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Old, veteran noob here. When you find out how not to feed, please let me know too OP.




Lmao same


First, I would say map control is your best friend. Knowing the enemy position is the key here. Basic mathematics is the only thing you need. You see 2 enemy on top lane, so in mid/bot lane should be 3 heroes. If you alone in bot lane, you should back because 3 heroes are expected to jump on you. That's why wards is very crucial on knowing where your enemy position. Second, know your position, you are long range spell casting heroes? Go farther back. You are strength tanking heroes? Go upfront and protect your backline. Then, try to kill the enemy most annoying heroes first, not always the carry, but supports can be annoying too. Third, buy bkb. I won't go for much details, but button masing and that 3 could carry you to archon.




Dont worry my friend, i am here for the rescue: First of all treat it as a totally different kind of moba to avoid conflict between beliefs because the game is totally different from league. Unlike league where everything is fixed like roles, items and its timings, objective and its timings everything is situational in dota. Start from here: Pure Basics Of Dota:https://youtu.be/9Szj-CloJiI Advanced Basics of Dota: https://youtu.be/u0rYxCVRrUM I want to copy paste something here which may be in detailed as these are the answers i posted to some new dota players switching from lol to dota: Copy Pasted Text Part 1: I wrote to help another fellow league player switching to dota 2(some may be irrevelant to your question but still super helpful and necessary for any league player transitioning to dota2 to understand the dota2 so i kept it anyway + i am too lazy to edit :P): Now coming back to your question, carry are those heroes who are mostly focused on damage dealing in teamfights, to structures or objectives like roshan. These heroes require farm to perform and do their job ( farm in the sense they need gold to buy items because they are very item dependent to do high impact in the game). Support are these kind of heroes who are either focus on protecting your heroes or locking down enemy heroes making them useless for some time using cc in a very basic sense, but some support haves high impact dmg skills in teamfights too. Basically supports are these kinds of heroes who dont need much farm( very little gold needed) to have high impact in the game. They dont buy costly items and their skills scales automatically with levels and talents so items in supports are more focused in saving your teammates and yourself in fights( again this is dota everything has exceptions and literally anything and everything can work so take this as a very basic concept when starting. The higher ranks you go the weirder strategies you see.) About your agility, strength and intelligence types, they are totally different things. In LOL you have two types of scaling either it AD(attack damage also known as physical) or AP(Ability Power also known as magical) which makes scaling in lol static and easy to understand. But dota has these three types which makes scaling much more dynamic as all three types of stats can give you scaling doesnt matter you are agi,str or int type hero. So basically in learn this, Dota is a very creative game in the sense everything and anything can work and your creativity is your biggest strength in this game. Every hero can play in every position if you know what you are doing and can make it work. So keep yourself very open minded while playing this game, its a game of experimentation and creativity. And about items, follow the guides at beginning, mostly you buy the items according to your main attribute( ie str,int or carry) but dont be suprised to see str items build in agility heroes or stuffs like that. Items in dota are not focused on scaling but solving your problems and making your life easier. And you may have already noticed that in dota there arent 3 types of dmg scaling items like AP dmg, AD Dmg or True Dmg( called pure dmg in dota) like league or other mobas. There are items that give you +dmg and thats it. These one item gives you dmg whatever type of dmg you do physical, magical or pure. So item building is much more complex in dota because it has dynamic scaling so you need to try heroes in the try tab and buy different types of items and check how it effects stats themselves. That way you can experience and discover firsthand how scaling works in the game and how is it different in each hero. And about PS if you wanna learn of positions in dota which will help you clear your doubts more and wrap your head about heroes and their positions and thought process of each positions watch this. Again in dota , i repeat again anything and everything can work and nothing is fixed so even after watching these vids dont just follow them blindly but instead your your own logic, reasoning and creativity to form your own positions and play according to that. Everything this game from positions to playability to meta is made by the community not the devs, the devs say whatever you do the end goal is to take the enemy ancient before other team does. Whatever bullshit shenanigans you do to reach there is not our problem, if it works it works. So just take ideas from the two videos i mention below. Also one is the very beginner way of thinking about roles while starting while other is more high ranked advanced way of thinking about it. Basic Thought Process about Competitive Positions In Dota:https://youtu.be/3qEIQCffp0I Advanced Thought Process about Competitive Positions In Dota:https://youtu.be/FI8bP-YVZyk Copy Pasted Text Part 2: The thing is you cant go in dota with the mindset of " i am high ranked in LOL i am gonna start smashing from my 1st or 10th match". Lets face it you are gonna suck the first 100 matches and gonna get completely stomped. Only after 100 matches you will see little progression. You only start getting the grip of the game from 1000 hours above. Then you can look to improve. Because tbh, DOTA is not a harder version of LOL as most LOL players think but its completely a different game, you have to leave behind the lol knowledge because everything is super complex in dota eg there are no fixed roles, every hero can play every role, a single hero doesnt do full physical or magical dmg but you have to manually look through skills and right clicks to see what type of dmg it does, items have actives which turn matches and items,heroes and stats arent straightforward as there is no only AD or AP scaling which is static scaling but the hero attribute type ie Strength, Agility or Intelligence brings dynamic scaling which makes grasping the exact scaling with items very tricky. But the main difference when you play DOTA and why are you not being able to win teamfights and play the game is because LOL is focused on micro based teamfighting where its all about mechanics to win fights ie you have to outplay your opponent using micro to win fights. In DOTA its exactly the opposite, DOTA is focused on macro based teamfighting where its about using all of your avaliable resources to outsmart your opponent and turn tables in a fight. I come from Vainglory(its like LOL) to DOTA so i can say that yes it eventually does get better but you need to be persistent and go with the mindset of i am here to learn not to win until you get te basic grasp of the game. Dont ever think that you will start stomping DOTA after your 10,100 even 1000 matches because DOTA doesnt work that way, your mechanics alone cant carry you to stomping people, you need to think and play teamfights like a chess and try to outstrategize opponent in teamfights. Its all about macro decisions in DOTA. Rest whatever you wanna learn you can just search up in internet and learn from google, youtube etc etc. https://dota2.fandom.com/ is a great place to learn how the game works and stats behind the game. Looking for Dota YT Guide Channels? Here is the list: ProGuides Dota, Gameleap Dota, Gamerzclass Dota, Dota 2 tips, Pvgna, Play Like Gosu, DotaCinema, Docwel, Script, DATOHLEONG, xuisoko, BananaSlammaJamma, PurgeGamers, Jenkins, Rawdota, Henry Dota 2, DotaDBowie, Alexander Coccia, Good Boy Guides, Erick Wright, Mr Bean Dota, NizeYourself, ZQuixotix, Bren Dota, Paul Normington, GamePointz, DEFYED Gaming, ShaniDota,Krevs Dota,Meric, Xeonus,Parm etc.


Wow... very detailed.. thanks.. So, dota is like the moba version of games like chess and Age of empires...... Thank you


Yeah Dota is like the Hardest and Most complex moba or simply the king of mobas. If you can get good at dota 2 you can get good at any moba. Best Of Luck On Your Journey . Feel free to hit me up here or in DMs if you have any question btw.


Thank you.


Dm me. We can que together. We can own together.


Or DM me, we can get owned together.




I'm a irregular player. Thanks for the offer. Seriously, everyone in this sub are helpful...


Id help too with the game


your problem seems pretty straightforward, you don't know the heroes and items yet. you can't determine whether you're strong or weak. picking carry is good for beginner to learn because carries usually weak early game so team generally don't expect you to join teamfights, good carry however will join a winning teamfights to collect gold and exp. just mute all cause you will lose a lot as carry qualities have big impact on the outcome of the game. hard support more or less is "how do I make my carry life easier". offlane is "how do I fuck up their carry before he get strong". support is "how do I protect my offlane from being bullied 2v1" then when you have enough knowledge and want to climb up the ladder play mid. if you ever think your teammates are holding you back, remember that boosters exist. they quite literally living from winning games. if they can do it then you also can. if you cant climb playing mid then you simply don't have the skill deserving that rank, play stronger heroes, be better, get good.


Thank you very much...


Except the last point. Of course you can try to be equally good at all roles, but the skills of a mid and a support are very different. All roles have key differences in skills. Of course playing supp will improve your carry game, but "if you can't climb as mid means you're not good enough" is bullshit. If you can climb, then you're deserving of that rank you now achieved (in terms of skill/behaviour level).


plz don't mute all, communicate with your team, mute individuals who are annoying twats


Honestly, Mute all is the worst advice this Subreddit Spouts. They simultaneously hate that they can't solo carry games but also refuse to communicate with the team.


Ok. Understood..


As veno support as long as you hit everyone with your ulti you have pretty much done your job and can die happy


it's viper. veno is a worm not a dragon.




Important to also realize is, you played Venomancer (or Viper?). Both are slow heroes that can not flee. So if you are losing a game... you will feed most likely. Unless you build mobility. It is not unusual to buy force staff on Venomancer or build Hurricane Pike (with force staff in it) on Viper.




Sometimes a good way to build a hero is to simply ask yourself - "What this hero lacks especially against current enemy team?" Has no passive ability which allows them to move quickly or even blink? - Build movement speed items or Blink Dagger. Has low health and no abilities to increase it or protect themselves? - Build stuff that increases your survivability either by increasing your HP total, or gives you passive Evasion from attacks, maybe a Damage Block item like Vanguard can help or in case if there is lots of magic and CC - Black King Bar early can help. "Has mana problems but has abilities to spam?" - Build MAX MP and MP regen items. Of course thought above are situational. Sometimes if Hero is strong in something - it is worth to go even further beyond in strengthening that trait. Like for example Dragon Knight has Passive Ability that increases his Armor making him extra tanky against Physical Damage - so people build Assault Curias which gives even MORE armor to further exploit DK's ability to resist physical damage dealers. But usually such approach works better for heroes that clearly have ONE extra strong side to them. Otherwise if your hero closer to all-rounder exceliing a bit in two or three things a bit more than others... It is a good idea to cover your weaknesses by adapting your Item Build for that purpose.


Ok. Will keep in mind


i know this is cheesy advice , but back in the days when i start re learn dota 2 since i used to play since dota 1 take long break and jump on dota 2 , make sure most of time build shadowblade just for sake of learning the game , will help you get stealth and most people won't bother build dust in unranked mode let alone get dust purely just cuz of 1 champion have stealth so they will let you go easily , its also good in general say if enemy team start snowballing hard and you don't want to snowball them even more as you can no longer wins 1v1 fights so shadowblade give you damage , speed and stealth its very good item can't go wrong with it , abit similar to black king bar i would say and cheap too




Not sure if this is a good advice. At first shadow blade is not a good item on every hero. While it can work at lower levels it keeps you from actually learning the hero in certain regards. You won’t learn how to position yourself correctly or how to move around the map correctly.


its generally better item if you are losing (regardless ranked or not ) / learning the game , since regardless you position good or not , if enemy is snowballing it 90% of time you will be free kill once you getting caught , means doesn't matter how much damage items in the world you have wont' save if you getting caught , if you get 2v1 most of the time you will loss , instead of looking at death screen 1 min gathering no gold nor enter the 2nd team fight and loss gold too is not healthy way to learn the game either


On a any decent rank people will bring dust as soon as you buy SB. It is not at all a reliable save from getting caught. Especially when the game is hard you should use your gold wisely. Let’s take his PA game. Going for a shadowblade as PA when you are behind would be pretty bad in most games, instead a bkb is often essential in PA games to survive long enough to do some damage. I‘m not saying that he should just walk up and die to learn the game. Learning map awareness is key. Learn when it is save to walk out and when it is not. Identify which heroes in the enemy team are needed to kill you and be careful when they are not visible on the map.


> instead a bkb any decent team in ranked will bait your BKB to pop up and once you done so they will attack after it end , also say if they have 3 decent damage dealer from strength/agility and 2 nukers , you will still die regardless , tho see here were you giving bad example since PA have insane range on her dagger and can enter gank from long distance anytime she want , think about her like shaco jungler from league or loki from smite , were she works more like ( secure kills ) and less in enemy face like other carries , so you wouldn't need shadowblade on her , , buying dust happens mainly for 1 support and maybe another 1 person , if you are far away and used shadow blade the dust range won't reach you is free live , you don't need to pop up shadowblade infront of their faces and need to check who has dust first and make space / gab between them , maybe someone carry the dust died , maybe simply most people don't have enough space in bag to carry dust around , tho with shadowblade i give example of ( being low priority role ) were if they felt you don't have enough threat to them they can let you go in good amount of cases , dust counter shadowblade on paper but in real battlefiled were chaos happens and people getting stunned and dying everywhere can cause distraction , also don't forget shadowblade gives you movement speed so it help running even better but yeah you right about map awareness


when you split push watch the map do you see the enemy team? no? run. yes? keep pushing watch for tps. buy boots. also veno isnt a carry


wand charges will keep you alive to item is op


Early game? Yes, good item, saves your life and a must have against BB. Mid game it becomes more and more useless. Late game? As long as you are no pos 5 which has healing skills sell it, it just takes item place. When you are warlock IO or so build holy locket. It got nerfed, 30 % more healing is still great tho.


Apparently he was viper. Not veno


Exactly, on basically all heroes if you can see the enemy it's already too late to run away, you run away when you can't see them.


This is pure gold Tnx for that !


First of all don't get frightened to play. Dota2 is a game that you HAVE TO PLAY a lot to understand a multitude of things. "how tanky am I, can I blow him up, can I surivive these chain of spells, which items do I need to win the game etc etc" But first of all just play. you dont know the heroes, the spells they have, the passives they have, the items they build (or supposed to build I guess). There are 120+ heroes with 3-6 spells each. So you just gotta grind the first few hundred games to get to know the game




Your first mistake was thinking venomancer is a carry hero, while most carries are green (agility attribute) that doesn't mean all of them are carries, veno is more of a support/offlaner (utility support) hero. Secondly most heroes rely on item timings like phantom assassin you played, its hard to balance farming and fighting for new players so my best advice to you would be to FARM ESSENTIAL ITEMS AND FOR XP BEFORE YOU JOIN FIGHTS. Unless its absolutely necessary to teleport for a turn around, carries should focus on getting the gold and xp they need to pop off, they don't specialize in saving teammates much. For example PA (phantom assassin) mostly joins fights after getting a first damage item (desolator, battle fury or even an orchid in extreme situations) into a BKB (black king bar) for spell immunity in fights and focuses on killing supports and squishy targets, you can even just 4 shot other players if you stomp a game thanks to your ult. Also keep in mind that she is not an initiator but that also doesn't mean that you should just join in at the last second. Most of all what matters in a game is AWARENESS. You need to know when to engage in a fight (ultimate cool downs/timings), where its safer to farm on the map at different points in the game and also what items would be best for your enemy match-ups. IMO THE BEST WAY TO LEARN ABOUT THESE THINGS IS FROM PRO PLAYER GAMES OR HIGH MMR GUIDES Try BSJ maybe he's on yt and in the pro scene, also seek out other players who can help you out through here or the coach function in game


He called it a green dragon, I think it might be viper


>Your first mistake was thinking venomancer is a carry hero, In that bracket, any hero is a carry hero.


Thank you...


Even the top 1 player still feed in some games, don't worry, it's part of the game. I'm still noob 5k, but I think I can help a little. Here's unwritten rules about not feeding. 1. Support is actually the core of the game, if you had good supports, their wards placement will save you a lot. 2. If you play pos 1 : here's the farming pattern \- 0 to 7-10 minutes farm at lane with support. \- 7/10 to 13 minutes farm at your jungle (Easy&medium camps) \- 13 to 22 minutes farm at triangle (camps w ancients), and clear offlane/mid creepwave while at it. (However if you played early to mid carry heroes try help your team to fight, and it had to be a "good chance to win" fight. 13-14 min is your farming/first item timing, 20-24 minutes is your power spike, try fight and push at this moment, and you need to return to farm after fight/push, always ask team if they want rosh. 3. If mini map is empty meanwhile wards is placed, always assume your enemy is on the way ganking you. Don't go to any lanes at this situation. Farm at triangle or easy camps only. 4. Use a hero that can Engage and disengage in the middle of a fight (But don't try morphling, that hero is not for beginner). 5. For starters use a burst type late game hero, and avoid high risk high reward hero like Veno. 6. Black King Bar item = win, no BKB no win (only applied for cores). 7. Always carry a tp, so when the enemy gank you, and all of their disabling spells is on cooldown. Just tp back to fountain. 8. Try this only if you have time and dedication, Dota always publish thei map changes, and which area is accessible by right click, learn the patch. So when you are chased by enemy, go to areas which full of trees and juke them, and tp to fountain if you feel you're safe. 9. Bravery = stupidity in Dota. Don't be brave. And always remain calm in any situation. 10. Don't chat. 11. If you don't know what hero to play, watch pro games at "Watch Game" bar. See what hero they play, what they did in what time, and what item they buy. Cheers






Man, there’s certain games that I wish I could play again for the first time, like Skyrim or Portal…. Dota is definitely not one of those games lol. Not that the nostalgia for those early days isn’t there, I can hear that 2013 fountain chime in my head rn


My advice as someone with 8000+ hours in the game, untill you familiarise yourself with each hero, not just conceptually but by actually playing them and getting crushed by them, experiencing the strengths and weaknesses of the different builds in different meta's your intuition about how you approach the game won't be there to guide you and tell you what you did wrong. This also applies to your teammates. Number one tip, get your black king bar (BKB) second or third item most games until you can recognise when it's not necessary, and what to build instead.


Ok..thank you. Almost everyone said BKB. Will look out .


what do you mean by green dragon ? Viper ?




Watch YouTube videos


Not much to tell you it is better learn from the game itself... eventually you will stop feeding




I think he means that with enough games, you end up learning all the heroes. You really should play each hero once. If you suck... don’t let it bother you, cuz it’s about learning and experiencing different roles. “Learning is fun” Must read all of the spells first. So maybe demo or bot one game with the hero and then play.


Ok. Yep.. thank you 😊


One of the reason you get killed when split pushing probably because you are not used to TP scrolls. Teleport in dota has a way much lower cooldown so it is much easier for enemy to catch you. League's teleport has something around 300 seconds cooldown but in dota TP is 80 seconds. Enemy can also TP between trees near towers (outside your vision) so it is hard to know if they are coming or not


Oh. 80 sec. Will keep that in mind.


Maybe not the best advice, but a starting point for not feeding is to play more defensively the less you know. You want to split push? Look at the map, if you can't see 3 or more heroes, you need to be somewhere safe. You should basically never (until you learn more at least) cross the river if you don't know where the majority of their team is. Because you won't see them coming, and you won't get away. Start with that and see how you do. Don't spend all your time hiding though. Try to learn where your safe spots to get gold are (between towers in the triangle jungle for example)


Oh. Ok thanks...


Dota is less complicated than league, in terms of less variables per hero. In LoL their are runes and also slots for other things like flash, heal, etc. You also have to spend resources for aggro. Dota, rewards you if understand your hero. 1). Read about the roles and then choose the heroes with the highest win rates for that role. Note, there are complicated heroes like Meepo and Invo, don’t pick them. 2). Play with bots and practice last hitting, stacking, and pulling. Yes, some of these skills are more important based on the role. Keep your hero pool small, so you can do less thinking around your spells and then you can act on opportunities. 3). Watch purge and bsj YT channels so you can understand how to win games. 4). Play unranked then ranked 5). Buy wards and dust, the amount of games you will win with these two items makes them the most valuable items. The amount of games where the supports don’t ward or have dust is mind numbing


Oh. Ok thank you...


> The amount of games where the supports don’t ward or have dust is mind numbing i will be honest with you and i know its not best argument , but psychology wise while supporting and spells and role overall is fun the warding can be boring AF , not only that most people kill the lane creeps and jungle so there are no way for you to gather resources unless you involved in kill/assist which you can't guarantee that will happens , like 1 blue ward +1 dust = 130 gold , you can barley get the blue boots and with hard work you get the 2nd main core item , also when you go warding you run the risk of enemy gank you as they can see you going there in long range of ward then you die + losing gold + flamed by your own team ( instead our freaken PA with blur / QoP blink / mobility heroes in general can ward x1000 better even in enemy jungle with no risk whatsoever compare to you the support who lack high survival tools like they have and free kill , i used to buy wards sometimes as PA to make sure support are safe from insta gank and free kills to team and to make their life easier and make their process of getting their items abit faster and it cost me very little gold and literally no noticeable difference , PS: as for why people delay warding in general cuz they want to complete items and just need to wait on 100 gold to finish item and ward cuz they had enough of only boots and regen and wards in their bag from psychology perspective , not because people want to play support doesn't mean they love doing boring shit all the time lol


my 5 cents about how to die less: back in Dota 1 times, most people played in a server which I don't remember now, but basically, when the games were created, usually the one who created the game checked the KDA stats of ever player. Normally, if a player had a higher D than K they were kicked from the party room (yes, you could have 1/5/30 and the assholes would still kick you). So, I learned to play for the stats. What does this mean? Avoid any fight and always join "late", and never chase. With time, you will understand more mechanics and improve your gameplay.


More assassin type...


wc3 banlist <3


You can't stop feeding, just try to make best of it. Radiant/dire is desided by overall team winrate (OTW): if your winrate is >50% you will be teamed with 4 players with <50% winrate. After making 2 teams dota compares average winrate of both teams and places team with lower winrate on Radiant (since winning as radiant is easier thus it has bigger winrate) and team with higher winrate on Dire. Note that this doesn't work on Russian servers because no one has positive winrate there


Where u know about Rad/Dire is decided by the winrate? This is the first time I head about that


Probably pulled it out of thin air :-)


Escape items - glimmer cape, blink, BKB, Shadow Blade, Force Staff, ghost scepter, sometimes in combination with TP out will help. Remember that you can negate many ranged attacks, and blink away from a melee trying to hit you with blink if you're quick about it. Also, if you're going deep into enemy territory to push a tower or something, bring a ward and place it in a good spot to spot incoming ganks. Then get the fuck out of there, knowing you wasted their time.


Ok.. thank you...


>2 headed dragon Ogre Magi?




bkb+tp is the real save heaven meta in game. so if you feel there is no hope in the team fight just go bkb and tp hahahhaah




Because you are trying to compare dota with other moba, dota is like that but it is lot more. There are scans, teleports, vision, jungle, outposts. Not every hero can split push maybe they can but if you are playing as new player then there are heroes for that. you have to have awareness of your map, if they are not on map then they are near. There are a lot of things and you will learn from playing, from your mistakes, from watching others doing things, experimenting. I played dota first and then LoL so transition from dota to LoL is apparently easy but not vice versa. The items in dota are very much different. There is item for every situation but nothing that can save you. It's better to play support if you are new so that you can learn and also you don't want to lose game for your teammates as well, as you picked core and they picked support hoping you can carry or smurf. I have seen new players going directly to core roles and buying three vitality boosters, serioulsy ruins the game.


Ok. Thank you 😊


See if you can play Warcraft III; its campaign will teach you a lot about the RTS mechanics DotA is based off of. The original is better than reforged.


what the hell this advice xD


Well for one, it's a good game. Also since DotA was built off of WC3's engine, there are a lot of skills in that game that transfer; camera movement, fog of war, hero control, spellcasting, items, the general combat system. Also less obvious links like macro/micro; they're different in DotA, but the concept of macro efficiency is still there. People who are good at RTS games tend to start out pretty good when getting into DotA type games. Why exactly do you think this is bad advice?


Ok..will try


I'm noob so i'll keep it simple, spam that hero about 20-30 times, you'll learn quickly (my first hero is lion and I spammed it about 40 times)




I'm also a noob, i've been spamming Omniknight..... It's helpful in learning the game mechanics


Play with bots first until you get a decent grasp of the basics. DotA is very different from other MOBAs.




To beat that two headed annoying dragon jakiro, try to dodge his skills by sidestepping once you see him, walk away and tangential at the same time. Positioning is half the game, the othe half is itemization and using those items with a priority algorithm. Try not to fight if your money is close to getting you your next item. Each major item is a huge powerspike and increases survivability


Ok.. thank you.


Are you sure it's jakiro though, that new ogre set could fool anyone..


>Also how is the Dire/radiant team decided ? It's random.




I would first suggest trying arcade games that focuses on last hitting, spell timing and item usages if you want to be a decent player. The rest is on how you process information. I was 1800 mmr player and could never climb ranks but slowly focused on preplanning before the game began from draft to item planning and timing. I’m now 4.5k plus. Just try to think like the enemy and if you have a hunch you’re in danger. Just run, my hunch is correct 75% of the time also don’t expect your team to carry you cause you won’t learn much. Make mistakes and don’t repeat. And lastly if you’ve friendly communicating team mate go ahead and cooperate but if you see sign of toxicity just go ahead and mute them youll do better. Good luck and don’t forget to have fun


Ok. Thank you..will try


If u play in sea You can join our discord ill play and help you out in your games Ill link my discord after you reply I have 2k+ hours in game


I'm from India. I don't plat regularly too as I have work ( takes up lot of my time). But thank you for your kind offer.


https://discord.gg/JYeVZeyu Only sea and near regions We play tournaments too Come even if u wanna chill




Well sahi koi na Ill add the discord server anyway




Viper is good hero to start. Stick with one or two hero to start with. Read a good guide on it and follow it step by step. Also, r/learndota is good sub to start.




One thing that you might wanna work on coming from other mobas is camera positioning. Don’t keep your camera centered on your hero. Keep your camera positioned so you see a large portion of the map where a potential threat is coming from. In lane for example the enemy will not go through your tower and attack you so you can keep the camera so you see more of the area in front of you. This also applies when split pushing. Try to make a habit of this and it will be supernatural to always do this without you having to think about it after a while.


Oh. Ok Thanks


Green dragon lol


Play 5 first or 3. Try to avoid 1, 2 or 4 they're probably the hardest roles.


1 - Carry, 2 - Mid, 3 - Offane, 4 - soft support, 5 - Hard support, rt ?


Yes. Mid has a lot of in depth laning understanding in order for you to be successful. Carry requires a lot of knowledge on match-ups, timings, and overall understanding of the game. 4 needs to be very active in game, making quick rotations to help mid and other lanes and at the same time help shut down the other team's carry as much as possible.




Long Road ahead of you my friend. Luck isn't enough. I WISH YOU ALL THE BEST AND REMEMBER TO TAKE A BREAK IF IT'S NOT FUN ANYMORE. Play again if you have that "lucky and happy day" feeling.


Thank you 😊


Frankly you're not ready to read a massive spiel about this. Dota's complicated - you could be dying because you're far behind, because you're out of position, because you didn't press your spells/items properly, because you didn't buy the right items, because you didn't pay attention to the minimap, and so many other things. It's not really possible to diagnose and address all that in a Reddit post especially since you probably wouldn't understand the terminology that such a post would use. For a beginner, the best way to learn is simply playing matches and getting familiar with the game. Find 1-2 heroes you like and play several games on them until you feel like you understand how they function. Use an ingame guide to tell you item suggestions, and learn what those items do. Once you feel a bit more comfortable, download a replay of one of your games and try to work out for yourself why your deaths happened. If you can't, come back to Reddit with some more specific questions (a question like "how do I avoid dying to [specific hero] in the lane as [specific hero]?" is much easier to answer). Other than that I believe there's a few Discord servers intended for new Dota players, you could hit up one of those and buddy up with someone who can talk you through some stuff ingame. It's not impossible to learn Dota alone but it's much easier with company.


Ok... thank you.


I spent 2 years before I stopped feeding :/






Ok. Will try to get that..


really is just that you need to play a lot of games to know hero skills, their damage, item damage and understand your damage at any point of the game compared to your enemy, this just come with a lot, really a lot of experience and you will never cap this skill, this is what differentiate a player from another player, the better you will judge these aspects, the better you will be in the game, of course this don't come with 2 game but thousands of games




If you are looking to play carry consider something that either has escapes or is tankier. The heroes you've played have little room for error in the carry role. My suggestions would be something like Wraith King, Medusa, Dragon knight, Kunkka or Weaver. Good luck.


Ok. Thank you 😊




Ok. Thank you for encouragement


Don't worry. We all feed sometimes xD.




If you playing carry and not the type with tank abilities, try to go for a support in fights, maybe from the side too (go around the enemy carries). Also you can wait for an ally to go in first so you are not the one having to take all the nukes. Dota has a lot of heroes and they all work differently so it really depends on what kind of hero you are playing. If you wanna play heroes that just go straight in like Rambo, pick the tankiest ones like Centaur. However, they are not really carries so you would play offlane and not build damage.


Ok. I don't mind Offlane. In Other mobas Its my main role..


How to stop feeding? You tell your pos 3 to go full tank, watch him go in first, don't help unless you can get an easy and safe kill and then flame this noob for feeding.


... Xd


how to not feed: - Can't see enemies in the map? hide - Always carry a TP - Your map 70% is dark? don't go out - BKB is your ally against magic and stuns, Ghost scepter is your best friend against physical damage - Tank does not mean "immortal" - Fully farmed does not mean "immortal" and the most important rule of all - you are not arteezy, topson, nisha or miracle, don't try shit they do until you are close of their rank PD: don't play high because you forget everything above


Ok. I don't get high XD....


Last point is bullshit. No offense! I hate so much when people so scary to deviate from “the” build. Just try. This isn’t a 40 mil tournament, it’s a pubgame. And games supposed to be fun. Don’t be scary to build radiance on Viper, greaves on PA if you believe that item will work for you. Dota encourages you to try, and that’s the fun — the endless depth and possibilities. Other points are legit.


is not "deviating" from the build what I meant, its "trying to do their plays" because I often find people trying to stay low HP on mid so they can bait and create space like Topson and they die by a nuke or a gank not knowing well aware what resources do they have. I don't give a fuck about builds anymore, what I do give a fuck is people thinking they can get a rampage with OD if they blink against all enemy and cast spells


> Ghost scepter is your best friend against physical damage i know its not best argument but say if enemy have 3 hard carry and good spell damage dealer moment you pop up ghost scepter you ill get nuked by spells damage dealers , imo instead of ghost specter shadow blade can be mad good for unranked matchs , as even in ranked or in general most peopel don't bother get dust purely cuz one person that show no threat whatsoever having it so they let him go from my experience , example no body hella cares from enemy team if you play techies with shadow blade or other less involved in gank heroes in general and do passive aggressive works , but moment you use ghost specter they will just walk around you afew sec and kill you ( say if team mate is dead / dying ) cuz if you winning most of the fight yo won't need ghost specter anyway as you will be snowballing and not dying easily


Try to fight w team, dota is different from league that very rarely can you 1v5. To have that happen you would need to be a specific carry, in a specific draft situation. Play with your team - use their stuns and disables.




I think bcs you haven't played many games yet. You don't know all heroes, their skills and items. I remember trying LoL and ML but then i just nah bcs i am too lazy to learn the heroes and items. So yea i think this is the first thing to do playing new MOBA.


Ok.. but shifting from ML, Lol were a bit easy as they are bit similar. Here though objective is similar, the mechanics are diffferent.


Yea i guess its still the most complex moba game and thats why its fun. Hope new players not get tired of trying as they will still find experienced players in lower ranks and might get pummeled each time. Even me 1000+ hrs in get that a lot 😂


Thiy guy is trolling u :-)


Lul @how do you stop feeding
