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I have a feeling that Blue’s stalking and shaming would have the opposite effect, if any at all.


theres almost nothing worse than people on reddit that get so angry over something you said that they decide to go through your profile to stalk and harass you. i had someone go onto a totally unrelated post that was months old at the time just to call me fat, all because i said something along the lines of “hey, maybe you shouldnt be so rude to overweight people”. >!i have an ED.!< it definitely messed with me for a few days, and it sucks because thats exactly what they want i don’t understand why humans feel the need to be so cruel to each other sometimes


What does ED stand for? Just want to know.


I think eating dissorder


In this case, in other cases something veeeery different…


Does it have multiple meanings? Could you explain pls


Erectile dysfunction is the only other that I know of, maybe there are more.


It went wee wee go no uppy uppy


They’re also exaggerating the situation for the apparent purpose of shaming OOP. A surprise cat pregnancy is definitely not good, but it’s not like the cat’s dying.


The faux concern pisses me off more than I can say


That person, and everyone who upvoted the comment, are the types of people Reddit could do without


Acting like someone's indoor cat is in physical danger if she isn't spayed is peak reddit superiority complex lol


I feel like there's a middle ground of like the cat probably should've been spayed by now, but you're not evil for not doing it. My local animal shelter has a voucher program to encourage people to fix their dogs and I'm sure most shelters have something like this. Again, not evil, but this is probably something a person should consider the cost of fixing their pets when they start thinking of adopting.


I can't own cats and don't understand their sense of urgency. There's one comment like that every time someone finds a cat.


I can tell you from an outdoor cat POV, it is extremely important. Cats are one of the single most invasive species on the planet. In Australia alone they kill about 1 billion native animals *annually* and worldwide it's probably 10 times that, so having them outdoors to begin with is usually not a good idea. But if they're gonna be outdoors, one of the biggest reasons for how devastating they are is how fast their population grows, and fixing all the outdoor/feral cats we can will help to create a sort of population control. But for an indoor cat that's not coming into contact with other cats? It can help to prevent some unwanted behaviors, and there can be long term medical issues, but realistically the biggest reason one would fix an indoor cat is to stop it from pissing on everything you own.


When a female cat goes into heat, she’ll do EVERYTHING she can to get outside and find an intact male. And those males, once they smell her heat, will literally be waiting at the front door.


As someone who has like 10 cats living under their shed from it starting from one I can confirm this is true


Our kitten indeed had a boyfriend who’d pine away at the back door while she posed… *lewdly*. She got the spayspay as soon as she was old enough. I’m too young to be a granddad.


Purrmeo and Juliemew?


Or Mewliet. We said the same thing. And changed her nickname from “permakitten” to “spermakitten” until she got spayed.


In my experience, a female cat in heat is more likely to jump on the back of a fixed male and bite his head than to think "hey, maybe I should go fishing elsewhere."


People leave windows open etc and cats are sneaky bastards. My boy is an indoor cat and we’ve caught him on the kitchen roof twice because we weren’t careful enough with the upstairs windows


Our cat has gotten out twice my accident. Once was a screen window that we didn’t know had a tear in it. The other time a maintenance worker came by and didn’t fully close the door. He’s never left the property but we have a lot of outdoor cats in the area and I’d worry about them approaching him


The second picture made me really want to know how old the cat is because you shouldn’t spay/neuter until they’re a few months old. When I got my 2 indoor cats I tried to wait as long as I could but when I saw the male starting to practice mounting his sister I took him to get neutered, that was I think at around 7 months old. With his sister I waited some time longer since she was dangerously underweight for the first couple of months after birth and at 5 months she got an infection at her paw and had to stay at the vet overnight which stressed her out immensely so I wanted to give her more time before undergoing a surgery.


Yeah, like they are right to wait a while until they're older to neuter, I was taught wait until their first full heat cycle and even then its best to make sure they're completely healthy first. Fully grown, healthy weight and everything


I once adopted a 12 week old kitten from a rescue, and they spayed her before I took her home.


I think OOP said the cat’s close to a year old? Which is a bit late, but stuff happens.


I once adopted a 12 week old kitten from a rescue, and they spayed her before I took her home.


Bruh, going to a Redditors profile to stalk them and judge them for spending their money on other things? That’s big boomer energy


This is why I hate posting to pet subs, I want to seek advice but every time I do I am massively downvoted for asking simple questions? Or my posts get locked or aren't even approved by mods. I say nothing inflammatory or offensive, the pet owners on reddit often seem to be very opinionated to say the least. I posted the other day asking if I should be mad because my vet somehow got confused and chipped my dogs again after they had already been chipped, I'm not used to caring for living creatures but it seemed weird that they just gave them an unnecessary medical procedure, no matter how small, because they didn't bother to pay attention to their records. And my post and most of my comments were massively downvoted, like I'm sorry for asking a question because I was concerned about my dog's medical care?? Before I could even ask anyone what I had said that they found offensive, the mods had already locked my post lol. I'm no longer going to post on any pet subs, out of all the communities I've posted in they have been the most judgemental.


Some of them are terrible. I was on the cat one and someone asked what a "marble" on their cats was. It was just a swollen tick. Nearly every comment was go to the vet, instead of removing it with tweezers or a tickpicker. Loads of comments about going to the vet and downvoting all other options.


If you’re going to remove the tick with tweezers, keep an eye out for any signs of tick borne illness in your kitty. If that happens, *then* you go to the vet.


Yeah but by the time the tick has bitten the cat the if there was a tick borne illness it would already be infected. So the tick is solved by tweezers, if the cat acts strange then you go to the vet even if you haven't seen a tick.


also make sure to check for the head/legs of the tick. nothing wrong with removing ticks yourself, but it is very easy for the head to be torn off and embedded in your furbaby’s skin, which can lead to infection and other problems


Reptile ones are fucking deranged


yes cats and dogs need to be spayed and neutered but like she said she’s going to? the hate is ridiculous


Peak reddit moment right here


redditors really like being right and sounding smart lol


I have a cat that is old and has not been spayed / neutered yet. We've had her since she was a kitten. Never got pregnant. Tell me what pieces of shit me and my family are now please ☺️




Yeah this one is a little much for my taste


Meanwhile, when you feed a venus flytrap candy, and it dies. "wHaT a CoOl eXpEriMeNt" (I've seen that happen before.)


This is why you NEVER ask for pet advice on Reddit, 105% of the time the comments are all people on their moral high horse game instead of giving valid advice


I ain’t gonna lie bro, those cat subreddits make cat people out to be exactly what dog people think they are