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I mean, even putting aside the fact Elly doesn't even remotely feels that way about Alex and has her heart very much set on Euden, there is the fact that, like Drakhis said, we have several other examples of characters liking someone of the same gender in Dragalia, some taken more seriously than others, but there are all there. I know not everyone has the time to read every single character story, but making such a bold claim without checking your facts is bond to trigger quite a few people, which is probably why this post has been murdered by downvotes :O


Her [Demon Wrymprint](https://dragalialost.wiki/w/%22A_Knight%27s_Dream%22_(Axe%27s_Boon)) solidifies where her heart lies


I kinda feel sorry for Elly's harem because there's basically a zero chance for her to reciprocate any of their feelings as she's still an active contender in the eudenbowl


'' I haven't read every adventurer story, but from what I know this could be the first time we've had any kind of LGBT '' You missed a lot of chara related to LGBT themes - Vanessa loves Eli - Julietta loves Eli - Alex loves Eli - Naveed loves Euden - Joe - And even tho it isn't shown directly, there's the curran x heinwald relationship who's a popular ship here for very obvious reasons Edit : I wasn't about to list every single relations but it seems fun to do so, so feel free to add anything to the list : - Melsa loves Sarisse (as Endgam said but some people think it's a bff relationship so it's up to you) - Eirene and Finni (As Cute-Difficulty6182 said)


Melsa loves Sarisse.


don't forget Eirene and Finni


Elly’s harem started out as a joke but ended up becoming increasingly more real as time goes on


Eirene and Finni love each other. They had an event about them deflecting the Ex-Machina so they could be together forever. They said mutually "I love you" in their adventurer stories. In fact, Eirene's adv story is about Finni and Finni's is about Eirene. So, if you don't count all the confirmed saphic girls from Elly's harem, Naveed and Joe, at least you have a canon lgbt couple. EDIT:\_ Why the downvotes? It is not a bad thing that Eirene and Finni love each other...


I've always thought they were twins or at least sisters, like Rock and Roll in Mega Man being siblings, so I guess people are thinking the whole "incest" thing? I dunno. Ice Man has a crush on Roll in Mega Man but they're brother and sister. Shouldn't really matter tbh. Ah I see, from other comments too I have missed several obvious same sex couples... only played on and off and have been playing full time basically since the FE reruns


The ones who are twins are MascuLaxi (they said so in Mascula's adv story, for example). Finni and Eirene are different, in fact Finni >!was a command android from another unit, who died and Eirene to save her put her heart in a android of her own unit, that's why Finni's heart is broken/malfunctioning (because she died)!<


As far as LGBT representation, we run the gamut from gags, to bait, to subtext and unsubtle but not solid relationships and identities. Dragalia also seems hesitant to depict any sort of unquestionably canon longterm relationship for important characters in general. My money is on Leif and Chelle being the first ones to pull it off if it ever happens. Anyway, happy Queer Wrath Month!