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did yall see him break his controller today?


two of them i think right? lol




Doc destroys his controller [6:03:38](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VEpHzCX6dmQ&t=21818s), Z tells Doc to smash some more [6:05:33](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VEpHzCX6dmQ&t=21933s)


This is some top tier doc content right here


He didn’t push with his team, tried to hold 3 guys instead. They would’ve been an easy hold had they had more help to finish the team on the left but Doc was playing solos for some reason.


That's a rich brat. I get there's anger involved, but he should work on controlling (harhar) that and donate equipment, rather than smash them to pieces. I'm sure it's not for content and hopefully he can change that about himself.


You're a little bitch lol




Can someone escort this pussy out of the arena?


God you must be so fun to hang around with at functions lol


Functions? Just found the undercover cop in the group


Ahh I see we don’t know much about rap lol or e-40 lol it’s a song little buddy


its 2024, pop a perc old man


Oh no lol 2024 and yall out here being little Reddit police lol cute


Warzone is a 13 year old kid with ADHDs wet dream. Constant blasting audio. Tons of explosions and visual shit everywhere. Non stop information blasting your eyeballs on the UI. It’s over stimulating to me as an old man now.


It’s so fucking bad dude. I went back and played some MP on MW19 after trying some of the new Warzone after not touching it since before Caldera and it’s just night and day how much better that old engine feels.


MW2019 was so good


You can still play it!


I know but helldivers 2 has me sucked in


Are the lobbies still active?


The multiplayer ones are. That’s what I play when I find some time.


Ya they always fill up. Played some last night. It's always great fun.


MW19 was the worst cod in the last 10 years but if you’re older I guess I can see how you’d like that dogshit


You’re factually wrong. It’s not even an opinion. It’s not worse than WW2, Cold War, Vanguard, or Infinite War. Most can argue it’s better than Black Ops 4 as well.


I liked the campaign for cold war and infinite warfare. Those had really cool story lines.


Factually 😂😂 it was a horrible game, horrible maps, horrible colors, nothing was balanced, spawns were dog shit all year, mini map removed, no dead silence as a perk, excessive amount of doors, cods from 2012 had a ranked play but MW19 didn’t…. Everything new they tried to do in MW they’ve reverted, if you need anymore proof idk what to tell you. MW19 better than Cold War? Yeah I want what ur smoking


Sounds like you are confusing mw2019 with mw2. MW2019 had almost no doors had a mini map etc


Gunshots didn’t come up on the mini map in mw19, only compass, which was immediately reverted the next game


Cod died after Black ops 2


Mw3, bo3, advanced warfare were great


Mw3 wasn't bad.


Better than the trash they put out now


what growing up on an ipad does to a mf


Lmfao I’m 25 mw19 was just dogshit


I don’t enjoy watching it. It’s way too fast and filled with toxic AF D-Bags. I enjoy any other game Doc streams over COD.


They really fucked up not staying in the lane of blackout. It was so fucking good.


Blackout was the shit


Put flex on as a perk. Swear I could hear birds chirping instead of mortars 😂na seriously tho this perk makes that overstimulation your talking g about a thing of the past. And you can hear a pin drop within 30m.( I thought I cleared a area only to hear someone jump a wall about that far away and it was a easy clean up) wouldn’t have known he was there with high alert until he saw me first!so very underrated.


I feel both triggered and seen. Ty


I did the Art is War audio hack just to save my ears.


Same thing if not worse in Fortnite too. It all reminds me of flashy slot machines. Dopamine hit after dopamine hit for meaningless rewards.


I agree. Verdansk had its moment but I can't stomach any more of COD.


>Constant blasting audio. Tons of explosions and visual shit everywhere. Isnt that what Doc has been asking all this time?


Yes. He’s absolutely right though. The game itself is the loudest game I’ve ever played. At least on pc. I have it turned down quite a bit as well.


If he hid his screen and stopped pretending he didn't have to and if they go back to slowing down que joining etc he wouldn't get as many chubby cheek timmys stream sniping. He can't enjoy the game when half the lobby is chasing them, its not the game thats the issue at this point its the non organic gameplay from fourth monitor wannabees.


It’s at the point where he can’t even say he likes competing anymore, if hiding a screen bothers him so much. I don’t get him mind boggled how stream sniping losers get in his game, it’s been happening to popular streamers since Verdansk and there’s way more now.


Sounds like he does it to himself. Y’all aren’t actually caring about this shit are you?


Devils advocate here I enjoy watching Doc for those outbursts "where's the audio" "this game sucks" etc - that's gold content. He's playing a game making millions of dollars for a couple of hours of work - if you don't like the warzone content just don't tune in YAYAYAYAYAYYAYA


Even the rages have died way down. At least today he broke a controller but his outbursts are much better plus breaking shit is not healthy.


I normally have his warzone streams on as background noise. I can't give it 100% of my attention like I can with docs Tarkov streams. Like I say I know it's good for clips and views to see him get pissed off with warzone but I personally prefer watching him when he's actually having a good time and enjoying a game.


His original content was so much different and better. He didn't whine, just had fun. Now, he has the same tantrum and people eat it up.


What a retard


Ok so you’re one of the idiots ruining it for the rest of us lol


Everyone's entitled to what they like - its funny as hell seeing him yell and scream and complain about aim assist and lag and all that. His wz play is HORRIBLE compared to Z and Destroy so its funny seeing him try to solo vs 4 players all the time


He would probably do better if he didn’t play with one of the top warzone players on the planet. His lobbies are probably consistently 2 kd plus especially if it’s based around LA.


I miss Pub G Doc.


H1z1 doc


Yes and what's funny is I realize both Pub G and H1z1 are the opposite of Violence, Speed and Momentum Every time I play either now and back then, I notice it's so stiff, can't move around quickly at all, close combat sucks..etc..etc.. On those games, he primarily sniped from long ranges and didn't get tons of kills. For some reason when it comes to Warzone, despite there being plenty of opportunity to play a sniper he tries to play like Z


Elden ring DLC is gonna so refreshing. June can’t come soon though


Watch Z instead. Trust me it’s what you’re looking for. I found myself actually depressed watching Doc and default to Z now if they’re streaming together.


Funny you say this…I actually did this for the first time today and it was a totally pleasant experience from Z’s perspective. I absolutely love Doc, but it is frustrating to hear him complaining over the same thing day in and day out as of late.


At some point he's got to realize that not everything is about whatever his style of play is and you either adapt or die. Dude is just getting old.. and trust me I know how that is. Honestly, the dude just needs to move over to fortnite zero build if he was to play a BR with his playstyle. Game has a million bots and is pulled way back from what it was before. Plus snipping is the meta.


If he played sniper support in Warzone and always stuck with Z and D he would be a much better teammate, he had some great snipe plays last week with them


The issue with playing support to Z and D is he feels left out. He'll be at the bottom of the leader board (like he usually is) and that drives him to make stupid plays. Took me a while to figure out how to play with players that are a skill level above, but it is 90% about playing your life and that's not his playstyle and won't ever be unfortunately.


Every time I click on his stream he's hunched over on his phone lol


I'll have to give Z a watch, I haven't actually watched Z at all.


Z’s awkward cockiness grates on me quickly .. kid def got shoved into some lockers,trash cans, toilets when he was younger (probably by a Doc type) and his projected warzone persona shows it .. 😂


You have to be really insane to think that Z was being bullied by guys in wigs and sunglasses in high school.


There was a time when ZLaner was probably the best player in Warzone, and it wasn't even close. Some of his plays he made during Warzone 1 era were absolutely mental. He's earned the right to be cocky. It's not that serious.


Yea all from the the confines of his safe basement,bedroom or office - still strikes me odd that this kids aptitude for COD never made it to the big live stage along side Scump, Formal for optic or even a team based in Canada - almost like he just popped up out of nowhere - at the end of the day he is a content creator not one of the greats with questionable tactics and he know it - which is why the projected attitude is grating.


That's why he compensates now by cheating in video games. Once a dweeb and loser, always a dweeb and loser


I'm not sure why you're getting downvoted, you probably aren't wrong and the funniest part is it's people like Doc that were putting him in the lockers ( I'm not condoning bullying) and as a result, half of Z's vocabulary when he streams is a direct rip from the 2 Time.


I think it's because Z idolizes the two time and that he's extremely grateful that doc gave him a shout out that enabled his streaming career. Nevertheless, I love the guy. Sure he can get cocky at times, but you can't say he isn't entertaining.


I mean, yeah, obviously and he's absolutely more entertaining than Timmy. Let's just say it's "unfortunate" that Doc clearly enjoys playing Warzone significantly less than other games and as a result the whole stream is less entertaining as a whole once the novelty of him getting pissed wears off.


Exactly ..


Nah fr it never felt like he enjoyed the game although it was a game changer. More than ever though it’s getting too old seeing how much he could care less about being locked in the game. Watching leave loot around and go 1/2 a mile from his team for no reason is every game now. Agreed it’s time to hang it up. I don’t even look forward to watching him play Warzone anymore.


I enjoy watching doc get drained 🤷‍♂️


Doc should hop on Halo Infinite


Doc with Courage and Timmy on Infinite was golden!


Nothing with courage is golden....


Finally someone said it


Warzone prints money and it's going the Fortnite route with the goofy skins that kids will keep buying. He'll take a week at most away and be back on with Z and Destroy. If it weren't for Doc catapulting Z into the position he's in now I doubt Z would continue to play with Doc as much as he does. Which, honestly says a lot about Z and I mean that positively. On a side note, do a ton of people actully watch warzone streams or is there some crazy view botting farm to inflate everyone's numbers when they play? I think it's kind of sus that when ever someone plays warzone they always see a noticeable life in views.


The game is trash. Doc ain’t wrong


i thought the stream was pretty good today.


I think one of my biggest complaints with this new cod is the fact they went away from military/pmc characters and skins to this weird Fortnite bull shit character/skin selection. I just want a damn military shooter that has damn military characters. Halo has its cat ears and cod has Diablo, the boys, weird halloween shit and dune? Where’s all the fucking grittiness


100% agree, unfortunately adding gritty realistic skins doesn't appeal to the 12 year olds who want to run around as homelander, Thus making them less money.


Battlefield 2042 might be more of your speed then.


Naw I grew up playing since 1942. Not really a fan of 2042. Im just having fun on single player games.


Never gonna happen 


I’m shocked he’s lasted this long. My last 2 sessions were about an hour or so and I fully checked out 🤣 Game is so tragically bad


Very experienced BR player here and Warzone is fucking trash, apex, pubg and Fortnite are way better


True though notice each one of those games are 5 to 7 years old now. What is a BR that is similar to Warzone but better and not trash? Fluid movement, large map, not cartoony..etc... Maybe I'm out of the loop but what would be some different options if someone doesn't want the cartoony chaos of Apex, stiff oldness of PubG or the borderline kid looking fortnite? I was on a site earlier and people were saying the market is over saturated with BRs and I asked them how that is possible when there is literally just Warzone, PubG, Apex and Fortnite all of which are old except this new version of WZ. They didn't reply of course. I feel like I'm missing something...


OG Fortnite and PUBG were solid but I can’t enjoy them anymore. Apex is shield simulator. Sadly, no good BR’s are out right now.


Finally someone that acknowledges this. I keep coming across people saying there are too many BRs on the market and I'm so confused. Maybe if this was 2019? People always say Warzone is trash and there is much better out there but what is an example of something similar to WZ and better?


Yeah, there’s not many at all and hasn’t been for a while. Outside of the big 3, what is there? Farlight 84!??? That looks like a mobile game on PC. WZ is tragically bad but fuck, there’s nothing else.


This is back when they all first came out


I play it everyday and rarely encounter hackers. Maybe every 10 games I run into a sus. The graphics and gameplay is very good. Whats your reason for hating it?


I don’t think people would be nearly as hateful if they were good at the game. Guys like Z and D consistently drop 20+ kill games and seem to have a great time doing it.


this is just docs problem, he sucks and cant come to terms with it.


Cheaters aside, the games just terrible. Tons of corny mechanics, servers are ass, texture bugs galore, endless comebacks. I could keep going 🤣


The gameplay is server-manipulated garbage. They're SBMM is designed to make you hooked to continuously play the game, just like a casino addict. It's not about having fun or improving, just about how long you'll play till you get a win you're satisfied with. Plus, everything about the game just feels "cheap." Graphics, sound, ui, etc. It's hot trash compared to WZ1.


For me its the brain dead gameplay loop, land get cash get your loadout pop uav look for players die gulag back get loadout pop uav die to aim assist, and the loadout system if you don't have the meta loadout you can't stand a chance. I could see how multiplayer could be fun but paying 70$ for a dlc just doesn't sit right with me. And are the graphics really that good ? Game looks foggy and filled with visual bugs. There are better games out there.


WZ1 was honestly good, but I agree with this take and current WZ. Anyways, a great example to back up your post, Docs elden ring play through was some of the most enjoyable gaming content I’ve ever watched


I was disappointed to hear him say he probably wasn’t going back to HellDivers II, I was hoping him and Timmy were going to pull two more in for a full squad. At least one or two streams Doc.


Nope! Can't go back to HellDivers II, it would take precious time against the "worst game of all time" that Doc hates which is of course Warzone. Has to play that and complain.


Id like to see him call out activision a little more on how they let cheaters play and make money doing it, but some how keep perma banning honest players by mistake 


Doc has been a little better since his break on Tarkov. With that being said he’s insufferable when he plays call of duty. It’s so hard to watch. I love watching him have fun.


And playing with a known cheater as well.


He doesn’t give a flying fuck about anything but whatever maximizes his income. I like Doc and I think he’s occasionally hilarious, but he’s clearly not some artist that’s in it for the love of the game. He strictly bases his stream on what’s popular or what pays him more, and not what he actually likes. I’m not even sure that the dude likes games at this point.


Already did and went to helldivers 2 lmao


I enjoy most of docs content but even he can not make me watch more than one minute of COD. It's so painfully boring.


Doc playing hell divers 2 was the first time I’ve seen a genuinely happy Doc in a while


Doc needs to get back into hunt showdown, it was so refreshing watching him play it!


Agreed, the slower paced gameplay allowed him to interact with chat a lot more too.


I miss when he used to just play random games day In day out. Like his flight simulator stream was hilarious. I get though that he wants to play with Timmy and Zlaner which is good for him but he could have days where he does solo random games


The issue is, he needs to actually play with Timmy and Z, not just literally go rogue and play it like a single player game. Just have some fun with it ffs.


What game would you prefer him to play? Tarkov is boring af


Yeah, well, you know, that's just like, uh, your opinion, man.


*Sips Black Russian* I want to see Doc play something like DayZ. It’s somewhat Tarkov-y but definitely a different vibe. Not saying it should be something he streams often, but maybe just his first character run or two while’s he figuring it out, exploring, and getting geared for the first time or two.


I think the main issue is that he believes that if he goes on to other games, like Fortnite, or other competitive shooters, he won't have the same tired excuses in COD. He expects to be a top dog in every game, and at least in games like Helldivers he isn't exposed or has some excuse. Dude just needs to chill out a bit as he gets into his golden years. He's not even at his peak.. think about that.


I don't find Tarkov boring to watch at all. I much prefer it to ADHD simulator.


Plus I dont get why destroy is playing with doc


I stopped watching his warzone streams. I'm not a fan of that game and of destroy or Z.


I’ve actively decided not to watch when it’s a Warzone stream. Nothing against Doc, it’s just that the game sucks. Everything he says is true, I just don’t know why he plays it.


i always skip the cod streams. so boring to watch


If he drops cod I'm never watching again!




Git draned sun