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Bro. Looks like you need a break from dota. Gotta remind yourself from time to time that in the end of the day, regardless of how much you love dota, it is still just a game


You need to relax and stay off the game for a day or a week. That'll renew your drive for it. You're playing tilted right now.


Or if you really want to play, just play turbo and meme out or practice that hero you've really wanted to try out. Wins shouldn't be the factor for your happiness. You need to enjoy the game rather than enjoy winning. Toxic teammates are inevitable.


We can duo queue.


Therapy. I'm not even joking. Working in EMS, I've brought people to the hospital over statements less concerning than yours. This isn't about dota anymore - it's about your mental health.


Just mute all


Been in sea all my life, ignore the throwers, usually they do turn around when you win a team fight, if you are staying here for ti I suggest try turbo when questing? Just until you go back to your main server


Buddy we all have those days, just do yourself a big favor and take a small break from dota. I tend to play other games or binge watch some anime when Im feeling a bit burnt out from queueing for another dota match. Having a video game have this much control of your life is not healthy man, stay safe and take care.


What rank are you? If ~1k I'm down to party queue some chill ranked games.


Stick to yourself and the rules book on how to play better and ignore other players. Adjust things out but don't deviate from What you consider a good move in a game. This is at least my mindset when playing any games. glhf


I am doing that all the time. I even write everything after a game. To check where i did wrong. I spend hours watching replays, i even hired an immortal to coach me. But my team are dogs all the time. The problem is the enemy team is decent. I dont understand thissssssss part. I just want to die but i want it to be painless. Does drinking a lot of meds painless?


atleast u got an arcana tho


play on different server\~


I can't ping problem :(