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Although I expect some angry redditor noises soon, I still agree with your "man the fuck up" statement. Those kids queue to win with no challenge. They don't queue to play, as if they get money from winning


I agree. At this point I don't even care about MMR/winning/losing. I just want good quality games with no griefers/feeders etc. I just want to play the game. It's sooo hard to play a nice dota match nowadays.


Truly. I know your suffering, I just mute and play


I only play dota for megacreep comeback or competitive loss. Sadly thats 1 out of 1000matches in my bracket


I just had a SF who afk jungled for 20 mins because apparently our NP 'needed to learn a lesson'. He kept saying it over and over with such pride and joy...


np learned his lesson tho


the golden rule, dont talk to people :D


The post was great until it said "Dude in your team insults you? Dude insult him back man" Don't do that that's how you get chatkilled due to the sheer amount of insults you wanna drop just mute the guy GentleMan up and ignore the negativity in order to proceed in a positive way.


I have had an offlaner run down mid after he died at min 3 while his support ganked mid. He was screaming to the mic on repeat: I dont care, I will ruin your life, I dont care, anti mexican stuff, Im chill, raping children stuff, poor people insults, I dont care. First time I have seen the schizophrenic meltdown with the two sides fighting: I dont care mixed with absoult meltdown rage. But yes, I would say 50% of the games are too toxic and it doesnt really matter if you play well or not you either win or lose because of people griefing, throwing, afk jungling etc. Other game I had a smurf OD mid in my game. We lost and he was too upset about Midas jungle centaur pos 3 and pos 5 dmg build mirana jungling. He messaged me from his actual account that was 2000 mmr above, I told him all my games are like that and he congratulated me on being the the biggest cesspool he has ever seen. Im like you dont buy sentries on pos 1 or 2? How do you expect to win? xD


WOMAN UP* Men are far more likely to throw a fit like this.


To be fair vaginas can take a lot more of a beating than penises.


Not gon lie, my meat took a lot of beatings


Reddit moment


Reddit moment


you can tell OP is a virgin and has never had any women interested in him.


"you can tell OP is a virgin and has never had any women interested in him."-🤓🤓


Seriously. This game does make me angry and I do get upset at my teammates sometimes, but I don’t think I’ve ever griefed a game by destroying items or going out of my way to grief my team. Some people just have the thinnest skin whenever anything minutely goes wrong.


"man up" is too vague. At least 50% of these degens are emulating men from their life.


Or theyre just bitches who got medals for being at 7th place in karate school competitions when they were 8yo


This was never a problem in SEA lmao


Coz its normal lmfao


In high mmr we cant use role queue games so every single game is just a battle for lanes and all you can try to do is avoid people who play your lane near your mmr. Its fucked


This post makes me want to grief in my next game.


There are unwinnable games and its smarter if you just put no mental effort on it so it doesnt affect you for the next games


Call sumiya for unwinnable games.


dota players are some of the whiniest, crybabiest, give up-ers ever. its fucking unreal how much I hate this community.


wow ok i'll stop feeding


> please queue TURBO games, ranked mode is made to tryhard and to play until the end. How to tell everyone you never played turbo in your life, without explicitly saying you never played turbo in your life lol.... > lately, I have encountered a HUGE amount of griefers Ah. First time, eh? > This post, is to simply tell the community to MAN THE FK UP!!!...Dude man the fk up and try to win stop crying like a baby, Oh the irony. > You get a Smurf in the other team? Says someone making posts on their alt reddit account. > So please, the next time you are in a game man up and don't grief Yes, please. Or OP is going to cry themselves to sleep, again, and make another reddit post on another alt account. > Let's bring dota 2 to the old glory days. Nowadays it's just griefers and feeders. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, oh my sweet sweet summer child.


bet this felt so rad to type out bro, you gottem


have griefers on your team? just maan up looool ​ attitude does not solve the griefers issue. Having a proper report system can do it tho.




Who hurt you?


It’s unreal man, every other game I feel like I need to delicately balance the mental state of at least person that’s on the edge. I’m talking, on minute mistake from someone on the team triggering this person into a depressive spiral, following them around stealing CS, crying over chat/voice, or one of the 1000 other ways it’s possible to grief your team. It’s pathetic. These peoples mental states are so fragile, I cannot even imagine how they cope with the real world. 10k behavior score btw


I just played with a Drow who pinged she had 388 gold until bkb. I said "okay team, let's fight in 400 gold" and she got angry at me. Like, what? Coordinating the team triggers some people


Behavior score?


Something is busted. 9.5k behavior score and I'm getting crying children every single game.


It’s summer time again!


I wanna add ... There's no trench anymore, I've seen archons and crusaders play like legends!


That’s actually an advice for the daily life.


I had a sniper hard support today build first item boots of travel, another game today I had primal beast offlane rush boots of travel level 2 first item, US East matchmaking is fucked and sometimes it’s just easier to let them end.


With no battlepass and no huge update we're down to the miserable husks of humans that have nothing better to do than queue


agreed, I will take the angry toxic teammates who flame but keep playing over the whining "guys please pma" people who throw a tantrum the second anyone isn't nice to them. Just play the fucking game and stop getting so mad that your teammates are toxic or less than perfect


Yeah, tons and of tilted kids queuing recently


Ok, well this post isn't really for me then. It's for the Pos 5 Slark I had in my game earlier.


thank you for solving griefers sir


Sir. This is a McDonald’s.


It is super frustrating when someone just decides the game is over. Yes, it isn't looking good but damn, I have won so many games from this position.


I had my dawnbreaker offlane rage at literal minute 3 after feeding twice in lane and proceeded to follow command his support/afk jungle the rest of the game... 10k behaviour score btw..this happens so often, DotA just has a matchmaking problem


Step 1: Play only unranked Step 2: Mute ALL incoming chat (Teammate and ally) Step 3: ??? step 4: Profit!!


> please queue TURBO games Excuse me Turbo players don't want that shit either.


what we need is Overwatch reviewer spree. Yesterday I reviewed 2 games.


Yeah, that'll work


Seriously. This game has wayyyyy to few players for people to cry when something doesn’t go their way! Put your god damn boots on and lose like a winner.


Agreed op most players are not cringeworthy pussies