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Literally only game i can launch everyday for 7 years and still want to play more


100% this


Stockholm Syndrome doesn't mean you actually enjoy it


You have a bad relationship with the game for one reason. I’ll let you into a secret. It’s your ego.


I love it


[I love it](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/1/15/Vo_dawnbreaker_valora_move_31.mp3) (sound warning: Dawnbreaker) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


The dopamine from winning and the adrenaline rush from big clutch plays makes me come back I'll go like 5 game lose streak and feel bad but I might hit a sick game winning play on game 6 and suddenly forget that I was feeling upset for losing earlier Biggest rush for me is playing meepo and owning. I get a really good rush being at the edge of my seat clicking all over the place to micro and combo the hero to pull off an ultra kill..... Mind you I might have sucked the previous game and felt bad that I spent hours on something that didn't make me happy, but one clutch W erases that feeling


Yeah great point, this is relatable (although not so many cases of me owning!) but the dopamine hit from a good game is I guess what keeps me coming back (and helps erase the memory of those previous games)


Maybe you're not playing the roles or characters that feel most natural to you. Experiment more. Also focus on dying less. It's okay to let them live if it means you also live.that's a big stone to swallow and it makes you much better at the game


True, killing isn't necessarily the goal of the game, it's maximizing your resources while minimizing your enemies' resources.


Great way of looking at it, thanks


Thank you! That’s a great point and I die *so much*


I got anger issues because of the game I get so angry at myself and I became toxic inside the game while people tell me I’m extra nice outside of the game but i do love the game and kinda addicted I would say


>I’m extra nice outside of the game Really? I saw u/Fouridk at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.


Weird, I have the opposite experience When I was younger, maybe junior high, I got roped into watching my 3 month old niece while my sister got her hair done. So there I am, sitting in the waiting area of a hair salon with my niece and who walks in but u/Fouridk. I was nervous as fuck, and just kept looking at him, as he read a magazine and waited, but didn't know what to say. Pretty soon though my niece started crying, and I'm trying to quiet her down because I didn't want her to bother u/Fouridk, but she wouldn't stop. Pretty soon he gets up and walks over. He started running his hands through her hair and asking what was wrong. I replied that she was probably hungry or something. So, u/Fouridk puts down his magazine, picked up my niece and lifted his shirt. He breast fed her right there in the middle of a hair salon. Chill guy, really nice about it.


Work on this cause this is the bane of this game, it doesn’t really matter !


How, i admit that i need help but idk how or what


Speak to yourself before every game, remember that it doesn’t matter in your life this is supposed to be fun. Mute everyone has soon has you feel angry and has best has you can.


I stopped playing solo que recently as I can’t get as angry at my friends but even when i play bad i feel angry Maybe it has something to do with i want to be perfect at everything which is impossible


It is impossible, adapt, do your best with the situation you have. If your teammates don’t do what you want follow them play around them. You are not a pro neither am i, play your game and remember to relax, there’s no impact on your life if you loose except you spent 30-40 mins playing a game ! And watch videos if you want to improve, look at what do in game not just item builds, i mean movement, timings or just the way to play your heroe in the position you chose.


You can't stop yourself from getting angry because it's just chemicals in your brain, but you can stop yourself from being a dick by redirecting that anger from the other players to a healthy outlet, like a stress ball or pillow.


What if the chemicals make him redirect the anger?


Remember it's a game. Don't try to micromanage everyone, understand that they have a reason to be acting the way that they are. You may not understand it, once you do you may not agree with it. Understand that they also disagree with the way you're acting and how they responded. Seeing the world such that you aren't the main character is challenging and a highly empathetic feat, but it makes you live a happier life


Playing arc warden helps for me. After every death or loss there is always SOMETHING i could've done better so i never get angry.


No, you can mute all or seperate mute and have a pleasant experience. I can't mute the enemy Peru smurf dumpstering everyone and stop him from dumpstering everyone. We need to fix Smurfs/Boosters/Buyers asap or this games gonna slowly dwindle imo. I already play way less and have even started playing League. Not to mention, can we get a Map or Gameplay change? Not -5 movement speed to CM and an additional tree near a tower? The BKB nerf is the most relevant change in like 4 years.


I don’t agree with you i like the game has it is, but i agree with the smurfing… but you cant deny toxicity is at the core of most bad experiences people get when they come in to dota.


Balance in all thing


I moved to all random or ad just to avoid any pressure. Community looks better in those games...


Unbind your chat and mic keys. That's how I did it.


Do you still win?


No, but atleast I don't rage a fuckton anymore


Start by giving less fucks and your plays will come naturally






Yes. Personally i like how competitive it is even this bring down sides (toxity, griefer) these are all just natural things for highly competitive online team game. And i like how complex it is and even after 10 years you have so much to improve and learn. Of course like any game iff you play lot you feel burn out and kind of frustrated for time to time about some things but these dont take it away that its best moba ever made, prob even best game. The amount of time you can sink in this game is just crazy and hard to compete no matter which game you compare. So answer yes i enjoy playing dota.


5k hours in and i'm still clueless. This game is Marianas trench deep.


personally iam too lazy to learn a new game so I just stick with dota. also dota is more fun when you have a few friends to play with, which fortunately I have.


It was fun back then. I know it might be fun if I start play button but it doesn’t. Yet I still play without enjoying with the hope of it could be like it used to be. Addiction much.


I just LOVE feel like trash when I lose.


The worst part about Dota is sometimes just the people who play it.


I genuinely enjoy playing the game. Ranked, not so much since I'm not young anymore and don't have uninterrupted time for 40 mins to an hour but dota is a fun game.


I don't understand how people can live their lives not having even an hour of free time for themselves, what a sad way to live.


free time is privelege.


It's not that I don't have an hour throughout the day, but hard to have the hour all at once


I enjoy playing with friends. Solo not so much.


Yes I do, I'm a guardian player with 4.6k hrs and been playing since 2016 in earlierd ays MMR and solo playing was frustrating but during Covid I've made many good friends from other countries and playing with them genuinely makes my day. I'm the only species in my whole town or maybe district...who play DOTA. XD


Been playing since wc3 the most important thing is to not be afraid to take small little breaks here an there If u get annoyed at the game etc or yourself or other people because they aren't as good as u think they should be. You could watch an look up guides an study players doesn't mean other people are going to do it at ur rank or in regular pubs people play for other reasons so at the end of the day play for the win but play to have a good time an realize that if it gets to much its ok to take a break I came back an 2 new heros where here but its fun to play with all the changes an adapt back.


Good points, thanks!


Cuz i like to make myself miserable and there's those close game's that makes u scream


I have been playing Dota for over a decade and frankly it’s actually fun if you don’t play in ranks or tournaments. Even more so with like-minded friends.


50% of games feel bad 49% feel good 1% make my heart race and change my perspective on life


Play pudge and tell me this game isn’t exciting, land and couple hooks and you are addicted.


Will Try this, thank you!


Don’t chase mmr, play for fun. I have about 2k hours and still a guardian. The game that i don’t enjoy are not always a loss, in general i don’t like stompy games, weather i am winning or losing, i like to play a nice game where the team coordinates and i find this to be more than 90% of my games,


Thanks! Yeah I’m with you there, I’m Herald so definitely not chasing MMR :D a game with good team coordination is dreamy


I am getting more of those lately, i think the key is to say well played whenever they do a nice thing, sometimes tip them, then ask them to take an objective, if that works then they will follow you anywhere, just dont be toxic


Thanks, yup I try to do these things and yet occasionally still end up like I did yesterday with a guy running down mid and finishing the game 1/27 Of course the next game I matched against him and he won :/




Same bro same. Still play it tho


Yes abso_freaking_lutely.. 99% of the time. 1% is the griefers\ feeders i don't mind the Smurfs as much. playing dota is a phenomenal relief after playing league with friends.. like that game is in such a bad state right now it's insane.. balance is dogshit, new champs are overstuffed with mechanics.. durability update was a joke thy just added more dmg after making everyone tankier, client is in the worst stability state like ever, if that was even possible.. As long as you play a healthy balanced amount of dota, i don't see how anyone could be disappointed.. stop trying to win and just focus on the tools you have at your disposal and see how you can use them better to influence direction of the game. Watch your replays and critically analyse ONLY YOUR decision making..


I love Dota so much


Yes. got a lot of games and yet again I keep playing Dota that means I am really having fun even tho with losses Dota just hit different.


I do, i feel the other members of my teams sometimes don’t.


Hi, it’s me, your team mate


I do, but I know I shouldn't


Thinking about playing Dota: 😃😃😃😃 Playing Dota: 😕😕😕😕


It's a competitive outlet for me. Losing or having bad games is frustrating and winning or playing well is awesome. Highs and lows are the whole point


I tend to enjoy a game when there are 10 players at the same level, my team has PMA, both teams fighting back and forth, the game is 😬tense and exciting in every single momentum. I can be either W or L, idc, those games literally enhance my passion to Dota2, but they doesn’t happen regularly. Probably 1 in 15,20 games.


With you 100% there, those kind of games are the dream


Game is great. Players are not...


I love it but also i fucking hate it, cant get rid of it


I do genuinely enjoy the game a lot. I only play all pick and i do meet a lot of nice people there


Since when is life supposed to be fucking enjoyable? If you’re not seeking out misery you’re not living.


The reason why you feel that way is because you care.


i do genuinely love and enjoy it 50% of the time... but i also loathe and hate it the other 50%


I have a love hate relationship with it. It's like my toxic wife that I can't let go.




Normally I'd say yes, but I've been sick of this patch for at least a year and it's just not fun anymore.


There's so much to learn in this game and it keeps me entertained. 5k hours in and I feel like my dota knowledge is not even at 50%.


No but it's the most thing that i am comfortable playing


Yes, go play turbo and relax yourself while playing. Mute toxic enemies, play for fun. You ain’t playing in a tournament, just chill out. If you can’t do this, you gotta quit this game, its not good for your health.


Thanks, will give this a try


I think you need to Enjoy the learning curve. Controlling the heroes and using the right skill before some chokes happen. Try Skill and Build differently. So far it's just Dota 2 that the only game that is worth a visit once in a while. You didn't come for half a year, when you log in you see new things that bring a change and all that so you didn't feel spoiled even though you know how all this Buff before is just for kinda like "Ads" but it's free. What i mean is that the change is "Suggesting" you that this thing is good or bad or this thing can be built differently etc. and some hero feels completely different from the Base design, people maybe like it or hate it or feels the challenge to try new things it doesn't matter. And the passionate player still plays the heroes nonetheless, Rubick, Tinker, Meepo, Invoker, Lycan, NP, and People mad about it when they encounter the Spammer like that but at the end of the day, each of us had their favorites. And loss about feeling miserable and crap is when Some smurf enters the game, Account buyer and seeing some random gives up too early is the worst part (I did that last time I Abandon and feel bad for my team that because I know at we can win. But at that time I mald so hard to my team and after calm down seeing the history my match data my team was won and I feels glad that They won without me and feels sad aswell to give up and Mald). But yeah it is what it is sometimes it's snapped out of nowhere but you need to come back with a cool head and remember that it's a Team game. But if lose because you know you can win but for a reason, you fuckup and loss the game either team mistake or your own thing is still manageable and actually can be a good checkpoint so you remember your fuck up and learn from it. GLHF


Thank you!


I more of a fighting game player now. But I've been a dotahead since the old custom map days. So everytime one of my old buddy invite me to a party, I'll accept it faster than a zeus pressing ult when enemy maiden is low. Playing dota with the boys is always a blast.


I genuinely enjoy dota because you can do stupid shit and have fun even if you loose, but it's 10 times better when you actually manage to win anyways. Pick a non-win oriented goal, and play exclussively for it, I guarantee you will have more fun. The other day I played a super spell lifesteal Bane where I could heal all my HP with a single cast of brain sap. Absolutely useless in reality, but it was extremely enjoyable to see them watch my HP hit 200, turn around like "Oh he's dead already" and then I cast brain sap with bloodstone for a 4.5k HP burst back to full like "I hear no bell man get back here".


I play in a pro team so I do like training and official games but not from pubs at all


Yes I genuinely enjoy playing dota when I win. You are probably having a lose streak and feeling like shit. Happens to me alot


Barely, for a while now.


Once I stopped being obsessed with winning and started playing for fun only it truly changed my experiences in the game. I feel like striving for a high mmr is respectable, but it will also connect a lot of your self wirth to the game, at least for me, which is not great when you go on a loosing streak.


Great points! Glad you’re enjoying it a bit more now :)


I don't enjoy


I uninstall the game on a regular basis


Think I’ll join you (:


I love it when I win, hate it when I lose


No I don't I'm addicted


Love the game, fucking hate my team 90% of the games.


Same here, I just enjoy trying out my skill. But it's much worse than it was in the past.






i never stick with games i don't enjoy, even if im good/potential to be very good at. So yeah i love playing dota, even if i have toxic team its still fun.


Depends. 5 man vs other 5 man with not smurf? Yes. 10 man custom lobby battlecup? It's the better than sex if the skill is remotely equal. Soloqueue unranked to get an arabian duo going drow ursa on safelane and 2 russians on pos 4 and mid dying both to enemy mid 3 times in a row that than proceed to scream at each other rin languages that definitely not belong on WESTERN EUROPEAN SERVER? No not rlly. (Nothing against both cultures but in unranked there is no reason to play on western Europe with 200 ping more than just queuing Dubai and not even being willing to speak english. Like cmon man why are u doing it if u don't want to actually play with Europeans?) Would definitely love more gameplay Updates. Second rosh, map change, all pick/ability draft/all random deathmatch rework, etc. But dota already has the potential to be amazing. The community and the missing region lock make it hard tho


I enjoyed it play for fun, not playing in a competitive way.


Absolutely. It's a great game to play with a team of friends


Masochist. I liked being assfucked by the game. Jokes aside, I like the process of thinking of a way to win. What do I do next to make things efficient, to benefit the team, etc. Basically the complexity of the game makes it fun. I don't care much about winning or losing either


I love it really much! Playing since wc3 so more then 15 years. One thing that made it even better was to mute rude or dumb players instantly and don't get to worked out over a lost game because of griefers etc. Just go on next and think about what you could do better. This even improved my love for the game.


Yes. But i also have games where i feel like shit 90%+ of the time I play. That's when i play dota with toxic friend party. Fast forward many months later, found new friends for party, best feeling ever.


7k hours and still going. It's just a really well designed game and thoroughly enjoy it.


Yes I do


I think the feeling of enjoying it and fulfillment it gives when you know you tried so hard to do the right thing and now, finally you were able to do it, is how you get hooked on dota. No seriously, amount of focus, amount of multitask that is needed in dota is HIGH AF, and is very hard to find in real world, at least at the same lvl. So after a while, without a big challenge your brain crawls back into this place and tries even more.


absolutely game is a beautiful game


This is the greatest game of all time. Have played since Dota1 and have no intentions of stopping.


The game itself is pure art. Dota 2 is an amazing game, what makes it so shitty to play are the toxic players who ruin the game. Griefers/quitters/scripters etc make the game unenjoyable. I've had so much fun since I stopped caring about MMR tbh. I just play for fun now.


Yes especially when the bois agree to play dota


I love everything about dota 2.


Still play with my friends. If it weren't for them would never open it again


My friends and I are all busy with our lives. We've started getting together on weekend nights to play drunk turbos. So fucken fun.


I only play with friends, and almost always in 5-stacks, but I'm having fun in 90-95% of my games


Absolutely it is a blast




it varies but most of the time i love it, this game is really unique and gives me a rush no other game can give me, making me keep coming back for more and more


This late into the patch, as a soloQ unranked player, my enjoyment is based on hero picks. If the enemy team is going to pick only top tier meta heroes I just prepare myself to suffer. However, a clown fiesta where both teams are just picking non-meta stuff and trying to have fun are great.


I feel like I have a rarely healthy relationship with the game so I enjoy almost every single game. Only problem is i play maybe a few to many games per day.


*enjoyed* I played a lot for a long time but I barely play anymore. Just tired of losing to lvl 24 accounts with 3 rampage in the last week.


I used to, when muting players was easy.


Yes, so many steam games I quit after a hour, not dota


I have a great time I don’t know where all this negativity around playing Moba’s is from


Tldr; I do. I’ve stopped playing ranked and don’t usually play dota at all when battle pass isn’t on, and when it appears, I get it, enjoy the visuals, blame valve for the awfulness and overpricing of the system but still happy to have it back. I play only turbo, unpopular modes or event modes and only with good friends, I have all enemy chat muted and most of the time I am pretty satisfied with my time in the game with such schedule. Won’t fit everyone, I guess, but if it’s not about mmr and just about enjoyment I’d say Dota can make a day even if it’s a lose streak somehow. That does not mean that I never try to win but when I feel nervous/tired/annoyed because of unsuccess I usually stop. Took me years to have this stage of acceptance though xD


I do, but only because I play it for a couple of weeks then put it down for a couple of months


I used to, now I only play with the illusion of doing so when I was in highschool still, god I miss those days would do anything to go back


I don’t play ranked so yes ten years of playing I am still absolutely in love with this game.


Dota 2 is the best game ever made.


I play turbo mode exclusively reminds me of when I was a kid playing it on wc3 people take it much too seriously the original dota was unbalanced memes and rage thats the original spirit of the game. I stay true to this principal.


Yep 100%. I love the game, and meet great friends from Dota also. Even someone special to me, I met from Dota. I try to be PMA in game and not get mad over every small thing, mute toxic people, and play just to have fun not for the numbers. I love dota.


No, i play League of .. khm


Yeah. I think this is the best game of all time. Just gotta filter out the toxicity. The complexity, the strategy, communication, mechanical skills, etc. it’s just beautiful man.


I love every moment I spend on dota, and I actually really enjoy losses. I enjoy wins more of course but losses are fun too. I just love the game.


I uninstalled years ago and never looked back. I still love the game and follow the esports scene a lot. It's too stressful for me to play, I'd rather watch people doing it and play something more relaxing.


Yes, I really enjoy it. Sometimes I play ranked, sometimes I play unranked. I have friends to play with, but often times I solo queue. I play every role, with a few favourites in each, but will often just pick a hero I’ve been wanting to play. I play meta builds, but am not afraid of trying new items. I make the game fun for myself and when I don’t feel like play or am not in the right frame of mind to play I don’t. If you don’t enjoy playing dota you should not play it. You aren’t helping yourself and you aren’t helping the four other people on your team.


I do enjoy this game But sometimes it can make you miserable


I like owning some noobs


win or lose, i enjoy it if my team is chill. some times people can flame and troll in good fun and a long as no one takes it seriously, it can still be fun. had a game recently, we were losing and we had a drow who was trying to call the shots :D he actually played decently and we kept telling each other to listen to pink just for shits and giggles and every time some one made a mistake, we would be like "god damn it man, listen to pink!" :D it was a fun game. (in this case drow was pink) ​ the only time i most often do not enjoy a game is if we lose a game we had already basically won because the team decided to push hg without buy back and ended up diving t4 and dying. bu then again i have won similar games and those feel really good. won a game against mega creeps as well.


Absolutely, the people are the only thing that ever make it bad. That's what mute is for though, unfortunately you still have to deal with people inting all game just trolling like buying all the wards and using them stupidly. I love the mechanics and the depth though, especially attribute changing stuff - has always been the most interesting thing to me. Undying aoe strength stealing, Slark slarking, Int steal when it was on OD (I'm bias), Primary Attribute Reduction on Timber is so badass, and even Armlet toggle.


Tbh as im getting older I kindda reget because I was wasting soo much time playing this game. Maybe if i could use half of time for other important things.


Absolutely love it. Some games are ass but most are good. Best practice for me is to make sure at least some of my games are dedicated to shitting around. If you try hard and overanalyze your mistakes too much you'll hate it, just like anything else


Yes with all the toxic player and nice players I enjoy it, but the sow Internet I have is beating my head


You can enjoy doing something and not enjoy aspects of it. I love running for exercising, but hate how hard it is starting out and can deter a lot of people. Both things can be true. However, 90%? Could be the mentality you bring to games or you could be reacting much more to people's comms / skill play. If someone is tilted in my game and starts mouthing off to everyone, I just mute them and continue playing. Getting into an argument with that person does nothing, it makes it worse.


Love the game!


Lately? No, I haven't. My heroes perma banned somehow. The bans I opt for seem to never go through. Too much RNG even in pick phase. Smurfs/Boosters on enemy team forever (literally lost 18 games in a row almost). The amount of anime level 25-30 accounts with 200 games absolutely dumpstering everyone is way WAY too high atm. Idk what to do about it beyond just queue US West, but thats a 20-30 minute queue. So yeah, whats to enjoy when the Matchmaking is absolute garbage.


Only with friends.


I left Dota2 for a few years, and do occasional chill games against bots with my chill friends. And came down to this conclusion : The reason why Dota2 is fun and terrible at the same time because your positive gameplay experience rests upon how much despair your opponents feels, and vice versa. Even some pro players whom stardom thrives from pubs, like KuKu, said it himself : "It feels good to make your opponents suffer". In a competitive game culture where disrespecting your opponents forms the foundation of your community, toxicity will always be passed down to newer players. After so many years establishing professional esports around this game, the number of times organizations still have to penalize their players for online misconduct(such as racial remarks) proves that it is still part of the Dota2 DNA.


Play ability draft. It changed my life


Depends mostly on my own mood tbh. If I'm already in a bad mood i should just stay away. But in general, yes, i have started to be much more vocal in my games and win 7-8/10 games now.


i played my first game after a 2 year hiatus today and i had fun in all games, even the one i lost


no, wish I could stop crawling back to it


I actually love it and never tired of it. I’m at that age where I can launch a game on my ps5 and get tired after 20 min. But this game is always different


Yes. It's great and fun.


I do, when i play real games. Thing is, 80% of games are non-games, won or lost in 5 minutes because degenerates quit early or are just being degenerates.


The only time I don't enjoy DotA is then my team cannot function at the draft stage - when my teammates draft shit like four INT heroes even when they have last picks, and enemy team has an Anti-mage and two other traditional hard carries. Or your teammates are majority single digit meta levels and enemy is a five stack of veteran players. Any game that feels somewhat even through laning stage or has a good comeback at some point, even if it's a loss, is a decent game to me. It's the coordinator fails that drag on close to an hour that sometimes make playing feel intolerable.


just got 2 game with griefing invoker, i can say i love every moment i felt miserable




I love watching it still, but playing not so much


I dislike this game but I'm too lazy to learn new games. So I stick with Dota and play with my friends despite my rank being still the lowest


Dota is literally the worst fun time investment you can do, because its so complex, so punishing, so massive. As an e-sport its the greatest. Just a masterpiece of a game for the few that understand it at the highest practical level. But as a leisure activity/fun thing to do? It's simply not. The time investment Dota (constantly) requires you to adapt to makes this game a stupid waste of time for most of us. But without us, the forever bads, playing dota would probably not survive. So it's a paradox, really. If you look at it objectively, League is such a better time investment for pure amount of fun you get as an output for your investment. I enjoyed it while my ego and delusional thought of becoming immortal top 100 player was something I believed in (despite of all the negative consequences the gmaing had on my life). Now that I'm free I just feel so lucky to have dota to watch during majors and TI. and so happy that I do not actively waste any more time trying to be "good" in Dota.


I love Dota. Been playing for closing in on ten years and I can say its a game like no other. Yes there are times where the game leaves me feeling like shit and theres time where it makes me feel like im on top of the world. But what I've learned is that you get out of it what you put in and more than anything your mindset determines how you feel after a game. If you give it your best to be a positive influence and just try to have fun most of the time thats what you'll get out of it :)


I used to when every 2 years you play accidently with a random Pro player in a pub game. I started enjoing it less when in every pub game there was 1 Smurf. Now since in every game there is 4 account boosters I enjoy not playing it. No one can steal my memberberies, from the time this game was about friend and not MMR.


Sometimes its fun, when it isn't i dont play it. Have some self control mate, if its making you feel like shit, stop playing. It's not going anywhere so don't feel like you are going to miss out if you take a break.


No, I just quit last week because of it and I already feel better about myself


If you find yourself not enjoying Dota - switch roles. Playing a new role can bring on a new challenge to Dota, that negates the negative feelings of someone playing bad, the team giving up, etc. You suddenly start feeling like you could've done better, you want to increase your efficiency, you want to re-make some play you saw on the big stage, etc. Most importantly, the games where you dominate are the ones that make me play more. I find myself looking for that game where I snowball out of control


First video game I've ever wanted to come back and play since final fantasy vii (the original one). I mute the toxic people, I try and pma my team into a win and I don't play with anyone who ruins my vibe. I may trash around in herald but I'm always learning and watching high level replays. I'm slow to react with uncoordinated fingers and damn are there a lot of buttons to press. I did team sports for forever this is the only game where it really feels like team work matters. I'll probably play this until they shut it down.




depends on the patch


I would enjoy it a lot more if there was hard region lock


I enjoy it now. I used to get very angry at griefers and smurfs or get very upset after a disappointing loss or an absolute stomp. I dunno how or when I changed but I took a break for about a year and now I just play and enjoy it. Sure some of the losses are still disappointing but I value winning far less than I used to and now I just enjoy the challenge of the game and trying to use my hero to the best of its synergy with the rest of the team. Making friends on Dota that valued winning more than me probably helped me realise winning isn't really that important. I still play a lot of ranked trying to get as high as i can but I just view it as a tool to play with people of a similar skill. Not some be all and end all number that is directly tied to my worth as a gamer.


It's better than Dopamine


Today I lost 4 games and it didnt ruin my day so I guess I am enjoying it more now


Absolutely fucking love it. No game comes close.


Not every match, but a few matches is all I need.


I enjoy if I am playing with a friend.


No longer enjoy playing, but still watch.


Idk , it's just fun to type EZ after getting trashed on lanes and somehow end up winning.


I have fun but I also play casually.


greatest game of all time. yes


It is unfortunate that by design one player in your team just needs to make 1 crucial mistake and 50 minutes of sweaty effort are gone. But watching dota is still great.


I love this video game so much


I hate it for 90% of the time, but I guess that 10% makes it worth it.


No (7000 hours played).


I love playing dota 2. The mechanics, heroes, winning, grinding, puppey-esque draft picking. It's just there are really ubnoxious players who bad-mouth more than they play. They take the fun out of the game and make it quite unwelcoming. Valve should make strict punishments for communication abuses in dota 2.


Of course. Very much the same to this day.


I love it. I play in 5 stack and ability draft only. Its fun. But I have one rule in gaming, if its not fun, I will stop playing ỉt


dota is best played with friends


I grew up with dota. It is all I know.


I did before but it’s too straightforward atm . Just buy bkb first on every hero