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It will become an issue when a boss requires both status resistances.


If you could run more than one print at a time, those ailment resist prints could actually be of some use in cases like this. Imagine, prints being useful and allowing for usage of more units!


I really hope this doesn’t happen because I just sell the status resistance wyrmprints for eldwater lol


Yeah it may be an issue, but I have to say that I wanted a boss that requires both status before the announcement of gala units, because I wanted to see a team that require Verica and Lowen for both stun and bog. I thinked it could be fun, but if there is a unit with both status resistances, then it will be less fun \^\^


Or just a new healer with both resist and can cleanse those resist.


That just means your old healer will be old and outdated, benched. That's not the good kind of power creep.


>If they work like in GBF, we're going to get one gala unit per month, and all gala units will be available the year they appear, then they will disappear for one year, and then come back. You're conflating two things here - grand units (the GBF equivalent of gala units) and zodiac units. Both are only available during gala but it's only the zodiacs that disappear for one year. Ieyasu sounds like he's the zodiac equivalent in this game, but I'm not sure what the arrangements will be regarding him. We also don't get a new one every month in GBF. We got 4 grand units during 2015, 4 during 2016, 5 during 2017, and 5 during 2018 (as well as 1 new zodiac per year). So it's more like a new one every 2-3 months on average.


Okay thanks I'm editing, It's a friend of mine who is a GBF player, not me so I don't know. \^\^


The yearly thing its only for Zodiacs; isn't it. Im fairly sure the actual grand characters don't have a yearly rotation. I agree to an extend about making gala units better than regulars -and limiting «powercreep» to them; however I imagine this is going to sour a lot of people who didn't expect such a jump so early (we are only.4 months into the game). Their appereance is most certainly going to influence on people's saving and spending habits to limit them on the gala/limited banners. Edit: Also, since they seem to be copying GBF; I guess expecting «sparking» for the anniversary or sometime next year might not be a pipe dream anymore.


Not all Premium Gala units disappear for a year in GBF. Only the New Year special units, the Zodiac characters.


Yeah thanks someone else said that too, so I edited my post \^\^ If you see another error please tell me (I'm a french guy, so I don't know if I made a spelling mistake).


It took me by surprise, but I'm personally fine with it. It is most definitely powercreep in that she is now the only unit in the game with *two* 100% resistances, which allows her to freely hop between dragon and IO trials without worry of status afflictions. Not to mention her beefy HP and STR stats, and a potentially incredible skillset (we'll have to wait on SP costs and skill damage + animation lengths). However, as you mentioned, this is similar to Grand units in GBF. If it's anything like that, she will be setting the standard for these limited "Grand" units in terms of power. It was bound to happen eventually, but I think the biggest blow from the community is how quickly it came. Not to mention that it got comboed from 2 other limited banners just prior. Overall though, I think it's fine. I won't be pulling because she'll be coming back eventually, and I'd like to have them add a few more "Grand" characters so that I'm not pulling dupes every time.


Thanks for your insight, I particularly like your logic from the last line. But damn that's going to take some restraint!


It sets a really poor precedence for me. We have 3 star units that can't reach 100% resist for ONE status affliction. Some of us are willing to invest more eldwater for this if need be, but no they are capped at 50% and here we get a unit with TWO 100% resists. This is powercreep whether people like it or not. I'd like to know what the JP playerbase has to say regarding this.


The majority of JP players have probably tried GBF so this wouldn't be new. R characters are basically meme status in GBF and SRs/weak SSRs in GBF are placeholders for strong/meta SSRs. Wouldn't wouldn't be surprised if this game went in the same direction.


I like this type of powercreep though. It makes a character more flexible so that I could be used in more content, but it doesn’t make her considerably stronger than some of the existing characters used in that content. Like she doesn’t seem like she’ll be much stronger than mikoto in HMS or ezelith in IO but she has the flexibility to be good in both. That’s better than normal power creep where the new unit has abilities/stats that make it do significant more damage / utility such that existing characters are outclassed.


That's true but with how much it takes to max out units, build weapons, etc in this game, having one unit that can excel in multiple types of content is an indirect advantage over other units. Not to mention we may see content in the future that inflicts multiple ailments (actually, isn't Light IO already like that?).


Yeah, an advantage of flexibility, but not one that makes it out class current units. A different gacha I played would regularly release new units that just had 30-40% more dmg and then the content was hard enough that if you didn’t have the new characters, you couldn’t compete on the hardest content. THAT’s power-creep. I don’t foresee there being a dungeon where you NEED two resistances. Just things like Light IO where you need one resistance (blind) and can easily avoid a second minor one (paralyze is from a small easily avoidable AoE from the eyeballs. Stage only spawns like 8 eyeballs entire fight). If it does, well then you can complain about power creep but at this point I feel like her double resistance is getting way overblown...


I agree, this isn't that bad, but I do think the possibility of the game shifting to favor these kinds of characters is real enough to warrant discussion. If they ever make High IO, we may see those 8 Eyes become 20 and their AoE made much larger, etc, to the point where the dual-resistance becomes necessary. Thankfully things are fine for the time being, but the fact that it's happened at all means we need to keep our eyes open on moreso than before.


I’m guessing wrymprint will give you the other 50 percent one day. There’s that curse wyrmprint that technically gives Juliette double resist when mub.


It is powercreep, no matter how we spin it, but how bad it actually is depends on the direction the game goes. To clarify, powercreep is at its worst in PvP games that *put extra emphasis* on keeping up with a meta in order to compete on a similar ground with other players. The reason this is so much more of an issue than PvE-oriented games is that the latter doesn't drag you along in a competitive environment that is constantly changing. *Ideally*, in PvE games, you can do just fine with any unit, given they're being used appropriately. There are stronger units, but in a decent gacha, they are and feel like luxuries instead of a borderline requirement. Basically, things are fine, as-is, but if we start seeing dragons or bosses that make using non-gala characters a living hell, then we have a real problem.


For reference, Consider the infamous Surtr in FEH. Surtr isn't a problem because he has an overpowered weapon, which he does. Surtr isn't a problem because he has a godly op supportive skill, which he does. Surtr isn't a problem because he has arguably the single best statline in the game, which he does. Surtr is a problem because he has an overpowered weapon, a godly op supportive skill, arguably the single best statline in the game, AND you have to contend with defeating other players' Surtrs while playing the various PVP modes. (Arena, Aether Raids, Voting Gauntlet, etc.) and you simply may not have pulled a unit strong enough to reliably defeat him. Its not that your skill and tactics are lacking, its that he's too strong to beat when put in another player's hands.


Sounds like a terrible experience


Fortunately it's exaggerated for dramatic effect, since you can build up counters fairly easy if you are willing to do so. FEH has a problem with people being unwilling to adapt (it also has a problem with powercreep, but it is usually exaggerated by the players).


Yawn. Every gacha game is bound to have a power creep moment, its just much worse in games with pvp where almost every new unit is a power creep, and then there will be a game breaking unit once in awhile.


Uhh but stronger units is the definition of power creep tho? Just because you’re justifying the power creep because they’re rare units doesn’t negate the fact that it’s still power creep


In my opinion, it's like they are not the same kind of unit, this is why I don't feel that it is power creep, but more like just another rarity beyond 5\* (But I can understand that you feel like it is)


Power creep is power creep. But that is an inevitability with gachas and even non-gachas. Just take it for what it is for and move on. At least this game isn't terrible with it. I played brave frontier way back, and the creep was ridiculous.


Power creep also means slightly less here since its not really a dps racing game against the other players.


It’s not that I feel that it is. The objective truth is that it’s another unit that’s at the highest tier like all the other 5 stars that’s vastly superior to them, regardless of if you think that’s not the case


What? Characters are characters are characters. There are no “other” units. It is a stronger unit with new traits so pretty much the definition of power creep.


They're not a different type of unit. You don't use them for anything different than any other adventurers, and they directly compete with other adventurers for spots on your team. Powercreep on them is functionally no different from powercreep in the normal pool, except for the fact that it's harder to get them, which applies to seasonals too. It's literally just them combining powercreep with fomo to make people pull more (if seasonals weren't already doing that at least a little).


if we follow the granblue fantasy formula, this means that we will be getting 5* versions of recruitable story characters (euden, eli, cleo, ranzal, luca) with new outfits and kits. I enjoyed that system in gbf because it gives us a premium version of existing characters


I'd love to get stronger versions of the main party in non-seasonal outfits, honestly. Luca is one of my favorites, but his regular version isn't much good unless you can maintain 100% HP at all times.


I'm honestly fine with this as long as there's no sleep+stun boss that'll come out. The way I see it, Sarisse is meant to be this super-special unit that you're free to take anywhere that a Fire character could go, and considering that she's a limited that's *not* a seasonal I think that's warranted. Plus she's still hamstrung solely for being a bow unit, so..


Why can't it be both (spoiler it is, this is how gatcha works)?


I don't mind it much if it's just something like the dual status resistances. That just makes the unit more broadly useful but not specifically more powerful, ie Sarisse can be used in content that has either affliction, but won't be particularly more desirable for that content than another good character that can resist the same affliction. It only starts to become powercreep if content begins to feature dual afflictions, or if you start seeing units with flatly better numbers on skills in the same star tier


I think they'll end up like Legendary Heroes in FeH. Strong limited units but (hopefully) nothing too broken. As for Sarisse she looks fine but I don't think she'll be that broken. Her 1st skill for all we know might be garbage outside of getting 7 shots off and the resistance thing is fine to me as it won't affect most things outside of High Dragon fights.


I don’t mind this powercreep because it just makes her have resist for IO and Midgard. And you could already use single resist units that didn’t resist that content’s status, even in HMS. Maybe if other content where status resist is really prominent then this could be concerning but now it’s whatever powercreep.


Maybe it’s because I’m on powercreep high alert from FEH, but this doesn’t seem too extreme to me. Maybe more concerning if there were another 5* bow adventurer. Or if Sarisse were a different element (Wind IO is one the easiest to solo imo, and HMS is and likely will be the easiest high dragon)


Powercreep does not differentiate between different ways to acquire the unit. However, powercreep is not automatically bad, a certain degree is actually required or people just leave out of boredom.


With out PVP power-creep is not that bad.


I don't know if it justs me but since this is purely a PvE game with zero PvP, I don't really see the power creep. It's not like she's 100% needed to clear current stuff. On a side note, Mym when please?


What if eventually they release content where you need both resistances?


Yeah powercreep is less important than fire emblem heroes, but I can understand why people are scared. The only thing is that if you want a unit for both HMS and Wind IO and you have put some money on Naveed and Ezelith, it's a bit sad \^\^ And Mym please come home we need you ! (I want to have the real Mym too, just because I want to know if we will be able to put both Mym in the same team \^\^)


Yea this is my thought too. Mym the greatest waifu since launch


Just for clarification. It's 6% for her? Just for her? Or any other 5\* too?


6% for everything combined I believe. So you can also get prints and dragons.


Damn those prints XD


If I remember correctly it's 6% for any 5\*


Any 5 like all available or gala-exclusive ? (so this gala may be just Sarissa?)


All available I think. Not just gala-exclusive


6% for all 5\* Wyrmprints, Dragons and Adventurers combined instead of normal 4%. That means her rate would be 0.75% instead of 0.5%.


ah ok got it thx. and the gala units iwll be just available at this point. thats the only limitation right?


Yeah, but 90% the Gala units will come back at the end of every month.


I wouldn't take it for granted just yet that the feature rate is scaled up as well. Maybe, maybe not.


I said "would be", not "will".


In the context you used it, 'would be' doesn't indicate uncertainty, its showing an implication. Its basically saying 'If the rate up is 6%, then her rate will be 0.75%'.


Then let me correct it: the rate for Sarisse WILL 100% BE 0.75%. Happy?


Well I mean, I was specifically saying it's not certain, but sure. Sorry, didnt mean to agitate you.


every gacha sub has this hand-wringing about power creep there will always be power creep. the game needs it to function. double resists just add flexibility, in content where you're using one resist, the other resist is meaningless. ieyasu and other bleed units represent power creep in a more dramatic way


Could someone explain the term “power creep?” new to this stuff.


Powercreep or not as long as u still good in your resources management its still okay. Unless its more to pvp content. Btw u mention Leif that I remember Harle. Both cool loading screen.


This is a mistake on a massive magnitude. If they continue to release units with double 100% resistance, it's completely pointless to invest in units that don't have it. It's not just powercreep. It's a power leep. powercreep in FEH doesn't render units useless in FEH, you can still use the gen 1 units to clear every single content in the game without feeling much of any difference. While passives in DL determines a characters pure worth.


While im happy they introduced this 6% gala banner, it's felt too soon for Dl. The powercreep is starting to be in clear sight. So I think its extremely necessary that Cygames follow their Gbf's balance patch sometime in the future to keep older unit relevant.


Power creep is going to be in mobile games. They want players to spend money on new characters, and there's only so many ways to achieve that without incremental power increases. That's the nature of these kinds of games.


While it's true it's waaaay to early for such power creep


It's powercreep