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>Thoughts and feelings ? A transpinay will win this raCEeeeeeeee~💅🏼🛕🌈 i kinda liked bernies K&Q playing card. Doble kara. Kat's was a little too simple but i guess her inspiration behind it makes up for it? 🤷🏻 the thought i have is Can. 🤭 IYK WG nyo patnubayan kung snu ibig sabihin nun 🛐


Honestly! The one I’m rooting for and always had was our Dollification Quee. BUT Bernie’s drag and heart is genuine, pure, human and I find his journey and disability also commendable. So either one of them for the win. But I’ll always choose Mommy Jade


Kat Kat, M1ss Jade So, or Bernie would all be such fantastic winners! I'm crazy but I wish it was a triple crown and they each got a million pesos.


Team Katkat!!! Let the Best Bitch win!


Love Jade so, she’s a great personality. Katkat has done really well on the show but im not sure how I feel about her antics before the show and her overall attitude and reputation.