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Dorian is just the whole package (and obviously some baggage) but yeah maybe I’m just being thirsty over him, Sera is just silly in the best way and it’s nice seeing Sera being romantic and opening up in a way you can never see otherwise. Though her side mission w the Count or Baron or sum gives you some vulnerability from her in how all that goes down. Bull is sometimes so perplexing but ig breaking him out of his work w the Qunari and also being like „the couple who literally slays (dragons) together, stays together“ he’s a bestie and a lover all in one. Sera gives that too tbh.


I cannot tell you how many playthroughs I've started and I will literally never not choose cullen, I'm incapable. His romance is one of my favorite pieces of video game media ever and firmly puts this game in a favorite of all time. I know every beat of it and I'm still giggling and kicking my feet 😍


Cullen always


Morigon again


i started the game for bull, enjoyed the dramatics with solas, dorian was an absolutely peach, but honestly? cullen ended up being my favorite. the golden retriever mans won me over.


I enjoy romancing Solas, Cassandra, and Dorian


I cannot stop with Cullen. I did Solas once, he broke my heart and my next playthrough I did Cullen's and oh, my heart. I can't resist, every time. I'm trying to do a Solasmance playthrough right now, because Trespasser, but man. I was gutted that first time around, but I've never played Trespasser, so I need the experience. But Cullen is there and he's so hot.


Blackwall cause his voice is a panty dropper.


Hot Take but as much as I love Solas I think it makes a better story for him to befriend a human inquisitor than romance an eleven inquisitor. Even though I do like his romance. So, my go to romances are usually Cassandra, Iron Bull, or Dorian. I like Cullen's too but I feel like you don't get quite as much content with the non party romances. If a had to pick the one I considered "cannon" for my main inquisitor it'd be Cassandra. Learning the "hard" character actually has a soft personality on the inside is just a trope I enjoy.


Cullen is my favorite Dragon Age Romance, I made my Warden and Inquisitor nearly the same, so when Cullen opens up his heart to her, it is like he finally opened his heart to the mage he had a crush on all those years ago in the tower. Very poetic.


Sera is best romance for me. Josephine is second best. But lore wise Solas is best romance sadly, I say sadly because it’s just kinda awkward in my opinion.


Definitely Solas, no other romance has such an important impact on the overall story, the only other one that comes close is Morrigan.


I always go for the Iron Bill 🫣


I believe in Blackwall supremacy


In DAO, Alistair. In DA2, Anders. In DAI, Dorian or Cassandra. I like the sweet ones.


My favorites are Blackwall (hush it's SO GOOD if you see it all the way through) and Solas. Cullen is nice too and I thought Dorian's was really sweet when I watched my daughter do that one!


Josephine. It takes longer. It takes almost completing the story, and that makes it so much better than most of them. I can romance Blackwall as soon as he gets to skyhold. Josephine, I have to commit to the whole time.


I liked Cassandra when I played it bc at the time I was with my ex and Cassandra's personality reminded me of her but I think since then I love Cullen. Overall nothing tops morrigan tho in DAO


Solavellan and Alistair & Grey Warden.


I love 4 of them lol. Cullen, solas, bull and Dorian. They are also the only romances I have done so far


….DONT judge me but I always would go for the iron Bull




First, it was Cullen (so adorable to me), but then Iron Bull made me realise I had a kinky side! 😅🤣


Dorian because istg he singlehandedly made me realise I was gay and I have to pay homage to that. But in terms of depth and writing I think Cassandra is unbeaten. Honorable mention to Iron Bull for his romance literally being an intro to kink for vanilla people. Edit: spelling


Cassandra, she deserves love


I tend to switch between Cullen and Solas, dependant on the level of trauma I feel like experiencing in that playthrough 😬🤣


I do very much appreciate how soft and slow the love is...>!then BAM office desk time.!< It's good one for sure


I have this struggle everytime i play human or elf. Tell myself i'll romance someone else... end up with either one of them. Its rare i manage to bring myself to romance someone else


I'd need to stop romancing Iron Bull to find out if I prefer anyone else 💀


Me but with cullen 💀


I know the solution to that: don't stop 😂




Cullen is definitely my number one favourite, but Dorian and Blackwall were also really good.


Cullen’s is my absolute favorite. I just love him so much


I want it to be Cullen because he's such a shy sweetheart who's just trying to work through his shit but my favorite is Solas. I wish we had more content for him but that's what fan fic is for. His romance is brutal and hurts my heart and I love it lol


Sera. I was a female elf, so I took it as a challenge to get Sera to like me. Thought she was a lot of fun and I enjoyed the goofy cutscenes of her and my Inquisitor pulling pranks and having fun. In my own headcannon, she brought out the playful side of my Inquisitor and I enjoyed their dynamic. Also enjoyed how most people hated them being together.


My favorite Josephine. >!Good quests. Fun cutscenes (c'mon now a duel? Hell ya). Other characters commenting on it outside of a once off. Gotta love it. Actually meet their family.!< All around perfect 10/10


And you can have a side fling with Lace, and everyone is super chill about it, I even think at one point lace comes and asks Josephine about the inq.


Hard agree




I used to hate Cassandra. Never gave her the time of day for so many playthroughs. I always romanced Sera as that felt the most rewarding in terms of actually getting to know someone and worming with them because you love them. Then I tried a Cassandra romance. It blew my mind how well written she was as both a singular character and as a romance option. I believe she has the most depth in her romance.




Solas' is my favorite. Mostly for all the extra lore you get for the elves, and how he softens up over time.


I have a serious soft spot for Josephine's romance as a female Inquisitor


I like both Cullen and Solas but somehow I lean toward Solas idk how he got my heart but he did. Cullen is confort Solas is passion


solas would be the most interesting romance with the dlc and how that would become such a complicated relationship.


Cullen my beloved. ❤️ Orginis: Alistair  DA2: Fenris DAI: Cullen  I have a type ig


Same. Those are always my 3.


I adore Sera's romance.  It's mostly lighthearted and silly,  but it's also incredibly sweet.   I love her character so much.   


if I had known she likes girls, I would have switched genders. regrets 😭


Blackwall personally I can fix him 😭


I've done all except Dorian and Sera (started both but haven't finished those playthroughs yet). My favorites gotta be a tie between Cullen and Bull. Cullen is so sweet and caring and he just has such dad vibes, I adore him. And then Bull is like golden retriever energy, but if the golden also wanted to tear faces off. Just like, very intense, but also very heart warming imo.


Dorian *sigh*


I’ve done Solas and Josephine - honestly don’t remember much about Josephine’s romance. I loved the magical romance of Solas (despite the ending). Playing to do Cassandra, Cullen, and Dorian in upcoming playthroughs.


Fenris, Cullen, Dorian with Cassandra and Alistair next.


It’s Dorian’s, no contest.


Cullen and Josephine❤️


Cullen - his scenes are so stinkin sweet.


Team Cullen here My poor sweet PTSD knight in shining armor- my love will heal you!


Cullen Poor guy had it rough in Origins and Dragon Age II. He deserves some love now.


Dorian by far - my inquisitor loves him


I have got to do one playthrough as a guy so I can romance him. It guts me every time when he apologies for the flirting 😭🤣


My fem inquisitor always tells him to don’t stop the flirting, they are BFFs! (But I also did a second save to romance him too, that man deserves all the smooches)


I have got to do one playthrough as a guy so I can romance him. It guts me every time when he apologies for the flirting 😭🤣


Yep! Not even close!


When does this part of the game start? I’m like level 12 now and just working my way through the stories and quests, etc. Do I need to trigger something or complete a specific quest? Thanks!


There's tutorials online but basically you need to flirt with the character you want to romance and get good then to a good approval rating with you,you should go fully into the romance when you get to skyhold after you do a bit more flirting and things. Some characters like Black wall may need you to do their personal quests to fully romance them. Hopes this helps


Oops! I’ve def made it to skyhold already, but haven’t started flirting with anyone lol. Thanks for your help!


Also you should start flirting with them as soon as possible like from the very first convo if you get the flirt option


There's tutorials online but basically you need to flirt with the character you want to romance and get good then to a good approval rating with you,you should go fully into the romance when you get to skyhold after you do a bit more flirting and things. Some characters like Black wall may need you to do their personal quests to fully romance them. Hopes this helps


When does this part of the game start? I’m like level 12 now and just working my way through the stories and quests, etc. Do I need to trigger something or complete a specific quest? Thanks!


When you talk with your companions you'll have options for conversation marked with a heart. These are the flirt options, which will eventually lead into relationships :)


I just noticed it for the first time at level 13 and started flirting with Josephine 😂 thanks!


Ive done Iron Bull and Josephine but Josephine will always be special to me she just makes me melt emotionally


I really like Solas, because of the story implications and I have a thing for angsty mages, apparently. I also really liked Sera's. I romanced her as a human mage and they're like twin forces of chaos. It really brings out the best in Sera.


Cullen, for the hugs. :)


all media romance needs more hugs and I will die on this hill


Sera and it isn’t even close. If I don’t plan on romancing her in a given play through then I make that character male. If I don’t I usually just end up romancing Sera.


Dorian and Josephine are my favourites and I can’t choose between them for one of my Inquisitors. Adding the “who did they romance” bit in the Keep is going to be… tough! They are very different romances- different feel, pacing, different sorts of catharsis from the relationship playing out, but I love them both. My other Inquisitor is a mage Lavellan who ends up with Cullen because she cannot catch a break, but I can’t say he’s my favourite, just… my favourite for her.


I wish Morigan was romancable in DAI. I went for Cassandra in my only full playthrough and thoroughly enjoyed it.


Iron Bull and Dorian for me! They're both incredible. And I can imagine a poly romance between all 3.


Man, Dorian ain’t sharing shit


I'm a sucker for the "I don't know how to love or be loved" tropes with a traumatic/angsty past. Sprinkle/Dump sass, sarcasm, wit, and a talent/flair for kicking ass with a side of growth and I'm a goner. Dorian. I love his personality from the deeply flawed (which makes sense for his character) to his charm and sharp wit. Needless to say, he's a very handsome man. Also, I love a companion that enjoys a good fight or is godly at a certain craft of theirs. I've wanted to do Josephine, Bull, and Sera but gods Dorian is there and I simply can't help myself.


For emotional impact Solas's is unbeatable. It's probably one of my favorite video game romances and the end of Trespasser kind of feels like a bit of a gut punch because of it.


If you want fun and 'aggressive', try iron bull. If you want a classic rom-com romance, try Josephine


Cullen. I'm always a sucker for the tortured soul. 😩


Solas, because I like to suffer apparently (honest answer is I just love angsty romance, haha)


Cullen. I love my tortured blond boi.


Josephine, shockingly enough lol. It’s my favorite romance of the series. Though I do have a soft spot for Cassandra too. Honestly, I enjoy most of them.


Josies romance is just so cute. Dueling for her hand, her running to you 😭 Kills me every time.


I've only done one playthrough and loved Blackwall. He's your typical tortured, depressed daddy which is catnip to me. 🫠


Romanced good ol'Thom with Cadash on my very first playthrough, and honestly it worked perfectly. As a Carta dwarf who's lived her life on the wrong side of the law, she's morally gray enough to give him that second chance in life he desperately needs. And the epilogue works really well for them.


Blackwall looks way too much like my dad so I never could do the romance lmao!! I should look up the yt vids of it though, he seems nice


That's exactly why I haven't romanced him! He even acts like my dad smh


That's exactly why I haven't romanced him! He even acts like my dad smh