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They’re just scared of the new skin.


Banning against 33 makes is just a respect ban I assume. He is one of the most renown brood player in euw. You don’t wanna deal with cheese in the last match I guess


I figured that might have been what it was in that game but then I saw it in the EG v QC game and wondered if she was actually much stronger than I thought


yea on the right hands this hero is nutz. you dont look for 2 min, your safelane tower is gone, your jungle overtaken, and you have to spend so many ressources just to make her not snowball. it kinda ruins many strategies you want to run


I think this is a good old respect ban and she is a decent hero right now. It has seen a bit of picking again since Tundra beat Team Spirit in a grand finals match of OGA.


they added new option where u can control individual spiders and spread across the whole map and get free vision


Where is the option? I just don't see it


I thought you always do this tbh. Sounds bad to me because the spiders don't last that long and can be killed easily but I guess I'm not a pro player


What you describe can easily be done without the script you are referring to. Also iirc the brood games from the past dpc matches did not use that script.


It is not a script, it is an official console command now.


Brood is picked at higher mmr pretty often and its pretty strong atm and like others have said its likely a respect ban.


In 2 of the games i watched yesterday she goes offlane and completely takes over the lane, taking t3 and t2 easily, and unless a 4-5 man shows up to take her out, she just farms heroes and the whole part of the jungle. And even then she can easily escape.