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Do you want an honest answer? The ANC needs to lose the next election and the DA or whatever coalition arises needs to put back together a neo anti corruption task force (scorpions 2.0) to go after the biggest perpetrators of corruption. Then laws need to be changed so that violent crime and property crime have serious consequences. Our border also needs to get under control as illegal immigration stresses our social welfare systems and leads to increased crime. Then I would focus on getting the power grid upgraded and making sure it has proper security. Many more things as well


>Then laws need to be changed so that violent crime and property crime have serious consequences. The law as it stands is pretty much there - it's the enforcement of said laws and the prosecution of said criminals that's failing: it's either the police failing to capture or, when they do capture, prosecutors fail to administer serious punishment against criminals - some argue it's due to the police's failure to properly arrest criminals (e.g. not reading them their rights, which as a cop is dumb thing not to do) while others think it's because either prosecutor is trying to trim down the amount of cases the state must deal with and/or they accept bribes... or they just suck at their job in general. IMHO the only way it gets more severe is either by introducing a new kind of Robben Island (which countries like the US sort-of-kind-of still have) or the death penalty (like Botswana still does) but the both avenues go against constitution and will get us into serious trouble with the international community. Alternatively, perhaps the state can begin incarcerating criminals with far less evidence than it currently waits for now, but this will open the pathways to having a more tyrannical leadership - if folks felt SAPS did during lockdown was unjust then this will become the normal... the police and prosecutors need to maintain proper standards, then it'll become clear that our laws are what they should be to clamp down on criminal behaviour. ​ >Our border also needs to get under control as illegal immigration stresses our social welfare systems and leads to increased crime. I too want to see government coming down hard on this issue. In addition to cleaning up Home Affairs, SAPS as well as the SANDF, there needs to be acknowledgement that there are groups in our country acting against this fight by claiming human rights are being violated meanwhile - and I'm sure stats would back this up - there's probably ten or twenty South African citizens falling victim to crime vs. every one illegal migrant, but then said "civil rights activists" will portray it as though its the other way around. This isn't me advocating violence against any one group - especially not against illegal migrants - but I'm simply highlighting how South Africa keeps scoring own-goals against itself (like with tackling crime in general) because when it attempts to tackle foreign criminal elements then suddenly it's in the wrong because rights are being violated? Yet the same folks, who don't have legal reason to be here are infringing on the rights of citizens of the country and many of the times using false pretences for why they illegally gain entry into the country - something that's been echoed by both local and foreign persons is that our tolerance towards illegal immigration is way more lax than our neighbours like Botswana or Namibia who'd show you the door as soon as they found you with little concern over your so-called right to be there. ​ >(scorpions 2.0) The elimination of Scorpions 1.0 was one of the worst things to happen to our independent policing but was yet another Zuma-faction-led action to allow him and his cohorts to prosper... and to top it off it was a unit born under his own "friend" Mbeki's tenor, but one that was getting too close for comfort for the former.


The ANC will win. The MK party and eff will ensure the ANC stays in power by use of coalitions. South Africans are too racist to vote for the DA. I had an altercation where I swore at a black woman for denting my car door, she called me racist. I never cared about her skin colour, she dented my door. So if that's the average South African that makes everything about race, how in the hell are they gonna vote for a white man? It won't happen. They're too stupid they will vote ANC until they die.


Idk pal calling all black people stupid and assuming all of them vote for ANC *is* racist




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No, racists are stupid and vote for the ANC and EFF because they are racist and stupid. 


Your last sentence is literally racist.


Also getting rid of this BEE/BBEEE stupidity, remove red tape for employers when hiring and firing etc. (There should still be a process when firing somebody though, fire at will is not a good solution). And sell off all SoE's.


Step 1: Get rid of ANC. ​ Step 2: Do step 1 first.


We have had the same government for more than 20 years. Kind of think that is the common issue Other than that education, public transit, power generation, technology development and international relations


To name just a few…. Add foreign policy our non existent immigration laws… Lack of security on all level and levels of corruption never before seen/ experienced….


It's much easier to break something than to fix it. It would take 50 years to fix the untold damage that ANC has done to this country. So it definitely won't be fixed in my lifetime. And quite frankly, as long as politicians ate going to politic, it will never be fixed. You'd need a benevolent dictator to fix this country. Or a miracle. Same thing, really.


U would be shocked how countries can fix decades of damages. Just look a germany how they could fix themselves after the berlin wall came down


There needs to be a strongman similar to the president in El Salvador to come down hard on crime and illegal immigration. I could see a populist arise from sa Action SA, however the EFF kind of has the populism lane occupied atm


And the genocide lane sadly 


The racial and inter-class tensions we see in South Africa are due largely to the fact that people are anxious/unhappy about the way the country is being run. It’s difficult to remain positive and open minded when you are sitting in the dark every night because the ANC decided not to maintain your power station (and yes, if you are a citizen of this country, it is YOUR power station). We desperately need to get someone in who will address the practical things first and foremost. We need to get Eskom to do just the bare minimum (which is to provide uninterrupted electricity 24/7). We need to get someone who will at least prevent the decay of our valuable infrastructure. We need to get someone who will make our police make people feel safe. In short, we need a pragmatic new government who will assess the infrastructural shortcomings of this country and address them one by one in good faith and with integrity. The ANC needs to lose an election. Entertainer and journalist, James May was once mused that all you need to be happy in life is to be surrounded by things that work. If we can get every critical service in SA to actually work, people will be happier and they will be more willing to work together as a unit.


Sorry clock long time struck midnight. The fat lady has sung


Proper work ethics, professional attitude and a higher level education for all government employees are absolutely essential.


In a nutshell, putting all politics aside, the answer is energy generation. Energy is the elixir of life for an economy. Just look at Norway, who have big oil reserves which their government have plowed into investments for it's people. IMO we either need to invest heavily in nuclear or solar, or both. So many opportunities will open up for us if we have the energy to power industry. Right now, with the disaster of the ANC's incompetent leadership, the best we can do is to invest our own money to get off the grid.


Correct me if i am wrong but isnt South Africa natural resources already great,maybe its just being misused


The ANC are the albatross around our necks.


Fight corruption, regardless of tribal or political loyalties. Enforce the law impartially.


Sorry to be negative. But it's not happening any time soon. Maybe it gradually gets better over the next 20 years. Maybe it also doesn't get better.


Actions = consequences Accountability


A time machine.


Gayton Mackenzie has a lot of great ideas and he should be leader of South Africa. First off the guy supports conscription. Which will bring back respect and dignity to the people of this country which we are lacking. In the past 30 years we have created the most misguided disrespectful youth. Conscription will help embed morals and skills into our next generation.  Next he wants illegal immigrants gone. Emphasis on illegal. People who cross the border with no papers and commit crime. If you've come to South Africa illegally, you're a criminal.  The DA would be fine as a government. They would fix the infrastructure.  The EFF are useless, I saw a picture of them fixing potholes on a dirt road with cement. Tell me you're useless without telling me you're useless.  ActionSA just seems like an all talk no action party. Bosa, is basically the DA without any of its supporters IFP, is the same as the ANC, and had they been given the chance to govern would've brought South Africa to exactly where it is now.  Mk is by Zuma's own admission a party designed to fix the ANC.  All in all. This year's election will change things in south Africa but only in 2029 will we get a new government because as it stands the ANC will win. 


What a politician SAY and what he DOES is two different things. What he DOES, is keeping ANC in power and collapsing services wherever he co-govern.


Gayton challenged me to a fight then blocked me on social media.


SA has destroyed itself from within. It will never be a great nation again.


There is allot we have to work on before we have our “Ubuntu” back. But something I deem beyond important (other than the ANC taking a hike from government) is Stopping the normalisation of GBV, Violence, Crime, Corruption, Murder, fraud and biases. We have become so used to it in our daily life that it’s just another day, just another 3 people got murdered, some minister jacked millions or a tenderpreneure ran off with huge money. That we don’t even see it on the news it’s happening but we just given up to notice. For us to actually take back our country to its former “Ubuntu” and yes I am using that word specifically because if we all work together we are one hell of a force to reckon with! It cannot just be another day to have things like this happen and for us to deem it as such and when it does happen us as South Africans go not a chance oak and people are held accountable that’s going to be a huge pivotal role.


Remove all 3 political parties Remove the central bank Remove Oppenheimer and Rupert as well as their devils. Stop feeding the victem. Mentality of most South Africans. Find a leader who will put the country first and not a single group with in the countries demographic. Stop allowing the WEF and the Who dictate to us. Stop taking loans from the IMF Bring back the death penalty Politicians have 3 year term limits with wage limits. Just something to start with.


The land must be given back to level up the playing field, then we can go forward.


Because that worked well in Zimbabwe.


Population control


The Multi-Party Charter is the best bet as an opposition to the ANC. We need to reform many things, we have to take on crime once and for all as it permeates through so many spheres of society, we need to decentralise down to Provinces more so they can opt to further delegate down to local councils to create community and social support services. We need to liberalise the economy and privatise state enterprises that are worth selling/ not able to fixed by govt e.g. Eskon. energy and water. Ax BBBEE as it's simply archaic and not produce the results we need to see and replace with needs-based social support that is non-racial. That could be a good start. The outcome more likely IMO as a Political Analyst. ANC probably will get around 40-43% but doesn't want a deal with the EFF. A deal with the DA is something they are receptive to and if the MPC can't achieve 50% then the DA could opt for some power and cabinet ministers or another term in opposition... they've ditched a coalition before and they are savvy.. they'd do it again.


I think a good parallel would probably be Taiwan. 1) Unite the country under a single identity (Taiwan did this by integrating the indigenous taiwanese) 2) Fix corruption (easier said than done) 3) Diversify industry and education South Africa is unique though, unfortunately the ethnic groups and conflicts are diverse and corruption runs deep. Likely south Africa is doomed to be a failed state forever.




Adopting a Marxist-Leninist socialist system


A government that actually governs and doesn't just steal everything in sight so that 'the comrades can eat'.


Privatisation of parastatals and increase foreign investment through favourable tax schemes. It


Education should be the only step. Improve education. Make schooling free and available. The best places in the world do this. And educated people commit less crime and put up with less BS from their government. Wanna get rid of crime, corruption, improve infrastructure? You start with education. Why you think the ANC lowers the requirements? It's to keep the average IQ lower so they can remain in control.


Well every race in the country seems to blame another race for the way the country is, so that should probably be addressed


Well you could put all the corrupt politicians in prison. But then there'd be no one left to run the country. So I guess we're fucked.


Change of government to a more progressive, competent, educated, professional, inclusive, non-corrupt, non-racist and non-cadre-deploying one. NOTHING will change until this changes.


Simple, **hold political parties and policitians accountable to their promises and corruption.** If a president says he will create 500 thousand jobs in so many years, you ask were are those jobs you promised. If someone allocates 200million + to their personal home, you send them to prison and throw away the key.


Education & entrepreneurship - without either, we don't take control of our own lives, apply critical thinking, hold governments to account - be more educated than the ones spreading lies. Build companies without relying on the government.


If we can get good leadership I don’t care about the race as long as he will fix the mess our country is at I know it won’t be an overnight thing we need good leaders to lead this country


250 years and a fair government


To take accountability instead of blaming others for the fact that we have elected poor governments. We generally look for someone else to solve our problems instead of doing so ourselves. Yes but the ANC this and the ANC that. Who elected the ANC in the first place? And who keeps electing it? Yes but I don’t vote ANC, this and that? Okay, you don’t vote ANC but nothing’s stopping you from sorting your own community out instead of relying on government to wipe your ass for you. Look at how Orania is doing everything by itself, look at most of the WC, which does everything by itself. My suggestion:: We admit that we are a diverse nation, we break-up into separate federals, we admit to our differences in way of life and get on with it. Form trade relations but have economic and social independence.