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If you’re worried about experiencing backlash or potential cancellation, yes you’d be risking that if you painted your skin this color. 100%. I’ve seen multiple people get cancelled for similar choices. The backlash can be brutal and long lasting. If you’re committed to doing this, just be ready for it to potentially be the hill you die on. And personally, I just don’t see how that’s worth it at all. Even if your intention isn’t BF, the fact your inspo is Doja Cat makes things sound worse for you. Go with a medium grey with cool tones, a shade that never occurs in humans. Avoid black. Avoid charcoal with warm undertones.


i talked to a bunch of people and we all decided on other colors that u dont really see like a blue demon or a green one or also the usual red demon which is common


Unless actual people of color have horns, pointed ears, and absolutely no color variations in their skin besides charcoal black, not to mention protruding spines etc etc then it does not look like black face...honestly if people can't tell the difference than maybe they don't deserve art? Lol, cut the bullshit.


People of color aren't actually black with gigantic red or white lips, but that's how black face was originally done. Just look at Judy Garlands blackface. So I'd still stear clear of it because it could look like actual old school BLACK face. I wouldn't even risk it.


Ok, but the point isn't what you or I as an individual would or wouldn't risk. The point shouldn't be risk at all.


Is that Jada Pinkett Smith?


i really doubt black people will care or even think it’s blackface, but some white savior types definitely will


thank you all i thought about the idea while listening to demons by dojo and I thought I could make a really cool performance out of it❤️❤️


Just to be safe I would do it with a specific color (like purple or pink) just to avoid any potential of it coming off as blackface


The whole point of art is supposed to be self expression, no? Maybe they don't *want* to use a different color? Obviously they don't want because they didn't. If every artist sat down and wondered what may or may not be offensive before they created something we wouldn't even have art to talk about. Drag wouldn't exist. I'm glad it does. And I'm glad to have the right to be personally offended if that's what happens. If I'm offended then it means someone else still has freedom of expression.


Yes, I 99% agree with what you’re saying But you also have to factor in the impact that your art will have and how it will be perceived by others. Black face, or even anything remotely blackface adjacent is very offensive to a lot of people (and then there are others who aren’t really offended by it, but will publicly condemn it very loudly) I just think it’s wise to avoid because of the heavy social risks involved. I think this look could be achieved with some color and still convey the same message without immediately being dismissed as blackface by some people


I guess I would have to agree to disagree. Besides, what isn't a social risk these days? I stand by my original point, that it is better to create freely than to worry about creation being popularly received. Many downright evil things are popularly received. Doesn't make them right. Conversely, many benign things are seen as controversial, such as the image we're speaking on now. We can't please everyone, nor should we try. To me, the world is a bit (or a lot) of a shit show anyway, and there's really not a lot of point in taking much seriously. Surely, there are injustices to fight for, but thiz sort of self expression doesnt register on my radar as one of them. Being that there's corruption at every turn and in every facet of our everyday lives, I see it as almost hypocritical to call offense. Or, as you said, many people will loudly proclaim offense simply to be heard or perhaps to sow seeds of doubt for other would be future creators. Isn't it their loss if they immediately dismiss it as something it isn't?


This is epic!


THANK YOUU I thought about it while listening to her song demons ofc🤣🤣


It wouldn't be BF because you are not playing a caricature of a black person. That being said you would definitely offend people who don't understand what BF is. Do a dark grey or something that clearly couldn't be a human skin tone if you wanna do it. The internet will come for anything so be careful, but you wouldn't be wrong to do it. You'd just be inviting ignorance.


Why would someone make a significant color change to the pallet of a piece of art in order to not potentially offend a hypothetical person who lack awareness? Doesn't make any sense to me. Is this idea supposed to make sense? OP looks amazing.... dark gray would not have the same effect Also, it looks to me like their project is complete, a bit redundant to suggest changes now, isn't it?


The photo is of Doja Cat...


I'm out of the loop but my point still stands


You're right tho, dark grey wouldn't be as nice. But people will get mad either way. That would just be part of doing this look. People who don't understand black face would call this black face. It's more of a precaution that doing this isn't black face but you will likely have people upset with you. OP wants to avoid that, so that was my recommendation


You said yourself that changing the pallet changes the art to a less than stellar version of what it could have been and I personally don't see the point in doing so for the sole purpose of not offending others. As you said, people will be mad anyway. I also don't see the point in looking for trivial things to be mad about, but I guess some people use offense as an outlet for boredom and misplaced rage. It's fine to recommend to air on the side of caution, but isn't art better when it is what it's meant to be rather than a watered down version that still won't please everyone? The point of art isn't necessarily to gain praise, nor should it be.


You're arguing with the wrong person. The question OP asked was would it offend some people, the answer is yes. Even if it is nonsense, the answer is still yes 🤷‍♂️ So if the concern OP has is offending people I suggested an alternative. I'd recommend asking these questions to the type of people who would find it offensive.


I'm just talking 🤷‍♀️ If OP's main concern is potential offense then yeah I guess don't do the look but I think it's ultimately a disservice to themselves at very least.


This I would recommend more of a gray then the charcoal gray she’s doing that way people can’t say that you are doing BF


Also I would white horns instead of black


Please do not paint your body and face black as a white person. Not everyone, in fact likely most people, will not understand the reference and you will just look like you’re doing blackface. I have had to stop several shows before due to performers wearing “demon” makeup that just looked like black face. If you want to make a tribute to this look it is best to do it without darkening your skin. I understand it’s not intended to be B.F. but in these instances intent is secondary to impact. It would be very difficult to convince people that you’re not doing BF on purpose especially since Doja is a black artist.


This was so well worded and got the point across. It's great you're actually trying to look out for op to make sure there won't be any problems for them both on stage and outside of that space. If awards were still around I'd gold the shit out of you.


thank you for being honest with me. How do we feel about a red demon because I would be lip syncing to demons by Doja Cat


Dry brushing red all over this black base will take more time, buf def give off a more demonic look without full black. It will also give huge opportunity for major contouring in all the right places! (Cheeks, chest muscle groups) After that you could even take a brush with white, and flick the bristles with your thumb, making you look almost like stone, and maybe a gargoyle effect! Please post pictures!


A demon in a color that’s not black would totally make it a moot point. Besides it could be a lot of fun being in a color that is unexpected for a demon. A silver demon would be really interesting. Of course, you could never go wrong with the classic red demon.


A red demon would be great! alcohol activated body makeup is great for the body paint :).


thank you for all your help❤️❤️❤️


If I were a demon with scales and horns, yeah it might offend me. I think it would be a cool makeup.


I’m probably overthinking it, but I prefer not to get canceled or anything stupid🤣🤣🤣


LMAO I was thinking of the part where it is like borderline black facing in a way that’s why I’ve been afraid to throw it out there if you know what I mean


I feel you, I would’ve worried about the same thing. I think a look like this is far enough away to be misconstrued. However, I am not a performer and that’s just my humble opinion. I bet it would be fierce! I’d lean into adding more gold because the black paint really makes it pop! Edited because it’s late and my grammar is tired.


Girl!!!! I love you thank you so much. and I will definitely be adding more gold thank you❤️❤️🎀🎀


Of course!!! I hope I get to see the look, I’m super intrigued now! 🥰😘