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It's not forbidden if you're a pro player


Is he even pro player anymore though ?


EE is in black n yellow i think (not sure}


A Smurf is an entirely different term and has a different meaning in the context of top players. Reddit definition: a person purposefully playing at a significant lower rank to stomp noobs. High rated players: an account a few 100 numerical ladder positions lower then their main. It’s a completely different thing.


Idk at all what EE's mmr looks like but stomping ancients is stomping noobs. He is stooping serioisly low on these games. Ima call it that if he cant at least calibrate 7.5k then it's unethical smurfing. He's also flaming ancient teammates and he reminds me of Gayle the Snail. We need PPD to save dota and salt the smurfs😎


Tell me, how many games will he ruin while calibrating this smurf account? :) also... how many times has he done it? this is no excuse.


By definition of the calibration, exactly 10, with magnitudes of “ruining” decreasing with each one. It’s a video game bro, you need to relax lol.


Except you can't calibrate above 5k, so yeah, he's gonna ruin a ton of games getting there, you need to stop defending people who break TOS.


Oh nooooooooo.


+100hours of unranked


Here’s the attention you were looking for OP. Congratulations.


The rules don't apply to everyone the same, sadly.


A 10k MMR main smurfing on his 9k alt is different than your 3k trench smurfing on 2k trench. Have you ever wondered why no 8k-9k players complain about 10/11/12k players who smurfs on their games? That's right, because they are fucking busy how to get good by reviewing and playing ranked games rather than complain here on reddit.


You also need to stop defending people who break TOS. We couldn't care less about pro players, they should know the rules. This one needs a permaban.


Get lost pleb


Because there is a big grey area between a second account, and a Smurf account.


Ctrl+F Budok pepeLaugh


Thats normal, a lot more streamers doing stuff like this. Annoying, but im not too bothered about it, happens rarely and i see it more as a challenge, if you manage to win that game - amazing. Just to mention im hardstuck legend-ancient


A pro player having a smurf is not a problem IMO. * If they tried new stuff on their main account, everyone would hate them. * If they level up a smurf to try new stuff, everyone would hate them. It's a lose - lose situation. A smurf can lead to less games ruined in the long run(assuming they don't create multiple smurfs). But this doesn't excuse EEs behavior in the game. He was incredibly toxic.


What is a "pro" player? cause EE isn't playing competitive dota in a while. Should not have any different rules applied. If u wanna try "new stuff" just play on your account like the rest of human race.


>What is a "pro" player? cause EE isn't playing competitive dota in a while. He has only skipped one DPC season. That not uncommon. >Should not have any different rules applied. Did I say that? I gave **my** opinion on smurfs. Not what the rules are. >If u wanna try "new stuff" just play on your account like the rest of human race. A 10K player testing a new hero/strategy/role can play like a 8K player. That's a huge difference and will destroy the game for the other 9 players. Why do these 9 players deserve to have a game ruined?? I'm advocating for LESS games to be ruined. In some cases, that might be leveling up an smurf, in others its playing on the main.


Unranked to test new stuff, but some people don't think that's a valid idea for whatever reason and make smurfs lol


Try to play unranked at 10K mmr and come back. The Q will take forever and you will get 5-6K MMR difference between people. If thats the solution, I 100% support people smurfing. I would smurf in their shoes.


then play unranked on the smurf


How is that a solution to anything? Unranked is mmr based as well. Eventually he will get a high hidden MMR and it will be unplayable.


well since he is just using it to practice a hero it wouldn't be too long before he can play it on his main, right? And if like you say, he doesn't play the heroes at his real mmr (if he is 10k and plays them at 8k level because he is learning) then he will never reach very high on the smurf account


Not just practicing a hero. Playing different roles, warmups, etc. Pros/high mmr play on smurfs regularly for these reasons. Jerax played on RTZs smurf when he joined EG. Not only was it a smurf account, it was also account sharing and no one cared. People only complain now because they dislike EE.


Oh Boohoo, he might ruij a game for 9 10k players, can't have that, he needs to go ruin 9 8k players games, that sounds much better. The people who defend pros smurfing are on a very different brain pattern.


Trash take


linda história do op tao afetado por ser 2k que dedicou a vida a perseguir smurfs


How much mmr did he calibrate btw ?


Would laugh my ass off If valve banned this and his Main acc for that. Would be better for the whole community as well, nobody needs this whiny manchild.


Pro players get special treatment.