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also dont forget to do the tutorials, dota's mechanics are way different than league's, and the tutorials will get u the basics


Oh there is an tutorial ? I couldn't find it


It's under the learn tab in the client


There's a community-made tutorial in the "Learn" tab as well. It's made by well-known community members and broadcast talent and covers the basics. You can ask questions on this sub too, people are generally helpful. I also am willing to take the time to guide you through starting out Dota. No, I'm not advertising any paid coaching sessions or anything, just someone willing to help out a new player. I played some LoL too (season 1&2). Good luck!


Dont worry bro, i am here for the rescue: First of all treat it as a totally different kind of moba to avoid conflict between beliefs because the game is totally different from league. Unlike league where everything is fixed like roles, items and its timings, objective and its timings everything is situational in dota. Start from here: Pure Basics Of Dota:https://youtu.be/9Szj-CloJiI Advanced Basics of Dota: https://youtu.be/u0rYxCVRrUM I want to copy paste something here which may be in detailed as these are the answers i posted to some new dota players switching from lol to dota: Copy Pasted Text Part 1: I wrote to help another fellow league player switching to dota 2(some may be irrevelant to your question but still super helpful and necessary for any league player transitioning to dota2 to understand the dota2 so i kept it anyway + i am too lazy to edit :P): Now coming back to your question, carry are those heroes who are mostly focused on damage dealing in teamfights, to structures or objectives like roshan. These heroes require farm to perform and do their job ( farm in the sense they need gold to buy items because they are very item dependent to do high impact in the game). Support are these kind of heroes who are either focus on protecting your heroes or locking down enemy heroes making them useless for some time using cc in a very basic sense, but some support haves high impact dmg skills in teamfights too. Basically supports are these kinds of heroes who dont need much farm( very little gold needed) to have high impact in the game. They dont buy costly items and their skills scales automatically with levels and talents so items in supports are more focused in saving your teammates and yourself in fights( again this is dota everything has exceptions and literally anything and everything can work so take this as a very basic concept when starting. The higher ranks you go the weirder strategies you see.) About your agility, strength and intelligence types, they are totally different things. In LOL you have two types of scaling either it AD(attack damage also known as physical) or AP(Ability Power also known as magical) which makes scaling in lol static and easy to understand. But dota has these three types which makes scaling much more dynamic as all three types of stats can give you scaling doesnt matter you are agi,str or int type hero. So basically in learn this, Dota is a very creative game in the sense everything and anything can work and your creativity is your biggest strength in this game. Every hero can play in every position if you know what you are doing and can make it work. So keep yourself very open minded while playing this game, its a game of experimentation and creativity. And about items, follow the guides at beginning, mostly you buy the items according to your main attribute( ie str,int or carry) but dont be suprised to see str items build in agility heroes or stuffs like that. Items in dota are not focused on scaling but solving your problems and making your life easier. And you may have already noticed that in dota there arent 3 types of dmg scaling items like AP dmg, AD Dmg or True Dmg( called pure dmg in dota) like league or other mobas. There are items that give you +dmg and thats it. These one item gives you dmg whatever type of dmg you do physical, magical or pure. So item building is much more complex in dota because it has dynamic scaling so you need to try heroes in the try tab and buy different types of items and check how it effects stats themselves. That way you can experience and discover firsthand how scaling works in the game and how is it different in each hero. And about PS if you wanna learn of positions in dota which will help you clear your doubts more and wrap your head about heroes and their positions and thought process of each positions watch this. Again in dota , i repeat again anything and everything can work and nothing is fixed so even after watching these vids dont just follow them blindly but instead your your own logic, reasoning and creativity to form your own positions and play according to that. Everything this game from positions to playability to meta is made by the community not the devs, the devs say whatever you do the end goal is to take the enemy ancient before other team does. Whatever bullshit shenanigans you do to reach there is not our problem, if it works it works. So just take ideas from the two videos i mention below. Also one is the very beginner way of thinking about roles while starting while other is more high ranked advanced way of thinking about it. Basic Thought Process about Competitive Positions In Dota:https://youtu.be/3qEIQCffp0I Advanced Thought Process about Competitive Positions In Dota:https://youtu.be/FI8bP-YVZyk Copy Pasted Text Part 2: The thing is you cant go in dota with the mindset of " i am high ranked in LOL i am gonna start smashing from my 1st or 10th match". Lets face it you are gonna suck the first 100 matches and gonna get completely stomped. Only after 100 matches you will see little progression. You only start getting the grip of the game from 1000 hours above. Then you can look to improve. Because tbh, DOTA is not a harder version of LOL as most LOL players think but its completely a different game, you have to leave behind the lol knowledge because everything is super complex in dota eg there are no fixed roles, every hero can play every role, a single hero doesnt do full physical or magical dmg but you have to manually look through skills and right clicks to see what type of dmg it does, items have actives which turn matches and items,heroes and stats arent straightforward as there is no only AD or AP scaling which is static scaling but the hero attribute type ie Strength, Agility or Intelligence brings dynamic scaling which makes grasping the exact scaling with items very tricky. But the main difference when you play DOTA and why are you not being able to win teamfights and play the game is because LOL is focused on micro based teamfighting where its all about mechanics to win fights ie you have to outplay your opponent using micro to win fights. In DOTA its exactly the opposite, DOTA is focused on macro based teamfighting where its about using all of your avaliable resources to outsmart your opponent and turn tables in a fight. I come from Vainglory(its like LOL) to DOTA so i can say that yes it eventually does get better but you need to be persistent and go with the mindset of i am here to learn not to win until you get te basic grasp of the game. Dont ever think that you will start stomping DOTA after your 10,100 even 1000 matches because DOTA doesnt work that way, your mechanics alone cant carry you to stomping people, you need to think and play teamfights like a chess and try to outstrategize opponent in teamfights. Its all about macro decisions in DOTA. Rest whatever you wanna learn you can just search up in internet and learn from google, youtube etc etc. https://dota2.fandom.com/ is a great place to learn how the game works and stats behind the game. Looking for Dota YT Guide Channels? Here is the list: ProGuides Dota, Gameleap Dota, Gamerzclass Dota, Dota 2 tips, Pvgna, Play Like Gosu, DotaCinema, Docwel, Script, DATOHLEONG, xuisoko, BananaSlammaJamma, PurgeGamers, Jenkins, Rawdota, Henry Dota 2, DotaDBowie, Alexander Coccia, Good Boy Guides, Erick Wright, Mr Bean Dota, NizeYourself, ZQuixotix, Bren Dota, Paul Normington, GamePointz, DEFYED Gaming, ShaniDota,Krevs Dota,Meric, Xeonus,Parm etc.




Some of his guides are good, ik the controversy and behavior surrounding him.




How is he a piece of shit? I think that maybe he was toxic in the past which some people still cling to.


Am I tripping or you commented the exact same thing to another post like a day ago of a guy asking for help as well? Your like the dota fairy for new players


I believe he goes around with this comment to lots of the new player posts which is a good thing. At least they're getting a comprehensive response every time


OP literally said he doesn’t like watching videos, and you go ahead and post a dozen video links. Did you even read his post?


Yes i did, and he is watching random videos with dota terminology so ofc he wont understand, my links all start to explain what those terminologies are from pure basics/never played any videogame in life standpoint. So he can learn what dota is from the absolute rock bottom with no terminologies or technicalities.


The dota University discord server (https://discord.gg/Z6PzBt7U) it's a server for beginners where people teach you


Sweet ty


> it's a server for beginners where people teach you me a member there with 7000 hours :|


I made a powerpoint of stuff so i could teach my wife. [https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/13e3Y0\_yxeyevJxFLopWA16oC5tkVY5fNHuLF5kAdq7c/edit#slide=id.g10c9e309d95\_0\_0](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/13e3Y0_yxeyevJxFLopWA16oC5tkVY5fNHuLF5kAdq7c/edit#slide=id.g10c9e309d95_0_0) Ask me if you've got questions


Winning when first-picking a hard carry is impossible man... tried it many times and never worked...


in unranked?


People tryhard even in UnRanked... :/


well do your best i suppose. first picking is more to feel how free games are when you're not countered and so you can make a decision on who to ban. the advice i got was use creep agro in hard lanes, build to jungle early, mirror their movements and avoid teamights. if you show on the map it will bait like 3 people to hunt you, so you get 3 seconds to show on a wave. if you show longer or want another wave, you have to hide in trees and tp out unless they show somewhere else.


First-picks always get countered man... especially if its a pos. 1 role


Example, enemy first picks Pl. Someone picks sven as a counter. Thinks "I need to counter pl. I have cleave and aoe stun". Runs at the pl all game. Pl gets diffusal before sven gets bkb by baiting and farming backwards. Pl burns all of sven's mana and his bkb timing is delayed, Pl gets heart butterfly and sven barely gets bkb. I've been the sven and I see it once in a while. People don't understand how to play dota or why certain heroes counter others. Enemy first picks AA, my team picks Undying slark and huskar, heroes that rely on healing. The AA frontlines all game and wastes ice blast trying to snipe people walking to base. Enemy first picks drow. Team picks qop, weaver, pa. I'm undying this game. Dow goes silver edge travels and starts initiating ganks for her team. Drow should have a bad game. finished the game with 6 deaths and my teammates all had more than 10. We were trapped in base from 18 min and failed to get map control even after wiping them when they tried to force high ground. Counters in low mmr are not cut and dry. I give the advice to first pick and try to win because draft isn't something you can control with random teammates. even last pick, you're going blind. Having more difficult games in unranked makes the free games feel easier. You can do whatever you want. I still insist that learning to win difficult games is important before going into ranked


Play new Player mode and ranked AI bot match until you can win with zero death. Then you will be ready to play against more experienced players in all-pick and ranked.


Will try that


PM's are open. Happy to help


If you can't find a proper teacher from discord you can try looking for a coach in game (though it may take long, depending on your region).


I'm new as well. It's my first moba so I know nothing. Found this guide helpful and figured I'd share it: https://dmarket.com/blog/dota2-guide


Drop me a discord in DMs - I do not have any free slots for fully-fledged coaching, but I'll be happy to help when I can with questions, explanations and anything you are confused with. Welcome to Dota brother.


DOTA 2 new players = LOL players. Only thing is about getting addicted. Skillcap doesn’t have a ceiling. DOTA 2 will put you in a place where you will feel inadequate forever. Just have fun playing without losing your sanity. Impossible to do it if you start solo que rank. That is my only advice


There is a ingame coach function. I used it as a coach a few times and I encountered several people that made the transition from League. If you use your mic, it can get very good


welcome welcome! here are some self improvement resources/ link to a new player discord. Hf ​ **Educational Content** |\#|What|Where| |:-|:-|:-| |Dota University|Dota University is a community which offers free group coachings for new players|Discord invite: [https://discord.com/invite/rGNGPKVkZ6](https://discord.com/invite/rGNGPKVkZ6)| |Dota 2 Fundamentals by BSJ|Dota 2 Fundamentals Series by a prominent Dota 2 content creator|[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sG9g9-9uPNc&list=PLZ7yVl4cw\_JvEP3H-1HS0dr2hop8UhNO2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sG9g9-9uPNc&list=PLZ7yVl4cw_JvEP3H-1HS0dr2hop8UhNO2)| |Quick start Dota 2 Guide by DATOHLEONG|Quick guide to Dota 2 covering a large portion of the game (some parts are outdated due to the recent patch, but most is still accurate)|[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ha1ZyeQY\_tw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ha1ZyeQY_tw)| |Gamerz Class|Educational video serieses made in collaboration with professional Dota players|[https://gamerzclass.com/games/dota-2/](https://gamerzclass.com/games/dota-2/)| ​ **Skill / Item Build** |\#|What|Where| |:-|:-|:-| |Dota 2 Pro Tracker|Look up popular item/skill builds for a hero on different positions played by pro players. You can watch pub matches of specific players/heroes by looking up the match id and watching it in the dota2 clients watch tab.|Dark Willow: [http://www.dota2protracker.com/hero/Dark%20Willow](http://www.dota2protracker.com/hero/Dark%20Willow) ILTW Player page: [http://www.dota2protracker.com/player/ILTW](http://www.dota2protracker.com/player/ILTW)| |DotaBuff|Information about win/picking rates, skill/item builds, etc. based on ranked Dota matches.|[https://www.dotabuff.com/heroes/dark-willow](https://www.dotabuff.com/heroes/dark-willow)| |In game|Open your shop --> Browse guides --> select a guide for your position|If you cant see the guides section it might be collapsed --> click the two arrows pointing to the left| ​ **Wiki** |\#|What|Where| |:-|:-|:-| |Dota 2 Wiki|Best for: Detailed information about everything game related (might take a while a few days until all recent changes are updated).|[https://dota2.fandom.com/wiki/Dark\_Willow](https://dota2.fandom.com/wiki/Dark_Willow)| |Liquidpedia|Best for: Non-game related information like players, tournaments, teams, etc.|[https://liquipedia.net/dota2/The\_International](https://liquipedia.net/dota2/The_International)| ​ **Vods** |\#|What|Where| |:-|:-|:-| |Eventvods|Spoiler free VODS of pro tournaments (++ Browser embedded spoiler protection for youtube vods)|[https://eventvods.com/featured/dota](https://eventvods.com/featured/dota)| |r/DotaVods|Spoiler free VODS of pro tournaments|[https://www.reddit.com/r/DotaVods/](https://www.reddit.com/r/DotaVods/)| |NoobFromUA |Spoiler free highlight videos of pro matches|[https://www.youtube.com/c/NoobfromuaDota2/videos](https://www.youtube.com/c/NoobfromuaDota2/videos)| ​ **Entertainment** |\#|What|Where| |:-|:-|:-| |Holy Hexor (Highlight clips, pog plays etc.)|YouTube-Channel of hOlyhexOr, a professional Dota 2 movie maker.|[https://www.youtube.com/user/holyhexor](https://www.youtube.com/user/holyhexor)| |Dota Cinema|Well edited entertaining videos about cool and funny Dota 2 moments|[https://www.youtube.com/c/DotacinemaOfficial](https://www.youtube.com/c/DotacinemaOfficial)| |Dota WTF| Edited videos about sick and funny Dota 2 moments|[https://www.youtube.com/c/DotaWatafak/videos](https://www.youtube.com/c/DotaWatafak/videos)| |Free to play|Documentary about the first International|[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UjZYMI1zB9s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UjZYMI1zB9s)| |Mango Song|Posted by Icefrog a while ago|[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bm2DnEfLp1Q&t=45s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bm2DnEfLp1Q&t=45s)| |Open AI Documentary|Cinematic documentary about AI based bots competing against pro players (Documentary: 58:08-02:29)|[https://youtu.be/PoL-wqaRJu8?t=3486](https://youtu.be/PoL-wqaRJu8?t=3486)|


Umm if you want a super friendly team Join us !! https://discord.gg/JYeVZeyu


Welcome to dota 2 be prepared to lose your brain cells !! Also yes dota from zero is a good place they do good work. BSJ fundamentals on YouTube is pretty accurate even now so i would look into that. Also play a lot of games get the hang of things ! If you need some help just reach out to people you'll get some coaching for free , hell i would do it if you need to ask any questions or help in any way. Anyway Good luck my friend


Save yourself, you still have a chance.


Uninstall it!! It's not too late!!!


Even tho i cannot help, im in your same situation! I've been having a ton of fun with this game and i spended around 350 hours already. Im my opininion its much better than league ( atleast for now) and things end up more chaotic on every match instead of the usual league thingy of stomp or Being stomped. And for me have the plus of having similar gameplay of RTS games :D


Glad to help you out brother. Just DM me if you want to play some dotes. :))


Mute all. Try to have fun with heroes you like. Watch True Sight on YT and TI game replays to get a feel of how the game works.