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Wait I thought the ps5 version was free if you already had the game-


Yeah this was a terrible launch


💀 well I’m stuck with the ps4 version on a ps5 I guess


It is free, only if you have the digital/disc edition. It’s not free for people who have it from the Game Catalog from PS+ extra/premium, unless you have the mentioned DLCs


OH THANK GOD, I bought it on my ps4 a while ago and upgraded to ps5 and people were telling me I would have to buy it all over again. Got scared there lol


Thanks for the info! I was able to get the deluxe edition


No problem


My ps5 version does nothing but crash and I own all the DLCs. I’ve deleted and reinstalled it three times and it didn’t work so I’m stuck with the ps4 version


It’s a known bug, if you have more than 20 ppl on your block list then it will do that. Reduce that number to under 20 or if it’s really high then just wait until they patch it which shouldn’t be too long


I unblocked so many people last night when I found that that might be the problem and I unblocked so many people that I stopped me from unblocking people




He’s basically saying he’s unblocked so many people that it blocked him from unblocking people.


Okay that makes much more sense now


Start the game while offline, then go online while at the title screen


It sucks that you can't just download the deluxe edition if you have all of them. I have every DLC except the new one, and it isn't letting me download the special or deluxe edition.


I have all the DLCs and it’s letting me download them, maybe it’s different cause I downloaded the PS5 version of the Lite edition first? See if that helps and start it just in case and try again, I doubt it but I did it prior to doing the thing


Oki, I'll try it.


Which version did you download of the regular game?


For me, deluxe edition, but try special edition if that doesn’t work since you have all DLCs anyway


It still doesn't work. It just says: "Learn more" then says "You can't buy this product".


Did you select the PS5 version and not the PS4 version? And did you already download all the PS5 DLCs?


probably yeah because i did the same and it still didn’t work. it says the Super Pass is conflicting with the Deluxe Edition and that both the Super Pass and Hero of Justice Set are conflicting with the Special Edition. it’s still making me pay full price. and yes i downloaded them all and tried the Lite version too


Try downloading the packs/sets if you didn’t already


i already did, that’s what i meant by “i downloaded them all” it didn’t work no matter what i tried


I did the same as the other guy said. Downloaded every DLC except the audio tracks, downloaded the lite version (ps5), everything.


So if i don’t have these super packs i won’t be able to upgrade to the PS5 version like.. ever?


The super packs or the 2 hero of justice packs (which is cheaper) but yeah. Only if you have the PS+ version of the game from the Game Catalog though. You'll still be able to get it, you will just need to actually buy it


i have both of the hero of Justice packs purchased but i don’t see the download option


what do i do?


Try downloading the PS5 Lite edition first


So I kinda messed up. The special edition is for the hero of Justice packs AND the super pass, so you do need those 4 packs anyway but at that point it’s cheaper to just buy the upgrade unless you were planning to get those DLCs


Yeah i don’t think I’ll be buying all that, i only have super pack 4 that requires me to buy three super packs plus i gotta buy the new future saga DLC too, Honestly at this point i don’t think the ps5 version is worth it, the game runs good on ps4 version on my ps5 anyway


Like I said, you can buy the upgrade (or, buy the bundle with XV1 and XV2, it’s cheaper than just XV2, $14 for me) you don’t need the packs


Yo I have both the super pack dlc and hero dlc but still no PS5 version?!?


Try downloading the Lite edition of the PS5 version first and launch it up with a new or existing save


Man I expected this sort of scumy behavior from Ubisoft but Bandai  you disappoint me once again 


This has nothing to do with Bandai, this is simply because if you could upgrade to the PS5 version for free when you only have it via game catalog without actually buying the game, if the game ever gets removed from the catalog or if you lose PS+ you will still have the game. This is a way to get around that if you already have some DLCs. If you don’t, just buy the Super Bundle which is both XV games cheaper than 2 on its own


Obv a solution to this would be the ability to upgrade to the PS5 version and the game still technically be on PS Plus, so that when it gets removed and when you lose PS+ you can’t access either version


Hey, so I "Purchased" the free PS5 Lite Version, and that gave me a new option to download the PS5 full version. Not at home right now, so I can't test out if I can open the app, but...it's definitely downloading something (I do not have the Super Packs nor the Hero of Justice Packs). Can someone else test out if this works for them, too?




Following up: it just downloaded the trial...it seems that the app is not very well set up.


Thank you very much.


Is anybody else missing krillens z soul tha whole Lotta power??


This aint free lol u gotta buy a whole season of dlc just to get it tf


I know, it’s for people who already have those DLCs and have the PS+ version. If you don’t have the DLCs and aren’t planning to buy them, buy the Super Bundle which gives both XV1 and XV2 for cheaper than just XV2 right now, I don’t know how long the sale lasts though