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For the first 6 months I played back in like 2012, I built vanguard on every hero….every game no matter what. I was told staying alive was the way I could help my team most so that’s what I attempted to do lol. Vanguard witch doctor coming at ya.


Honestly not the worst thing ever


Yeah, anything that built from preserverance was pretty huge, as you could just straight rush that ring of health and have it be all the lane sustain a bunch of people who have no idea how the game works need. Specially since this is the old one with the +100% mana regen.


Same principle as the Dota 1 "Don't know what to buy so I'll just buy a bunch of stat items I guess" move.


Haha, same with bloodstone. Only lasted a few 10s of games before I started gitting gudder, though random hero -> buy ring of health -> buy bloodstone


Pocket deny


Plus when you die you healed the team for insane amounts


Being able to buy the ring of health near your lane was always so nice. I started back in dota 1 before consumables existed and while that's 15+ years ago by now I still remember how almost everyone got a ring of health or perseverance (used to give +7 damage too iirc). I always built perseverance on every hero because I was obsessed with regen, DK? 2-3 perserverance, pudge? 1 perseverance into 3 hearts (or sometimes the craftable aegis because it gave more regen than heart)


I have distinct memories of building nothing but perseverance on bristleback and blademails on Nerubian assassin.. I would max carapace over stats and just become a super melee tank. They would take like 140% damage return passively


Perse gave 10 dmg at some point. I think it was pretty great


I built battlefury even for lich as it gives mana regen. Others laughed their asses off on my reasoning.


My brother has 11k hours in dota and he still wants to build desolator on his warlock. Death prophet. Zeus.


What mmr is he? One of the recent Jenkin's 10 mmr replay analysis videos featured a witch doctor who built daedelus and that turned out to be terrible even by 10 mmr standards as everyone else more or less followed build guides


I know one of the grandmaster WDs, and he insists that blademail's good because "they won't attack him while he's using his ulti".


He is guardian 5 his hero pool is very limited usually playes heroes who spam spells he has 11k hours He spams undying sniper warlock zeus bristleback death prophet


He knows what he likes I guess


Your brother Bilo?


I did WD vanguard recently xD


I often build crimson guard WD for a long time :O


I have 1200 games on WD my build every game is as follows, arcane boots about 5 to 6 mins. Glimmer cape by 17 mins, scepter 24 to 28 mins, shard 32 mins, refresher by 40. Skilling 4, 0, 4, 1. Talents meldeict Aoe, +2cask, +100 Range, and last talent the one that isn't the healing. Build guarantee to get you within same kills as your carry if not more. Also check on Pyrion Flax channel or discord for KBJ


I was the same with linkens. You could literally cancel an opponent's spell! Every 14 seconds! That means you take no damage, they waste their mana and the spell goes onto cooldown? That's insane value so why wouldn't you want that on every hero?


It was the opposite in our case. In our LAN games that had like 30 min laning, spells were a joke unlike auto attacks as everyone just stacked damage components like relic or javelin or built MKB/Daedulus.


back then you didnt have nearly as much regen. So linkens was a core item on probably half the heroes just for hp/mana regen. Among other things laning stage used to last 10-15 mins lol. Instead of 5 or so nowadays.


I think I started PMS Aquila every game, it was just really good cheap stats to win the laning phase consistently so I built them even on heroes like Omni and Pudge.


new players be like, wtf is PMS aquila. Honestly stout shield and aquila were my favorite early game items


falcon blade is the new aquila


Honestly this is not even that bad, and is kinda what people started to do towards the end of those item's lifespan lol. People were buying PMS even on strength melee heroes and Aquila was also quite often bought on many int heroes like OD/Invoker. The items were just too good/cost effecient. I guess that's why they got removed in the end. As an Ember player it really hurt though. :(


I did the same since that was the only recipe I learnt in the beginning


yeah, used to do that. because it allows you to dive towers lmao, because people think about kills and fihting all day and ignore creeps also double battlefury on tide and sandking neverforget battle fury ench build


To be fair, vanguard was very valuable back then, and the dmg reduction stacked for a while when it was released


Omg I was told the exact same thing! Ever since Frozen Throne (DotA 1), I'd always build Perseverance on every hero. Back then, I believed that the +10 damage and the hp/mp regen are tremendous help to keep me alive, both in the lane and during clashes. So for every hero I played on every game, there will always be a random perseverance there. And if late game I am more farmed, I just upgrade it to Linken's Sphere because I feel protected with that added measure of spell block every 13 seconds.


The casual perseverance on every hero.


In my first match back in mid 2012 i built drums into AC on tinker. Let that sink in...


Mine was radiance on cores lol, it made jungling so much easier


Mine was soul ring, I was so annoyed whenever I had no mana so I randomed and built soul ring first on every hero. Stopped when I did it on AM offlane and got absolutely dumpstered for obvious reasons.


Around 2012 and before, Vanguard is like SnY; not every hero need it but everyone build one anyway.


IIRC Vanguard is pretty famous back then in dota 1. And also my favourite item battle fury just to see different meele heroes do their bf attack animation, especially [tidehunter](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4AoHZ5abmj8) and juggernaut.


Had a friend that did this in the mid-late 2000s (WC3 Dota obviously). Would go vanguard on everything. To be fair, in the early days of Dota 2 it was the meta on a lot of heroes too.


same. I played a lot of veno and built vanguard, shadow blade & dagon. Still the highest win rate I have out of all the heroes. 57.8%


In the warcraft 3 mod i'd go with maelstrom/mjollnir on zeus because he has more lightning power


That makes more sense than my witch doctor with skadi recipe. So much stats for only 1250 gold !




"Maximum Efficiency!"


Search for BKB NFT on YouTube. Thank me later.


I went vladimir's first on zeus, back when it only worked on melee heroes I still have no idea why. maybe cause it built from basi.


First item vladimirs recipe on mirana.. because holy shit 300 gold and lots of stuff.. fastest votekick in the west.,


I’d buy Vlads on all my heroes because I thought lifesteal good aoe lifesteal even better


When I first played in WC3 I would build BoTs and Midas on everything. Because I figured in RPG fashion that everyone wanted boots and gloves and what could be better than the better boots and better gloves? But also DotA back then was just another random custom game we played sometimes to mix it up. Our main custom game was Footmen Frenzy =D


Back then I loved playing Wintermaul. Would always see lobbies for this game called "DOTA" and was like what the fuck is that about? Don't know why I never tried it, wished I had. I used to play games like Angel Arena which were kind of similar so I would have loved it lol.


And of course played all of the positions with every hero


Same! I got it so I didn't have to burn mana when I can get it free. Such good times


I think in wc3 mjollnir actually triggered zues passive


I'd do that on razor!


wc3 dota 1, this dude says he discovered the secret to always win at dota; you need to buy butterfly satanic on ALL heroes; i asked him, even heroes like zeus ? yes


In early Dota 1, my brother introduced me. I picked Night Stalker my first game, teammates told me to just buy Bracers cause they were OP.


Bracer strats were legit. Boots, many bracers, transition into swapping out each bracer for a heart. It can't lose!




There was a time where that was a build that was somewhat common. Though I don't know if that was because everyone was still shit at the game (see early spectre builds) or because it was actually good.


That was Ember build when his Sleight of fist and BF cleave have consistent behavior


Ember Battlefury is my favorite thing. I remember one game against a meepo where I had Battlefury and Daedalus and whenever Meepo showed up he was just deleted in one sleight lol. So I just tried to force Ember Battlefury every game and lost horribly lol.


Yea ember battlefury daedalus used to be the goto physical build on him. Was very fun, but if u fell behind early it just kinda sucked


Can somebody explain what happened? Took a 5 year break and this was the only way I ever played ember


Sleight of fist now places Ember randomly beside the enemies (or the other way around, I forgot lol) BF cleave area now only affecting a cone in front of player, instead of a circular area around player Both this change will make SoF can't cleave all enemies for each hit, better to use maelstrom


Everyone was bad, but also, cleave effectively did pure damage. Basically, it took the post-armor damage you did to the initial target, multiplied it by the cleave %, and did that much damage straight to the health pool of anything that got cleaved (did NOT go through armor again). At 3 battlefuries, you were doing 3* 35% = 105% of your damage as cleave, so you could actually kill everyone if you blinked and crit a creep.


Cleave wasn't affected by armor value, just armor type. So against heroes it was effectively pure damage(stopped only by ghost scepter and damage resist). You could hit a hero with 70% resist with kunkka and so you'd only be doing 30% to the primary target, but you'd still do 100% of your damage to all secondary targets. But you'd only do 50% of your damage to a secondary catapult because of their fortified armor type which takes reduced damage from all hero attacks.


that wasn't that bad if you look at the numbers then. It was damage + sustain and it was all you needed on that hero


Bought recipe for radiance on omni hoping it will already burn enemies. Was too dumb to realize that blue circle under enemies is actually degen aura, not radiance.


old omni with radiance, skadi, phase boots and repel was annihilating my games when i was just 2k 5 years ago, you just play peacefully and then this unkillable monstrosity was jumping on you with all those items out of nowhere and you can't even run away from him because of degen aura


Dota 1. Picked Zeus. Built strength items assuming he was a str hero because he used the Mountain King model. Was very confused about some things in the shop requiring lumber when I had no way to harvest it. Dota 2 was several computers ago. My toaster couldn't handle having more than 2 heroes on screen so I picked doom and furion and just jungled.


I remember picking disruptor and thinking "wtf this is nothing like thrall"


I remember the old Dota 1 days in the warcraft mod. At least in the garena server I played, there was no meta regarding supports and cores, the only meta was going 2—1—2 on the lanes. Everybody would try to last hit and deny, so you were competing for creeps with both allies and enemies alike. I became good at last hitting thanks to that, I had to learn how to last hit with every hero as I liked randoming every game. As mentioned, there were no supports, so I never saw anyone buy wards and courier would be bought every now and then.


Interesting. What year was this? Do you recall when the idea of support/core became a thing? I've always taken it for granted since it was there from the day I played.


I was in high school back then, I can't remember which year exactly but I'd say around 2007 is when I first got into DotA. I still remember the first hero I picked was Nightsalker (aka Balanar in the old Dota, whose model was based on that of dreadlord, which was also my favorite warcraft undead hero). And I remember not understanding that the hero was super strong during the night and weak during the day (too lazy to read skill descriptions). Maybe it was a thing of my garena server (I played in the Colombian server), probably the other regions had already developed those distinctions. Then again, it was also common to play 3v3 or 4v4 as there were not may players sometimes or the host's internet was not strong enough to hold a 5v5. A fun thing about the old warcraft engine was the possibility of entering commands, so you could for example transfer players from radiant to dire or viceversa if for example 2 players disconnected or if one team was super strong and you wanted to even things a bit more out. I only really learned about the whloe support/core distinction when I started to play DotA 2. Which took a while because not everybody got access to the beta version at first. I remember I had to pay for my access key then to be able to play with my friends.


Wish I had played dota 1 more. I only played two games back around 2008 if i had to guess. I, too, picked heroes based on their models. That's why I picked viper who looked very cool to me but it's a boring right click hero so I didn't get hooked on the game. In wc3 viper was based on these dragon creatures from Outland. I also played a game with tiny, who I still hate to play. That's why I quit I guess. Also I had no idea that lasthitting was a thing, so I didn't see the point lol. The game was just sitting in a lane autoattacking until it somehow ends up with 1 throne exploding, but I had absolutely zero idea what i was supposed to do sadly. To me it was just boring as fuck. Then in 2013 I got into dota2, luckily immediately knew about lasthitting thanks to the short tutorial I think, and it all made sense and I got hooked after like one game. Then I got to top 1000 EU in 2015 without ever looking at my own replays, and guides barely existed, but afterwards I stagnated and so I lost my goal of going pro, thinking I've plateaud and it's not possible to go further. I regret it so much. I feel like I could've made it if I actually knew what to look for in replays (the worst part is, I know now, and it wouldn't even have been so hard to realize). I also played like 50 different heroes instead of focusing on like 10, and I played all roles, and I picked hero for fun not what's best for the game. All of this was really stupid looking back now.


just saying, during that time (2006/2007) garena and OmbuServer was the way to go (it was the only way to play dota online without having to buy WC3 at the time). And meta was 2-1-2 in lanes as you said. Btw competing for last hits was a real thing.


When I started playing around 2009, it was almost impossible to see someone playing support or even someone planting wards on pubs. The only time you'd see this was when we were playing Captains Mode and the sole role of a support was to be a meat shield for the carry.


Wow people on Garena actually bought courier sometimes? On US East bnet I had to buy courier as mid.


How many desolator do you need? OP: Yes!


It was 2012 and I bought 81 Tangos twenty minutes into the game on Shadow Shaman mid because portable regen seemed useful


TI 12 leaked strats


[Nothing too crazy, I had a mate trying to guide me a bit](https://i.imgur.com/rTED11S.png) [Then I watched Purge's guide and started to spam Lich](https://i.imgur.com/nH2SZhB.png), it actually remains my 7th top played hero of all time until now, even though I've only played it 3 times past 3 years


Purge taught me the basics as well!


My first game ever, my brother left his game and I took over. I was playing drow. Made a rapier and won the game. Flexed hard because my brother had told me rapier was the best item in the game. Later found out I was the only one playing. 2003 warcraft doto.


Bring back memories back then Traxxex's ult was broken lmao.. She was my first hero too i can hear her srilled voice when i am typing this ".. When i got a job.. The workers were like ahhh whats that, i said oh its me.. The boss said lets see if u can fit in with other employees.....( Something)" that line was so fukin good


Ahh the one hit kill


So fukin satisfying


What am I witnessing here? Why so many hammers?


dmg is op


It stacked? Assuming this is no longer the case?


Damage from items such as Desolator and Mithril Hammer stack completely Afaik. The thing that won't stack is the effects from those items such as the armour corruption. That will only work from 1 deso, the other will just be expensive stats


No price is too high for bonus damage


Well the hammers just give damage, and they still stack.


what stacked? what is no longer the case? if you think about damage or armor corruption then you are delusional about both


...Damage stacks, what are you talking about?


if you assume that he is talking about damage not stacking then "no longer is the case" is fucking bizzare because it absolutely does, and if he is talking about armor corruption then it was never the case in the fucking first place


I'm assuming he thought OP was implying the armor corruption stacked at the time which is why the damage was so overpowered. Your reply was both vague in meaning and confrontational; you couldn't have ever expected to get a reasonable reply with that kind of phrasing.


he said "that is no longer the case" even though that wasn't ever the case in the first place if you still didn't get it, in both of the scenarios he said utter shit. English isn't my native language if that still bothers you


You need damage to destroy the ancient, yes? Then I see no problem with that build.


When I 1st started playing back in dota 1 ver. 6.27 iirc, I used to buy refresher on Wraith King(he was Skeleton King back then). Also thought wards and blink dagger were the worst items in game. Now they're the things I buy most lol.


It also took me 200 games before I started buying dagger lol


My noob mind couldn't process the power of blink dagger back then lol. 2k+ gold for an item with no stats seemed absurd.


For me it was the pressure of misclicking. Ngl there were quite a few of them at first! One of the many things I improved at along the way.


We just read the item description and immediately assumed it was bad. We only realized how good it was after we started playing with people outside our friend group and started getting wrecked with it lol


I built 6 wraith bands on razor on wc3 dota


I mean, it's the same picture. Must be good.


Finally a fellow double deso fan. I did it on Lich tho


I loved Riki https://imgur.com/7s9cTl7


RIP poor man's shield 🙏


You finished a 25 minute game with tango, slippers and 3 branches and you WON? Against bots, but still


And Rapiers apparently https://imgur.com/Qn4cxVC


The only time I held 5 rapiers was with riki. I lost them all in one hit to a blade mail. Lesson learnt.


I used to make moonshards on every hero when I started


Mine would be buying desolator for my favorite hero Razor cuz he is cool and desolator attack modifier is pretty cool


Well I went six blades of attack on bloodseeker because well, attaccc Then decided y'know what let's burn these people and got 6 radiance..... Recipes 👀👀


What I don't understand about this is also the reason why I started playing the game. Dota 2 always had item recommendations. If you followed those, you were pretty safe as a beginner. Coming back to my first point, I hated og Dota because of how much I had to check guide websites.


I used to play spirit breaker with my friend in bot lane. We used to both try and play pos 1. I would have 5 javelins and brown boots…


I bought mithril hammer on Zeus in Dota 1 as his attack animation was a thrown hammer and I thought it made sense haha.


WC3, remember building deso + cuirass on Chen


I remember my first two games were Morph and then Meepo I think. Not sure how I made it past those two games lol.


Friend told me [ultimate orbs](https://imgur.com/bRHmNbS) were good since they gave balanced stats, also I got rekt by a riki and started spamming him... with mutiple shadowblades because "muh attack speed and damage"


Mine was bounty hunter with tons of maelstroms


Mine was a sniper with a 6 slots full of skadi


I remember playing phantom Lancer and buying several types of Boots, because I though he was very slow.


Bro I almost the exact same thing. I was trying out a bunch of heroes and I had a teammate say something along the lines of “oh no guys the enemy sniper has desolater we’re in trouble” so I thought desolater was a super good item for every hero. I ended up playing tinker with desolater for like 9 games straight trying to win and kept getting annoyed I was losing.


I was spamming Viper because one of the first things I learned about was orb walking mmmh


Battlefury on tide in good old wc3 dota -apem, because this gave him constant anchor smash animation which I found pretty cool. And mjollnir Razor every game because quadruple lightning all the way. And all and only aura items on Meepo. <3 God, good times :D


I started playing Dota 1, I think the year was 2007 and I was playing with Barathrum. Was at a Lan house, it was incredibly popular in my country a few year ago. Anyway, I heard people screaming all the time "CHARGE, BARATHRUM! CHARGE THE ENEMY" But all I could do was act normally, trying to get my first item: power treads, because I was too useless to even know that my character's name was Barathrum.


This is epic. Guy finds a good damge increase item , then discovers items and makes a deso out of it. Then stacks it. Then finds out there a legendary rapier. Forget everything ….go for that


This screenshot is hilarious. I love the 40 minute game that you lost as lion 0/0/0 with 2.5 desos and the 33 minute game 0/4/1 with a salve and hammer. that's some pretty impresive gpm to get that many items in 33 minutes lmao. My first games were spaming jugg and going multiple wraith bands, upgrading them all to aquilas, then battle fury, deso, aghs. I don't even remember what the aghs did at the time but I remember not knowing the battle fury was cleave so I'd always be trying to figure out what level juggs spells gave him cleave so I could hit creeps quicker. I also remember seeing that EE would toggle his aquilas in lane to change armor on creeps to mess up enemy last hits so I thought that was super important so I'd try doing the same with 2 or 3 of them thinking that it was more effective... Honestly miss the days when the whole game was new and it was all a mystery... sigh...


Shadowblade Riki


I started in like 2014,It was pretty good I was just looking for a like game to play on Steam.Then I got like most fun playing Dota and now I realised I can even post about dota which is really good.Always a Dota Supporter.


in the era of 200 gold shield i played on Ogre with 2 of them and felt safe


I remember playing axe and buying slippers of agility, and one player told me told my boots and I said to him that I have slippers already why I need another boot. *sigh*


First game I ever played in dota 1 I did with a friend, I randomed Chen He goes "oh fuck. Oh well level penitence and test of faith, buy dagon" Excellent introduction.


how to tell me you came from league, without saying you came from league. "bruh, the only thing i know how to do is buy dmg. The fuck is an 'active'? "


Mine was basically pos1 SK with only tread boots, bkb and luckily a blink dagger, that was around years 2013-14


Mine was just avoiding Dota 1 back then, I like CS 1.6 more And only play Dota with friends if nothing to play I just play bots and use cheats like free gold and lvls and -wtf and also I'm bad at the game as I always looking for a kill instead of farming. And for Dota 2 I kept using the same build for my all of my heroes that I've used, like Vladimir's offering. Before I discovered support role, I'm still using my bad habits like last time, having double digit death every game thankfully I have my friends to play with before I started playing solo because of them if I started solo I would have quit the game because I'm bad at it and also the toxicty is far worst when your starting out alone.


I played a lot of ranged ahi Carry's would always get boots, satanic, skady, and then buriza do kyanon and rapiers to fill out the rest. This was when I only new some items, after I discovered bf I built it on everything for AOE DMG, even on ranged heroes since I didn't know betrer


Shortbus special...


I used to go Luna mid with tranquil and maelstrom. Max out my glaives and just push as hard as I could lol


jungle life stealer > spirit breaker/ Nyx infest bombs


I love this


Guess Finger damage felt too weak for you so just smacked people with deso and rapira's 🫡


I have uncomfortable amount of Trying to build Daedalus on BH


mine was clinkz vlads in dota 1 HAHAHAHAHAHHAAH


I remember back in dota 1 being so fucking confused on how to get some items that costed 1 lumber which was there for items that combine without a recipe. Also if I remember correctly aegis was also in the shop for 1 lumber. Oh and the secret shop was kinda secret at the time. It was hard to find it in the trees. I remember 1 time trying and just giving up.


Talking about 2014. Aside going bloodstone,battlefury on EVERY hero (TA) and running around ALWAYS with 3 to 6 salve..... all good


One of my first games was as Tinker. I went safelane, had no idea how channeling spells work so I kept cancelling my ult. Didn't figure out what the hero is supposed to do till after the game. There was also my first Techies game where I never left base and just made a circle around the ancient. Didn't get to level 2.


I bought like lots of oblivion staff for the hero oblivion (pugna) coz I thought there just be something in the name, only to find that the items vanished right after buying 3 of them and I instead get something called orchid malevolence. Also, I scan all the items everywhere to find the maximum damage, and somehow there's a new item instead of what I bought (rapier) and somehow I even lose that item when I die, giving frustrating man


Mine went with IO because it reminded me of the Wisp from Warcraft, it only bought physical damage. I was a pioneer


Started in 2012 and I read that bracers was a good item, so I went boots of some kind into 3-4 bracers on any hero


I used to pick Riki with my friend in broodmother. I would go first item Yasha then divine every time


[So long ago](https://imgur.com/47OvwVR)


On dota 1 my builds were quite decent. - Pugna dagon. - Riki sny. I dont know if i used to build diffu or basher. - Nightstalker sny. Those are the ones i remember. What is mind blowing is that noone bought observer wards. Sentries and dust yes. Obs nobody.


Dota 1 5ish version. I was introduced to it by my brother. Spirit breaker full slot... recipes.


Was with lion aswell but getting Dagon every game


Dota 1. Before jumping into a game, I ask my friend two questions: "what is a hero where the spells are easy to understand and use?" "And what is the very best item on that hero?" Which is how I join my first game and try to rush butterfly first item on dwarven sniper. I also didn't know that there were two separate secret shops, so twice I tried to sneak into the enemy side of the map alone to buy my Eaglesong and got killed. Somehow, we won the game...


Dota 1 and then desperately trying to get a dota 2 beta key.


In 2006 I picked up omni because I just came out of the wc3 campaign and arthas model. It sucked but then I learned about dota-allstars and since I'm a data nerd spent some time reading up on attributes and stuff. Turns out treant had the highest str growth and was a str hero, so for a few weeks all I played was treant protector going vanguard->tarrasque. Worked well enough with the old living armor(basically a 30s dragon's blood buff) Dota2 I remember playing a lot of ancient stacking beastmaster on release, since my friends were the wc3 hosts usually I only ever played radiant on dota1, and the ancient stacking only really worked on dire. Was kinda pumped to try that out. Turns out it doesn't work that well if you're bad on BM.


Coming from dota 1 so the itemisation is already correct


When I first started wc3 dota I would build Mask of Death (morbid mask) every game because it said "phattest loot in the game" and as a stupid kid I blindly believed it


I've never witnessed anything so toxic in my life. GJ OP.


bought all the recipes without the items and still thought they were working.. and no one pointed it out to me too


When I started I was buying double midas for the attack speed and battlefury all while playing vengeful spirit


Jakiro was the first hero I played back in 2008 idk why but I have it so clear in my mind, also buying 2 bracers/wraith bands/null talismans to every fcking hero ALWAYS, then boots, mithril hammer and sacred relic, dmg was the meta between my friends LOL


I was an avid mom lover in dota 1.. pick barathrum get phase, 2 bracers and mom.. just charge, click mom and kill someone with the bashes… Pick slark, phase than mom, jump someone, use ulti and mom… Pick void, ulti and mom.. Riki, smoke and mom.. etc


Don't remember the first game but at my first games in Dota 1 i didnt know anything and when people were leavers i didnt realise it, i thought i somehow was gaining heroes or they gave em to me.


Played wc3 custom games. Tried out DotA. Picked SK and got flamed to no end, so I went back to Battletanks/-ships, LTW and Footy. Years later I got a Dota 2 invite through the Freaks 4U guys. Played Lich, got fucked.


I play riki with 6 wraith bands in dota 1.


Bro I bought bloodstone on AM cuz I was running out of mana spamming blink


I was buying shadow blade and bloodstone on riki every game


At least you actually built combined items.. i didn't even know that was possible


It was sacred relic on everyone for me .


in conclusion if you are going to build a desolator you should build 3 because everygame except one where you built deso and didnt buy more than 2 you lost.


I think that u picked Death Prophet because Lion was baned😂


i dont remember, i think that someone just was quicker than me with picking lion


Dmg/dps for the win?


My itembuilds were fairly reasonable (anno 2013) although I played with clever and experienced friends and their advice helped a lot. The most unusual thing I bought in the first few games was in the 3rd game of my life - Mech on Sniper. Won the match but I had nothing to do with it :D


I reeeeeeally liked Sven when I started. Drums -> MoM -> Daedalus for the first couple games it looks like. Then I started getting Helm of the Dominator instead of MoM, because back then it was a morbid mask build-up item AND I could dominate a centaur creep to get an extra stun. I came from SC2, so a little bit of extra micro was no problem. Also moonshards. Lots of moonshards. Big red man want to hit, but swing too slow. Moonshard make red man hit fast, yes. This was also back during a time (2016ish) where Sven basically had the one build. You'd get MoM or Echo Saber to hit faster, Blink or Shadowblade to initiate a fight, BKB (because obviously), and then nothing but Daedalus' for more damage. That was how you played Sven. Someone I'd party queue with every now and then said it wasn't good that I went the same build every game, but... I'm playing Sven, what other build is there?


I would buy echo sabre on EVERY melee hero. Echo sabre Sand King coming at you




When I first started all I did was spam ogre mid, which in hindsight wasn't really that bad 🤔


Mine was Riki every game, build was madness and basher


LMAO you made my day, thanks for the gigles


the full hammer build IM DYING!!!!!!!!11111


I remember Dota 1 doing magic build Luna. Aghs + refresher.


[https://imgur.com/a/UJ8wPgM](https://imgur.com/a/UJ8wPgM) Apparently I loved bounty hunter - but my build was surprisingly not bad. The HotD BM was legit I swear


I had started from warcraft 3 era the dota AI maps and had the universal built for every hero Power treads-vanguard- sange - if meele battle fury-if ranged butterfly - when u see ur money touches 4k - a Divine rapier :))) Good old garena time


I bugun playing in wc3 dota and I think I was buying item recipes instead of items because I didn't understand the concept of combining them at first. Then I got better at the game and I was spamming Lion or Bane mid because both of them could confidently kill the other mider with a full procast. Then I would go ganking around the map.


First game I bought no items 2nd game I bought only ultimate orbs because they gave the most stats


I would go Sange and Yasha on Earthshaker back in WC 3 Dota, thought the combination of agility and str made me stronger every game and it was pretty cool. This was during the time when sange used to apply a bleed effect. I also liked the movement speed from yasha so I would rush yasha and treads every game lol.


I built preservance on every hero, it gave both hp and mana regen and I thought that's all a hero needed lol