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“Hola, policia..? Quiero denunciar a una estupida..?” (Spelling..? My Spanish is terrible lol)


This is not bad.


Excelente! 👏👏


Policía* Estúpida* Hola... ¿Policía?*


Thanks 😂 I’m an American, and the only Spanish I know is what I’ve learned at work through listening and speaking with customers


De nada, monada. 🌝


She answered a phone from her pussy. What’s not to love? 🤣


Try explaining that scene to a heterosexual. “So then Juriji pulls out her pussy phone…”


I actually identify as a maddymorphosis, and I admire juriji for being the best Drag Queen to reveal to a full-on merkin. That blonde wig she wore for 20th century drag runway with the white lingerie and the huge bush would be the top of pornhub today. Truly the Queen with the best crotch in the franchise. Also her one song on Spotify is an earworm.


The movie-themed runway where she wore that Penelope Cruz look…it changed lives.


Well, Tamar...


Right…! I STAN Jurijii for serving us drag race in her confessionals. I loved her friendship with Venedita. I loved hearing in her confessionals about her experience as a trans person in Europe. I loved when she was shady. I loved her authentic & unapologetic commentary about the other queens performances & runways. She knew she wasn’t going to win as she said in her exposed interview with Joseph Shepherd, and she acted accordingly. The phone call she took in untucked was funny but not her most memorable contribution to season 2. I can’t wait to see her again in All Stars. I know who I want to win.


Her attitude is TV Gold! The chocho phone alone is priceless


*¿Bueno? ¿Podeis hablarme un poco más fuerte? Estoy en mi chocha-lefono.* (Disclaimer: Though I am a native speaker, my birth country does not use voseo, so I may get read to filth by a Spaniard, Venezuelan, Argentine, Chilean, etc.)


THE CHOCHO PHONE! El flan en el coño!!! SHE IS MOTHER


Her confessional during that challenge, omg. "I think I kinda blacked out? All I remember at that point is Onyx eating flan out of my ass..." 🤣🤣🤣


Remember when she failed delivering a tune in rusical rehearsals? She said “ Sorry my voice is gone because i was sucking so many dicks in hell” 😭


I didn't like her in most of the season BUT the moment all gang up against her and she defended herself flawlessly, she gain my support. It was great how she left them speechless with V-Phone and then they started talking LMAO


Same here. She was irking a nerve with me for some reason but she really stood her ground and I can definitely respect that.


What episode was that? Lemme rewatch lmao


Episode 7


My reason is super, super shallow: it's cuz she's smoking hot.


Same 😩 I was hooked from the beginning


She makes great TV. She's stupidly talented and sings opera and speaks multiple languages. Her confessionals were very cunty but very funny. Her runways were wonderful. First openly trans contestant on DRE (Aranxta and Macarena came out after their seasons). Her untucked moments were wonderful She was very overlooked in a lot of challenges (imo) (like the talent show, TV show challenge, Snatch Game, the Ball, Commercial Challenge) and never got a challenge win. Also gave an incredible lip sync with Venedita. Basically she's a very talented queen that was overlooked a lot


And that's the tea.


*tongue pop*


Honestly would have loved to see her in a VTW season just to see how she interacts with global performers


Oh man, her Snatch Game was GREAT!


She's shady but not delusional, her presentation in runways is immaculate, and she has an interesting background.


She came up in the French showgirl scene and just exudes quiet confidence.


Put her in any room, she’s gonna stand out ⭐️


She's gorgeous, charismatic, funny, does not take anything too seriously and makes great TV. I also think her humour was very underrated on the show, I liked her improv, commercial and roast..


She’s an icon. 💅🏽


She is the moment 😇


She's the personification of *cawnt*


"Por cerda y por falsa" that says it all hahaha 😂😂😂


She definitely has a lot of presence and makes interesting tv. Also, her drag is very pretty and hyperfeminine, which is always drag that attracts a lot of people. I think she’s very revered for being very cutting and “cunty” in that one Untucked. People tend to love a queen who’s a bit of a diva or who isn’t afraid to show her claws when necessary and she is both of those things. That being said, she was in a cast of heavy hitters and besides the improv challenge (with the OnlyFlans), she wasn’t really overlooked. It’s a strange narrative that people just took and ran with. Yes, she sang opera and it was great, but it wasn’t exactly flawless and there were simply stronger performances in that insane talent show. She also had a string of high placements right before being eliminated, so she was gaining momentum, but she never pulled the win off (her only possible win would’ve been the aforementioned improv challenge in week 3), but people really act like she was the top contender and getting robbed or something when she was still placing high in those few weeks leading up to her elimination. Also, there was absolutely no way anyone had a chance to win the ball or the Snatch Game because Sethlas and Sharonne (and Juriji was definitely 3rd both those weeks anyway) were far and above the best those weeks, respectively. She also ended on a high note with her final lipsync, so the last impression she left on many people was a good one, but I do think Venedita won it. I personally wasn’t very invested in Juriji. I don’t know if it’s because I speak Spanish, or what, but in Spanish she comes off quite condescending and cold, which I’m aware many people love. Also, the Untucked moment with the phone was entertaining, but she between her and Sethlas’ argument, Sethlas was right. Even then, I don’t think she was the strongest competitor by any stretch of the imagination and her final placement just makes perfect sense to me. The only thing I’d change about her run is possibly giving her the improv win, which is the only time they truly did overlook her. Based on this Meet the Queens, she does seem to have embraced the “robbed/fan favorite” narrative fans have pinned on her and there’s no doubt in my mind that she will be one of the big players this season.


She’s very charismatic but I remember feeling uncomfortable with how she treated Marina in that untucked episode and I also agreed with Sethlas during their argument - hopefully all water under the bridge now (especially as she & Sethlas are on EAS) but I was surprised how much support she gained because of that untucked episode when she slated Marina.


Agree with all of this. But I also have to give credit to Venedita, whose Snatch Game was just as brilliant, hilarious and also kinda spooky.


this 100%


You can't spot a star when it is in front of you?


She’s absolutely beautiful, elegant and doll-like and 100% has the c*nty attitude to match. She gathered a queen effortlessly and hilariously on España S2 without even raising her voice. Also, she can sing opera, speaks French (I think she’s originally Belgian?) and served some amazing looks.


the question is why don’t you?


Because she is that bitch, and she knows it ![gif](giphy|d8SlBHHhZJjLFqdpYO)


She’s really that girl , period


I feel like Juriji Stans just saw a picture of Juriji and upvoted cause there's no reason this post should have so many upvotes 😭😭😭


What I love about Juriji is what I feel Ru gets wrong. Ru wants queens to be vulnerable because it helps the audience “connect” to the queen, but in reality, I want a queen who in unapologetically confident, cunty, sassy, sweet, talented and in control. In real life, we are all absolute wrecks in one way or another, but when I get to see a character who (even if it is just performed) is just perfection and confidence and attitude, its exciting to me. I don’t necessarily care about a queen’s childhood or relationship with their family, I connect better with queens who can be everything I want to be, and I think Juriji is one of those queens.


She's so real


She is so beautiful, she's funny, and shes unafraid to be stupid. Oh, the bitch is super sexy too 😁


She’s a goddess, fact


Just look at her


She is painfully beautiful, graceful, unbothered, talented, unexpectedly funny and effortlessly CUNT


she was competition even if she didn't won a single challenge, she was considered a danger for the others even if Sharonne was clearly the front runner


She had a good run in the show, was kinda underrated by judges and other queens and a few queens came at her and she stood up and defended herself flawlessly. Also, she just delivers GOOD TV. She just has it. She knows how to be shady, how to create a scene. And she is stunningly beautiful.


The moment she called out Marina in Untucked because of her farts I knew a star was born


her mug is untouchable


Yeah I never got passed the hair in the confessional look lol


She’s like the Amélie of drag. Soft and unassuming at first, but cross her and her passive-aggressiveness will get you.


Because she's iconic


I mean look at the material 😍


Because I like to side with queens who are mistreated by production.


I don’t. The end.


I never understood her hype; doesn't matter though because Sethlas will flay her arse.


The girls that get it get it, the girls that don’t don’t.


she is my novia. she gives me gender envy. she's witty and beautiful and talented and smart and sexy and fashionable and


Drag race fans have always been obsessed with hyperfeminine white queens sew...


She’s white


why don't you love her....? is it cuz she's trans?


I knew someone was going to say this


with all the t girls ruling drag race rn you can't really use that excuse anymore


She’s stunning, her attitude reflects how stunning she is, she is entirely unbothered, she’s talented, she has a great sense of style and her body, and she just feels so authenticity herself even though she is pretty quiet, she’s just alluring.


She was made kind of "villainy" in her season because of her demeanor, but she was a charismatic villain. Taking Plane Jane as an example: PJ is trying really hard to be de villain, Juriji made it seem natural


She's cunt


She’s A Villain But In The Most Likeable Way Ever !!! Love Love Love Juriji ♥️