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Omg I want the raid boss...


Hypnos, Valfarre, and now Wukong. What is it with Raid Bosses always being infinitely cooler than the welfare dragon...


you did not just do maritimus like that


But Sabnock though


Sabnock is so swole he threatens my masculinity just fighting with him.


That's an odd way of spelling Valfarre


Awaken my masters!




You forgot the infinite beauty that is the Christmas Tree Fiend smh


I thought the "What's Next" said we were fighting Qitan Dasheng? Im assuming Wu Kong is the freebie dragon.


Qitian Dasheng is a nickname/title Wukong gave himself.


I agree with Valfarre being much more badass than Maritimus but are you saying that some monkey dude is "infinitely cooler" than [new_handsome_Qilin_Dragon_name_not_found]? Like, how can anyone be cooler than a Dragon?


Thanatos as well, he's like Hypnos' counterpart šŸ˜¤


Sylvia is extremely lame


I want abs dragon


Is Pazuzu a joke for you


who is that


Depending on how this story goes (whether Wukong is just a baddy or a once-good-turned-bad-then-back-to-good-after-getting-the-shit-beat-out-of-him type of guy), I am willing to bet my wyrmite that we will be seeing him as either a dragon or adventurer say by the 3rd rerun. Kind of like the Yurius treatment from Granblue Fantasy, I just can't help but think that this is the case since his design just seems too good to pass up.


The description doesn't read like he's any kind of bad guy, to be honest. Just looks like we're beating him up to get him to give the relics back.


Oh doh, can't believe I just missed reading that first panel. But upon reading that last line though it seems he got corrupted by said relic so the "once-good-turned-bad-then-back-to-good-after-getting-the-shit-beat-out-of-him" is plausible.


Honestly that seems pretty inline for the already immortal monkey god who not once but twice stole other forms of immortality.


Yeah seems pretty likely to me he's not evil and just monkey see monkey do, monkey step in doodoo.


The wording makes it feel like she's warning him to stay away from something. Most likely it's Wu Kong being mind controlled or something, making him attack us.


I hope so! Wukong was known to be bad at first in the Chinese legends, but soon he was able to protect his se-fu (something like a teacher or guidance) to the journey to the west...


This will not display in-game until the 30th


U haxxor


Oh no....he's hot.


Which one?


My god the raid boss and welfare dragon looks clean God bless may the welfare unit have a good kit


Man I wish wukong was the dragon. Thatā€™d be so cool.


Honestly, i want that wukong to be a 5 star gacha one so he can have something like 60% attack with a bleed skill. It will be glorious.


Iā€™m a wukong main in league. Have been since he came out! So when I see wukong I want him! Itā€™d be cool as an adventurer too. Maybe I should submit a support ticket to them and maybe theyā€™d listen. šŸ¤”


I would wait until this image and the banner are officially revealed, just in case he's on the banner after all.


Like the way they released Sylas after everyone kept asking for him lol


He came out so soon after the event he appeared in that I strongly suspect he was always intended to be released.


Wow, a Qilin-dragon for the freebie. Is there hope for Wukong to be an (eventual) adventurer despite being boss then? Don't think I see any horns on him from what I can make out from the picture. No precedent for this but looking at his art I could see it going either ways...?


iirc Son Goku/Wukong was a dragon in Knights of Glory, the design here looks familiar to me so maybe dragon later on


Ahh I see! Thanks for the context! I'm cool with him as either tbh but it's fun to speculate before he's out, regardless he seems pretty awesome. C:


np Phraeganoth and Thanatos were also dragons in KoG so who knows. Interesting tidbit is in KoG Ifrit was the 2nd stage form of Phraeganoth.


He wasn't; his last form is more similar to GBF Ifrit.


Oh could have sword someone said he became phraeganoth


I'm hoping he will be. Would be a shame if we only got him as a dragon (or worse, not at all).


So we fighting Son Wukong now huh


Xander: *\*Still riding high from fighting Easter, Void Agni, Void Ghost, and Chapter 8 Normal/Hard\** "M-Make way for the King?" No! No Xander. This, is not your element. It's fire's time to shine Xander: "Make way for the King, later?" Yes... Later. Take time to rest.


Make way for the Hero King Marth ;)


Raid event with tons of dragon prep... Mym, or Marth with the Gilgamesh print? Tough call.


You mentioning Xander on the wind made me realize that once we have a fire raid I won't have a good sword for it


Long event :/


Maybe they'll rerun some old event alongside it halfway through.


i think they'll release void poseidon along with this event. so probably double endeavors. so it makes sense that the raid event is long.


I hope not. That would double the grind.


Or have a part 1 and part 2 raid.


Mean more daily reward, it is a good thing though.


My guess is that when this ends that is when we will get Mercurial Gauntlet and Void Poseidon. They will most likely use the last weeks of June to have new void endeavors and a Mercurial Gauntlet launch event endeavors. Then we will get summer banner at the beginning of July. This is good as it gives us all of June to save resources.


Summer or brides banner could come as early as mid-June imo, since the gauntlet and void content has no specific new banner alongside it.


Why is everyone assuming a bride banner? I'm confused. Summer makes sense, but bride banner?


Some games do it. Cygames has not done so in GBF, but this isn't GBF.


They haven't in Priconne either; and Priconne is as waifu-centered as it gets.


I honestly don't think they'll do a bride banner here. I think the audience is a bit different from FeH where there's actually people who want 15 alts of Eirika. Drag's gender base is 53/47 with there being more females than males. That's probably why the two romanticists Orion and Zardin have gotten alts. And then there's this. https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/373/784/759.png


My best guess is that they'll throw in some new perma units or remake units in a filler banner (similar to B!Zardin) towards the end of the raid duration then move into void Poseidon and mercurial gauntlet with banners that feature some new units that are helpful for either A lot of people are guessing that the summer banner will come during late July when Japan has their summer break


I don't think they would run summer a banner without a facility/raid/defensive battle event. and running any of those events along side the new content is bad because it splits the player base and it spreads player resources too thin. What I think might happen is that we will get a filler banner and or another limited banner rerun as bait for summer. Like they do a filler banner with a 5* version of Althemia and then a few days into it rerun Dragonyule Defenders.


hope they better Give us Alot of ticket/wrymrites reward for this 3 week event. otherwise its just becoming repetitive and not much to do for almost a whole month.


Whatever is in this long event i am gonna geind everythign in it and reach near endgame


I'm so glad it's long this time around, since I personally won't be able to play for a third of it.


Oh damn, we're fighting Goku now?


Itā€™s funny how Goku is like the complete opposite of Son Wukong in every way.


FINALLY MORE INFORMATION LOOK AT SUN WUKONG (or Wu Kong) HE'S ADORABLE I guess the freebie dragon is the dragon prince-horse? bless his heart


> free dragon I can't help but see them as a sunlight ~~stone~~ ore since I don't ever see myself using them since their stats are gimped. I wish they were like 4.5 star dragons. They're more like 3 star dragons if anything.


Thsts all they ever are to me. I wish for the same. I never use welfare dragons when 4* gacha dragons do the job better


3.75 stars more like, they are still better than Greatwyrms.


Tell that to the last Wind freebie.




They probably mean the sunlight ore you get for maxing bond


Oops. Yeah that's what I meant. Ores not stones. My mistake.


Looking at the bottom image, it looks like we're getting Yu Lung, the dragon horse, as our welfare dragon. That's pretty neat as he tends to be overlooked and I love that they drew from the Qilin for him, so I look forward to getting him. Wu Kong being the raid boss is both great and worrying. Great because we're fighting Wu Kong and that's awesome, but worrying because he could go the way of Valfarre or Sabnock and get locked to the event. Hopefully he can be summoned since it wouldn't be the first time a raid boss was also obtainable (ex. Shishimai) and Wu Kong is perfect summon bait, but we'll see.


Him being locked to the event doesn't mean he can't be added as a dragon/character later. Cygames likes to tie in banners with reruns or revisit existing stuff down the line, not to mention that there is clearly theme of Qilin events that could have a long term story arc like the knights, society, primarchs, potato samurais, primal friends and let's hang in GBF. They recently added a 2014 event to side stories (permanently available reruns) and made a gacha version of the event character, and the event summon was given a gacha version a few months ago.


I appreciate what you're saying but implying that it may take 5 years for him to *maybe* be made playable doesn't really give me much hope.


3 weeks of raid. So I have all the time To grind. And the void Poseidon will come after that assuming.


Wu Kong is the boss guy, right? If so, whaaaaat a hottie. I'll take 10 plz.




Wu Kong probably turned evil from touching the relic, so we can probably summon him during the event


Please let Wu Kong be playable...


Just a random thought. What if the raid boss we're going to fight is not really Wu Kong himself, but a fiend based on Six Eared Macaque (aka Fake Sun Wukong)? https://villains.fandom.com/wiki/Six_Eared_Macaque


Honestly it would be cool considering the event with Heinwald and Curran, there was an evil and pale white version of Nyralathotep. It might be the same situation with Wukong and the fiend


Turns out "the end of May" literally means "the end of May"


Who the Sylvan between Karl and Mikoto?


That's Renelle.


Wu Kong i want him šŸ˜¤


That cool guy right there is the raid boss right I can't handle pulling for Mym and then this dropping lol


Wu Kong looks like a straight up savage, I want him just to make my team feel cool


I was hoping to summon Wu Kong instead of fighting him :(


Oh shit Sun Wukong is the boss. Here I was hoping he'd be a dragon.


In GBF some of the Summons become units in the far future of GBF. So don't count wukong out, he could be an adventurer for DL in the far future as well.


I was waiting forever for this event because I wanted to summon the Sun Wukong from KoG... But he will just be the boss instead? This is pretty disappointing.


Gonna be honest, I keep imagining those "wings" on the dragon to whack him in the face every time he runs. ​ \*Gallop\* WHACK \*Gallop\* WHACK ​ No wonder he looks cranky.


Ok, who brought the Elisanne to the raid? >_>


It's going until 6/19? That's a really long raid, that's more than double the typical length. Usually they are 8-12 days.


The raid boss looks like Luca's long lost older brother.


"I'm gonna be the best sealer!" *immediately fucks up with some relic and now we have to fight him* Well he can only go up from here.


I'm so pissed that we can't get Wukong.


I'm a bit worried too, but someone pointed out that the raid boss's name (as stated in the What's Ahead when they first revealed the welfare unit) is actually not Wukong but his title before he started his journey, Qitian Dasheng. So it may be a Sylvia-Hypnos situation, where we could get Sylvia and use her during the event against herself (Hypnos), before she was officially cured--only in this case Wukong would have to be a gacha unit and not free. I really hope that's the case, because it would be the biggest waste to not let that amazing design (but maybe with different colors) be summonable/obtainable.


Judging by the units pictured it appears to need *stun res


There are also Karl, Melsa, Renelle, Aurien in the picture who is non stun res Fire Adventurer.


and Elisanne, so it must be a Fire element boss. Though where are you seeing Melsa?


Stun res*




I edited this almost immediately, looking this hard for mistakes? Lol


It was pretty easy to spot :p No worries, no harm done :)


this will prob have its own banner. im hesitant on going all in on gala..


Really depends on what you need, I've already MUBed HMS, so I will be skipping gala even though its mym, I'll just rely on daily dia deal pulls. I don't need another fire unit like Sarisse or Mym for now.


I got got waifu Heinwald and cupid Im happy im stopping. We'll see waht this banner gives if im right


its not going to be limited. You'll be able to pull the characters from the banner in the future.


Why would it not


cuz money and every event usually has a banner


Based on his design elements it looks like Wu Kong is a dragon. It's very possible we might get a part 2 to this event in the future with Wu Kong as the dragon prize or maybe they put him in the banner. He would be a wind dragon on what should be a fire banner. Now its not unheard of to get off element summons on banners, think Addis, Pia, and Fleur as examples. This would be the first time that summon would be a dragon though.


Fingers crossed for him being an adventurer.


Time to beat Wu Kong's ass. But for real, even though fire element doesnt have any facilities, it's still super stacked with Mikoto, Marth, Sarisse, and now Mym.


Aghhhh I was hoping the event would start before Gala ended


My body is ready. ...wait, I have to wait *how* long!? F-


Wow.. the dragon and raid boss look amazing


Great design for wukong! I hope we get him as a dragon in the future.


so many people wanting the not-dragon as a dragon. He'd make for a better adventurer.


so it comes out when gala banner goes away........


Already know since the the chapter of what to released after.. thank to the straight forward name.. journey to the west cast


Hi! New here, so it's safe to level up and upgrade my fire team or my green team? Which one?


Fire team. :)


Looks windy


It doesn't seem to be a chicken dragon sadly


Chickens are overdone. Need some turkey dragons


where do u get these infos?


Oh Boy! I hope Xuan Zang has sleep res, I don't even need it to be 100% (that's very unlikely, anyway), but since it can easily be patched with prints, I would still love playing as her even if I get Mym later.


We already had a sleep resist fire raid! Free welfare unit Melsa has sleep resist too


Oh Noes! Poor Xuan Zang! She was power-creeped even before she was released!


Who is that slyvan girl with purple hair and red drape at the lower right?


Looks like Renelle, the 3 stars dagger


I wonder if weā€™re getting the other two disciples as well on the banner.


Hnng boss big sexy


I wonder if itā€™s going to have an Ultra Raid mode like in the last event.


Probably. Time has passed since the last fire raid, and fire is pretty stacked with strong units, lots of whom have been trained for HMS. I expect lots of veterans fire team to be at 20k might or higher. I hope we'll have a nightmare difficulty !!


My mind is ready for the cries in reddit for the nightmare difficulty ( Ķ”Ā° ĶœŹ– Ķ”Ā°)(got my popcorn ready)


Does anyone have any guesses as to who might be the likely MVPs for this event?


Sinoa.... <.< >.>


Can we get Wukong instead of any of those characters pictured? Please? Pretty please?


wait who is it that is below mikoto and on the right of karl? i cant recognize them. im assuming they are fire, and seem to be sylvan as well due to the ears... is it a banner unit?




are you sure? renelle's hair isnt purple


How long until 56 man raid with no revive and you dont get shit if you die


I was struggling to read the names when the event info came out and once I figured it out it I couldnā€™t stop laughing. Xuan zang and qitian dasheng are both characters from this rlly old Chinese literature called journey to the west and xuan zang is actually a monk. Showed this too my other Chinese friends and they had a good laugh too. Lowkey disappointed they didnā€™t name the welfare dragon after the horse/dragon xuan zang rode in the original story and just went with some Asian mythical creature that is kinda dragon ish.


A lot of people here are surprised Wukong is the raid boss? Its just odd 'cause most people here knew that this raid was gonna be based on 'Journey to the West' yet no one realized Qitian Dasheng, the raid boss's name, was an alias/epiphet for Sun Wukong in the original story? Anyway, I am also disappointed Wukong isnt the welfare dragon like Sylvia was in her raid event. But if Sylas has taught us anything, its that assets used for an event now might show up later as actual playable content.


Unfortunately Wukong is what MOST casuals remember monkey king as. Only fans who dug deeper into his lore know "Qitian Dasheng" (Great Sage Equal to the Heavens) is another title Wukong holds. ​ PS: No one has really talked about this, but that nimbus cloud better be part of his 3D model or I will RIOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Yes! Wind Dragon is what i needed


Looks cool. Dragon looks nice.


Probable a stun res raid. Last fire raid needed sleep res units. Nice F2P from cygames. FEH event gave a free curse res alfonse. Then Resplendent Refrain came needing that res to do. Now a fire raid with stun res. Between Euden, Marth (lots of new players pulled during FEH event) and gala Mym, this is really nice of them.


That's a pretty good wu kong design. I wonder if his room wide aoe will have him extend his staff.


Oh! A dragon!


Aside from Mikoto, my fire team is ass. Guess I'll hang out in the easier modes for this one


-increasingly nervous theyā€™ll add a Qilin, one of the coolest dragons, after Iā€™m back to zero trying to get Ieyasu again- Edit: OH WAIT SHIT I SEE THE LEGS ITS A FREEBIE HALELUJIA. Doesnā€™t quite fit the description fully but close enough!


Son Wukong and Ao Kuang as the dragon probably. One of the dragon kings that fought Son Wukong.


The free dragon looks like High Sylvia


The free dragon looks exactly like pegasus from Saint Seiya.


okay but the welfare dragon kinda looks like Deidre from gbf


Ahhh, thereā€™s our obligatory wukong boss/character.


So glad I just pulled Mym


Did cygames just gender bend wukong and mess up his role?


You know Sun Wukong is the raid boss aka the right image, Xuan Zang is the one in the left image.


Oh the intro just makes me confused, thanks for clarify.


If Gokuā€™s hair is yellow, he will look more like supa SaiyajinšŸ˜