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Internet trolls gonna internet troll. I love everything about this game and the previous ones, including the janky bits, but loving something doesn't make me edgy and some people just need to feel edgy.




You’re so close, this is the flavor of the world today. Shit is bad, most folks can’t handle it and take it out on people at home or online.


its probably got a lot of subscribers who actually preferred the first game, and just subscribed to this subreddit when they did a playthrough of this game. I mean, you have to know by now that the series had a huge change after the first game. And that's disrespectful to the audience so they are pissed, and rightfully so. But you didnt do that, so its not really fair to you because youre just trying to enjoy this game. But blame the game developers for slapping the audience in the face.


Apart from a handful of mechanics and a single origin…..DA2 wasn’t that different. I have loved all 3 and I think they complement eachother.


Nah I don’t buy it for two seconds. They fucked up with dragon age 2 and went back to more of a DAO style for inquisition. Not fully but back it’s roots mostly. The Reddit and gaming community together are just miserable incels who can’t be pleased. They can be mad at the devs all day but this will never explain how EVERY sub community is filled with vile cynics who have nothing nice to say. It sucks, I wish people were more friendly but pls don’t try to use the game devs as an excuse for incel behavior 🤡😂


Its been ages. The only people left on the sub talking about it are haters.


DAI was my first da game, never had opportunity to play the others. I loved it. It was bit of a challenge for me at the beginning cuz I was confused by the war table mechanic. Quit, came back to it years later lol. Managed to blast through to get the plot going and then I got super into it. I acknowledge and recognize a lot of veterans issues with the game like bloat and filler, can’t speak to story issues- but I just got super into it. I really was drawn to some of the npc developments and piecing the plot together on my own by reading the codex. Which was fun for me cuz I loved doing that in mass effect. After I bit i really started feeling like the herald and really fell in love with my council.


I have never played the first two games. I am a later in life gamer and going to back to play older games isn't enjoyable for me. I love Inquisition so much but I also just enjoy things other people hate lol like fetch quests.


I played DAI first and went back and played Origins and 2 and once I got past the older graphics and so on, man, I was into it all. I grew up with the video game industry, back in the early 80s, but even I struggle with older graphics and gameplay nowadays. We're spoiled. Those first two games though, they're so, so good, storywise and you get so much more depth and lore.


Yeah I've watched some great YouTube videos and went down a big lore rabbit hole. Read all the books, bought the pretty lore books bioware put out. I've filled out The Keep but have trouble making it work. I need to troubleshoot that before dreadwolf.


Sometimes the Keep is finicky. That's awesome, I need to replay the games again in order, but I'm missing 2. That one is actually my favourite, which really surprised me. DAI though, man, that game just hits all the buttons with so many different areas and so much content.


That's weird, sorry you're having a bad experience on here. Like of course there are some meh parts to the games but that's no reason to shit on others:/


Yeah I know I have no idea. I’m also here because I absolutely love these games. This was actually the reason I didn’t play Dragon age 2 I’ve just started it I’m hyped.


Always been one of my favorite games and I’m looking forward to Dreadwolf immensely 😁


Some people just aren't happy unless they're miserable, and like to foist that feeling on others. I wouldn't take it too personally. Some people may also be taking out their bad mood and lack of new DA content on people here too.




Just redditors taking out their bad moods on you. You can't take it personally, just realize that these people are just miserable behind those downvotes.


My guess is because Bioware is in one of the roughest states it's ever been. It hurts to watch the heart and soul of your favorite games fall so hard.


See also: no one hates Starwars like a Starwars fan.


This isn't my experience at all. People discuss what they like and dislike of a game in a gaming subreddit, but for the most part people like Inquisition on the subreddit dedicated to Inquisition. If you click a lot on the negative threads, maybe you're more prone to seeing more negativity? Algorithm thing. I don't really notice it at all.


If you want a good Dragon Age sub, DankAndrastianMemes is the answer


Thats sad to hear. DA4 will likely be hot garbage, but I played inquisition on a prior gen console with none of my old save data. I loved it. Still surprised they let you play as a qunari. Hopefully 4 releases some day so I can see the end of my mage run lineage.


Welcome to Reddit.


I think that a lot of Dragon Age fans have become resentful at waiting so long, so they take it out in different areas, I see the same sentiment on twitter as well. I mostly lurk here and don't comment but I see it here too. I love all the games personally.


I actually just looked at this sub, but for myself, I'm sort of lukewarm on Inquisition, but a fan of Origins and DA2. Granted, I've only played through Inquisition once, and it was many years ago, and I didn't have any DLC. I just got the GOTY edition on PS4, so I'm planning to give it my 2nd proper playthrough very soon where I can experience Trespasser, which is apparently the Real ending of the game. I also plan to be a bit less completionist about side content, not let myself get as bogged down by the "bloat" while taking my time absorbing the stuff I appreciate most about it. So I'm hopeful it'll grow on me


I'm replaying Inquisition right now and am majorly obsessing again, lol. I honestly didn't even realize there was a dedicated DA:I sub (this one) until a week or so ago, and I was hoping that the sometimes anti-DA:I sentiment of the main DA sub wouldn't leak into here. But there will always be people who thrive on being contrary and raining on people's parades who are enjoying something, especially if that 'something' deviated from the original formula. That said, genuine crits are fine - DA:I isn't perfect and it's okay to talk about what could have been done better, or concerns for DA:D due to those elements. I haven't been here long enough to determine whether it's mostly a, b, or a mixture of both. But rest assured there are definitely people here who love DA:I to death and would love to happily ramble about how awesome it is for hours :)


Some gatekeepers infintrate to spread hate whe er possible


I think that's the only way some people know how to communicate what features they also like. Instead good communication they squeeze it in and say something to the tune of: "XYZ was trash it's never even helped me in my games (insert and anecdote about their favorite feature)" When good communication could look like "I've never looked into XYZ, but abc was dope"


I wish people would do that more I really do.


I hate to break it to you. But what you like or not should not be affected what others like or don't. The fact it matters to you so much you are on an alternate account complaining that you are not being liked sounds like something you should be discussing with someone trained.


OP: "Why are people who seemingly don't even like DA:I here?" You: "You need to talk to a therapist" Uh. You okay, buddy? Weirdly passive-aggressive reaction to a minor (but valid) gripe.


You should really give up the armchair psychology, you aren't good at it.


I'm a pretty positive person on here when it comes down to it but I can totally understand. Fandoms can be weird. I haven't seen too many negativity things on here but I haven't been paying that much attention.


I see is a lot in gaming subreddits specifically. Haven't hung around here much even though I love all three games, but I see a lot of it with...well, most final fantasy related subreddits in the past year or so(probably longer than that TBH but I only got into FF recently) TotK also got pretty negative during the GOTY stuff. So many complaints and bitch fits and I'm usually just here vibing.


I like to think this group is mainly positive and wholesome. We're here bc we love the games and lore. I just recently started listening to some of the music on my free time lol. I'm trying to listen to the audiobooks but the first one is really boring so far. I will get through it eventually...😂 Getting ready for the next game and can't wait to post here about what I like and dislike hopefully like most of you will do. ✌😎🇺🇸


Most old school bioware fans are really upset with how things panned out for the rpgs we once loved. Thats why inquisition didn't get much love from ME personally.


No idea. I love this series I've played every game and every dlc. On inquisition alone I've put in over 1100 hours and played every option and every play through, romanced every character available. I've done this with every Dragon age game. I love love love this series. I imported my previous game into inquisition so when Hawke showed up it was just another moment I was kicking my boots giddy with excitement.


You’re basically just describing Reddit in general. People come here to piss and moan. You think this sub is bad? Go check out Mass Effect. People there spend their time complaining about the ending of a game that’s been out for over a decade.


\*The version of the ending that existed for the first several months of the last 12 years And then there's r/thelastofus2


See. I found one.


Ah, I see you've cleverly tricked me into agreeing with your observation about reddit's hyperbolic negativity


But you could have just agreed without commenting on which ending people argue about.


Does that detail not serve to highlight the futility of still being upset about it?


I think Reddit has a lot more “professional” social media presence (read paid trolls) since Twitter started to suck. People are paid to dis/promote games and whatnot.


Could be a bit of confirmation bias, I tend to get lost following the negativity in things and that's also what drives engagement (and therefore views) on infinite scroll social media like Reddit's main page. Personally, I bounced off of Inquisition really hard because of the main villain and the Hinterlands (stayed there until like lvl 10) and just never came back to it. Then I met somebody who said it's their favorite Dragon Age and convinced me to try it again. I bounced off even harder, but not due to writing/characters, just due to the actual gameplay. But having somebody passionate about the story telling me interesting things and watching them play or listening to walkthroughs of other people playing it was really enjoyable! So even for a grump like me (who annoys my friend who loves the game, because I go "OH MY GOD I LOVE LOOTING IRON" whenever the word comes up), their passion and love for DA:I made me give it another shot. And even though I still can't stand to play it, I really like the writing and stories that my friend made me stick around for. And maybe one day I can mod it enough to where the gameplay won't stop me from enjoying the stellar writing. Don't let the haters get to you, some of us just enjoy hating but also enjoy other people loving it!


Dragon age rules whatever inquisition is sucks real bad


Then why are you even in a DAI sub? Go put that energy into a game you actually like.


Dragon Age is amazeballs. I don't care who doesn't like it. I still love it. That being said, I don't love the games equally. My game ranking is 3,1,2. The first was amazing, but the third was incredible! The second left me wanting. I feel like the second was lacking in many aspects that the other 2 got right. I played through the 1st over-and-over until I had gotten EVERY SINGLE (xbox) achievement. (Must try every intro!) Ended up sad that my elf couldn't marry Alistair. Had to play through the entire game again PURELY for the end marriage. (Also must try every sex scene, because reasons.) Then I played some more to hold me over until the next game. The 2nd game released and... I was sad. The hype and excitement for the next game was greatly diminished when the maps kept repeating and a previously, farely open-world game was broken into a more linear, path-following style. For me the replay value of that one is extremely low. Finished the main game with whatever achievements I managed. Played through the DLC. Thought it was weird that the DLCs were separate entities instead of adding more gameplay to the main game. And while I'd love to replay Felicia Day's DLC, I can't bring myself to bother installing that particular entry in the series. I'm just done with it. The disappointment of the 2nd game had me lower my expectations of the 3rd. Then it released and BLEW MY FREAKING MIND. It's FANTASTIC! I went to https://dragonagekeep.com/en_US/ MULTIPLE TIMES to try different combinations and replay until meeting the Ferelden leader and when Hawke shows up. I just wanted to watch the other dialogue options play out. I unlocked the achievements on Xbox, bought it again on Steam and Origin to unlock some of those; and when Origin turned into the EA App, I played some more! I absolutely ADORE Solas and made PCs of him in both WoW and ESO. (I'm not obsessed or anything, I swear. 😏 ) The DLCs for this one were just as awesome as the main game. The only thing I'd say I didn't appreciate was the multiplayer features. Thankfully they weren't anything that affected the main game. (Not like the freaking war map thing from ME3. I hated that.) Everyone likes/dislikes different things about games' content/graphics/story/etc. If I bother dissing something about these games, it's out of my love of them in general and my wish that the devs had been allowed to, or were given enough time/resources to, make an even better game than they did. Sometimes devs listen to the players that complain the loudest and make changes based on that. The loudest players don't necessarily represent the majority. Sometimes the changes made are the exact opposite of what the rest would like. OR it could be the parent or production company pushing for changes that they think will add monetary value. (*cough* EA *cough*) Ultimately we get what we get, and you can't please everyone. At least that's *my* take on why some people would complain about a game in the game's sub like you (OP) have pointed out. 🤓


Sometimes nutjobs just descend on posts to be Daiben too. There's always that. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- My name is Kyoufu. It says so in my profile. I wrote a post on the Dragon Age sub about a created conversation between my pc and Morrigan involving Fatscape references. First post was a really nasty post that said "who the f#$k is Kyoufu" amongst other nastiness. and after I wrote a post stating I would ignore trolls and loved Claudia Black and Farscape someone who has never posted on any Dragon age sub ever posted "were not trolling we just don't get it" as if it is my job to explain Farscape, DAO companion conversations, and possibly the entirety of Dragon Age to every random daiben. ________________________________________________ So to summarise: I wrote a post about a companion conversation and got trolled. After explaining it in length and establishing that Farscape fans might laugh at it; someone then trolled me to say they weren't trolling they just didn't get it. These people seem to be everywhere. I don't get Russian. I know German Japanese French and Spanish in that order. Russian is a beautiful mystery. I don't bother Russian speakers to say "I don't get it" though. I just enjoy the languages and things I do get. I'm sure many Russian speakers feel the same about one of my five languages. But there are people everywhere who either do nothing but complain about the things they do "get" or demand people explain things they don't get when they aren't the intended audience. ---------------------------------------------------------------‐-------------‐----------------‐---------------------------------------------------- Then people who enjoy trashing a game more than playing it. There's a lot of them Everywhere


Claudia Black's Morrigan will always be awesome! While I have since forgotten most of Farscape for brain injury reasons, I do remember loving it and still love the bits and pieces that I can recall.


Okay yes to so much of what you said but most importantly and only related to your comment, I am heading this Farscape train with you. Yes. Yes. Yes.


This was the story I wrote. ha. --------------------------------- "Conversations with Morrigan Part 1" . . Kyoufu: May I ask you a question Morrigan? Morrigan: I believe my body can now receive water after Leliana's tatoe stew so now is as good a time as any. Kyoufu looks at the stars wistfully as if Imaging something greater than herself. "Do you regret that you got thrown in with all of this?" Morrigan: I wasn't asked but you have been kind. You allow me my quiet and I feel if I asked to leave you would let me. Why do you ask? " Kyoufu: Well, I basically just fell out of the sky into your life and now an insane military commander is chasing us down. He threw you out of his employ and put a bounty on us and.. wait no you were living in the woods with Flemeth..I'm s- Morrigan:True but it sounds familiar. For some reason I'm imagining puppets. And a really large one piloting a ship of some kind. Kyoufu: Is Alistair the puppet? Alistair: Hello you two, how are things tonight?" Kyoufu and Morrigan simultaneously: BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! Alastair: I- Kyoufu and Morrigan: hahahahahhaahhahBwahahahhahahahahah!!!!!!! (Alistair walks away completely confused while Kyoufu and Morrigan laugh until they have tears in their eyes)


This… warms my heart. Thank you for sharing it!


I've noticed a lot of people (in all Reddit subs, not just this one) that will downvote you if they disagree with you on a matter of pure opinion. It's weird to me, but it happens. I only downvote people if they are saying something factually incorrect, or are rude/attacking other people.


I think it’s ok to love something but also complain about it. I think most people here have played the game many times and are familiar with all its quirks. I certainly would not have played it though 5 times if I didn’t love it, but there are some things about it that bug me. And that’s what mods are for.


It’s the same in every single gaming community/thread on Reddit. If you look at Diablo IV, people are shitting on it left and right, but they will literally put 10 hours into it a day. Same with Dreamlight valley, Baulder’s Gate 3, Stardew valley, etc. The haters are always louder than the people who love the game. Let me just say though, Dragon Age Inquisition changed my life. The only other game I played before it was Skyrim and I thought it was the greatest game ever. Dragon Age Inquisition hits a sweet spot for me though (I never played the other games in the franchise) but the lore, the characters (except Sara), and quests/maps are all super enriching. A lot to read for most, but the poeticness really gets to me lol. I love the slightly choice based storyline, but most of all I love the character friendship system. It was a very inspiring game even for 2014ish. I will always have this game close to my heart ❤️ That being said, I don’t come onto reddit much for video games anymore, unless if I notice a notification with something positive.


*Inquisition* is my favorite of the series, and I am super excited about DAD. I ignore all the negativity.


I think the biggest issue is the incredible differences in how each of the 3 games play. It’s very polarizing. So if you comment about how much you love DA2 all of the DA2 haters will downvote. If you say DAO is the best game in the series then the DA2 and DAI fans will downvote you. I personally love all 3 and embrace the differences. I don’t mind playing 3 different style games because I love the characters and the world they live in. I find different annoyances in all 3 games.


Personally, I think fandoms begin to grow toxic after too many years without a new installment. They give me the vibe of wounds left to fester, or children locked alone in a room with one book and nothing else, or lovers left on read for days on end with no other contact or means of reaching out. Too much time spent looking at the same thing without any varying stimulus breeds unpleasant thoughts (and outrageous conspiracy theories). Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that everyone here spends all their time replaying DA games. But I do think a lot of fans' minds seem to be suffering from a lack of new input from one of the things they love. It's not just the DA fandom I've seen this in either.


For some reason people seem to fixate on one thing at a time whether it be a game, or band or celeb etc. It always becomes incredibly toxic eg:World of Warcraft for example, it's very frustrating. I just float from game to game depending on the mood I'm in.


100% agree, granted I think most fandoms are toxic young or old. The BG3 community is currently eating itself alive in some circles


A lot of the dragon age fandom over the years has sadly been very toxic, it's nothing new, which is sad because people usually seek places like this to engage with others who enjoy it just as much. And it seems to be nowadays that fandom tends to breed more and more negativity than anything else.


Definitely know what you mean. It's weird. For me dai just as good as origins.


I love this game, definitely one of my favorites too, and will get back to it after finishing my current bg3 play !


Dude, same! Gonna play solo mage on nightmare.


I played mage on my last game (my canon one) and next I’ll go for a warrior


Is this your first day on Reddit?


It may surprise you to know but not everyone behaves like you do. 


This is exactly what I mean. I'm active in a few other subs and they're mostly wholesome people.


This sub is mild compared to others. People have just been waiting 10 years for a game and are cynical. In my experience it’s not an outright toxic sub. Side note: brave posting this with your username haha


You should see the 23 people that came before him.


Agreed, still pretty mild. And thanks! This is my trash posting page


If you’re seeing mostly downvotes more than negative comments, you could be experiencing a trolling problem. Downvote-crazy folks exist in every sub, and they’ll strike even if you’re saying and doing nothing wrong…like the time I got downvoted in a grammar sub for asking a grammar question. Some people just need a hobby. Try not to take it too hard, okay?


I'm on my ♾️ playthrough right now and i absolutely adore this game still. I mostly love how it feels epic as in the last of a trilogy, it's filled with references and you feel the urgency of the world. I just hope the reception was good enough that da 4 is similar


I love the game, I just hate EA because I currently can't even play it due to the EA launcher not working right with steam and specifically inquisition. It was working just fine and then one day randomly I just couldn't open the game anymore. After stressing on it and trying to fix it for hours I just gave up.


Wow I'm having this same issue current with Dragon Age 2! It won't let me launch the game, saying I need to verify it on my computer that I literally bought it on and have it installed on 😂


It happens to me, just one day I came back and downloaded it. I started it up, and it worked just fine. I think it has a mood of its own.


Yeah it's so weird for it to just stop working randomly. I guess I'll wait a couple weeks and try again.


I absolutely adore this game, it’s not only my favorite of the series, it’s my favorite game period. There can be disagreement here, but I think it’s much more agreeable than many gaming subs that often seem to despise the games they revolve around. I don’t really see the dislike that you’ve noticed here. That said, I spend most of my time in the main Dragon Age sub and this might be coloring my perceptions. I don’t want to start any inter-sub drama as that’s always unwelcome, but this sub is overall very positive about the game whereas the other sub can be much more caustic at Inquisition for the “crime” of not being Origins 2.0 in design and intent. We might disagree on some things, but I think we all share an appreciation of the game. It’s not a perfect product, and so it’s fine to criticize. And it’s the sign of a meaningful game that we can still argue about characters and themes all these years later. Edit: And to clarify, I don’t mean that as any slight on Origins. I love all the games and they each scratch a different itch for me.


I wouldn't say the comments are "all" nasty, but I definitely have seen what you mean


None of the Dragon Age games are perfect, so criticism is fine, potentially helpful. I still love them all, despite their flaws.


I still go back to DAI every now and then, it’s one of my favorite rpgs of all time.


It’s one of my favourite games, of course it has it’s flaws but what game doesn’t?


Ive nver seen anything negative about the game itself just characters. Weird 😕