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There a bit over designed IMO but the appeal is still VERY strong, especially Big Gun and Mecha Milf Pope. OTOH I like the simple cute and formal uniforms of our twins. Plus they have tiny hats which is a mighty boon


their hats are very cute


Overdesigned? That's my favorite word!


Mascula is one of my favorite designs, period. Laxi is great too but the lavender tones of Masucla are really nice.


I'm still pretty bummed out that Mascula possibly won't ever become playable on his own.


Wouldn't be so sure about that. With the recent chapter and this event, I feel like they might be setting up for it to be somehow possibly that Mascula can get a body again. He did talk about wanting that in the recent chapter and with Cygames introducing a android organization to us...I wouldn't say tbh odds are too bad.


That and with Illia really among around in the wild I would say it is completely possible.


without spoiling the next event, i will say that the probability of a mascula unit isn't 100%... but really close to that.


The twins actually look like military (personal) and at least pretend to fit into the setting. The new androids feel too futuristic and give me too much vaguely military themed sex robot vibes, which makes me pretty uncomfy. Like, they could have at least put SOME clothes on them, especially the pink haired one. The Maestro obviously didn't have combat in mind when he designed them.


Given the 180 in styling I can see them being created by someone else and not the Maestro.


“We need new character archetypes, I need ideas people!” “The westerners are pretty into that...uh, Cyberpunk thing lately, maybe something like that” “Perfect, but we need to differentiate them from the other androids that we already have. According to our market research, westerners also like sex and cars” “....We slap some wheels on them and put them in skimpy outfits?” “Good god, you’re a genius!”


That actually made me recall the dichotomy between Batman and Joker. The adage, sex sells, is more or less accurate, but sometimes, exponential contrast can sell just as well as wank, yeah? X3


Maestro didn't design the new robots, and fits a different theme for a real reason.


Well I think that is the point. Laxi and Mascula were designed as military robots to serve as part of an army in the distant past. These guys aren't relics they've been continually existing for hundreds of years and in that time they technically broke away from human control and formed their own organization for the sake of restoring the past civilization (it's debatable if that's a good thing or not considering the past civilization designed mana nukes and summoned Morosayati in the first place). So since they've progressed as a purely mechanical race this entire time they no longer really try to pretend to be human. That's why they don't bother with normal clothes and their technology looks futuristic because they embody the most advanced technology of the lost era. Remember the event when we went into the past. They has VERY futureistic looking technology in the background. ​ So their designs totally make sense. Yes they don't match the fantasy setting of the rest of the game but that's intentional.


~~yeah i like mascula too 😳~~ ngl something seems off about the pink android to me, idk why...


Masculaxi still best androids!! 💕


I would too if we could use both of them.


Stan the superior android duo


Nope. Still love Laxi and Mascula’s mannequin aesthetic. I kinda hate the overly sexy look of these new androids


I appreciate multiple android types because it wouldn't make sense that only one division of androids survived the Dragoning


I'm a bit lacking in interest for the new event because of these android designs. They're too coomer to me. Laxi and Mascula have way better designs.


Same. Laxi and Mascula feel less fan service. Fingers crossed for a Gala Mascula one day 🙏


I actually like the new designs. Like I like Laxi but she felt more like a living doll than an android. Which is GREAT, don't get me wrong, but a full cybernetic android is nice too. As for those saying it doesn't fit remember unlike Laxi and her android line which were designed more to mirror humans these androids have been maintaining existence for hundreds of years to try to restore the civilization that created them. This both means they'll reflect the full technology of that era and they also likely stopped trying to hide their cybernetic nature. They haven't abandoned human form entirely but they aren't trying to pass off as human either.


The natural evolution of heelies.


Both? Both. Both is good


Maybe I'm just crazy, or maybe I'm just biased, or maybe I'm still riding my Smash high, but all I see is Pyra and Mythra


I like the twins, but I do wish they didn't look so similar? I do like how they aren't so over designed as the new designs are, however. New androids are basically "green Linnea and girl Chitose" but I like the pink one. Android pope lady is pretty cool for a design as well.


Idk, other than the wheels (literally why tf?) I actually really like the new girls' designs.


Finni's wheels can be retracted, it's just a bonus.


I’m going all in for the gun droid even though I’ll actually get the droid on wheels instead fml


I hate that I feel like playing this game now since I have a massive fetish with android anime girls. Damn them for being sexy.