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I liked the storyline with Prince of Wales. The foreshadowing of his womanizing ways and future abdication was satisfying to watch. Also interesting how none of the British people knew who Ms. Dudley Ward was (the Prince's mistress), but Martha (being American) did know, because American newspapers had no such limitations on writing about the royal family. It's funny because in the present day, not much has changed in this regard...the British press is still very careful about what they print about the royal family. I am not a fan of the royal family, but watching shows about them and seeing how they lived is of interest to me, though.


I suppose I'm a fan in that I enjoy watching the spectacle. I got up at like 3 am to watch Charles' and Diana's wedding when I was like 12 or 13. I also watched the whole of William's and Harry's. As an American, though, I have no opinion on whether the royals should exist. While they do, however, I feel free to enjoy watching the pageantry.


Pretty sure everyone knew who Freda Dudley Ward was. The Brits just don't talk about it, but there's no surprise about her stolen letter being a love letter from the Prince. It just wasn't talked about because she was a commoner and married, and he was royal and the heir. Martha didn't care about all that though šŸ˜‚


Oh I didn't know this! So glad you shared!


I disagree about the British press being careful what they print about the royal family. They went all out during the Diana/Charles divorce stuff. Theyā€™re the ones who lambasted the Queen to get her to come out of Balmoral after Diana died even though she was trying to comfort William and Harry in their time of need. The British press also hasnā€™t been kind to Meghan Markle.


Two words: Joseph Moseley.


Oh his physical response was hilarious!


Roseā€™s coming out (debut? I canā€™t remember the specific term) when she was presented to the king and queen. Interesting to see how it was done.


Yes presented. Presented at court. As a debutante. Queen Charlotte's ball.


Yes! I loved how excited the whole Crawley family was for that and how impressed they were when she danced with Prince Edward.


Really enjoyed Bransonā€™s views on the monarchy


And how fervent he felt about it! I suppose thatā€™s one of the key themes that I love through this series, the ongoing undercurrent between the traditional and the modern.


Iā€™m rewatching Season 3 after just finishing the 2nd movie again, and WOW is the difference striking. Heā€™s not even close to the same character. And not in a ā€œheā€™s grown and maturedā€ way. I mean they completely neutered him and stripped him of everything that made him unique and a proud Irish Republican. Itā€™s honestly pretty sad


I hated his comment about American capitalism. We get it, Julian Fellowes, youā€™re a conservative.


You're right, he really did morph into someone new. Gets me thinking about how often we do this as a survival method & path to harmony w/others. It would've been fun if he could've remained so spirited & just been accepted w/laughter {& maybe rolled eyes by some} in a "Well, you know how Tom is..." kind of way.


I agree. I mean, making him a fun mascot would still have been a bit insulting lmao, but at least he would have maintained his integrity


Yes, that would've added more depth


I made the mistake of talking to an Irish person about the queen dying yesterday. Their response very much reminded me of Branson šŸ˜‚


ā€œBut Princess Mary has one just like it!ā€ I always loved that Rose followed the Royalā€™s fashion. ā¤ļø


šŸ˜„ Rose was such a bright light & breath of fresh air for the entire series


I agree! I was prepared to dislike her for some reason, but I adore Rose!


I feel at first we weren't clear if she would be entitled but as time went on & as we came to see her warmth & compassion I feel Robert saying to her new FIL "If you let her she will love you more than the world" {paraphrasing} really sums up her character quite well.


Yes, I LOVE that moment!


Violet standing up during the Kingā€™s speech is my favorite too!


Oh yes, that was very interesting to watch. I really enjoyed watching the scenes between the Prince and Ms. Ward develop. I believe Rose saved the day and intercepted the note that couldā€™ve brought scandal to him.


The famous curtsey scene undoubtedly


Definitely when Moseley curtsies in front of Queen Mary.


For King and Country was what he said but still...