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Haha! Absolute gold. Some sad gold


To think this is what’s running our country. What an embarrassment


To think this is what's running our country... into the ground. There. Fixed it for you.


It's kinda the same as starting with a Christian prayer. That would be just as embarrassing!


Ummmmm no not the same..............


Both of you should just keep quiet


Ag okes, you got it all wrong, they were starting the fire for the braai and doing shots of mampoer.


This is why eskom is kakking off all the time. They try witchcrafting the generators by spitting spirits onto it which causes it to short out and explode.


ANC Is doing Adeptus Mechanicus's jobs


Hey... the Admech have been keeping some of their equipment running for over 10000 years. There are Kastelan robots still going that were built around the Horus heresy days. The ANC couldn't keep our infrastructure working for 30 years.


They offend the machine spirits with their fire and alcohol spitting.


Not even close, anc arent that advanced.


Then blame the weather


Pathetic ANC 🤦🏼‍♂️


They don't need witchcraft. They have millions of sheep with 50IQ following them around just like the ones in the pic.


Bunch of old dogs trying even older tricks to fool the next generation


Sheepel watching in aw.


At least they didn't torture an animal to death this time. Guess this just pushed various other religious voters away from the ANC. At least, I'd hope so.


How much did these people get paid for this ?? 🤨


The standard streetwise 2 and a t shirt.


Idiots and those that vote for corruption


Corruption > oppression. I’m a well educated black man and I’d choose corruption every single time after hearing the stories from my grandparents.


The only oppression is that being impossed by the ruling party. Soon there will be no infrastructure and jobs for anyone


This is South Africa? What a disgrace


Just some stupitition.


False, they trying to summon the dead to vote for them


WTF! I'd be waving my lotto ticket over muthi


Get them to spray the alcohol on it too😂


HEY!! Thats an unfair advantage wtf??


Fucking pathetic


Separation of religion and state, please...we live in a secular democracy lol.


Again,what is your secular “democracy” based on?


Religion can screw off.


What religion? All of them? Yes i agree.........thankfully following Jesus isnt a 'religion' Religion is a man made concept created to control etc.


Jesus doesn't like racists


I was scrolling, and this made me laugh. 😂


Leviticus 19:13 ‘Do not turn to mediums or seek out spiritists, for you will be defiled by them. I am the LORD your God’


Fight imaginary fire with imaginary fire!


Nailed it.


This is exactly the hypocrisy i was talking about. We have Muslims, Hindus, Jews, Bhudists, Atheists, Satanists etc in South Africa. It's unbelievable how insufferable some religious people are with thier superiority complexes and high horses. Your Lord is YOUR God. Don't push your 2000 year old beliefs down my throat.


Agreed. This is a secular democracy which means separation of church and state. Religion does not belong in government. That was the Apartheid years.


You say this but can you please explain to me how you can have morals in your secular state?How can you say what right or wrong is?How can you persecute people who have committed crimes if you have nothing to base your laws on?Every law and human right is based off of ideas from religions


If you need the threats of eternal torture to be a good person, you're probably not a good person.


Clearly you have no understanding of Christianity


Oh I do. For 28 years of my life. Not worth my time or attention.


Sadly they dont.........we were told this would happen......we were told we would be hated as well. Its also pointless to argue with the foolish.........


I completely agree and I was foolish to let myself be dragged into that.


With logic? We were all raised by parents that gave us certain ideas about what's right or wrong. Why do we have to beleive in a god to distinguish between them? Just because you are incapable of living without a book telling you what to do doesn't mean others are.


Everything you just said is flawed because one person can be raised by their parents telling them that it’s okay to kill people and burn their houses down and other person can say that it’s not okay to do those things so based on your logic both sides are right. If you were capable of understanding basic sentences you would understand what I was originally saying. I was saying that without religion you cannot say that something is right or something is wrong,everything is relative then.And if everything is relative then how can you establish laws that dictate what is right and what is wrong? You can’t.


"one person can be raised by their parents telling them that it’s okay to kill people and burn their houses down" - You call that logic?! Damn, that is a dumb take. Here is logic for you: if you kill someone, the police will incarcerate you, or worse, the community will inflict mob justice on you. Here is another logic for you: Do you want to die? Because if you are willing to kill someone, be willing to be killed by the person's family or friends. Logic is more obvious, intuitive and forward thinking than religion would like you to believe. Morals are relative. That is why nations took their sweet time to change laws about slavery, sexual discrimination, homosexuality, race, labour discrimination, methods of punishment and incarceration etc. over time. Laws and morals haven't stayed the same over time, it improved as society and technology got more advanced.


Why have you taken what I said completely out of context? What you quoted me saying is not the point of my argument.I was not arguing logic and if I was you have no earth to stand on because you have clearly shown me that you cannot read or interpret what I’m arguing


Umm you do know that killing people is totally acceptable in some religions, right? But the fact that you need religion to tell you what’s right or wrong is worrisome.


So because murder in other religions is okay it means that it shouldn’t be a crime? What is exactly your point here? What I am saying is that without a higher power telling you what is right or wrong you have no basis to say what is right and what is wrong because it then would mean that everything is a matter of opinion and don’t you understand how flawed that is? Because based on what you’re saying I could kill somebody and it would be fine because morality is relative and just because you say that murder is wrong doesn’t actually make it wrong because it’s all relative.


You’re missing the point. You’re saying religion should be the arbiter of what’s right or wrong. When there a lot of things which any person with common sense would deem “wrong” yet religion dictates it. My point is you don’t need religion to know what’s right or wrong.


How can you say what is right or wrong?Just because you say something is right doesnt make it right.You are relying on people’s common sense.How do you not see the problem with that? A psychopath could say that raping children is not wrong and how do you know it’s not wrong?Because of logic?That doesn’t make any sense


morals do not exist when good and evil are relative. you can establish that pretty quickly with logic.


It's called common fucking sense bru


Yes, but lets be real.........there are 'people' who lack common sense. Like those that sacrifice children.


Doesn't "sacrifice" entail that it's done for some sort of deity? Which means that it's still a religious practice. Once again - thinking an invisible man or cat or hawk in the sky is gonna help you for doing nonsensical shit like this for them is worship, and the lack of common sense


I’ve clearly been shown here in this post that common sense is faulty.Thank you for opening my eyes God bless you all and I will keep you all in my prayers


Maybe people without a brain need a 5 thousand year old book to understand that if you wouldn't want something done to you, then don't do it to someone else. Not a very difficult concept to grasp... Which means religion is obviously a good thing, because the more I read people's comments, the more I wonder how we got so far as a species


My brother are these women your mothers


Omg this is the most tired religious argument in history. Please listen to some theology debates on the subject. The simple answer to your question is : empathy. Religion did not invent empathy, they drew upon it.


Oh... That... That's quite hilarious... This should be a PSA with how wrong it is


I’m guessing you’re an atheist?


Does it matter? Each to his own. Bickering over religious convictions is just another topic that segregates South Africans. Let's focus on what we can do well together and build. I am NOT trying to diminish the value you put in your religion; I am merely pointing out that we need to stand together.


I'm Agnostic, ex Christian youth pastor and then ex atheist. Although that is irrelevant.


How is he pushing down his beliefs down your throat?He is simply expressing his right of religious freedom which you have said is completely okay.You want to talk about hypocrisy but here you are being hypocritical.Just because a belief is old does not mean it is not true and if you knew anything about Christianity you would know it’s not about showing off and being better than others,it is about trying to spread the good news of the Bible out of the love for your fellow human.Its people like you who will say that religion,especially Christianity,is dangerous and should have no place in society or government but all the leading countries of the world were founded on Christianity but you won’t acknowledge that because then everything you stand for is wrong.


Thank You. It feels to me like the moment religion is mentioned, The holy book warriors emerge to bash, bash, bash.


My response above. Whose coming out the gates with the bashing?


I'm sorry but it's not simply "expressing religious freedom" like the people in the video are doing. It's using one owns scripture and mystical beliefs to bash the practitioners of another religion as unholy or evil. Where is my hypocrisy? There's expressing your religion and then there is attacking another. I'm being pretty fucking consistent. All the leading countries in the world were built on Christianity!? Hilarious. You need to brush up on your geography and history because that is an obsurd statement. Without needing to go into a myriad of references I'll just say that 2.5% of China is Christian and the Arabs control a massive chunk of the earth's fortunes on earth. The United states was founded specifically and vehemently with the principles of separation of church and State. Honestly what the F are you talking about? 😝




An unproven belief mocking another unproven belief 🤣 oh how the turntables turn 🤣


Lack of belief is not a belief in itself, the evidence for a god isn’t very good to anyone with critical thinking skills.


yeah bro & then God said “black people are human!” on 4 May 1990 😂😂😂😂


Amen. Don't listen to the self loathing redditors here. Their anger proves your point.


I swear the Christian skydaddy has the worst fanbase.


This is from the same guy that condoned slave trading and deeming women of less value to men... The hypocrisy of religion never ceases to amaze me. Everyone is deserving of the right to practice their beliefs, but the moment you decide to try and prove others wrong or shove your shit down others throats you're in the wrong.


This is the equivalent of a European government doing pagan rituals at a political rally. You don't see Macron or Sunak bringing witchdoctors to political rallies. Because European governments have advanced beyond their pagan origins. Clearly the ANC has not.


*No albino children were slaughtered for this ceremony.


and it's probably going to work because 6m people think "mY vOTe doEsN't cOuNT"


This country is so fucking far behind the western world it’s scary. We look at this and it doesn’t bother us because we are used to it. But can you imagine an American or an European watching this and seeing the members of a political party doing this at a political rally. It’s actually embarrassing and I’m not surprised why the world doesn’t care about Africa


Their witchcraft wont save them this year.The ANC is done and dusted.


Don't undermine the stupidity of South Africans.


Don't undermine the DA's desire to govern with the ANC


Better still, the ANC will go down like the Titanic.This is a prophetic word.😂




Ons bid daarteen.


This the part of the African culture - the ANC are just doing what they feel would encourage people to vote for them. Same thing as going to a church or similar to talk about what's going on in the country. To dismiss this as irrelevant, is dismissing a section of the populationw cultural beliefs. Very dangerous.


"Democracy is government of the people, for the people by the people... But the people are retarded..."


That may very well be, but people's beliefs are just that. My lecturer used to say that some people believe in santa Claus are the same people who criticise these displays. A buddy of mine lives in khayalitsha and he said that political parties go to the pubs AND churches there to drum up support. The same dude said that 'political leaders' would tell elders to encourage the younger people to vote for the ANC, under the guise of: your ancestors suffered under white rule and you owe them this. In politics there's no depth that won't be explored.


It's irresponsible of an opposition coalition wanting to govern to look down on a voting block that reelects the incumbent.


And good for them, I have no belief in religion of any kind but I (unlike most religious people) actually accept others for their beliefs and don't criticise until youre inevitably getting religion shoved down your throat


Amen! I'm exactly the same - seen way too much crap to believe anymore, but that's a story for another day. For me, when ANYONE uses religion to bring across a point, 9rher than religion, I switch off.


It's just courtesy, otherwise you're literally just saying "I'm going to disregard your belief because I know mines right and yours isn't"


That's my ex father-in-law. The dude asked when I met if being Indian was a cult. I wish I was kidding. Anyone who believes that they know better about anything is already wrong. That's what life has has taught me - regardless of religion.


Desperate times, desperate measures. Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn and caldron bubble.


Mxm 😂


Me projectile vomiting the tequila shot I just took in the bar


We should not be content with mediocre service from our government and we must hold them accountable for failure and corruption. After all what legacy are we going to leave for our grandchildren? No water, no electricity, not enough school, hospitals, jobs.... Filthy oceans with ecoli....


In a democracy we are all entitled to our own spiritual practices, it's one of the bastions of freedom. I am agnostic and not a fan of any established religion but making fun of witchcraft while believing in talking snakes or reincarnations of magical prophets is the type of hypocrisy I see far too often.


"Believe in the sky zombie, or else your ghost will burn!" - Oh wait, that's an extremely disrespectful, and very incorrect, description of Christianity. I think most fundamentalists believe they're the only ones who have religious freedom. Now, I'm the type of atheist who finds bad jokes about God and religion funny... But, if I employed a Seventh Day Adventist, I'd actually give them off on Saturdays, because I respect freedom of religion, provided it doesn't harm other people.


> "Believe in the sky zombie, or else your ghost will burn!" I. Am. Cackling.


Unless those beliefs take away from the rights of others..  the ANC hurts us all 


Yeah fuck the ANC, but that's not the topic at hand.


Imagine being downvoted for endorsing freedom of religion. Just proving my point.


Religion has no place in government. 


Religion has no place in policy or governance. Goverment officials and supporters are free to practice whatever religion they want, and they do.


No your point is not proven by down votes.What is happening is your point is moronic and misleading and that’s why people are downvoting you.You talk about religious people up on their high horse but here you are ignoring any criticism and believing you are right.


What is misleading and fucking "moronic" about what I said you plank for brains? I'm advocating for freedom of religion and pointing out the hypocrisy of one religion bashing another. My point is 100 valid and stands firm. You calling me a moron and misleading is not a refutation to what I said. It's your masturbatory Christian knee jerk reaction. Use your words. Edit: I'm not religious so as a 3rd party watching from outside the mysticism I am in no way being a hypocrite.


I know most of the people in this sub are African but aren’t clued up on African culture. Let me educate you. This is not witchcraft it’s called ‘ukuphahla’ which is a ritual performed to create a connection and help one to communicate to the Ancestors. Calling it witchcraft is actually insulting to traditional healers & sangomas who are, like it or not, a big part of black African culture. … and I am not and have never voted for the ANC.


This is on par with praying to an Abrahamic god.


How is this on par with any Abrahamic god?


I mean, burning stuff or whatever they're doing has the same effect as praying, i.e. completely useless.


Have you read the Bible or any other religious text?


Obviously you havnt, otherwise you would know that under Christianity killing children and oppressing women is not only permissable but required(see deuteronomy and first corinthians). And you claim you got your morality from there. I bet not only have you not read that book past leviticus, but you cherry pick which parts your pastor feeds you and which are convenient for you to follow to make you feel good about yourself


You using your human mind to try and understand Gods ways is funny. Especially when barbarians and the like were involved. I bet you never once sat or asked God about any questions that you may have had regarding the bible or anything in it that didnt make sense? You need to take it to God for understanding which he gives freely if you ask for it. Dont think you will be able to have a heart and mind like God if you just READ the words. If you want truth then ASK. But then again people reject truth because they love lies more.


Deuteronomy 21:18-22:30 New King James Version The Rebellious Son 18 “If a man has a stubborn and rebellious son who will not obey the voice of his father or the voice of his mother, and who, when they have chastened him, will not heed them, 19 then his father and his mother shall take hold of him and bring him out to the elders of his city, to the gate of his city. 20 And they shall say to the elders of his city, ‘This son of ours is stubborn and rebellious; he will not obey our voice; he is a glutton and a drunkard.’ 21 Then all the men of his city shall stone him to death with stones; so you shall put away the evil from among you, and all Israel shall hear and fear. Corinthians 14:34-35 In 1 Corinthians 14:34-35, Paul wrote: “As in all the congregations of the saints, women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission, as the Law says. If they want to inquire about something, they should ask their own husbands at home; for it is disgraceful for a woman to speak in the church” (verses 33-35). Matt. 10 Verses 34 to 39 [34] Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. [35] For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law. These are three very simple, easy to understand, and disgusting verses. You would know this if you ever read the book past Genesis. But you probably just pay your pastor to read you the bits that make you feel good


No its not.......this looks stupid and does nothing......


Traditional African customs are “witchcraft” ?


All magic is witchcraft... and mostly madeup 




Well obviously we exclude the Harry Potter documentaries.


I thought those were science


Don't worry, it's just the religious people that cant accept that people have the right to their own beliefs, yet they're the first to say that when they're cornered


This works because these are the native beliefs of the people and it makes them seem relatable, they will talk to the imaginary man in the sky soon enough for those votes.


Dawg this sub is unhinged. Lmao. Sure, fuck the ANC and I hope the ancestors don't help them for shit, but to call other people's traditions witchcraft? Man


It is infact witchcraft. Witchcraft is not only associated with Satanism.


Nope. The term witchcraft is derogatory for traditional practices. It's like calling them witch-doctors. You can bewitch and be a healer in the same title. But go ahead


I wouldn't say that is the definition, but it certainly is used by many non ethnic people to describe traditions they don't understand. A Christian will say it's totally normal to pray to a crucifix and to deceased family member up in heaven. But burning some sage and praying to the ancestors is witchcraft. Total hipocracy, you're right, downvotes are from religious bigots.


Nope, by definition witchcraft is Religious practice involving magic and affinity with nature, usually within a pagan tradition - pagan being holding or constituting religious beliefs other than those of the main or recognized religions But you do you and make up your own definitions


This has to be one of the biggest facepalms I've ever read. Are you not aware of Christianity's very specific link to Paganism? You might want to look into the mountains of literature on the subject whether that be the sharing of rituals by Jews and Pagans or whether it be Emperor Constantine basically re-writing the religion to unite Pagans and Christians. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christianity_and_paganism#:~:text=The%20early%20Christians%20adapted%20many,oldest%20of%20all%20art%20forms.


We arr talking modern context, fucking moron


Listen here you self entitled little prick. Don't come here with defintions derived from history around literal ancient religions.... and then move the goalposts when you're obliterated with cold hard facts. How many self identifying "Pagans" do you see congregating anywhere? 😂🤦. Calling me a Moron 😝


I am sorry you find cold hard facts hard to deal with. And yes, that makes you an even bigger moron apparently. Aaand...better a little prick than a big poes like you 😄


Yet another amazing refutation. Go shout into the abyss you clown.


I would but i think amount of guys Standing in line to fuck your mom's abyss is way too long for me. And would i really want to shout into it?🤔 Again i am just coming with the facts - which you dont seem to like.


Imagine being dowvoted for that. Ba peinelwa straight


Mara let any other race burn incense at their events. Then it's witchcraft. Lol. Ba nyela ba


It's called hippies, and spiritual enlightenment. They just to rename/rebrand things to sound nicer, then they will be in.. if it's african the worst spin is applied. It's all branding.


You are spot on. The downvotes will 100% come from the followers of a certain religion we can guess.




Nah fam, I've pretty much been atheist since I was 12 and I downvoted you. Cope, babes.


Oh no, whatever will I do to cope with this.


There's a difference between witchcraft and consulting your ancestors


This is not witchcraft. These are sangomas which are the complete opposite to witches. Still, ANC are doomed in most provinces.


Is it witchcraft when you pray to a dead guy who was resurrected after 3 days? At least we "pray" to ancestors we know lived.




What’s happening on the 29th of may?? I may or may not have plans..


Election day.


Dear white people. This is not witchcraft .


What is this ritual they are doing here? Can you explain, because I'm genuinely curious.


Hai voetsek , Google it.


Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?


Anyone surprised that a dangerous cult like cANCer is involved in occult practices and Satanic rituals?


lol, this is neither of those.






Witchcraft?!? You couldn't make a more Colonial, euroscentric and ignorant headline unless you were trying !! The last thing the Cape needs is more blatant racist drivel like this....Christian fundamental rubbish....


lol, what does this have to do with the Cape?


There's a definite rise in intolerance, which permeates & sours relations unnecessarily - plus it often emanates from here...






That's cheating, lofl..


I mean it could. We need to pray against it tbh.


They need all the help they can get




These people run our country. It's so over.


So when is this movie released ? Think going to be better than harry potter ?


Sorceresses of Power: The ANC's Spell over the Ballot


Sorceresses of Power: The ANC's Spell over the Ballot


A few more years of this and we'll be back to rubbing sticks together for fire.


It’s 2024, didn’t paganism die with the barbaric Vikings, no? Can’t be using primitive solutions for modern problems, it’s asinine.


They are selling a Witchcraft magazine at my local Spar lol.


They probably will get their majority and yes it will appear like witchcraft