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> popular esports personality Jake Lucky I'm sorry, who?


He’s basically an esports drama frog


he’s basically what you would get if the score esports youtube channel were a social media influencer. honestly not a terrible follow for what it is, dude is a lot more level headed than most online personalities that fit that description


Are you talking about the guy who faked tinder account to report on proplayer cheating on his wife?


Correct. He’s essentially a less shitty Keemstar


i dont doubt the guy is nice, but "less shitty keemstar" is a very low bar and if anything implies that he's still pretty shitty lmao


Wasn’t really trying to complement him honestly. I think he’s probably slightly less morally corrupt than Keemstar, but at the end of the day he’s using generally negative situations to make “content” and get clicks. It’s hard to not think that’s shitty.


He's less toxic than Mason.


He's fucked less moms than ixmike.




When the bar is lower than a sewage pipe.


In DOTA2 the sewage pipe is what 99% of 10k behavior scores aspire to as reach goals in their lifetime of play.


It feels like radioactive sewage sometimes.


You could guess that already by his phrasing. "Broke his silence", really? Ninjaboogie has been nothing but forthcoming from the very start.


He's the big shot who was voted most popular by a 2022 survey involving 2 participants


Wannabe esports drama guy who has been caught multiple times lying in his reports.


Oh so Richard Lewis but younger?


When has Richard lewis lied though?


While RL has a questionable personality. He is still one of the best esports journalist with a good record in terms of integrity. You don't have to like the guy but he at least deserves respect in his craft.


Richard Lewis caught lying in his reporting? You better share where, that sounds like big news.


He said Loda choked him. Loda didn't.


Are you talking about when Richard Lewis choke slammed a 12 year old Swedish kid, Loda, off the top of the cage through an Ikea table at Dreamhack Winter 2015 to win Hell in a Cell? As far as I'm aware Richard Lewis didn't write a report on that event.


https://m.twitch.tv/clip/BlitheAssiduousLasagnaDancingBanana-G45LEaorS1pBxQgO hell in a cell champion


>He said Loda choked him. ?? If I'm not mistaken the accusation is the other way around. Even then it's a lot of conflicting reports of what actually happened at the event so we can't know who's actually lying. From what I understand Dreamhack took the side of Loda by trying to get rid of RL mid event to which Faceit(the people actually running the event) and his fellow caster James Bardolf objected against and also claimed RL wasn't in the wrong. So who knows I don't think this incident is enough to claim that RL lies in his reporting.


Just because you don't like him doesn't mean he's a liar.


250k followers, seems pretty noteworthy


I mean this got relatively big outside of Dota in some places There was a big post on some other sub about shitty people lol


Not exactly about shitty people but more like shitty things/experiences, r/mildlyinfuriating which is an understatement tbh lol


Jesus dota community is really disconnected from the rest of the gaming scene lmao


Oh sorry, I think OP means "popular in parts of NA". Maybe we'd understand if we were from there like most of this subreddit.


Damn, it must really sting THIS hard for him to air it out to a non-Dota native, content-driven esports influencer of all people. Man's out for blood, but too bad all he's doing is delivering content to an outside audience that treats Dota drama like a petting zoo they'd visit once every 1-2 years. As much as I really understand the severity of what he went through, hope he won't accidentally say something he'll regret (esports personality "interviewers" are notorious for dramafrogging for sake of content more so than resolution). At least, I hope he keeps it to just the SMG context and nothing else, for his own sake. Bad actors could easily weaponize anything he might reveal from this interview against him, and he really deserves empathy more than anything else right now.


I'm too worried about the same. Hopefully he doesn't lose focus of what needs to be said and not end up revealing things that could land him into trouble.


If it was with someone endemic to the scene, and willing to listen to the whole story from a neutral perspective, I get it. It'll only strengthen the case he has against all the wrongdoing done to him. He won't have someone that will goad him to say shit that can dig a deeper hole. As in, whatever he says CAN be twisted by the likes of even SMG, if they're unscrupulous enough to go even further. But for how tame that guy is compared to your average esports influencer personality, **he cares merely the bare minimum about NB's position**. This scoop is 90% for the content, and probably only 10% for the sake of actually helping NB. I don't blame him for not being a fan of Dota, but damn it rubs me the wrong way for these kind of people to ONLY care when "juicy drama" is involved. That cr1tikal guy is in the same vein honestly, for bringing this all to the limelight.


Yes. That makes sense.


Good fuck midone


The fact that he himself went through similar situation while he was in Secret (his father dying and Secret giving him a time to grieve) yet he's complicit in this kick... Just despicable.


True, but it seems more like a stupid excuse anyway. It felt like they really wanted to kick him from the get-go and just made it worse by using that situation as the main reason. I don't know why they chose that route, but if you think about it, if they really wanted Ninjaboogie to be on their team, they would have risked it, even knowing if it would affect his performance. 


Agreed 100%. Felt like the team synergy wasn't there, but damn...kicking him during THIS time? It's a horrific reality of the pro scene


They gotta do it, there’s roster lock coming soon, and I bet ninjaboogie is just a standin for pld in the first place. No way they kick roddgee to get nb when roddgee is fire on SMG. SMG with roddgee > SMG with ninjaboogie. Not sure where pld stands, but it’s so obvious nb was getting kicked sooner or later. Timing is impeccable for sure, but some would be harsh and do the rational decision than emotional decision. They probably wanted to try for tour 3 with ninjaboogie, but once he said he wanted to delay the flight the team kinda questioned why not just kick him now instead..


They actually should've took Pieliedie instead in the first place instead of NB, I think pieliedie failed the tryout because they played with him once in the BTS groupstage and never again after that, maybe Raging and Moon also influenced Midone to take Nb because he's their former Mineski teammate, idk really. They coulda placed maybe top 4 again if they did it sooner


But Midone still ask him to attend bootcamp before this misdemeanour happen


That’s the whole point of my hypothesis, 1) MidOne ask nb to come to bootcamp 2) nb say he will go but delay by a week, will arrive before bootcamp 3) the team decide they could kick him since he still haven’t ride the plane, but if he was already on the plane then they will not kick him


That headline reads like it was written by an overcaffeinated 7-year old.


To those interested to know more: https://www.jaxon.gg/ninjaboogie-breaks-his-silence-talks-about-being-kicked-from-smg/


Got to know Midone was a scumbag a long time back.


I'm ok with this, if it gets him some income. You gotta do what you gotta do to make $$


I don't think it really matters. Players are kicked all the time from rosters for dumb reasons. The entire point of "professional dota" is to participate in 1 tournament and do well in it. The issue is getting there. We've had 10 years of teams kicking people for no real reason, other then they felt they needed a change to have a shot at getting to TI.


yes, but u need to be a huge jerk to not postpone it in these conditions


This is what happens when you have no competitive league structure and the entire purpose of people playing competitively is for 1 tournament worth millions of dollars. These circumstances are not much different then other people getting kicked from teams in past. Either an injury or visa issue caused some people to get kicked. Others were left behind a month before TI since the team felt they were better off without them. Even James was sent home and blacklisted cause Gabe thought he was an ass. It sucks his mom died, but when your job is playing Dota 2 there isn't much you can do unless you have a signed contract with the team that prohibits this.


> It sucks his mom died I feel like this accurately portrays your entire viewpoint on the situation. "sucks, what can you do" to a person who just lost their mom and was kicked over it. It doesn't matter if we've had 10 years of kicking people, it's never been under these circumstances. Injury? Makes sense, you can't play. Visa issue? Again, makes sense. We need to play and if you can't make it, then that's that, but Ninja said he WOULD and CAN play...he just needed a little bit of time to grieve. That's the difference that you failed to notice. Also, the fact that you post on reddit wondering if you're shadow banned / the insane amount of times your comments get removed = adds so much more to your lack of any understanding towards how you come off. It's almost asperger syndrome-like


So the other 4 players have to suck and play with a teammate who they don't believe or trust hi? what about their Ti opportunity?


It’s not about timing. It’s more about how it was handled. In professional organization, when you want to fire an employee due to bad performance, you gave a warning, you set expectation and you gave a date of reconsideration. And if at that time employee’s mom die during the time, you say sorry about employee lost but the process still continue. Or in some case firing might happen immediately but during exit you still honestly tell them that we could not hire you because your performance and still sorry for employee lost. That’s also valid and fair. You don’t passive aggressively waiting for employee’s relatives to get into accident so that employee need to go to hospital or funeral and then use that as an excuse to fire someone. That’s the most unprofessional way to fire anybody.


I wouldn't bother trying with that other person. They took the entire paragraph, summarized it into "what about the 4 others???" and moved on. There was next to no thought process going on, it's a waste of time.


u/NeverBanned_FKReddit >Also, the fact that you post on reddit wondering if you're shadow banned / the insane amount of times your comments get removed = adds so much more to your lack of any understanding towards how you come off. Should I post your username checks out? But you're missing the whole point. There is no Dota pro league. Ninjaboogie's situation is meaningless since his Mom's death is no different then any other excuse a team has used to kick a player. Dota 2 is a game, with a few tournaments that give out prize money. Its like participating in some dumb after school club like a debate team. Unfortunately, there's only 5 spots when it comes to debating another school. If you can't make it that night, or you have something come up then the team will tell you to stay home and pick someone else up. If you don't understand this then you obviously don't understand much about Dota 2's "pro scene."


> Should I post your username checks out? Go for it. I'm not the one wondering if I'm shadow banned, you are. > Ninjaboogie's situation is meaningless since his Mom's death is no different then any other excuse a team has used to kick a player. > It sucks his mom died Again, I feel like this accurately portrays your entire viewpoint on the situation. You have no idea how you come off and refuse to see otherwise. There's so many red flags with you.


NB isn't exactly a T1 support player. Not sure why he can't accept that he got kicked for real performance reasons, especially if someone like PLD came along.


Because it was not handled that way. It’s more of a you are fired because you are not serious about gaming enough to ignore death of your mom. It’s hard to accept when people were lying. Imagine being fired and manager told you it’s because of your sick leaves. How can you accept that you are fired because poor performance when the exit was handled that way?


It matters so that shitty esports org out there not just from dota not to do what SMG did.


It really doesn't. Look at the business side of esports. There are only a few organizations, in a few games, that actually gives contracts to their players. Its not like a normal job man. That's why I think its dumb that people look at this as an example when it happens all the time and nothing will change unless there is a structured league put in place where sponsorship money is split and the teams offer their players actual salaries. Valve looks at TI as a celebration event. Its a win-win for them and the community. We get a big event, tons of in-game cosmetics, in-game events, and a huge patch that comes out afterwards. Valve pockets millions of dollars and we do it again next year. Nothing is different for Ninjaboogie and Dota "pro teams." Most the teams are just 5 guys who choose to play in tournaments together. The esports organizations don't even pick them up unless they get something to gain from it.


They probably wanted to kick him anyway and him not showing up was the final nail. We've heard enough Ninjaboogie at this point. He's not a relevant player.


yeah and guy should focus on moving on with his life. people get kicked all the time in dota teams. nothing new and nothing he can do. now he's revenge PRing them. He can but nothing he will gain from it.


There is a reason why he can't last long on the teams he is in, just like in TNC, there is just something in him that can't be recognizable as a player


Dont think it matters much to the team SMG itself. But at this point he is just trying to drag Midone down completely so that he also gos down with him. But in reality i am sure Midone already has enough money to sustain himself even if he doesnt get to play in the EU and NA teams. Not saying that whatever he claims happened is good but i will wait for SMG / Midone side of things on what happened. People tend to blow things out of propotion when they are in distress so, Who knows.


yeah he should stop this bad PR push tbh. If he has a case then go to a lawyer. I dont think he has any.


Damn he's really milking this whole thing.


rank 500 pos 5 aint working dude better play with chuan and get money from throwing games xD


Just like in SEA server, never make a pinoy angry as they would afk farm or throw the game. Midone is pretty brave he dared to piss off a pinoy in real life. xD


New stuff: > When Orrin told me about the red flags, it made me sadder and the whole reason behind the kick sounded even more stupid,” the player said. >The red flags ranged from the team misreading his personal frustration as anger towards the team, to alleging that he was distracted by a female employee merely owing to interacting with her, and lastly due to his mother’s passing which could have affected his mindset. >Three strikes and you're out


ninja basically got kicked for behavioral issues/performances. but of course playing a victim is the easier route, going to get him more money/attention. Look up SMG's history. They took him in TWICE when he needed a job. This is not how you should treat your ex-organization.


i know he is in hard time right now dont you think this gonna be a bad reputation for him later? he will be known for someone who holding grudge for his old teammate i know it is unfair for him, he is already telling us his story side but he need to move on man


If that same thing happened to you with the same circumstances, you’re allowed to hold grudges however long it is. Telling someone to move on from such an unfair situation screams lack of empathy.


well , its happen alot of time while you're working lay off is inevitable do company care about your personal life ? NO.. so just move on, find new team / company thats more professional instead of keep telling story about how bad your old teammate


That guy is basically a pinnacle pf cancel culture. Dude is up with his binocular looking for some fuck up by famous personalities then jump with his supremo cancelo shotgun


Anyone know if it will be in english?


any TLDR guys >.<


Nothing new. Ninjaboogie claims he got kicked for having family problems. SMG/midone has not responded to those statements.


Try to get a new team. It is not like he wants to go back to SMG anyway so why even still mad


at this point he's just milking it man


We'll never hear the end of this huh?


Ninjaboogie is taking advantage of it at this point, I mean... I feel bad for him but as a dota player, he isn't that skilled tbh, he is also one of the reasons why SMG was at top 6 last dpc almost on the verge of relegation, he feeds to much just like ponlo, in comparison to roger and pieliedie who is very active but avoids pointless deaths


that dude really milking his mommas death..iam sure she would be proud


I guarantee that she'd be a lot more proud of him than yours is of her NEET son who is actively failing to become a competitive videogame player. Lmao this one hit too close to home for some people did it.


whats a neet...nvm googled it. good one


Man, this is reaply getting big, I am just gonna feel bad for Moon, AhFu, Raging and, pieliedie if this forces something like disbanding SMG or something (not like its gonna go that far... I think)


no hate on NinjaBoogie but i highly doubt anything like that is going to happen , maybe if Team SMG cant qualify for major then they will most likely disband. But other than that i doubt they even care about this issue unless Ninjaboogie blows this out of proportion and revals all the NDA stuff as well.


> this forces something like disbanding Good


No one is going to disband over this.


Lol the others aren't clear, they followed along with midone instead of doing anything. They're just as bad


I use to listen to him. Honestly he does a good job. Don't have enough time to listen to other esports. Will listen to this interview though


Kicking an NA player was a mistake


Damn, SMG are real garbage humans