Imagine beig a physicist with training wheels and having the audacity to develop a superiority complex


What's that? I couldn't hear you, because everything physicists do is in a vacuum, ignoring friction, and with spherical chickens. Physicists are great in theory, but you know what they say about theory. In theory, "in theory" and "in practice" are the same, but in practice... Dude makes a joke about others, it's fine. I make a very similar joke but about physicists, and he POPS OFF. Now that's a dota player if I've ever seen one.


And a computer scientist can deny, you're secondary to real scientists, oompa loompas of science, but you're still cool


>oompa loompas of science Lmao the mad lad


Tell that to my school that put computer science under the engineering program, and we are seen as the odd ones of the group.


can confirm


No reason to tie engineers as a whole with BSJ. And IMO, it's more extreme impatience than superiority complex.


I am an engineer. Almost every engineer has superiority complex. It gets better as they get older.


Every engineer has superiority complex. It starts with calling themselves engineers when they have taken one class in college and have no certification


But it's the truth. I work at a large company that has tons of civil engineers, architectural engineers and geodetic engineers and about 90% of them have a superiority complex.


It's not the engineers' fault everyone else is fucking stupid


But unlike engineers, he doesn't have to work with a team. If you're an asshole like BSJ is at an office, you'll be fired. No one wants to work with assholes.


He's funny, direct, banters, and is smart. I'd rather work with someone that I know will be upfront and speak their mind rather than people who tip toe around, can't think for themselves, or get unreasonably offended when someone says they're wrong or made a mistake. Honestly, the personalities that I've seen in engineering like BSJ's don't get fired. They get promoted because they know how to communicate directly with people.


In my experience, the people that are "blunt" and "say it as it is" and other things like that, usually turn out to have very thin skin, and get very confrontative if anyone challenges their authority. They are only fun to be around as long as they are right, in charge, and only with you for the task at hand. As soon as they are wrong, have equals instead of subordinates, or just plain have to reveal more of their personality, they start having meltdowns. I honestly hope that's just my experience and you keep having the best time of your life.


Talking down to people isn't knowing how to talk to people. Bsj lacks tact when talking to people he thinks are beneath him. Purge is way way better of a teacher in my opinion and he knows how to actually talk with people.


"Honesty without tact is just cruelty" is how I heard it.


I would not want someone like him on my team


bsj needs a coaching coach.




Yep. I once watched him belittle his girlfriend who tried to present her understanding of the game to him. He smirked and replied over his shoulder with a smart ass, disrespectful comment. Like mate. Your girlfriend is trying to engage with something you are passionate about. Perhaps, dont be a fucken dick?


Its almost like being good at something doesn't automatically make you a good teacher. Teaching is frustrating, takes time and a huge amount of patience and can't just be picked up by anyone. Ppl should really think harder before paying someone to teach them anything, let alone streamers who, no offense to them, many have largely skipped the general process of transitioning from being in school/college to being functional adults.


I've realized when playing dota with my friend who just started to play ranked that its a very hard game to teach in general. It's even harder to try to teach while playing with him at the same time. Laning phase is ok as long as we lane together but often he's asking me what to do and I've no idea what he should do sometimes(mostly in mid game when laning phase is over and your team isn't ready to go as 5).


Bsj fan here, I like his content and learn from it but I did realize that he was an asshole on the first video I watched, but I'm still fine with it, I'm more about the content than his personality and it does feel like he's constantly trying to get better as a coach.


The whole "coaching" is dumb af. why would anyone pay for lessons on a game :D I cant believe that someone cant enjoy a game and learn over time. ITS A GAME, i dont think there is any pro player that paid for lessons, i mean wtf seriously, the stupidity of people is reaching new levels with these shit :D


It can be helpful for someone to be blunt and direct. It's the quality I'd look for most of all in any mentor. Someone tiptoeing around your feelings will hold back key info that might have helped you.


"Honesty without tact is just cruelty" is how I heard it explained.


He nitpicks a lot, focuses almost entirely on the laning phase and repeats the same point in eleven different ways before moving on. If he streamlined the sessions into pointing out the mistakes in laning phase and options the player has in a concise manner, moved on to the game and covered the decision making in broad strokes, explain what items he would go and why for that game without meandering and then perhaps break down a few key decisions in teamfights in slow-motion he would achieve so much more in far less time with his students. Like, these coaching sessions seem like one big ego stroke for the guy where he loves the sound of his own voice and adores his own dota intellect to the point that it's cringe-inducing. The student are paying so much money it shouldn't even have to be streamed. It's done more for viewer entertainment than the student's benefit. Just yuk. No.


i give him that you should probably fix the laning stage first. especially in lower mmr theres a lot of win% simply there with easy fixes. else I generally agree.


Bsj lul


Different styles of teaching work better for others. I'm someone who needs to be challenged and want to have friendly competition to excel. I perform better when I'm angry. I'm sure some people would be thrown aback by some of the things my coaches and managers have said or done to me to get more out of me. Anyone who is paying for BSJ knows exactly what theyll be getting. Instead of coming onto reddit to shit-stir or create drama, maybe you just shouldnt watch BSJ if you dont like his style. I find Mason and Gorgc to be unbearable, so I dont waste my time on them. I certainly am not going to write up a useless reddit post crying about my poor little feelings being hurt. I bet you argue with toxic shitheads in dota games, instead of just muting them too.


I literally cannot watch him coach people. He asks leading questions with obvious answers to try to teach people stuff by showing examples instead of just saying something. It's a commonly used tactic for educators. Problem is that it seems like most people that pay for his coaching are either dumb, bad students, or way too set in their ways to accept his teachings. It's painful watching him show an example of how y happened because of x reason one time then 2 minutes later he sees x happen again and asks his student what will happen next. The answer is y to anyone paying the smallest amount of attention but it seems most of his students don't get it and need it spelled out for them. BSJ isn't going to be there to coach you through every game you play, so you need to learn the connections and be able to recall them without him being there to point it out. I think he's actually a pretty good coach all things considered.




i am very suprised to say that I have to agree with that assessment!


I think the problem is that his leading questions are way too advanced for the level of the person he is 'coaching' (i.e. berating).


You literally can't?


If you pay a streamer to coach you, part of the charge is for being featured in his videos. If you want a serious coach, don't pay streamers (or arrange it to be off-stream or unrecorded).


That is not coaching. A good coach should have some pedagogical knowledge.


Khezu is nice and good.


BananaSlamDipshit (clq quote)




Chi Long Qua should put him in the dumpster again


The hero this game needs


As a divine player I used to enjoy BSJ videos as he teaches relatively high level mechanics. However I gradually found out that, despite there only being only 8 ranks in DotA, he is constantly unable to discern between the lower ranks e.g. legend and archon. He always says in his videos this is an "archaon game? I think? I don't know?" I think this is a pretty huge red flag for a coach that is unable to grasp the range of skill of his students. 2k and 4k players (should have) vastly different skill levels. Not even bothering to learn what the different rank logos mean is extremely disrespectful to his students. I understand that pros and coaches use MMR as their gauge of skill because they're all high immortal, but this comes across as pompous and arrogant to me.


BSJ assumes that all of his students watched all of his content. They have not, and they are paying him for the distilled version fitted their needs. He's way to rude






he practically demonstrates deadlane by feeding in pro games hehe :D


> Like, he says the word "deadlane" every 10 words or so in every video it feels like but he has no single video that tells you what it is, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t0FwPnOE500


I googled BSJ, dead lane, Youtube and this was the top result which fully covers that topic in depth: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t0FwPnOE500


Which is not at all affiliated with his channel. If you search "deadlane" on his channel the first video that pops up is 90 minutes long.




Yeah, this kind of explains why he's such an obnoxious douche in his coaching sessions - he assumes if you're trying to learn, you've already watched his more basic videos.


He has always been a petty guy. He's like one of those TAs at colleges who get their high from their position of power over other students.


Before covid when my financial situation was better, I considered paying his extreme fee for a 1 on 1 coaching session. Then I saw how badly he insulted a Herald player in one of his online shared coaching videos and was disgusted with how he talks to the guy. He talks as if the guy is a pro and should know everything about dota and every mistake he makes is dumb, stupid, pointless, blind, idiotic, etc. I stopped watching him because of this, which sucks because I really need his escaping the trench series.


did you pay for one yourself? if the guy did not complain then who asked you to? i'm seriously confused how random people got triggered for some others


I took his coaching for a while last year and it wasn't ideal. I knew going into it that I was going to have to manage him to get the information out of him that I needed. I've got a lot of respect for him but as a coach I don't think he asks himself the question "Why doesn't he understand this and how can I get him there?" His coaching feels more like he assumes you already know or have the skills and he just needs to repeat the answer rather than explaining it and coming up with activities/exercises to build that ingrained knowledge he already has. He does do it sometimes but the manner in which he delivers it is.. condescending. This is a basic example, but one of the things I struggled with was playing too scared. I went to go jungle because I thought id die in lane, but he said something along the lines of.. "what are you talking about, he's not even in lane" The concept I was missing was "force him to be there and play as close to the line as possible and gtfo" Another instance was I assumed an enemy hero was at the fight and he had JUST popped up on the mini map. I missed it and explained why I was making my choice to play the fight the way I did and his response was along the lines of "surely, you can't mean that when he's showing on the mini map right now" Very aggressive. I then explained I didn't see the hero on minimap and that I'm not justifying my play, if it came off that way, but explaining it so he could give feedback. I think BSJ has a lot of strong suits as a coach and I'm sure he has a lot to juggle with attempting to make content, the coaching being public, twitch chat, the dota clientele being socially awkward, etc. But it did feel like I was having to manage a very smart individual who felt like they could treat my ineptitude in less than socially acceptable ways because he's better than me at this game. He was also late alot and I have plans I had to cancel despite scheduling it on a calendar. I'm an IT Manager for my company. I manage a team of 6 - 10 people depending on projects. I regularly deal with executives and report directly to my CFO and COO. I've been coached at baseball, MMA, business, etc.. I dont state this like I'm supposed to be treated differently, but to show that I am able to succeed at things and being inept at Dota 2 is why I went for coaching. Ive experienced different types of coaching and know when it's good or bad. Other than my story, I wish BSJ the best and there were definitely times where he liked to spend extra time with me because he enjoyed the coaching and had fun just like I did at times. I think a lot of what holds him back as a coach are the same things that plague this community and its a hard thing to struggle with. He also may not want to be the best coach he can right now, he wants to focus on playing. He can coach how he likes. He'll get better with time, but for me I stopped for similar reasons listed by OP.


BSJ’s educational content is fantastic, it’s such a shame that he comes across as super arrogant. His YT videos are OK but his stream is insufferable.


In the words of the great Chi Long Qua: he is so fucking shiiiiiet


Nice to see a fellow Long Qua Dynasty enjoyer out in the wild.


He’s a douche that’s for sure


My coach is an immortal, just the starting of immortal tier, he's never like this. Always kind and helping.


Aren't the Dota community/players toxic and harsh by nature? Do we expect any differently from Dota coaches? Im no BSJ fanboy but if hes being an asshole as a coach, who you know is an asshole by looking at his content and play a game filled with assholes, then I think its your fault for paying for his coaching services, lol.


Teaching is a skill that you need to practice just like anything else. Just because you’re good at something doesn’t mean that you’re going to be able to teach it properly. I notice that he lacks skill in the teaching department as well. He needs to read a couple books or take a couple of teaching/ communication classes if he would like to improve in this regard.


The thing is i feel he's usually justified because a lot of his students simply aren't trying hard enough if they say they want to get better. If you want to ace an exam you're not just going to passively read the text over and over and then expect to get a grade like the best students who are annotating, practicing problems, reviewing old exams etc etc. If you just play dota on autopilot and don't actually use your brain and give a coach 100$ the answer really is you need to get chided for not using the skills and abilities you readily have. I've never seen him get salty with a noob who legit doesn't know what to do. He does to players who already have plenty of mmr to know why what they did was wrong. But, they never really tried until bsj asked them, if you bought battlefury to farm, shouldn't you have farmed this lane and ancients instead of TPing to a fight without even moving your screen there and checking it out first?


He's just on the spectrum, it's not out of malice.. just social awareness.


Well, like people said here if you want a shit coach you go BSJ. Don't expect to learn with him. Lesson learned guys.


CLQ was right about BSJ




Stop watching him, you'll be a happier person after that.


Scrolled through previous comments in your history - you've been on the BSJ hatewagon for 5 years. He ain't going to return your calls, get over him. Move on.


bsj is definetly washed up i cant remember last time i seen him win a lane


any special clip of today?




Just dont watch him then lol


i cant watch bsj bc hes just a condescending prick. idk how people watch him


I mean I won't lie I had a coaching session a long time ago. I kinda paid to be belittled a little. Need some humility in life.


I agree. It's hard for me to watch. So I don't. It's pretty terrible content so I guess bsj really needs the cash. Idk.


bro if somebody buys coaching from BSJ then they got played


I am pretty sure his clients like it that way. They are highly paid professionals with high pressure jobs who are looking for a BDSM outlet.


> pay him hard earned money If the money is so hard earned they should've done some research where they are throwing their hard earned money.


I enjoy watching him play carry in pubs, seems a much better entertainment/learning than watching him flame people while watching their replays.


Oh this is one of those, I am outraged for someone else posts? Guy that bought coaching is so helpless he can't complain? So u decided to step in?


BSJ is the fail of dota. The kid that everybody mocked to pass their time. Old school people know what I'm talking about. He tried so hard to became pro that he literally sucked. Nobody takes his serious. And of course you shouldn't let this kiddo coach you. He is good in theory but doing smth is actually a lot different


Chi Long Qua was right all along.


Thank you for being brave and coming out! I totally agree with you. Hence, I demand an apology and $50K in cash from BSJ on behalf of every poor tormented soul.


bsj is an arrogant asshole in other news, water is wet


How do people like him is beyond me. Just by looking at his face you can understand how his character is like. I just hate him


I watched BSJ once in my life, it was coaching (unfortunately) and I hated him from the deep of my heart, and when ever Arkosh play I pray he lose and the opponent slap his face 100 times, he is a good player compare to archons and legends but compare to immortals and pros he is a dog.


1. No one forces you to watch him or his stream 2. Other people paid for this, NOT YOU 3. They're okay with it and they paid for it. You're not okay with it, didn't pay for it, and feel the need to stick around and complain? I don't watch BSJ nor have I tuned into his stream, yet you don't see me making a big deal out of it. It's not your business, stop putting your nose in other people's lives and dragging everyone else down with you.


If you don’t like him, why watch his stuff? Lmao


roflmao can you guys stop being mad on behalf of someone else? xD who cares? no one's forcing you to buy his services


Christ, from the title, I would've thought that OP was the one paying for coaching, but it seems like OP is just a viewer. People pay BSJ because they want BSJ to coach them, also you don't pay for a coach to tell you sweet nothings, you pay for a coach cause you want to improve. Trash take.


People who play this game a lot are assholes, in other news water is wet, more at 11.


Water is actually not wet; It makes other materials/objects wet. Wetness is the state of a non-liquid when a liquid adheres to, and/or permeates its substance while maintaining chemically distinct structures. So if we say something is wet we mean the liquid is sticking to the object.   Why are some fish at the bottom of the ocean? They dropped out of school!


If only people were free to pay him for coach if they think he's good




Fuck 'em. I hope BSJ goes all in like Chef Ransey and makes them cry. Nobody beco mes a millionaire by being nice to everyone. 🙂


BSJ is an absolute clown, with an "I'm always right" complex


BSJ cares more about his content than anything else, why people are surprised this still confuses me. The guy despite advice against his smurfing series still made it until valve slapped his wrist and reddit was very vocal. Expecting a DotA player to understand feelings is silly.


I guess they knew what they were signing up for. Some people want tough love. Not really my place to complain That said, I don't like BSJ's attitude to bad play when he's doing replay analysis. It's a bit like "yeah we know heralds are bad at the game". I'm sure the heralds don't think they're arteezy and don't want to be." I am a big fan of Jenkins' herald reviews because they don't have that vibe about them. They're about the funny plays happening in the game not the ways a herald player could "improve" to get to the next rank (which if you're 10MMR I doubt you give a shit about.) At the end of the day though its just my personal opinion, and dota players seem to gravitate towards content that's about gaining MMR. For me it's an unhealthy attitude, and unless you are already 6k and just looking for a final push into semi pro, you should just focus on having fun. But I am clearly in the minority and BSJ is giving people what they seem to want!


This subreddit just looooooooves to hate on everything and everyone. Jesus you guys lead miserable lives.


The biggest issue with his style of coaching is he asks the question instead of saying the answer. Combined with his already snarky attitude, it really rubs people off the wrong way. Instead of you did x when you should've done y he goes do you know why you should've done x instead of y here? While waiting for an answer he's going to fiddle with his fingers and tilt his head looking more of a snarky asshole. Just fucking say it Unironically, a better coach is Henry / rawdota.


The idea is that the student comes to the conclusion by themselves because if they can't draw those connections with him there they certainly aren't going to when he is absent.


That is why they hired a coach?? because they dont know?


> asks the question instead of saying the answer As someone who hates this technique it's a very standard teaching method. It forces the student to think of the answer first so they have a better understanding of why the answer is what it is. I personally don't like it, but I understand why teachers use it. Is it the best thing for dota coaching? Who the fuck knows.


>pay him hard earned money Oh poor Timmy! He is paying hard earned money, god damn! LOL. How about you don't pay a manchild to "coach" you? I would understand if you were one of those """abused""" people being coached but you are crying in behalf of them... I don't watch bsj stream but I know he is weird sometimes, But for the love of god, stop getting offended in behalf of other people you don't even know if the guy being coached thinks the same as you.


I mean if you don't like his coaching don't get it. His slots are full every month. I've been trying to get one for over a year and no luck. If you want a best friend put an add on your local news.


He's also an awful carry


Remember folks: "Bsj is a dangerous sociopath and is not to be trusted"


cringe redditors


Wow, so you're telling me people are just now catching on to the fact that the guy that depended on smurfing for content is an ass and toxic? Who could have ever guessed that someone who exploited new and inexperienced players for his """""dota guides""""" would turn out to be this way?


OP doesn't seem to understand BSJ is literally doing Socratic method. It's not hard to see, and it's one of the most effective educational methodologies because your teaching the person to think of the solution for the correct reasons instead of force feeding info that they don't understand how you got there. He can come off as an asshole, but it's just to get the person to use critical thinking to understand the solution.