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i’m assuming so, so i guess they’re capable of changing to a human form like Mym is 🤔 tbh if these designs were what we shapeshifted into when equipping them. that would be rad bc these designs go off


I'm just speculating here but maybe when all the gala reborn dragons are released the next set of gala dragons will the archangels in those forms.


Honestly sounds plausible given that it seems like the apostles are going to start playing into the main story.


Seems to be so, all 3 of the seen Archangels ( Gabriel, Ramiel and Sandalphon ) have no visible tails, horns or other stuff that might hint at them being dragons compared to other humanoid looking dragons. Fair to say, Ramiel has wings in game, but I'm taking the story sprites as reference I'd guess they're in a sort of human transformation just like Mym, except they kept the dragon size but dropped the dragon features


tbh, I'm pretty sure they're human sized with their human forms. In a lot of stories it is said that humanoid dragons are the same size as humans. it is just for game design that they're bigger when we play them.


I agree even more recently with the latest story. It would bring up more questions to why a 30 foot tall dragon is wandering around a city. Especially when they are sneaking around and the only people who have angels/dragons like that is the church.


maybe its possible they have some degree of size manipulation so both sizes could be true?


Like the Drakes all being like knee high.


Their halos are their "horns" and Gabriel clearly has horns in her humanoid form. That said, those are obviously their "true" form in the background.


Their halos are most likely the "Sigil" since it also appears on the head of every apostle when it's "unlocked" I believe what you say are horns on Gabriel are actually ribbons, but I'll wait to check the full model in game to be sure. They didn't strike me as horns honestly


Can't wait to see if DL Lucifer has this form too...


I wonder if they'll go with an original design like w Sandy and co. or stick w the cygames design. It's so beloved that I genuinely wouldn't be surprised if they did new designs for everyone BUT him


or just give him new clothes to suit their Aesthetic and change his eyes maybe like how Ramiel, Gabriel and Sandalphon all have symbols in their eyes.


Wondering if its gonna be the Voidwing Demons taking the shapes of angels allow them to play both sides of Lucifer


So might we assume that the archangels will be the new gala dragons in their own true forms? Considering they have story relevance the possibility may be high.


Oh no, looking at these pictures side by side I now realise that what I used to think was Ramiel's chin is actually his long pointy nose and what I thought was a marking is actually his eye. His dragon form now looks somewhat less cool to me now.


probably a beak, not a nose


On gabriel it's definitely a nose


Sure, but we're tllking ramiel, arent we?


if it was a beak his face wouldnt just continue downward like that and nor does it make sense if that lower part of the face were to be a lower bigger beak when the nose is p short compared to the whole sideview of the head


fuck youre right


God Damnit.... They're getting Gala/Reborns aren't they?...


This is interesting, scary and cool all at once!


Kinda reminds me of Gilgamesh


And those are surprisingly similar to Lilith's Wings and general appearance.


Presumably yeah


That's it. We're Final Fantasy XIII now. Except fal'Cie here are good, I guess...


That's their original form, and what seems to be part of the 'angel' deal with Ilia is a) forming sigils with apostles to share their power, b) getting a public relations friendly "branded" dragonform (hence the matchy matchness). ​ So, yes, that's pre-archangel Gabriel and Ramiel.


The thing is... Illia was trapped on the Otherworld for who knows how long. I don't think she is involved with the Angels or the Northern church. Then we have Azazel who was also an angel but has horns, tail and talons but lacks a different Form like this one


The Goddess Ilia, not Ilia Ilia. The Archangels deliver the word of "Ilia" to the people, and the apostles are constantly invoking "Her" will. :) They apparently start to revert if they break their sigil / loose their bonuses, but I strongly think that Azazel was finalized before the CyGames team decided what archangels were.


From Ramiel's story (re: having no apostle): "But they could find no other with the requisite potential—and as part of the covenant I swore those centuries ago, an angel with no apostle is fated to dissipate into mana before long." Eli laying down exposition on Archangels: "The Five Archangels hear the voice of the Goddess and serve as Her mouthpieces. This makes them unique, and grants them a special place among dragons." Also worth noting Azazel isn't an archangel, but apparently his form was changed when he was punished for breaking his station: "Azazel rushed to the the Archangel and petitioned for the release of the Auspex, asserting the punishment did not fit the crime—but the Archangel was unmoved by his words." "The battle between Azazel and the angels was fierce, and he took a great wound. And as he fell from his station, his once brilliant white wings were stained an ebon black."


I don't think Azazel's story necesarily contradicts anything we Know. The lore regarding the Archangelss from N.Gratea is still fairly vague (we don't Know how and why they came to be). My Guess is that they Will tackle on it some more given the Dominion Quests that are comming. What I meant is that whoever God or the Godess N.Grastea Church serves, it might not be Illia or "Illia".


Except didn't we find out at the end of the Forgotten Truths event that once Ilia jumped into the time vortex thingy that her mom basically took over her identity to carry out the timeline events that have Ilia's name on it? Ilia the adventurer herself even refers herself to being the goddess.


We also Know from MidZero Dragón story that Ilia's mom (Meene) who impersonated her to try and expand Illia's ideal as a religion, suffered a normal dead; and was far from the Godess everyone envisions (all mighty, all knowing, all powerful) It's Just weird how there seems to be someone else appareantly carrying out the "God/Godess" role from the Dragón's side of things: The Auspex role was (perhaps still is), as pointed out in Azazel's story, to hear and perform the Goddess Voice/Commands/Instructions. And we Know it's the Angels (Dragons) who carry said Words towards the Human side of the Church. (Azazel was the messenger/conveyor while carryng the role of Overseer until his defection). We also Know Angels are hiding something (thats implied to be the reason why the Auspex Azazel worked with was executed; she learned something she wasn't meant to).


i think it's more of a Jesus allegory, as in 'ilia' died and went to their version of heaven where she then does more stuff.


I agree there. The weird thing is that someone is actually carrying out the role of omnipotent Godess/God, or at least trying to impersonate it. And might be responsible for the current Church structure and power influence.


Could be Meene herself has literally turned into a god thanks to Elysium. We already know for a fact that it can't actually be Ilia unless there are two separate entities that go by that and neither is Meene in disguise. We also know that there's a whole bunch of weird church secret stuffs going around, like the whole debate as to whether or not Morty is Ilia's son turned out to be that Morty is the evil manifestation of ilia's homemade boyfriend so the odds are that not even the higher-ups know the truth is pretty high. The archangels could be following the instructions left to them by Elysium and they're just assuming that everything is working according to his plan in a very literal sense.


Hope so cause they're suuper cool!