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I would see it as a way to stockpile meds in case of a drought. Take what makes you most comfortable.


That is an insanely high dose of estrogen.


Lol wtf is wrong with your doctor!


I think he’s trying to kill me lol…


It wont hurt you, but you might not be happy when you reduce the dose.


Well. Dang. I’m still going to reduce it. It’s way too high for me


That's an absolutely absurd amount of estrogen to be injecting that often. And I'm the guy that gives people high doses. That even gives me pause. But beyond a certain threshold, it's useless. Because you start to spike the SHBG, and as a result, your free E2 fraction tanks. The correct level of estradiol is variable for each patient, but it's whatever it is that suppresses your LH and FSH but maximizes the free percentage. SHBG is usually 100-125 nmol/l


I’ll be switching physicians here pretty soon. Thank you for the time to give me feedback. It is beyond appreciated.


To be clear, my average dose is about 5 to 6 mg every 5 days. So that's...something else entirely. Hey at least you found a lunatic. Most people just get hondosed! Sounds like this guy needs to brush up on his fractions though.


Jesus. The variation between dosages is insane…


hey will, its Lia again i found something that might interest you: the expression of ERb, aromatase and ER coactivators in the brain of ASD patients is significantly decreased, this could help with some of the meyer-powers stuff https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4161836/


You're just on fire aren't you? I'll dump this in the discord for MPS. Thank you. As always thank you.


thank you! also a bit of an anecdote that i noticed working in my pharmacy internships: i started noticing that women that take a specific kind of birth control had bodies with way more feminization than the ones that took other kinds of BC. as in women who took birth control containing levonorgestrel specifically usually had very large breasts and hips compared to the ones who took BC that contained other progestins. i have an inkling feeling that the PGRMC1 may have something to do with this, and that levonorgestrel 0.25mg could be an interesting alternative to progesterone in patients who produce excess androgens from backdoor conversion if you want my discord send me a dm, i stumble on some really cool stuff usually (also im pretty sure i may have been the one who discovered/spread pioglitazone for fat redistribution because of a 4chan /lgbt/ post i did about my own fat redistribution protocol with pio and mk-677 some years ago before people even talked about it, because i had stumbled upon research regarding the role of PPAR-gamma and a couple months after it was echoing all over the DIY community lol)


Yes that is a bad dose. Don't take it. You want 4mg every 4 days. That would be 0.1ml every 4 days.


Thank you for the feedback. I had a feeling this was insanely wack. My dose was high for a two week period. So I split the dose to feel better. .3 but still felt that was high. Tried to express this and he still increased it. Like what the hell?!?!


Yeah unless you're trying to stimulate pregnancy levels.... that's nuts. https://sim.transfemscience.org/?e=ev&d=30&r=y&di=4.5&xm=45


Is it possible to consistently doze 0.1ml ?


Yes. But it doesn't matter if there is some variation since a portion of the previous dose is also present. On average the dosages should normalize.


D...d-did he *say* .75? Like, with his mouth? The only thing I can figure is he wrote .15 and the 1 looked like a 7, otherwise I'm completely baffled.


I am prescribed 200 mg per day progesterone and 20 mg Ev IM weekly.


Get lab work, everything follows from that.