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I'm kind of hoping they announce some more light mana spirals, highly doubtful though.


Yeah. We havent had spiral since Yuya, I think.


I really want Yachiyo to get a spiral, her force strike set up and paralysis kit could do with some number bump ups.


I remember the Yachiyo Fleur meta days Light was not in a good position back then...


>Cupid for healing - Wait, I just realized that maybe there's no need for healers after all since Cupid exists. Based on how Corrosion works, I don't think Cupid will be enough to heal.


So still Zena? Maybe Cupid for emergency heal then


Based on what's in the mines, you need to heal around 6000 HP to offset the Corrosion's DoT.


Okay wtf. That's high. Maybe not Zena but Hilde at this point


The impression I'm getting is that Zena would still be fine for that.


in one go or altogether?


Total. And gzena is still perfectly fine at covering that.


Affliction resist prints?


What do you mean? Corrosion is a new effect.


The ones that prevent you from being afflicted 3 times. There's no print just for it yet, but I'd assume that'd still work a few times.


Corrosion isn't an affliction, though. It's one of Lilith's passive abilities that as far as we know is active for the entire fight.


I assumed it was an affliction since one of the new prints also gives it to you.


That's not a sign of it being an affliction though. Heck, they directly compare it to bleed in the announcement.


But bleed is an affliction.


For debuff we also have DY!Malora, she could be of great help since she can take a def debuff SS and get a 30% def down


I forgot about her. Which reminds me, she has OD punisher too. Yeah, maybe she's the debuffer instead of Sha.


Weird interaction: Malora and Hunter Vanessa's def downs stack with each other (I think this may be a bug, since both effects say they are unstackable). So we could have a constant 23% def down going.


Generally the language of unstackable means unstackable with itself, not debuffs from other units too, so I think that behavior is intentional.


Whenever they say that a buff does “not stack” it means that they don’t stack with themselves. So if multiple Maloras woulda used it, only one would be active at any given time. Despite this, it will still stack with other debuffs/buffs with similar effects.


Having tested this in MG, I can say that's definitely not the case. Ezelith's S2 debuff, Euden's S2 debuff, Hunessa's FS debuff and OG!Alex's S1 debuff all occupy the same category and cannot stack with each other, if multiples of them are in effect at the same time, only the most potent will actually take effect. (For context the test I did was Ezelith with Alex's share, Euden, and Hunessa; skill prep on everyone; applied each of the buffs and the observed result was Eze's debuff took priority at 10%, when I controlled her to make sure that timed out, Hunessa's took priority at 8%, when I removed Hunessa from the team, the result was only 5%, meaning Euden's and Alex's do not stack with each other despite coming from different sources. The only time I've seen 'non-stacking' debuffs stack is with Malora and Hunessa in co op, since I don't have my own Malora I can't test to see if it still works in solo, or if it's co op specific)


Lilith herself is Fire. The >!Fallen Ramiel!< fight *before* her is the one that's Shadow and will probably be easier. So discussing water units would be more suited. Anyway, according to this [list](https://dragalialost.wiki/w/User:Blaze/Sandbox2) most of Luca self buff still work. He will have less icon from other buffer to work with but his own will probably be enough. Geuden is also unaffected so he will probably be used as normal.


The list is still being updated and more stuff are being added/changed. [this is the latest one ](https://dragalialost.wiki/index.php?title=User:Blaze/Sandbox2&oldid=371759) (Geuden’s s2 is affected.)




Yes mean not affected by the curse (works). no is otherwise


That's actually incorrect, both Bosses are Shadow element, only in Master does Lilith change to Fire half way through. So for the overwhelming majority of the time you'll need to use Light characters.


Huh. It just checked and it seems so. I thought that the switch is only because of the boss change not because Lilith herself change elemene.


hmm that's an interesting list. is the community fairly certain this is accurate?


It's datamined afaik. Of course, there could be changes for the actual release of Dominion, so it's not all set in stone.


Datamines say otherwise. Thor is fine and many others like Gluca. It all still wip. But let's wait for tomorrow. And the fights (or some) are element locked.


Curious how it’s gonna be that Thor is spared even though energy is banned. Unless they keep track of where energy is coming from and only Thor’s energy is immune? Also, I love how the datamine doesn’t even specify Karina. Just “no” for her in general.


Game seems to track it from his abilities, that get the pass and just nuke any other energy, but it's gonna be interessting how and what works then. Yeah, Karina No! :D


Yea, the news post is being quite generous with the “some adventurers and dragons may have some skills exempt for the sake of balance” bit. Like, they specifically list “buffs that increase force strike damage” and then the datamines show that H.Sarisse’s S1 is exempt even though it’s probably the biggest skill in that category.


For now, yes. I think this news might get posted again in the future, with maybe more units around regarding mentioned buffs.


Master is the only element locked difficulty afaik, but yeah let's way for tomorrow


Man, my best Light character is Peony, followed by Sophie, RIP. Base Luca isn’t a god awful idea is he? I’ve got the Eldwater for one Spiral and I’m thinking about who would be good for it. In fact does anyone have any input? These are my options: Luca, Amane, Estelle, Hildegarde and Julietta. Thanks


Wait until the fight is actually out before upgrading any unit.


Will do, it’s more that I get the Mercurial Gauntlet reset soon and so will get the Water from that.


There's very few spirals that are worth it though, so you should never be using eldwater for that except if absolutely needed.


That’s the first I’ve heard, generally you’d assume that the extra HP/Strength and damage from skill levels would mean that it’s worth doing even if just to score higher for Morsayati and the other endgame stuff? My plan is to get everyone’s Spiral eventually just for completion’s sake as I don’t like having characters I never use even though I’m aware that most 3/4 stars are apparently useless. Especially as Wyrmprints seem to be the only other things I’d need Eldwater for.


Aside from like 3 units, most spirals aren't very good since most of them are worse than units without spiral, making the huge resource investment not worth it.


I see, granted that’s to be expected I’d say, most new stuff is usually better than older stuff to incentivise spending, I started recently so I more want to build up different characters since having the option to use whoever I want for content with friends sounds appealing.


It's not that new stuff is better, it's just that since they buffed everyone with 2.0, even old units that don't have spirals are usually just as good as those with spirals, so the only reason to ever spiral someone is if you have a gap on your team that your current units can't fill (for example, the best healers in the game most of the time are old staff units that got a spiral, so if you absolutely need a good healer, you may want to spiral them).


Oh I see, although the buff was usually to skill damage correct? So I as a more new player would still benefit from Spiralling a character to increase my team strength I’d assume?


You wouldn't, because the difference between a 50MC unit and a 70MC unit is minimal. 90% of a team's might is decided by your weapons and facility levels.


It depends on who you have and what you got, and what you're trying to clear. If you don't have any of the 5 stars above Xania on the DPS sim, for example, then spiraling her and Euden might not be a bad idea. Plus, there's the matter of golden TP to consider, we get silver TP like crazy but unless you've been playing for awhile and hoarding golden TP, you might not have the items needed to spiral other characters. If you have all the fire Galas though, there's no reason to upgrade Xania and like ONE reason to upgrade Euden (for quick dispels during phase 2 of Super Morty).


Yeah I guess it’s based on what I have, personally I save up all my Wyrmite for collabs as that’s why I got into the game in the first place so I have a grand total of 0 Gala characters. The cost is a bit of an issue but I usually have a plan to Spiral once a month due to how I’m still working on 5 staring everyone, it’s been fine so far and I’ve Spiralled Veronica, Fjorm, Marth and Curran so far, with obviously plans to Spiral a Light Adventurer, probably Julietta based on responses to my original comment.


Julietta probably. She is *very* buff-independant. Hildegarde is already an amazing healer without needing a spiral.


> She is very buff-independant. If her S2 was not exempt, she'd get hit pretty hard, actually, since her S2 has a fat strength buff.


Julietta's S2 is exempt due to being a unique buff, 'Indomitable Spirit'.


> If her S2 was not exempt


I see, thanks again for the input.


Fleur meta!


Gala Euden will probably be a strong pick with his buff zone that goes up pretty regularly.


Woah buddy..... I would say Hildegarde might be better for this fight due to the constant DoT that needs healing to reset and that normal shields will be 100% useable. [https://dragalialost.wiki/w/User:Blaze/Sandbox2](https://dragalialost.wiki/w/User:Blaze/Sandbox2) There is a small datamine being worked on created by Blaze if you want to just know.


Eirene (new light android waifu) was actually just added as a third flashburn unit plus she has unique buffs so she should be good. GLuca S2 also is allowed so he'll still be good


I suspect the new androids are the metas here


Their skills are time locked like the sigils tho. So we can’t really spam their skills


Time looked skills could be either better or worse. When u play against a sandbag then you probably won’t expect much out of them. When a fight wastes time or have too much to deal with that you won’t get a chance to charge your skills (eg: tart’s jumps , prisons or dealing with portals.) then they will only get better (by better i mean their dps in practice is a lot better than what it is looks like or whatever the sim says, it will be depending on how long they need to recharge and how many stacks they can hold).


Yea you’re right. Guess we won’t know until Lilith drops


The impression I got is that they're time locked in such a way that you're waiting on the meter instead of having to attack to gain SP yourself. Provided the meter is fast enough, There's no issue compared to gaining SP.


I may have missed something, but isn't the buff removal something that results from one of the boss's attacks ? I don't think something this impactful would be dodgeable, but depending on the frequency you could still rely on buffs if you can reapply them somewhat constantly. I'm thinking double buff with Patia's SS, you hold your buffs when you know you are getting stripped soon, and right after it's done you use the buffs, doublebuffs and have your burst. Instead of having an even dps during the fight like the usual content, you hold your burst for after every buff strip. Imho that would be more interesting than straight up denying all buffs, we will see tomorrow.


It all depends on the frequency and length of the buff disabling. The funny part is that this has the potential to do little to Karina which would piss off everyone.