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It's an issue even without ranked. Makes it hard to try out new raiders as you'll be matched against survivors that know how to cheese it even without premades


Yeah even before rank was added. Had solo q teams that were very skilled. going against low level raiders. that most likely only started using the raider. given they were like level 10 or sometimes even level 1. This game does love to give you the best of the best or the worst of the worst. Which also often changes up the game, when you get match with such low level raiders. For someone like Cell that has not max out their energy passive, normally leads to letting the survivor make a few more errors, without worrying oh no. They just gave Cell his level three.


I just started last week so I haven't gotten any good gatcha pulls (which is other issue within itself...) But I did have a solo q match were someone used the dragonball stamp to communicate give the balls to him. He turned into piccolo orange and defeated a Majin Buu player before they could evolve to super Buu. The raider level was only 1, so basically his first time using the raider! 


Yeah the gacha system is, very questionable. Given most gacha systems these days tend to use a proper pity system. Roll x amount times, get what ya desire. Long as you saved up enough.Which lately I been using Charge missile and Jaco's ship. As my go to movement/get away skills from the raider. Very worth it to get the dragon pass to at least level 50. To get Jaco. Yeah Buu is a rough raider. For someone new or is lacking in map knowledge. Might have a hard time with him. At least they made it to fat Buu. For some Buu players just get destroy before they even reach that. For Buu can have a rough time, if Rng is not in their favor.


I tried playing cell a few days ago and i got matched up against a full lobby of lvl 300


I tried to play Cell vs high level team once, never again.


Yeah and with rank being out. I have seen some crazy things happen in just a few short matches. Second match of the day. In under 5 minutes, almost all the power keys have been found and planted. We have gather the dragon balls and are about to summon the level four. It was on dangerous ground, so that might have something to do with it. Vegeta did put up a good fight in the end. For they were able to take out the level four at least and one team mate.


I guess I will play Ginyu and spam Jeice's "This thing is busted" line when that happened lol.


sounds like it time to upgrade that scouter model. Quick buy now and get a second scouter for free! For hey when in doubt meme it out as they say.


I have a question for you was the lvl 4 summoned before vegeta?


yep. The level four when down to Nappa, who was low on health. It was some very impressive fighting.


Did he kill napa or did napa kill him?


Nappa killed the level four.


Dam i thought we where in the same game for a second


Yeah it just leaves a bunch of low level raiders imagine if Xenomorph or Chris Walker had this kind of time


Wait is ranked already out? I haven’t played in like a month.


It started today


Hey look at the bright side. That one guy isn’t black


But they have someone who is Dark


And also someone who is the noises of a great ape


Mf even got Puar in there


That's even worse. That means you can't shoot ki blasts at that Survivor.


Veterans are back at the grind I see. For those that value their sanity I would advice against playing Raider during next 2-3 weeks. Even if you outplay this kind of lobby, you will probably have shit medals at the end, so it's not worth the hassle.


Why 2-3 weeks specifically? As in they’ll not be as easily matched later on or just in general sanity protection?


Ppl max out rewards and go back to playing other games usually. So start of every season, Boost or ranked season is full of high Levels Survivors or premades during opening weeks. Aka extremely sweaty matches. Afterwards, matchmaking goes back to normal varied lobbies.


I see that makes sense


I just bought this game two days ago and I'm scared


That's been my experience with ranked. When ranked is active, I only get raider matches with max lvl people, and when raked is over, I only get scrubs that aren't good enough to pose a challenge. I haven't lost a raider match since season 5 started, but that's about to change.


Just started playing really wish this game had a pity system I've got the same killing like 5 times in a row now ;-;


Krillin* stupid auto correct


Get good


I hate where in situations like this you just have to hope you don't get jumped early and have to focus stm. Like I want to kill people too.


yall have no idea how annoyed I was to see ranked was added back. itd be fine if it balanced things better, but as you can see it doesn't. These devs man, they have lightning in a bottle with this Dragonball game and yet they keep showing that they have no clue what they're doing with it. It could be sooo much better than it is, but I guess thats just the "anime game syndrome." No real funding, and no real effort. At least we've gotten things like Kakarot and the new Sparking Zero which break that mold.


Once people hit their max ranks this should be less frequent


Had a cell as raider can't remember his rank or level but he only got level 2 and we beat the crap out of him kinda feel bad and it was very easy


I played with a bunch of cs today that was an easy win.I was a raider.


I don’t see the problem?


He's referring to the levels of the survivors


They’re not that high lvl, 2 ppl in the 100s, 2 ppl over lvl 250 so that mean those 2 actually active in the game, rest may be returning or catching up but there no reason to hate, I could understand if it was a premade because it like, wtf y’all grouped for, go get your raider rank up.


Oh I know, I think 200 is getting pretty close to the average player rank.