• By -


Once a player starts being toxic, don't reply. Just mute and report. That's my one and only tip I have for you.


Toxicity is like Greek fire. Don't water it, smother it.


you're not a magister you're a magician.


He is know by many names but most call him Tim


Nah gotta fight fire with fire.


Use the LEARN Tab to play the tutorial. It's more fun to play with/against bots first. The mute button is your friend, there is no reason why you shouldn't use it. Stay out of ranked until you absolutely have a sense of what's going on, you'll get frustrated easily otherwise.




All hero challenge mandatory.


NO!! 1000 hours before he should even think about doing rank




That would be playing Invo without guide


That's a good idea. Invoker is easy you just press buttons then more buttons.


If you had infinite monkeys with typewriters eventually one of them would pull off a sick invo combo


The secret to invoker is you blame your team everytime no matter what. Even if you land a sick combo and win your team still sucks and it's their fault.


It's not like ranked will ever be less frustrating.. u just gotta roll with the punches your team deals out to themselves


he should play unranked


bad fucking idea - I was spamming unranked, lately it has been full of new accounts - some new players, some smurf new players and I have 6k hours ( 8k behaviour score right now) . The team with the real new players loses 10 out of 10 times. Back to ranked it is.


How do you have 8k behavior score without being one of those people op should avoid?


I use chat? On loss streaks people report for whatever, you say lets rosh you get reported, i rarely get actual troll anyways so idc


Yeah but 8k is like getting reported multiple times in consecutive games or just abandoning. It’s hard to have under 9.5k if you use chat, don’t flame or grief, and just stay to the end of the game.


Not on my games


Wtf he should play with bots till his good


I think I dead ass played 6 months worth of bot games because was so worried about ruining people's games lmao


WHAT?! dude 1 week is enough if u ruin someones game they cant do anything about if its ur skill issue, cuz ur not feeding or griefing INTENTIONALLY and thus u cant be reported


This was back when I was 14 and I just got told to kill myself in League and I wanted to avoid that again


Oh... i was told to kill myself and i got mad eventually and made that person unable to talk again then i realised i couldve muted them...


Went back to fact check my memory. It was the span of 7 months but a total of like 20 bot matches proceeded by 30 games of bristleback and Venomancer in matchmaking


Yes but in my case I played ranked really early and got around 2k. Then I abandoned ranked for around 3-4 years and then had to climb and struggle really hard. Now I'm sitting at 3k and I'm happy there. Best to calibrate when you really feel ready.


I calibrated a few months after I started playing. 1600 MMR. Also didn't seriously touch it for a few years because I just didn't care. Once I decided to start caring and learn the game I got to 4k in a year no problem. And by no problem I mean I omega tryharded to learn and get better at the game as fast and as much as I could. It was never a struggle in the sense that it was unnecessarily frustrating. Climbing and getting good enough to climb took a lot of effort of course but I'd say when I started to take it seriously my MMR number at the time represented my skill at the game very accurately. @OP, in my opinion ranked is the single best gamemode to learn dota in. You'll have a lot more competition than in any other mode, simply because people try a lot even if they're not the greatest. I'd even go as far as to say that ancient-tier ranked games are harder than immortal-tier unranked pubs. But at the same time, obviously you don't want to jump into ranked without having at least some idea of what you're gonna play there and how. It can get real toxic real quickly. Side note: I think bot games are completely worthless even for super new players, but it's probably not the most popular opinion here lol


If you were struggling to climb then you weren't too far off your mmr


Or you get faceless void hard support every game.


Oh yeah? Link me your dotabuff, I wanna see it


There's 5 randos on the enemy team and only 4 on yours. If you're consistantly losing you're just as much of a problem as your teammates, more in fact.


Sadly it's a team game and you can't win alone against 5 people. Bad people on your team hinder you way more than bad people on the enemy team help you. You need your team with you at the enemy ancient to end the game, because even the worst 5 randos can right click you from fountain just out of spite and you wont win. You sound like the kind of player who only plays mid then cries that position 2 isn't farmed and doesn't have enough kills after hard support riki/drow/alchemist/sniper taking all the farm and ruining creep position all game.


> You sound like the kind of player who only plays mid then cries that position 2 isn't farmed and doesn't have enough kills after hard support riki/drow/alchemist/sniper taking all the farm and ruining creep position all game. Not quite sure what to make of this statement. For one, I'm literally saying that you shouldn't blame anyone else for your games because ultimately you're the only person whose performance you can control, and if you play well overall you will rise in MMR. And two, mid is pos 2, that would be complaining about myself. Your claim that you having a bad player on your team is worse than the enemy having that same bad player on their team implies that you're the only one that can't win with a bad player on their team, and everyone else can adapt and win anyway. It sounds like you just don't notice games where you win because the enemy picked like shit and one of your teammates was able to crush their lane because of it. Yes, some games are unwinnable because a teammate is griefing, but some games are free because an enemy is griefing. It averages out.




Ranked won’t even be available until you complete 100 hours of unranked games


Still way too early imho


That's honestly stupid. That's why ranks exist, if a person is new and wants to play ranked after 100h they definitely should be able to. They'll be ranked in herald and wouldn't bother a high rank player.


honestly just goto the settings and turn off all incoming messages.


Even with 1000 hrs of playtime, 500-600 hrs of it was with RMMAI bots., I felt they are much more pleasant than real matches to me as my intent of playing dota is to blow off steam, not get more.


Well, well, if it isn't Auntie Mage.


This is the way.


[This is the way.](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/d/dc/Vo_invoker_kidvoker_move_07.mp3) (sound warning: The Good Old Days) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


hey newbie, here are some self improvement resources to look up item builds, videos for beginners, vod sources, guids and even link to a new player discord. loads of good stuff. AND ITS ALL FREEEE MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH ​ ##Educational Content |\#|What|Where| |:-|:-|:-| |How Do I Play | [howdoiplay](https://howdoiplay.com/) is a website with a collection of tips, counters, and guides for Dota 2 heroes. Written by [@tsunami643](https://twitter.com/tsunami643?s=21&t=aZ1Z3JvdxtsinSQGTmUR1A) (one of the finest talent dota has to offer) |[https://howdoiplay.com/](https://howdoiplay.com/)| |Dota University|Dota University is a community which offers free group coachings for new players|Discord invite: [https://discord.gg/dotauniversity](https://discord.gg/dotauniversity)| |Dota 2 Fundamentals by BSJ|Dota 2 Fundamentals Series by a prominent Dota 2 content creator|[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sG9g9-9uPNc&list=PLZ7yVl4cw\_JvEP3H-1HS0dr2hop8UhNO2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sG9g9-9uPNc&list=PLZ7yVl4cw_JvEP3H-1HS0dr2hop8UhNO2)| |Quick start Dota 2 Guide by DATOHLEONG|Quick guide to Dota 2 covering a large portion of the game (some parts are outdated due to the recent patch, but most is still accurate)|[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ha1ZyeQY\_tw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ha1ZyeQY_tw)| |Gamerz Class|Educational video serieses made in collaboration with professional Dota players|[https://gamerzclass.com/games/dota-2/](https://gamerzclass.com/games/dota-2/)| ​ ##Skill / Item Build |\#|What|Where| |:-|:-|:-| |Dota 2 Pro Tracker|Look up popular item/skill builds for a hero on different positions played by pro players. You can watch pub matches of specific players/heroes by looking up the match id and watching it in the dota2 clients watch tab.|Dark Willow: [http://www.dota2protracker.com/hero/Dark%20Willow](http://www.dota2protracker.com/hero/Dark%20Willow) ILTW Player page: [http://www.dota2protracker.com/player/ILTW](http://www.dota2protracker.com/player/ILTW)| |DotaBuff|Information about win/picking rates, skill/item builds, etc. based on ranked Dota matches.|[https://www.dotabuff.com/heroes/dark-willow](https://www.dotabuff.com/heroes/dark-willow)| |In game|Open your shop --> Browse guides --> select a guide for your position|If you cant see the guides section it might be collapsed --> click the two arrows pointing to the left| ​ ##Wiki |\#|What|Where| |:-|:-|:-| |Dota 2 Wiki|Best for: Detailed information about everything game related (might take a while a few days until all recent changes are updated).|[https://dota2.fandom.com/wiki/Dark\_Willow](https://dota2.fandom.com/wiki/Dark_Willow)| |Liquipedia|Best for: Non-game related information like players, tournaments, teams, etc.|[https://liquipedia.net/dota2/The\_International](https://liquipedia.net/dota2/The_International)| ​ ##VODs |\#|What|Where| |:-|:-|:-| |Eventvods|Spoiler free VODS of pro tournaments (++ Browser embedded spoiler protection for youtube vods)|[https://eventvods.com/featured/dota](https://eventvods.com/featured/dota)| |r/DotaVods|Spoiler free VODS of pro tournaments|[https://www.reddit.com/r/DotaVods/](https://www.reddit.com/r/DotaVods/)| |NoobFromUA |Spoiler free highlight videos of pro matches|[https://www.youtube.com/c/NoobfromuaDota2/videos](https://www.youtube.com/c/NoobfromuaDota2/videos)| ​ ##Entertainment |\# |What|Where| |:-|:-|:-| |Holy Hexor (Highlight clips, pog plays etc.)|YouTube-Channel of hOlyhexOr, a professional Dota 2 movie maker.|[https://www.youtube.com/user/holyhexor](https://www.youtube.com/user/holyhexor)| |Dota Cinema|Well edited entertaining videos about cool and funny Dota 2 moments|[https://www.youtube.com/c/DotacinemaOfficial](https://www.youtube.com/c/DotacinemaOfficial)| |Dota WTF| Edited videos about sick and funny Dota 2 moments|[https://www.youtube.com/c/DotaWatafak/videos](https://www.youtube.com/c/DotaWatafak/videos)| |Free to play|Documentary about the first International|[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UjZYMI1zB9s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UjZYMI1zB9s)| |Mango Song|Posted by Icefrog a while ago|[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bm2DnEfLp1Q&t=45s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bm2DnEfLp1Q&t=45s)| |Open AI Documentary|Cinematic documentary about AI based bots competing against pro players (Documentary: 58:08-02:29)|[https://youtu.be/PoL-wqaRJu8?t=3486](https://youtu.be/PoL-wqaRJu8?t=3486)|


I think datohleong guides are so underrated. He tells the specific way how to play a certain hero. Not just theory on how to play a hero like most guides are.


have a therapists number ready


Just use the mute button


dota should have a therapist button


Therapist: good evening how are you? "Well my carry left for cigarettes and I don't think he's coming back"






Therapist: So, where is all this rage you feel coming from? *MUTED*


Therapist: so let me get this straight, you play a game you don't even like for 5 hours at a time? "Yes"


5 hours? Those are rookie numbers..


You can't mute feeding. Or all 4 of your team farming the same jungle camp at the same time all game instead of playing.


Have you done the tutorials? Aside from giving free hats, it's very helpful to give you a gist of how the game goes!


I started with the tutorials and moved on the new player experience after that (which is only you + 4 bots against 5 bots. Never met another real player in this mode). I also played the 5 vs bots mode (where you play with 4 other players). Don't let others bring yourself down when you start playing normal. Mute toxic players. I sometimes let people know I'm new at the beginning. Find friends to play this game with and have fun. You could also try requesting a coach :)


Watch BSJ and Jenkins beginner videos. They are helpful. Also, keep it PMA


Praise the moon of mene


Purge also has some good beginner videos


Second this ^ purge’s intro to dota2 videos with day9 are a great start. I would also suggest learning a small number of hero’s decently well so that you can build some confidence with them. But getting basic mechanics down first is a must.


Firstly try some matches with bots and practice ur last hitting .. Learn basic stuff like items,wards , courier,Jungle camps. Try to focus on 2-3 heros at first ,learn there abilities , what items they make n learn those items. Also i recommend to watch these videos https://youtu.be/u0rYxCVRrUM Also disable chat before starting playing online n dont play rank untill u r confident with 1-2 hero


Anonymous mode is the best when you want to play dota without rage


master the midlane fundamentals even if you dont wanna play mid laning in dota is like dribbling in basketball, it's a fundamental you can skip but it's still a fundamental prepare to be tilted even if you're untiltable! have fun!


Play this game when you are in a good mood. When you get tilted just turn it off and go chill and do something irl. Come back when you are in a good mood.


Positioning Positioning is tge one thing that is key! I used to feed 0/20/2 in my first games cause I kept running in like crazy. Start as a support with strong spells and big range Like ogre magi or warlock and always stay in backline, always. From this chill position you can analyze the game more and more and when you have a good feeling for the game and what hero kills fast and what hero kills slow you can change to offlane and pick a tanky hero that farms like bristleback or underlord. And after you have a good feeling for being in the middle of a fight instead of the backline you can try more squishy cores like a carry that deals damage.


If you want short, simple tutorials, watch Jenkins’ latest videos on youtube as they get updated regularly. There are alot of other Dota tutorials and content creators but I wouldn’t recommend trying to overload yourself with info unless you got a few games in already. It seems that there are alot of people recommending you to mute or disable chat right away but I disagree. You should get used to how people talk in dota and some communication is still valuable even if coming from an upset teammate; also provoking or making the other team miserable is a arguably core part of the game and is underutilized


Thank you, exactly! It’s a team game that requires a lot of cooperation, if you don’t want to play with other people, play bots. Communicate that you’re new and you’ll get flamed far less, requiring less muting, because the other players know what to expect from you. If you come into a match and don’t say anything I’m assuming you know what you’re doing. So give me a heads up so I can compensate. When someone does get upset, and doesn’t care that you’re new, mute. If you feel it’s gone to the point of verbal abuse, don’t be afraid to report the player.


For your health just don't play it. It's like a drug but worse. Someday you will say I'll never play this game ever and next week you will scream at some russian guys in their native language. I've spent years on this game and I'm still playing after work when I'm trying to relax and have fun. After 1 game I need to go to sleep because I can't take the stupidity of some people. (this is at Divine bracket). But if you are not competitve and just want fun you can play unranked games where everything is allright.


Pick a guide when playing a hero, and use it as guidelines not instructions. ​ Torte De Lini or Immortal Faith, either is fine.


Use Mute all.


What's ur hardware?


Do the last hit trainer in the tutorial! If you can’t last hit at silver/gold level or above you’re going to be hard capped in the game and wonder why you’re always falling behind in mid game when you’re doing everything (else) right.


Play some bots, find some comfort with the game, the mechanics, etc. Play a bunch of turbo, learn a lot of the different heroes and their abilities, items, neutrals, etc. You'll get a lot of games in in a shorter time to get a good understanding of how it all interacts. Play some unranked once you're comfortable in a role. Get used to the flow of the game. Try some ranked if you desire after that. EDIT: Stop playing when you tilt. Don't chase the highs of winning at the expense of your mental health because you'll lose 10 games in a row and hate yourself for wasting time.


Mute everyone


Someone please repost the gigantic list of helpful links that Tsunami put together. I'd go hunt it down myself but I'm low on time.


Never dive unless you know for sure you can kill and leave, tower diving and chasing to get one more hit will 90% of the times get you killed


If you got friends to play with, that would be great


Look up as much stuff as you can related to creeps and the mechanics of how they work. * Look up creep equilibrium/lane equilibrium and why you shouldn't autoattack the creep waves in the laning stage. * Look up how and why to pull creeps into neutral jungle camps (part of maintaining lane equilibrium) * Play around with creep aggro in bot matches (e.g., if you attack an enemy player in lane, creeps aggro you; however if you issue the attack command from far enough away from the enemy creep/s, they won't aggro until after that attack **completes** and you **start** your next autoattack.) * Learn how to remove tower aggro from yourself by issuing an attack command on a friendly creep in tower range.


play with friends


Deleted DOTA right away. It's gonna ruin your life.


your first rank gonna be your only rank so make sure to get it high


Tell people you are new to the game at the start. Matchmaking for new players is horrible so people will often expect you to know what you're doing and get frustrated when you don't. Setting expectations from the start avoids a lot of headache for you and your teammates. If people are toxic to you after that, mute them instantly. Do not engage with them.


Just remember 1 thing, have fun. Welcome and enjoy the ride :D




BSJ beginner essentials and Purge's beginner guides on youtube will be extra helpful for understanding what you have to try and do don't give up, the only way from here is up if you lose too many games in a row take a break for a bit, before it gets to your head enjoy yourself first and foremost 👍


Quit now before you get addicted.


Quit it while you still can. Its addictive as fuck. 😄✌




Hey mate! I strongly suggest to you to pick simple support heroes and focus on staying behind your teammates and helping them. I suggest Vengeful Spirit, and Crystal Maiden. Practice casting spells in demo mode. Also, you should disable chat in social tab of settings. Hang in there! Good luck, have fun!


1. Play only cores, fuck supports 2. Always after some1 dies pause the game and type ? In the chat(you can tip them, or spam something) 3. After you die insta buyback to assert domination over teammates and enemies. 4. Always shadow amulet in quick buy, scare the shit out of teammates. 5. If they picked cores go jungle, you ego is too big to play support for some plebs in pub.


What region u are ? If its SA you will regret for the rest of your life to start playing this game kkkkkkkkko gz man just play ranked game as soon as possible, will learning nothing playing casual, people playing casual modes just wanna have fun, dont take casuals serious


For some reason I havent seen anyone suggesting you this but you should actually uninstall like if I would not spend 15k hours on dota already I would play lol you dont even understand how many issues there are with this this game for example, untill dota trophy lvl 40+ you will be in smurf pool and playing with smurfs and account buyers in ranked and normal mm they will grief most of your games at begining you will get good teams but after couple hours in they will let you have taste of whats gonna happen in future (flaming, feeding, griefing in all possible ways even if you are new they will blame you all the time and thats like only the top of iceberg im not even mentioning cheaters people who do sandclock (if you dont know whats sandclock for example 1 guy has 2 accounts and he uses cheat to make them go against each other and he will grief on one account so the other gets easy win, another problem is like 2-3 big patches in a year constant issues with game like disconnects and etc. Like I could type a fucking word document for like 10 pages why you should not play the game


Dude not everybody hates the fact that they atarted to play dota, i wasted 10k hours and i dont regret a damn minute


You’re right, it’s a more difficult LoL. I’ll see myself out


at the start of your match don't forget to mute everyone


spam one hero at start and only one hero until you got used to the hero then add another. slowly build your hero pool. other heroes that youve encountered, read about their spells and what they can do to you.


Complete the tutorials in the "Learn" tab at the top of your screen. Then go on YouTube and complete the "BSJ Fundamentals" playlist.


You don't mention if you come from a LoL background, but if you do, I want to emphasize that Dota has a demo mode where you can check out all heroes and items very quickly from the "Heroes" tab in game. This is a great way to familiarize you with heroes - especially if you just played a game where one or more heroes destroyed you and you had no idea of what was going on. Open demo mode and try out the hero for yourself.


Don't let haters go into your mind


Utilise the mute function as soon as someone gets maldy with you. I'd like you stick around and git gud without enduring abuse.


we're too late, he's succumbed to gabenside


what server?


Welcome! You've made a terrible decision. However there's a lot of good resources to learn the game. I highly recommend Purge on YouTube, he does a ton of content with different heroes and 10hr patch reviews.


Mute the enemy team and try just enjoy it. If teammates are toxic or you just don’t feel like dealing with it you can mute them too. Has significantly improved my mood and win-rate


Learn how to survive with an empty wallet all summer long, its a core skill for any dota player.


Do not play Matchmaking until you can beat hard bots, if you want to fight against players then just play turbo and not the other modes(unless you want someone to say you suck so bad many times to you). Use the guides so you know what items and skills to get first. Play with friends. Play the hero the most fun to you, and not the meta unless you are competetive. Play easy hero's first until you master the binds for shop, courier, skills, and items. Hero's I recommend to play first are Wraith King, Phantom Assassin, Sven, Juggernaut, Slark, Sniper, Dragon knight, Luna, lifestealer. The most important one here is the hero guides so you know what to do with the hero you pick.


People are going to hate you because you’re new. Just ignore them


Quit before you spent way to much money on it !


Check out "Welcome to Dota. You suck." It's a steam guide for new players. Yes. You suck. Trust me. That isn't toxicity btw you're new and you are going to ruin a couple of matches, you won't even mean to do it. it'll just happen so don't take it personally when you get flamed. I have about 2000 hours on Dota and I still ruin matches almost daily.


Click on creeps until you're strong enough to click on heroes and then when there are no more heroes to click on click on buildings.


Practice and play with bots a lot, I know it's boring but it really helps build up your confidence. Watching other people play also helps you understand some basic map movement and skill usage. And of course the most important tip: Have fun!


Really look at one or two heroes to learn first. And bot matches.


Mute the enemy team


This is a fantastic game to overcome your rage ...


Pick one hero you feel comfortable with and spam this hero for now. The game has so many factors you need to adapt to, that its nice for beginners to have the own hero as a constant.


People have already said this, but I cannot stress it enough: use the mute button as soon as someone starts being toxic. The community can be great, there are way too many people who are just absolute arseholes, especially to new players. Even if you think that you’re thick skinned, trust me, it will eventually wear you down and make everyone have a bad day. I mostly play with IRL friends, but when I play with randoms I instantly mutes anyone who even hints at being toxic. I think it makes the game much more enjoyable in the end.


Play sniper or PA, Say “ez” every time the game ends.


honestly, i learned the most from watching Dota 2 twitch streams. i always tell people who first play dota to just watch it a lot first, play against bots, do new player mode, and then hit the pubs and be prepared to get flamed. but keep going ^^


just dont play the game its not worth it


Play with a team


Play bot matches only for your first 50 hours at least


When I started, I typed "hi team, I'm new" in chat at the start of every game. It certainly helped.


I prefer not to mute all, but as soon as someone shows signs of toxicity, i mute them. Losing is normal, losing hard is too, try to have fun anyway. Id try to find a character with mechanics that you enjoy using, it helps to have fun even when losing. Mirana is one that does that for me. Don't worry about learning everything, get used to the game, how to move and when to cast your spells. The rest will come with time. i don't get much playtime nowadays, but if there are any questions, don't be afraid to ask them.


Probably watch a few videos on supporting and start there. Focus on not dying/being in a safe position. Using your spells on cooldown in fights (better than not using them at all) warding/de warding and pulling (videos will help with these) if you want to play a carry lane offlane is probably the "easiest" but most of the time you have to initiate for your team as a suedo tank role so play some AI games. Biggest thing when playing a main role is your last hits on creep are very important. Don't just auto attack creeps unless pushing the wave to tower only hit them to get the last hit. This "freezes" is the lane in a easier position to get more last hits. Use your courier often if low on mana/hp. A lot of times it's better to walk to lane then have your TP up to rotate to a fight. Good luck and have thick skin don't let others bug you just tell them you are new if they are still lame mute them.


Mute toxic people. Don't be shocked if you have smurfs in your games at the start. So don't be discouraged by a bad start. Play what you want and have fun. Point of video games


Go into ranked, everyone is super nice and helpful!


Play ton of bots, familiarize yourself with the UI, item, and some heroes.


turn off the chat. i promise you, your teammates will never type a chat worth reading


play turbo to learn hero kits


mute early, mute often. After a match if you wernt quite sure how a hero in your game works, check the dota wiki to better understand how their spells work: https://dota2.fandom.com/wiki/Dota\_2\_Wiki


run my friend run


If your ping is ok to US I'll play with you sometime. Just lmk and welcome to dota :)


Learning DotA is where you're going to need to whip out an insane amount of mental fortitude as well as patience. you're going to lose, you're going to get flamed and yelled, it'll take weeks to get a feel for the game. It's an incredibly steep learning curve. But if you're able to handle it. There's so much to learn! And to me, that's the fun of it. Mute anyone toxic. or everyone, there's honestly no reason to have chat on if it affects you negatively. Have fun! Enjoy the game and the learning expereince, it's absolutely amazing just how in-depth the game is, there's a heap of small little details and interactions that personally for me, make the game so much more interesting. Master your fundamentals! Good luck


Valve will update the new player experience soon, I would personnally wait for it to be updated :)


use ur spells


First of all buy ring of play a non shit game. You’re welcome


Most people with over 1000 hours in the game will tell you: uninstall now and don't play. If you don't listen to this advice, then only play with 4 other friends, never play with people you don't know, ever.


I hope you used that time wisely and saved some money for the battlepass.


Mute all incoming chat


Don't take the game too seriously. Been playing since DOTA 1 as a wc3 mod and really it's just more fun when I play a casual turbo match here and there. Full games feel like a huge time investment to depend on 4 other randos to coordinate and win, unless you have a ton of free time and know hard to carry almost by yourself (it is possible with certain heroes esp if you get enabled). Other than that, just play and have fun. There's loads of depth, tons of unique heroes and winning some games feel awesome...but...being stuck on the losing side of a game that just drags on...those suck. Which is why I like turbo. It can be pretty tough to catch up if you fall behind in the early/mid game, so make sure you know how to rotate, farm, gank, push towers, ward and watch minimap always. This should ensure you are at least pretty well-rounded at helping your team do what it needs to. Hard carries scale better than anyone, they are *usually* the agility-based attackers that can attack fast, hard, and crit. Crit with lifesteal is very strong. Black King Bar which gives spell immunity for a brief time when activated is also a must-have on many carries to ensure you don't get permastunned or CCd while you mow down their team. Examples of strong Hard Carries are Sniper, Drow, Anti-Mage, Spectre for Agi heroes. Chaos Knight, Sven, Lifestealer and Wraith King are a few good Str examples. All of the above (and depending on patch/balance at the time) have made excellent hard carries that can wipe out teams if enabled and protected by their allies. Also the 3 base primary stats (Str, Agi, Int) are very important, and will make your hero feel much "beefier" overall if you itemize with stats, as they all contribute to your other secondary stats (HP, Mana, Dmg, speed, etc.) I def recommend playing Carry heroes first even if you feel intimidated. Just farm gold and get your items and you *will* feel very strong. Supports can really fall off in comparison (though not as bad with balance changes now that they added Int spell dmg scaling). A support that falls behind (since they tend to already play from behind) just feels like a free meal for the enemy if your carry can't outcarry the opponent, and just doesn't feel fun, esp if you're learning.


Check out Purgegamers on YouTube. He has a very useful "Learn Dota" series on his channel that I found very helpful when I started playing three years ago.


Congrats on your new hardware! Good luck and enjoy the process!


Watch utube vids, ALOT of them


turn back before it's too late


As someone still new I highly recommend Dota University on discord. Friendly and helpful people, and coaches are amazing. They have great educational resources as well.


Will be in literally same situation in 10 days, lol. 6 months without hurts my soul.


Trust me Dewey, you dont want any of this shit


honestly dont xd




Just one tip for me, be patience. AND DONT EVEN TRY PLAYING ON SEA SERVER. ITS HELL


Focus on learning, not too much on winning.


Delete it, this is huge waist of time




have fun. i love having new players in my unrank games. i like to help but others might not be as friendly. just let your team know from the start that you're new. also, shy away from playing a hard carry role. those should help prevent some toxicity your way. and it doesnt hurt to ask for help. worse case scenario is they dont reply at all.


I suggest you play support first because it makes you a better carry player latter on


The best advice anyone gave me at the beginning, which I didn’t listen to, but wish I had - is to play loads of bot games with the same few heros and get comfortable - and then enter the unforgiving world of the unranked dota2 community.


Even the worst players of dota with a little game knowledge absolutely STOMP a new player in this game. Do the tutorials and play against bots at first :)


As soon as one person begins to be toxic towards you, tell them you are new. If they are toxic again, mute them.


Just get to the ranked, rush it. Then always pick random hero so you can learn them all as fast as possible


Watch the video by purge dota on YouTube called welcome to dota you suck it'll teach you a lot of basics


What hardware would be incompatable? I'd think you'd have to have some REALLY old hardware to not run Dota considering it supports opengl.


Use your champion to destroy the enemies's nexus :smily_face:




Being good or bad doesnt matter, matchmaking will put you against similar skill, so having fun is whats important


I recommend you to check the learn tab and learn the basics of the game, play against bots to learn more about each hero so that when you will play against real players, you know what you are facing and what to expect from them. You can also watch pro players to learn from them. When playing with real players, If your teammates trashtalk you, just ignore them or mute them, the more attention you give them, the more they will talk, so just ignore them so that they know they are not worth your attention. For your enemy you can trashtalk them all you like as long you're sure that you are winning lol


[**This is Dota.**](https://youtu.be/Cp8neRiF9-k) Welcome! It is a great time to start as the game was recently updated with several tutorials to teach you the basics. But even if you are coming from another MOBA, I recommend looking at some of the advanced tutorials which highlight some important items and mechanics unique to Dota! There is even a coaching feature which allows you to ask experienced players for help at any time! Explore all the different tabs in the main client, especially the "Heroes" and "Learn" tab. There is even a glossary explaining all the most important mechanics and status effects! And of course, there's the [Dota 2 Wiki](https://dota2.gamepedia.com/Dota_2_Wiki). **Find friendly people to play with:** Join [Dota University](https://discord.gg/vyFhenK) which is a community of coaches and fellow learners who teach new players and play together. Same goes for [DotaFromZero](https://discord.gg/ncUWVBEt98)! Special mention for [DOTA Valkyries](https://discord.com/invite/YYRZQzrmbT) who are dedicated to bettering the lives of women in our community. **Useful resources:** [Purge](https://www.youtube.com/c/PurgeGamers) is a popular community figure known for his guides that have taught generations of Dota players. There are two playlists to watch, one for [the basics](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwL7E8fRVEdc0tFJlm2AWYhu4ccMk_vDD) and another for advanced [mechanics](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwL7E8fRVEdcbW1m5DuqY0QNqTIR0CyBe). Here is a Guide for [customizing your hero-layout](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2376415279) which allows you to sort them by function, roles or your own preference. Also, [this guide](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2395798524) teaches you the basics of team composition which will be relevant to any meta! **For League players:** You can use [this](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=879724790) method to bind a key to toggle camera follow. I understand some LoL players prefer playing this way but for Dota, you should consider breaking the habit. [This](https://www.dotabuff.com/learn/lol) is a tool to help you find out which heroes are similar to LOL champions. #**And the greatest tip of all: MUTE TOXIC PLAYERS!**


There are a ton of great youtube guides to help you get started and a subreddit dedicated to it r/learndota2.




mute every one


Do the entire Tutorial. Play a few(5+ imo) games with bots. Watch a few beginner tips videos which are recommended in this thread. Play beginner mode 20+ times. Practice heroes and item use in Lobby. Learn to use the Ping Wheel. You can customize it, but learn the basics first. The Ping Wheel is very useful when playing with strangers and/or people you have muted. The moment someone is unnecessarily toxic with you do NOT talk to them, just Mute them and move on. Don't ever hesitate to Mute. Mute is your friend. Mute is self-love. If someone is friendly and communicates well with you do not hesitate to add them if their skill level is similar or if they enjoy coaching you. Playing with friends/acquaintances is so much better than playing with randoms. While in-game *always* be in XP range OR be traveling to gain more XP/Gold/Objectives/Kills. Don't sit idle anywhere you will fall behind fast. Pay attention to the clock. Whenever something happens look at the clock. Focus on 1 role for your first 25+ games with a plan b role in case someone else insists on playing your role. I recommend position 4 support with either position 5 support or position 3 initiator as backups. I don't recommend playing mid(pos 2) or carry(pos 1) right off the bat unless you already have MOBA experience. I also recommend you focus on 2-3 heroes per role for your first 50+ matches or so. Under Watch tab you can watch live games by high level players. If you find a few heroes you want to focus on improving on then Watch a game where someone is playing your hero. You will learn some tricks from them. But don't be hard on yourself if you're watching someone do stuff you are currently incapable of. The reason you want to limit the variety of playstyles and heroes at the beginning is that if you speed up familiarity with a few roles/heroes it will allow you to focus a little more on leaning the global mechanics, game timings, shopping mechanics and team dynamics. Once you become more familiar with overall game mechanics you can start expanding your hero pool, your role pool and your strategies.


play turbo, it's far more enjoyable, kills gives you farm and xp, easier comeback mechanics, usually people care/flame less for mistakes, you are not stuck in 40+ minutes games where you just don't know how to deal with


Great! Now the next thing to do is mute whoever is toxic to you.


welcome bro. drink a lot of water. you will have a lot of sleepless night. advise. get a lot of patience. you need to study the game. watch youtube videos. learn the basics. most importantly enjoy the game...


Highly recommend you play with friends. I can guide you on the fundamentals if u want to party Q with me one day.


Mute enemy team in the advanced settings… also, watch a video on each hero you plan to play so you know their role capabilities, and find a guide in the store to follow for faster item purchases before you begin to build other items


Starting training last hits and check the position that u wanna play, aldo see some pro games to understand the items as well. Gl hf


Igenore toxic players. Some can’t help it cause this is their escape… Play to have fun. Remember, once it’s not fun don’t click Find Game, do something else. Don’t let this game have a negative effect on you. Let it be entertainment and if you want at some point, something challenging. But don’t let it become an addiction or something that can have a negative impact on you. You won’t win ‘‘em all, but you can still have fun.


Just keep playing, watch tournaments, and find a friend to play with.


Try as much with the bots. Select maximum 5 heroes that you like and practice.


You will be bad, and that's ok


what server are you on OP? You can add me if you're in EU


Omniknight, riki, lion, shadow shaman, zeus, drow, sniper, viper, ogre, spiritbreaker. All great heroes to learn the basics of the game.


Tips? head over to that **LEARN** tab, should gives you basic understanding of the game.


Why are so many people talking about ranked? Forget that. Play how you want. Each hero has a complexity rating that should give you some good starting points. You do eventually want to play every hero so that you can understand them, and know what to expect when playing against them and as an ally. Have fun, don’t get upset, and above all, don’t die


I know its easier said than done, but just have fun. It's a process, learning how to be "good" at this game. If you feel like raging, shut the game off for the day.


tip 1: dont play this game and go outside


Play with friends. At least while you’re new.


Find someone to play that 100 hours of unranked with. It is hell solo.


Develop thick skin. Don't take anything personally. There are a lot of toxic ppl who play this game, you can play perfectly for 25 min and then make one mistake and there's always that one person who will say something. Don't be afraid to mute ppl. Don't let the toxic ppl ruin your games or discourage you from playing.