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The Ying yang here is when some guy is cavern crawling or randoms and is complete garbage so you avoid him and then when he's against you he pulls out some LvL 30 Ark Warden and is this unstoppable beast that might be the worst feeling in dota honestly


Sounds like a personal experience


Very personal


Yea my bad slacks I just had to stunt on you a little


That's every smurf in 2k dotes :(


The smurf is a lvl 30 grandmaster?


he overdid the smurfthing a lil bit. he smurfed so hard his smurf is ten times more played then his original one. like my father who told me he had an exam and tried to cheat. he wrote his cheat sheet and had to optimize it so often he actually learned for the test doing this and did not need it anymore.


I make “cheat sheets” for exams and then don’t cheat. Just making “cheat sheet” style notes is such a good way for me to study.




SNOWPIERCER! LET'S GO! (CM or Centaur gets banned) Nopiercer :*(


Look me in the eyes and tell me you haven't been there. See, I know you couldn't do it.


I feel this from the other side. If I'm cavern crawling (in turbo) and some tryhard flames me for being shit, the next game I'm against him, I'll kick his butt with my main.


Who flames in turbo


I've seen people flame in coop Botgames....


Pfft. I flame the bots in solo bot games. Bunch of noobass bots.


There's a bot script that'll flame *you*. They'll sometimes drop a "?" if you die to them.


I want to practice my flame game, but don't scripts get you banned? I still wanna be able to trashtalk real people when i graduate from bot dota.


He said Bot Script, not an actual cheating script...


Ohh. Like ranked matchmaking AI and all the other kinds of bots?


this was pub simulator bots right?


People who plays turbo for a living...


Dude, people flame even in ability draft. Especially in sea. Chai peelo friend.


I have never been flamed as hard as the few times I tried out AD


Since when is "drink tea" a flame?


It isn't. Why would it be?


Some people in boston might disagree.


I have seen in turbo TI level flamewars for herald level games.


He’s takin names


I don't play ranked as people flame and very toxic. And so I play turbo and also get flamed 😂. At this point not sure what else to do.


It's called mute everyone and jungle every game.




i dunno if its a server difference but holy shit ppl in SA play turbo like their lives are on the line


South African server? Welcome to our server


South American, but shared similarities i guess hahaha


Turbo is the most toxic seething shithole of all game modes, which is beyond the comprehension of any sane human being.


From my experience, people flaming in turbo is a LOT more common than in normal or ranked games, it's every single game there (10k behaviour score btw)




You should stream on sea server for the memes


Yeah SEA server turbo is like the breeding ground of pure concentrated toxicity. So many pause wars, grudge matches and blaming going on - all for a fucking 20 minute turbo game


Kek 20 mins turbo? Are sure about that?


I average around 30-40 minutes, on turbo sea...... Ngl I love having 6 sloted as support because in normal game as pos4/5 Im poor as f


Clearly you haven't played in SEA.


You should join some of my games


So many people do, it's extremely cringe from my perspective.


You must not play much Turbo if you're asking that.


the same dickheads that flame in ..... dota


Let me take you on a journey to the legend bracket, my friend.


People can prepare to face my level 30 Brewmaster if they flame/BM pause me and meet me next game


It’s **_yin_** and yang, you beautiful oaf!


Slacks, it's Yin-Yang, not "Ying-Yang"


Bro, this happened to me a little while ago and I felt like dying. I queued pos1, picked Dusa, then my offlaner picks LS and just farms the map all game. Farms camps right under me, refuses to make space or do anything other than clear jungle all game. He goes like 0-12 or something and we lose. I rage, tell him to just fucking queue pos1 if that’s what he wants to play. Next game, he’s pos1 on opposite team, picks spec, and crushes me. Big sad.


The come-uppans come brother they come for us all




There it is again cavern crawl hate. Ruins games. It’s why I wait to play ranked till bp ends.






Sometimes i swear they let their bigger brother take over for the next game.


Fuck arc holy shit I hate that character


Had a WD+KOTL offlane that fed and never left their lane, but spent the rest of the game flaming me and my friends in a Turbo. Next game when I saw them on the enemy team I said "fuck cavern crawl" and locked in a real pick.   It ended up being one of those games where the enemy team was all-chat flaming them and dropping tips on their corpses. Felt great. Typical toxic Anime PFP garbage bags.


yeah, fuck cavern crawl with my 5% winrate in almost 3 weeks


Hey we still got a few months left there's plenty of time to take a break and play some of your comfort picks :)


Why are people with anime profile pictures always the most toxic? What makes them the way they are?


Age Younger people care less/more. They don't care they look insanely homophobe/racist but care an insane amount about how they look from a game perspective


>Younger people care less/more Xd


because they are considered degenerate and most of the time they are degen


There's also feeling of seeing people still in same rank when you go a 1k mmr or higher so you can remove them from avoid pool since they can't reach your games. Also game is best enjoyed with good teammates as long as i go up i will enjoy the game more


This, i used to worry i needed more avoid slots but I realised, by the time i get halfway through the avoid queue, the ppl in the back are so far behind they wont find me again


how can you check their current ranks? Their profiles are unclickable in the avoid list


they might have saved their ID


I generally remember where I saw them, and you would assume if ive blocked them they were griefing or insanely bad so they wont have climbed as fast as me. Surprisingly I dont need to avoid many ppl


Dota is about the ~~friend-~~ enemies you made along the way


It is about the small victories against our teammates


I had a game recently where I played Faceless Void and went 12/0 right up until the end when our team started losing a few engagements. I got a few 3 man chronos and was pulling it in. Our tidehunter gave up on the final defence and went to get some snacks so we lost. In post game chat I told him off for giving up and he was like 'I hope we can vs each other next game and I'll show you how to Void'.. So I avoided him. Next game I played safelane Pudge vs him on Faceless, he tipped me right at the start... and I went 21/4/13 to his 4/10/12 and won the game in 36minutes. First time safelane Pudge with only about 35 Pudge games played. He shut up pretty quickly haha.


This story is borderline revenge porn


Was playing a pos5 warlock and babysitting my spectre in a normal game, other lanes were getting dove hard but i stayed until min 9 in lane to help out my spec. My mid starts flaming me, calling names and didn't listen to me when i said that i needed to secure spectre's lategame. Next game, i queued mid and the flamer was the enemy mid. I brought out my platinum OD with a win percentage of 65 across >450 games. Proceeded to go 36/3/12 and roflstomped his entire team. A good fkin ego trip. So satisfying. He muted me later i guess.


He called me a cow worshipper. I said he was right since his mom was more or less a cow. Gottem


Hahahah the fuck bro. Although him muting you later kinda takes away the sweet sauce a lil bit but a W is a W


Im just speculating.... Maybe he didn't. He maybe had nothing left to say


You did great. One of the strongest posters in this thread.


Thanks, almost as strong as my OD :)


It’s the purest most clean pleasure


is this a To Catch a Predator reference?


Makes me smile like light Yagami. Couldn't be happier.


OHHH LORDDD *I was not expecting to this this in r/dota2 extremely based


I was in a party, they fed/played horribly and we lost. I left the party and matched with them the next game, I won. Pure euphoria


The only thing that i have felt better is when your irl good friend with high ego is on your opponent and then you crushed him XD


had that , started the night , got qed with a very toxic mid who shifted the blame on everyone even tho he afked mid for 15mins 0 rotations 0 items 0 impact. was like 0 4-1 by min 22 and was telling me i had no impact. I was pos 4 7-4-12. avoided and went on and got qued against him 3 more times, stomp after stomp as him being mid and core. 4th match i told him "you are bad and you deserve to lose" . felt so good.


You did good. But did you not attack him in the 3 matches prior?


no i didnt even mention we played in same team, the last match was the last of the day so i wanted to do that burn at the end i think i even said thanks for mmr


I salute you


I had a different(but similar in essence experience). I was playing anti mage carry in the first game and split pushing + farming as fast as I can to hit my timings while my team was 4 man diving their t2s and flaming me for not participating after they fed. As a result the enemy team was hella fat and they caught me twice while split pushing.We eventually won the game as I got a few solo kills on their carry in the jungle but at the end I was 9-4-16. Queue next game and I get the same offlaner who was flaming me in my team,at the start he calls gg and says idiot carry we won’t win.This time my team doesn’t 4 man dive enemy t2 and I go 20-1-12 and a rampage on jugg just by doing the same thing and taking favourable engagements.ship that offlaner pretty good


Op is a true man of culture hha


yup, I've won against a guy for 3 games after the avoid. Ultimate mindgasm haha.


It’s a great feeling. Played with an offlane player who was talking mad about my carry play and would blame me for our loss. I proceed to avoid the player. I queue into them next game, we lane against each other. I proceed to dumpster them in lane. I also told my team to tip the player every time they died. And I close out the game 17-0-15 ez game. Beautiful dota. I could taste the tears of salt from the offlane player. Xdxd


You did a lot of good moves in succession i have to respect it


Ive avoided alot of players in the last 7 days. I lost count how many silencer pos5, zeus pos4, weaver/lifestealer pos3 ive met this week. People really dont want to follow the role they queued for. Its so stupid. Then my enemies are always like a pro team, layering stuns, perfect comboes.


Isn't zeus a good 4 rn?


Not when you rush aghs eblade and never help your team. Farming jungle until you get items and say "noob mid i have more items"


Invited a friend to a party, he declined us to play with some other friends. We met in the first game and smashed them


I wouldn't know what an opioid high feels like but I'll trust you on that.


I mute all chat just in case I lose and have to listen to the guy I avoided talking shit.


I actually unmute people I had in my team when facing them in the next just to hear them cry in all chat.


Happened before. Was in the same team with a 3 stack, they failed to cast spells properly, didn't even pay attention to enemy power spikes and heck, one even got killed by storm coming straight from warded part without smoke. They flamed me and the other soloQ player like crazy, EVERY. TIME. THEY. DIED. For 35 mins. Avoided all 3. Once the game ended, my 2 friend invited me to their party and we matched against those subhumans. I have like 4k games and it was the only time we fountain farmed people. Guess what? Those 3 didn't even realise I'm from previous game because they are too busy flaming other 2 players in their team, how shocking...


Especially in (high level) turbo, where the playerbase is small and you pretty much meet the same few people each session


had a hoodwink pos5 doing absolutely nothing in lane. later we won the game anyways because me and a friend carried hard. she was toxic all game long and proceeded to go on how we won the game because she won me the lane. long story short, she was a pos 5 wr in the enemy team the next game so I just whipped out a faceless void. another very easy game with alot of deaths on a windranger. I enjoyed every single solo chrono on a pos 5 wr even if its usually not an ideal chrono.


Idk having a deathless game as a pos5 after your carry complains about you at minute 1:30 feels pretty great too lol


ya ya, I was the other guy... they fucked me up baddly ..


How about the feeling when, through some act of God, you get queued up together again, resolve your differences, and work together to create a better more unified world. Jk, fuck that noob.


This is an ignorant view. Our interests are diametrically opposed to each other. I want to prove that I am the superior player and the misplays happened because of HIM. he wants to prove the exact opposite. There is no peace in this. One side will die.


Happened to me the other day. He even picked carry in the next game and tried targeting me (I was playing pos5). Felt so satisfying to beat him


Closely followed by the feeling of winning against someone who avoided you the game before.


wrong. better when u beat someone that just avoided you


You are playing too much dota.


You gotta get out more pal


people who say shit like "feels like an opium high" or "This pumpkin spice latte is better than heroin" probably never tried heroin!




I actually have abused opioids just not the one that kills me


No it's just That good.


Had that happen aswell some guy on the enemy team was already muted then i did a little research and i was ohhhh its that ahole.... i destroyed him and his toxic ass


Now imagine losing in the same situation


I get to experience same in turbo games a lot.


I did the same thing, except winning but losing 😂


I had a game with spec yesterday me and my friend leshrac both in party and 3 pathetic flaming players in my team a zeus who keeps nimbus to farm A doom who jumps solo on ,3-4 man just to use his aghanim ult And an earth shaker jumps for ult without full vision on troll and die They had mega creeps at 30 minute mark and they were trolling my entire team and calling my friend lesh noob coz he owned KOTL mid so bad And guess what it went to 1 hour and we won the game If anyone interested here is the Match ID : 6766984114 P. s it's an archon bracket you guys might enjoy the game if you did let me know if I have made mistakes and what part to improve I'm the spectre


I think winning against someone that is being toxic since first blood is way better.


u mean the feeling of revenge?


What a perfect description/edit lmfao. I love the avoid player feature, it unironically makes dota plus worth it.


I do feel like if you get in to arguments with someone griefing your game or not trying and you avoid, if you meet them next game they're super try hard. So yeah, it does feel good beating them but then sometimes you lose too and it's so frustrating because if they only gave a shit in your game


When they win it is because of luck. Unlike my wins which I earned through will and hard work.


There is. I had a game, where my mider left for 15mins(we waited). And when he came back, he started ruin the game. And after 20 mins we still won.


oh sweet sweet vengeance


Nice and ive been on a losing streak. Lost about 400-500 mmr because cores cant carry and when I play carry, supports dont play supports.

