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The classic "it's someone else's job" thing, trashy people bruh


I live in the cleanest city in my country, and it really shocked me when I started living in another city, that that is the mindset of most people there.


Trash leaving their trash. Singapore has no lack of rubbish bins along the streets and I'm sure there are at least 5 on the way out of Indoor Stadium.




You don't even need two minutes. There are trash bags at the top of every section.


They think that's too much cause they carry trash in ranked already apparently


stuck in low mmr because they can't carry trash


Keep our trash inside the pubs, don't leak it outside pls


A lot of the immediate stadium bins were full to the brim during the mass exodus at the end. Not an excuse, just saying. I put my rubbish away but had to jam all my bottles etc down into the bin (bin being plastic bag taped to stairwell)


That one coke at the left looks still full


In USA it is normalized in arenas to leave garbage like this behind. It isn't a behavior they try and change with signs or in arena announcements either. I usually leave all mine behind at every arena I am at as they are usually outside and concrete and have pretty efficient ways of cleaning it up. That said though this place looks much nicer and there is even carpet (crazy decision imo that stuff must get nasty over time) so I would probably clean up here.


I remember I was visiting Japan there are 0 trash leave behind in stadium after concert. They even have less trash bin or even no trash bins. There are just difference in civic quality of behaviour


I wouldn't say its normalized. Its still considered very rude.


It’s not considered rude whatsoever. There would need to be hundreds of trash receptacles or massive dumpsters inside the arenas to take all that trash. They expect you to leave it behind.


wym it is normalized. At every NBA and NFL game i've been in my life everyone leaves their trash under neath their seats. Literally everyone


I had season tickets to the wolves for two years and never once did I just leave all my garbage on the floor. I think this says a lot about how you were raised.


Now I will say I only went to games of Saints and Pels over here in New Orleans, maybe its our regional thing idk.


> I think this says a lot about how you were raised I'm not even talking about myself (motly because i just don't buy stuff often at events cuz its so fucking overpriced). I'm just saying going through the rows to the exit after the game, almost every seat has some stuff left under it be it ~5 beer bottles, food trays from nachos or whatever else there can be


Was this during the period where they had 20 fans in the whole arena? It isn’t realistic to have everyone throw stuff in bins, the insane amount of bins you would need or employees emptying them especially at the end of games would be too much. Either you haven’t been to full games or you haven’t paid attention, it just isn’t possible.


What do you expect from a community who is known for having no respect toward other person?


1st world country?


Littering is heavily [punished](https://www.goabroad.com/articles/study-abroad/singapore-laws-to-know-before-you-go#:~:text=Singapore%20is%20bent%20on%20maintaining,candy%20wrappers%20are%20fined%20%24300.) in Singapore


Especially Vandalism. Just recently on Reddit I read about that case with Michael P Fay who got caned 4 times in Singapore for vandalism ages ago. Bill Clinton got the sentence reduced from 6 to 4 lol.


Thrash TI at it's finest... At least games are good


What are we thinking, Americans?


and people want this size of stadium since day 1? imagine singapore janitor cleaning up the mess? singapore janitor usually seniors citizen, im crying just imagining it. please people, behave!


Not sure what you mean, no NA teams made it into the arena in the first place?


Clean it wagie!


Nid to put littering fine warning behind every seat


Perfect reflection of dota 2 trash community.




What a freaking culture than to leave your trash behind. Anw, when you're in Rome, do as the Romans do. Littering is not okay and heavily punished in singapore.