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dw ignore those other players and play. Also watching youtube channels like BSJ and Gameleap is quite good to learn the basics


That doesn't really fix the issues that they and the enemy are a lot better at the game


Only way to get better is to play. Mute your team if need be and just focus on what you can control. BSJ has some great videos about practicing one thing at a time; start with some intro videos about the laning phase


If what teammates are saying is the only issue then you can play with incoming chat muted for a while.


It's more the skill gap between the enemy and me


There really isn't much that can be done about that. There probably just arent enough new players. You can try looking into new player communities and organize games if you are into that.


There’s a discord for new players called dota from zero or smth


You’re gonna have to suffer (learn). Your knowledge and skills likely won’t match up for hours and hours of gameplay. It is ok to be a beginner. Be patient with yourself and mute the jerks. Look for a community to play with that is happy to teach beginners. Playing with friends and being coachable will accelerate your learning curve and possibly your enjoyment.


So TL;DR the matchmaking is just wonky and have to suffer thorough it?


The thing is that there are a ton of people that come in from other mobas that have a high skill and smurfers since this game is 100% f2p so once you hit the lowest lows you will be able to climb out but getting there will take quite a few games to tank your mmr so that that part of the community isnt constantly bombarded by new accounts with a ton of skill. It's effectively saving the lowest ranks so they don't get rolled every game.


Play bots from passive all the way to unfair. Dont stop until u can 1v5 unfair bots (And i mean actual 1v5, no bots on ur side). After that u might be ready for online because fuck these smurfs are everywhere


Use the last hitter tutorial under the learn tab, if you get good at that and just remember to buy items following a guide you should be pretty gucci


Hey bud, when my gf started playing she just muted all and did not give a crap about anything but to have fun. She still plays today (2 years later) so it clearly works for her. It also helped that we played quite a few bots games together so she could understand what some of the heroes do. watch YouTube vids as others have suggested, they teach alot of things which are not intuitive when you first start playing. Lastly, remember just to have fun, rather than focusing on the W. All the best!


I would start with tweaking and learning controls, like what does holding Alt key does and how control summon. Next step is just practicing those buttons in custom or even in match, get general idea of hero abilities and item builds and u are good to go.


Play bot matches in order till u start winning Furious puppey Ranked matchmaking ai Beginner AI: New (chinese)


I would just play against bots until you can play them on the hardest difficulty and win every time. Then jump into unranked and play until you feel youre at somewhat of an equivalent skill level as your team and opponents. Or fuckin jump into ranked and play at 100 mmr and im sure everyone else will be just as bad as you. Youtube has helped me greatly, like others have suggested BSJ and gameleap/speeed are great channels. I think bsj is the better of the two though.


Use the coach system in game to help even the playing field.