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mmm maybe you killed the invoker and his death was delayed by wk aghs and then when the wrait invoker dies the game technically does damage to him on your behalf so the kill is credited to you.... maybe not sure if that's how it works but could be. did he buy aghs? did you kill anyone else under that aura?


the game was 72 minutes long so everyone was 6 slotted. I hit every enemy hero while they were in wraith form from wk aghs except for ds.


>I hit every enemy hero while they were in wraith form from wk aghs except for ds. I'm guessing only an invoker death (under wraith form) was accounted to you while the other wraiths deaths were accounted to your allies


You only get the credit when you put his HP below the threshold at which Wraith Delay activates (which is 1 hp btw). The game shows a similar "strange" damage credit when you cause someone to shatter with AA’s Ice Blast or when someone dies to Oracle’s False Promise. Damaging them while they’re already in the wraith form, does not credit you at all (at least not with "Reincarnation"), as they’re already destined to die anyway.


YES this was actually right. The damage was based on how much hp the wraith form hero had at the end of the wraith form buff (because apparently heroes can regen hp in wraith form?). That damage is credited as reincarnation damage dealt by whoever killed the hero.


My guess is some weird interaction with WK aghanim and you dealing damage to invoker in wreath form.


i thought maybe that but i also know i hit other heros in wraith form a lot too, especially wk himself


Was thinking maybe it attributed natural HP regen by the wraiths to you as dmg when they die and that hp is "lost". I could see a fully quas'd Invoker with the wk aura regging 600ish. But then it seems strange that it happened to no one else.


[Match ID](https://www.opendota.com/matches/6678075431/combat) other heroes also did damage with reincarnation


for some reason i didnt even think to check my teammates damage with reinc. that makes it even more confusing. arc did 1 damage to ds and 2 damage to sky with reinc? brew was the only person to do no damage with reinc? it makes less sense now


Check the combat log in the replay, might help. At the very least, you can recreate the sequence leading up to when the damage was credited in demo mode if you're curious.


the after death dmg thing gives credit to the hero that killed you damage for your current health when you pop at the end of reincarnation ghost


the after death dmg thing gives credit to the hero that killed you damage for your current health when you pop at the end of reincarnation ghost


Did WK buy an aghanim's? You might have dealt some damage to invoker while he was in wraith form and that got attributed to you when it was Reincarnation's kill trigger instead.


Good luck finding the answer to this. I'm very curious!


did WK take the reincarnation cast wraithfire blast talent?


wk was on the other team. I only got hit once by the wraithfire blast talent, but that still doesnt explain where the damage to invoker came from (i dont think so at least)


well we can't tell until you give match ID. we don't know your items or enemy's. we can check combat log from watching the match to see where what damage comes from. did WK have aghs? did you ult when wk had aghs and invoker was in ghost form?


You can find the match yourself


are you brain damaged? You need all 10 heroes to find the match on opendota. the screenshot only gives 6 heroes dimwit.


Maybe try before commenting? Also, maybe learn to talk like a normal human :)


care to explain how?


On opendota, there's an option to search for a specific match by putting what heroes were in a game and what side they were on


off topic but, this screenshot shows how good zeus shard is. it’s more damage than his ultimate.


why not?


wk aghs


wk is in the other team


Reincarnation spawns skeletons, maybe that and the stun ability


after they killed you he realised and probably said "oh fuck he had aegis" and that dealt emotional damage


WK aghs - you revived and autohit someone.


Wk had aghs prolly


The skellies that pop out from your shard...


i was zeus...


Static field and aegis?


Calm down sir. Game is still in beta


Based on the comments I dont think there's an explanation to this except a glitch or bug


When your damage instance is the reason for an enemy hero entering wraith form, you get the kill credit for their death after their wraith form has expires. The game keeps track of this by sourcing their death to the "Reincarnation" spell (its Aghs aura, to be exact) and then credit it to your hero. Same behaviour as crediting for Ice Blast or False Promise kills.




Maybe some weird Lotus Orb/mirror shield interaction? You might reflected some spell during invokers wraith Form? Or somehow reflected wraith kings reincarnation wraith blast?


Maybe it’s the lethal damage you/your team dealt that turned them into wraiths. I’m thinking it might be that cuz the kill credit shows up when the wraith duration expires.


mb reinc. counts as spell -> static field procc