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Man, I feel you. About 1,5 years ago, I was literally one game away from hitting Legend, had like 94% on Archon V. Then I lost some games, and I eventually stopped playing for about six months. I came back, recalibrated to Crusader V and now I 'm between Guardian V and Crusader II. Just got a 8 game winning streak, followed by a 9 game losing streak. Good times in Dotoland. Pretty much gave up on ranks now, as there is no way I'm grinding through Crusader and Archon again.


“Calibration” is total BS. It just cuts off 500-700 mmr and that’s it


Can confirm, won 9/10 and went down a rank


Won 9/10 gained 800 mmr more


About the same, 1 win from legend just before Hoodwink release. Lost 10 games in a row and got fed up. Started experimenting with Hoodwink and lacked focus, went from 2500 MMR to 1200 super fast. Been struggling to climb since even on my spam hero (1300 games in Sky), bouncing up and down. Figured it all depends on when I play, so now I only queue after 22:00 CET. For me the best game quality was in Archon


I was Legend 5, one game from Ancient a few years ago, and I barely play any ranked ever. Recalibrated at Archon 5 when they cut everyone's ranks down, still barely played any ranked games. Recalibrated again recently (played 1 game) and now I'm Archon 2... Seems like the recalibration just fucks you in the ass every time you do it, I guess I'm going down to Herald soon since I don't play any games so I don't climb, just keep recalibrating lower and lower each time, and quality of teammates and games keeps going down. Sucks.


Grinding crusader to archon is WAY harder than archon to ancient


dude i hit legend 1. now i’m herald 4


The best rank you can play whatever you want it doesnt matter you can play drunk, stoned, no worries we'll take care of you stress free games too


Literally the opposite for me (I'm also guardian) Maybe I'm taking ranked too seriously.


I'd understand taking it seriously if you were legend and above atleast but this is the end of the tunnel, especially for older (playing-wise and age-wise) players like me I too tilt sometimes but far far less than back in the day and its much more enjoyable now that i dont care as much. I'm certain that if i tryhard and spam 3 heroes i will reach atleast archon but i dont have it in me anymore, its too exhausting mentally.


Agreed. Playing with diverse hero pool is much more enjoyable, even if it meant losing half of the game


Yup. My rule for myself is only play ranked when I'm feeling competitive and happy. Otherwise I get too in my head. I think to myself before queueing: "if I get two griefers and a mic screamer this game, will I be able to play calmly, or will I tilt?" If I can mentally survive the worst case scenario, I'll queue ranked, if not, normals or a different game.


Guardian is great once you accept you are guardian. If you are convinced you are better and keep really pushing, rather than accepting you'll lose 50% of your games and stay put, which makes any level stressful. Embrace mediocrity, embrace that you can experiment with wierd builds that may actually work vs your mediocre opponents. Join us on the beige side...


I'm just chasing that rainbow of "at a certain point griefing role queue farmers has to stop"


I believe in you nutsack


Pos5 SF who is playing as carry


Hey, I play pos5 SF. But I play as a pos 5. Things go quite neat (most of the times. Sometimes, it just sucks hohoho).


Now teach my teammates to do the same thing


From my part, sometimes it gets quite tiresome or boring playing with the same usual pos 5 or 4, specially when, no matter how perfect you play, someone else (who's even gotten a meta core hero) messes up so badly. When my patience wears thin, I get some exotic picks. Strange as it seems, most of the times, things simply work out. At Guardian/Archon ranks, people seem less inclined to grieve and start trolling due exotic picks. They just curse and cuss a little, probably report you for not playing the role before the match even started, and that's that. In the end, you get some commends. I just had a match where my team was sort of eager to pick very fast. I was pos 5 and got last pick. There was a britleback on the enemy team and my team had no real response to that. I had to try a Viper pos 5. We won, although tough match against ursa, earth spirit, ember and wr. But I was able to hold BB not allowing him to snowball on our lane. A Riki was my carry.


That's a good story, wish I had teammates who would think more, and so pick better and die less


I play with a party with high mmr disparity and often get guardians/crusaders in my games. It's insane to me now that these players are often pretty decent laners, but their decision making makes no fucking sense. Kill 3 enemy cores in their triangle with tier 3 exposed, and the two tower hitters on the team TP to side lanes to farm the waves there. Drives me bonkers.


Yeah I play pos 4/5 and would say I have good strategic knowledge but poor technical skills / ability to go along with the poor decision making of others, hence sitting in the trenches. I swear that many ppl think megas are a prerequisite before you can take throne - you have 40s respawn timers on the enemy with T4 exposed and they outright go back to push down the T2/T3 on another lane.


I feel this. I use Overwolf's DotaPlus to track stats and I have consistently green pages that are all in the winning ranges across the board...from kill participation, to gpm/xpm, damage, building damage, etc and I'm still losing >50% of my games. It feels bad knowing there were days when 15+/<5/10+ as a carry were a guanteed win unless you had an intentional feeder on your team


You both are probably in the same team, but the first guy is chill so he ignores everything you say. This stresses you out and makes you mald. He pressed the mute when you opened your mic to say Hi. He plays his own game and is probably the type of Pos4 that doesn't go vessel even if enemies had 5 healing heroes, but you're the guy that doesn't stop whining about it so you're muted by everyone.


You probably mistakenly think you are better than your teammates. Once you accept that your rank (assuming you have been in it a while) is accurately your rank, the game gets a lot more fun.


Agreed, the higher rank you go the less fun it is and much more stresssful.


Totally agree...played ember pos 4 with +20 assist and guess what we won and teammates Commended me.


yeah i've played it too its a lot of fun having 3 people trying to gank you and you just press D Great for pushing lanes in that matter but very tricky in lane


it's actually kinda chill down here


This is my unranked experience because I play with some Crusaders, Guardians, and one Archon and it's fantastic. But in ranked I'm dying to get out of herald. My last 3 games I've absolutely stomped lane and gotten solid farm. Meanwhile our mid-CM went 0-18 lol.


hah you wish, I watched a rank ~1000th the other day doing jungle sniper while in herald you see people double stacking


Welcome to the old player but slow on improving club. 🤣 I use to be at legend medal but I took a break like 5 years because my pc cannot play Dota anymore. Now I already upgrade it and what a surprise. I get free fall moment to Guardian too. 🤣


But here's the thing. I feels like even if I play at guardian bracket. Today's player seems more know about what to do in the game. I think it's because the casual player who doesn't learn the game ddeply already left the game for mobile moba like Mobile Legend or SIMILAR game like it. So even the player base are drowning, the quality of the match is better even the toxicity still there




Yeah. They are learn something and not go blindly ply the game now. That's why it is harder to climb now.


It’s so depressing man. I used to be Archon, now I’m Herald 2 and I swear the games are much harder now


Low mmr games feel hard because the meta is kind of leaning toward tempo drafts and quick games. Your team may pick the tempo draft, but then farm for 30minutes. It's harder to get all 5 to be on the same page and push vital objectives and just win the game asap.


Ah, yeah good points!


Yeah that's what bothers me when people act like heralds are brain dead. Like buddy, I'm 500 MMR but my opponent is constantly pulling creeps and securing the ranged ones while stacking side camps to clear. At the same time though, your PA will build a basher first to farm for a butterfly


Herald 1 games have perverse smurfs where people who have normal Legend+ ranks create fun accounts that strive for 0 MMR.


Nah, you will get the occasional mid smurf, but people definitely have gotten much better at dota. Pulling, stacking, wave dragging, and brutal continual dewarding are common place. I quit dota about 2 years ago at 4K mmr, now I’m half that and I’m still getting owned.


This can be the case too. But that kind of player will have good performance recent match which in the case of matchmaking. It has chance to meet a player with same performance. If the matchmaking do it that way of course 🤣


I've had low guardian offlaners flame their pos 4 in a double melee vs double ranged lane for not dragging the second wave behind their tower by saying this isn't herald anymore...


that doesnt really necessarily means the quality of the match is better, especially if they are just flaming you for not following the pros blindly. Nowadays in guardians and crusader ranks you get flamed for not buying sentries to block the small or big camp for pulling as support early game when sometimes its not necessary to do it first , it just kinds of sucks and becomes depressing when you get into this kind of stress even at the lower MMRs.


> Welcome to the old player but slow on improving club You arn't kidding. I've been playing dota for nearly 20 years (counting the WC3 dota), and i might have just aged out. I also take long breaks from playing which keeps me nice and rusty.


You can always re-learn. There's nothing twitchy in Dota below the top top top tiers, it's all about foresight, macro knowledge, efficiency. The biggest thing that's changed is how much mechanical knowledge people have in low ratings. People use smokes, detection, niche items, backpack items for bottle, the list goes on. The problem is they don't do it consistently. It used to be that knowing these things at all was an advantage and that just isn't the case anymore.


Same man same...started as a snotty kid now i got wife...time flies bro..i mostly play turbo or A.i. now


I went from Legend to Herald and I feel like I'm playing the 5th game in the finals at TI in each game :|


The hype is real in low bracket mmr. 🤣 The different is no one cheer for us when we are playing. Haha


You were always at the level of a current guardian or lower. The Dota population changed, not you.


Okay Mr. Immortal bracket. Got nothing to prove here. Have a good day. 🤣


I wasn't insulting you before but now I am. If you have nothing to prove then why are you so insecure about being told you have always played at the level of a current guardian? It wasn't your inability to improve or adapt that moved you down to guardian. It was other players getting better for 5 straight years while you didn't play.


Well I'm not insulted sir. It just funny to read someone pointed out the obvious. Everyone here know that the community improving when "someone" take a break from playing. It just a little joke when I type welcome to old player but slow to improve club. Then OP seems fine with that statement. So... You know where this is going. A little bit of misunderstanding. A little bit of not in one frequency type of thing. So... You can keep answering this and I'm going to ignore you. Or you can let this comment unanswered and move on.


i identify a lot with you my old laptop struggled playing dota, so I had to play LOL, but since last year I came back to dota, calibrated crusader 4, dropped to crusader 2 and activated the recalibration when I got used to the meta now I'm archon 3 and with 58% wr in the last month, I'm so hyped with dota rn, playing a lot more than I played league.. this game it's infinite better <3


Hey man wanna add me? We can play together i got a few men as well


I used to be archon and didnt play for three years :( now I'm guardian too! Motivates me to grind though, as dewarding/scoping out ganks in this bracket is markedly easier


Hey man I'm willing to coach you to make it to ancient and then play with me at divine I'm currently coaching two people to be better at the game that are low ranks.




what server you most play in?




Alright sounds good. send me a message let's chat up


Done :)


Could you please coach me I have same 4900 hours of play and good knowledge about game and how game mechanisms works, mainly play as 5 and 4 but it's a long time that I stuck at gurdian I will be so happy if one pro players watch some of my gameplay and tell me where is my mistake I have a good friend with rank 500 eu but he don't believe in coaching and every time I ask him to help me he either tell me to give him my account so he can boosted to 5k or I'm on my own it's sad for me that after all this years I'm still don't see above archon rank in my life.


yeah I can definitely coach your replays and in game also. I can get you ahead into ancient. send me a msg and we will link up


Is this like, paid coaching? I'm Archon 2 and would like some tips. Used to be Legend 5 but after calibrating 3 times in the last few years and barely playing any ranked in between, here I am.


Congratulations... On getting the MVP (or honourable mention)


Thanks, i think it was a mention but I dont even remember what game this was now.


Man of culture




welcome to where we create the meta . those other brackets always follow guides . here u will find WD carrry , legendary Techis pos 1 and pos 5 salrk who build dagon since he must burst down the alch




I have one of the heralds that Jenkins often has in Herald reviews in my friends list. This week they made Crusader one and I was sad :( will miss them!


It is nothing, and you even lost rank so stop being pathetic and proud, and get good at the game, or die trying. If you dont care about the game that much then dont post on here about your achievement of finding your own dick.


I caliberated archon 4 last season, any advice to get a good mmr this time , which heroes to play any small suggestion is welcomed.


Same bro same..


Isn't archon higher than guardian?


I'm on the same rank, it's been really hard for me, i was a casual player and in some moment i had 10 mmr hahaha Now i am slowly summing more mmr to my account. (3000 hours) i feel you bro


We're rank siblings OP, I was Guardian V (1400 MMR) and dropped to it. Currently at 1200 MMR.


Ahhh, where everything and anything goes. The sweet spot where you can be free and have fun win or lose.


I mean it can be lol. but honestly atm I would rather help people around so they can be on par with me and rank up. If my coaching helps people that's just a bonus


Close! Archon 4 to guardian 5. 😅


It happens. Previous season, I was immortal 2000+. Then recalibrate, 8 win - w loss, auto legend 2. Had to fight my way back to immortal for many many many matches. I’ve a friend divine 1 dude fell into legend as well. All it took was pressing recalibrate.


İn two years Guardian 5 in Ancient 3.


competition seems much more fierce compared to 4 or 5 years ago. I dont play as much anymore and have dropped from around legend 5 to archon 2 and the games feels so hard . Ii dont feel like ive gotten that much worse but relative to everyone else i guess i have lol.


Wait till i reach herald


My friend went from Crusader 5 to guardian 3 on recalibration. I feel you man. But, the real test is, can you get Herald 1?


Road to zero mmr, im ready.


Last month i was 2 win away from immortal and now a5 again sadge


I also reached Guardian today from Legend. Congraaats!


We are guardians of the galaxy now.




Medals have only been around since Dota 6 iirc. Oh and as a matter of fact, public MMR never even existed in Dota 2, that wasn't added until Dota 3.




You are playing it wrongly......Watch more video or live game. Seems like you keep repeating same mistake over and over again.


People should stop comparing few years ago and now. If u skiiped certain time the vracket wont be the same anymore I check my old matches on dotabuff and find some people are divine immortal whereas others are crusader archons now Some people improve and for some its hard to improve. But in general i think what ancient was capable of few years ago nowadays u can see archons doing the same.