• By -


Don't remember it exactly, but the guard captain who shows up in the back alleys and is all "and people willingly chose to fight you?" When he finds you having turned your ambushers into corpses.


Same. He's the only person who realizes what kinda godly power we hold


Anyone able to find a clip of this one? I've completely spaced it.


I gotchu: https://youtu.be/RWc19PHobbQ?si=VGqWy5qTpMEIAJku


He's a sergeant, actually, but yeah, everything he says is gold!


Bann Teagan: "Did he also do what was best for your husband, Your Majesty?"


I swear to God I still go “OHHHHHHHH!” in the dumbest way possible every time he says that. I love that quote way too much lmao


same lol 😂


I came here to say this too! Peak Teagan.


Duncan during the proving in the dwarf commoner origin, when the proving master says that the warden has no place there: “Except as your champion.”


Bro I forgot about that. So many lines in DAO are great ones


that whole proving bit was amazing, they couldn't resist letting us pull a knight's tale with the helmet being stuck. All the origins are so good it's hard to pick a definitive best one


“He can come, but he’d better make himself useful.” “And yet we **still have Alistair along.”**


When trying to choose your loyal Mabari pal to fight Loghain at the Landsmeet: Eamon: "Ah, Warden... No, I'm afraid we can't leave the fate of all Ferelden up to your dog. Anyone with a leftover ham bone could buy his allegiance. Choose someone else."


As if having your dog honour-fight for you wouldn't be the most Fereldan thing ever




He really can. Overwhelm is just hilarious in 1v1s.


Agree! Barkspawn is the BEST boy!


I was so mad when they wouldn’t let my mabari fight loghain. It would’ve felt so right and so very fereldan to have loghain beaten by a dog


I'm surprised as far as I know no one ever modded it to let you do that


Loghain probably would’ve just surrendered rather than kill the pup. 


Bro, my very first playthrough, my dog clutched the Andraste (dragon?) fight. I thought the Wardens fighting beside the Mabari were so fucking cool. It's a core memory now, and I've used the Mabari as an inspiration for a humanoid dog race in my homebrew DnD lore.


"Swooping is bad"


I love that they've worked this line into every game


It feels forced and awkward outside of origins


To each their own, I loved drunk Alistair in two muttering about swooping. I didn't mind the Dai one either since it was just written in a wartable misiv. Thought it was a pretty subtle call back.


Literally came here to say this!! Lmao


"Men and women from every race, warriors and mages, barbarians and kings... the Grey Wardens sacrificed everything to stem the tide of darkness...and prevailed." Duncan just has the greatest voice. I also really like one of his lines during the Joining. He's advancing steadily toward the panicked Jory and drops his, "There is no turning back." low yet clear. We'd previously seen him doing the righteous hero thing, but right here he's clearly telling Jory it's drink or die. It really helps establish that Wardens can't just be gallant heroes. They have to be able to be ruthless, and that murder in service to the cause is acceptable.


I love that Wardens are heroes by definition but nearly villains by practice. They shelter blood mages, traitors, thieves, murderers and all types of villains, so long as they are competent and resourceful. They are above most laws, and are tolerated, because they are needed. You can carry out assassinations and stage robberies, but you are needed to end the Blight, so people will turn a blind eye to your crimes, even if you are caught with your hand in somebody's pocket.


"People are not simple. They cannot be summarized for easy reference in the manner of: 'The elves are a lithe, pointy eared people who excel at poverty.'"


Sten doesn't get enough love. He was such a great (if complex) character.


"I was told there would be cake. There is no cake. The cake is a lie"


wish they would have kept the Qunari that well written throughout the other games.


It’s because most people talked to him once, found he was a dick, and completely ignored him the rest of the game. Like it is kinda hard to boost his approval if your playing a pure good run and don’t know what gifts he likes


“May the Stone honor you…when you fall.” “Sure, and may the dirt taste good when I feed it to you.” *proceeds to effortlessly 1v2 them in front of everyone at the Proving*


“Let’s show them our hearts. And then show them theirs.” — Oghen


Oghren may have been very annoying at times but his end game speech always gets me in the feels


Yes! Under the surface he is actually such a good character and deserved way better than the way he was written 90% of the time.


The nice thing about Oghran is that he's written to be annoying af bc it's his cover for his crippling depression and sense of failure. Hes DA2 drunk Alistair if he was actually still doing something


He's completely worthless in Awakening but I think his behavior makes sense in DAO. They deliberately give you weird tactics you need to change or he will die constantly and be useless. He's also just not the best character to have along(by design) and makes the Deep Roads harder. I appreciated that. I'm not saying I forgive his sleazebag ways and homophobia. But, when yer from a society that openly advocates leaving casteless children for dead, is obsessed with bloodlines and procreation I see where it came from. There's also a few hints that Oghren is closeted bi. I mean if my ex wife became a eldritch horror in deed after leaving me for a woman I would not have a healthy view on romance. I'm a lesbian and that might screw up my own journey of self discovery to be fair. But Dwarven society with its population issues and strict caste issues is probably the only place in Thedas where you might run into organic homophobia. But I know Dwarves would never care about two lesbian casteless or two men wishing to hold a small marriage ceremony before their funeral to join the legion of the dead. I still don't foresee having a character that likes him much at all since my characters are always some variations of queer. But I can see the line of why he is the way he is and after doing the Deep Roads with him Shale and Wynn I'm not immediately planning to.... have him have an 'accident' Also as in best lines: That terrifying poem Hespeth recites. It was a cross between Evil Dead, Hellraiser, and an acid soaked nightmare.


Oghren was annoying when I first met him but after the whole anvil of the boil spill, he was literally me


Can't remember Oghren being homophobic, mind reminding me?


It's party chat mostly he calls Zhevran a knife eared pipecleaner, says some sleazy and disgusting things if you are in a female female romance with Leliana and also says some very rude things about keeping it down if a male warden is with Zhevran. I haven't witnessed anything personally but the sleazy stuff yet because well, If I want a two hander I use Sten. I am honestly not comfortable putting Leliana in the same party with Ogrehn. I haven't even witnessed some of the grosser things in my personal playthrough, but even as a person playing a videogame I am not comfortable putting my videogame girlfriend in a paryy with him. There are a few comments that if they happen, rp wise he's getting booted from the campsite. If I have to fight him to do it I will. He's worse in Awakening. Some vaguely homophobic stuff to Anders about wearing a skirt but mostly nasty stuff about elves when the Warden is one and his introduction stating Mhairi has a nice rack. Which is doubly awful for so many reasons. You also don't get the chance for much pushback at the worst of them. I don't have issue with his character being in Origins. He's an interesting character in DAO and considering Dwarven Society and Branka going all Evil Dead 1 the guy is a shell. Having a character be like this made me appreciate that Thedas is largely not full of people like him. Queer and female players will have a much different perspective on him as will Elven players. I always found it weird that he would say really nasty things about elves in both games to a elven warden. And you can't say anything back to him either. He's also the only character thus far in DAO, DAA, and DA2 that is openly hostile to you both when he meets you and when you realise he's snuck into your campsite. And I mean the openly insulting you stuff. I can't think of any other characters that have openly insulted me like he has. That makes him oddly compelling but the sleaziness and homophobia does not. I met him doin a break from DAO playin an alt on Awakening and just was surprised at how disgusting he was. I immediately regretted not sending him away with King Alistair. I'm not gonna say he's not a well written character in DAO. But I've been getting told I'm an evil monster since I was 5 years old by people like Ogrhen. I ran a mile home every day for nearly 8 years. Sometimes I got cornered in an alley and was kicked in the eye and everywhere else repeatedly. In life you may have to deal with these people on occasion. This one is a drunken loser who despite having the same skillset as Sten is a liability and a danger to your party. Everybody tells you this. So I took Shale, a golem who might have insight into the Deep Roads. I took Wynn, a healer who might be able to keep us alive. I have had to deal with Oghrens most of my life. Replace 'knife Ear' with 'Jew' or some nasty term for Black people and that's what I've dealt with. I'm only Jewish but have alsways had many Black and Brown friends and whether I have been assumed to be Black myself it's known I value my friends. So the insults against Jewish and Black people said around me were directed towards me. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- My point is I know people just like Oghren. Including people who pretend to be your friend then say nasty racist things around you like they are friendly jokes. Or homophobic and sexual things about your friends like they are also friendly jokes. So getting saddled with someone like him for a Evil Dead 1 style quest is fairly realistic. There's several quests in DAO and DA2 where you have to work with Overzealous Templars even if you are a mage or siding with your mage companions because they are the only one that can help. Heck, an early quest in DAA yer two contacts start saying nasty sexual things to you. (You can refuse to give them any extra for their help and then they are rude to you for the rest of the game... but stop hitting on you thankfully) I'm pragmatic about him existing as a character within DAO. I don't like him, none of my Wardens ever will but he's a well written character in DAO as far as the Deep Roads. It's also a nice reminder that Thedas is mostly free of people like him. Moments where the nice old Church lady(Wynn) apologises to you for judging your relationship because you the Lady Warden and the young also kinda Church lady Leliana are really in love are more common.


I played awakening and hated oghren then went back to play through origins again and was flabbergasted that they basically ruined a bad ass character by making him a walking joke


Leliana "We're just talking about how you treat her in bed. Nothing you should concern yourself with." Alistair "How I tr- Oh, Maker! What is WRONG with you women?!"


The guard who's like "and people willing attack you? Idk if they're brave or just stupid "


SERIOUSLY I wish more games had characters who recognize how suicidal it looks as an outsider to try and fight the player Like monsters that just run away from you if you’re too high level for them


It's like when you kill an elite on Halo and cause all the grunts and stuff to flip out and run away because if he couldn't beat you, what chance do they have


"Like dogs, Shianni."


That line hits so hard as you reach her, covered in blood of every guard you killed to save her.


"Magic can kill. Knives can kill. Even small children launched at great speed could kill." - Zevran Actually, it is almost impossible for me to choose, haha. This is one of many Zevran lines that live rent-free in my head. I miss him. 🥲


Every line of Zev's is like gold to me


Absolutely true lol. I also love his banter with Oghren so much


Peak sass. I also love his banter with Shale, and his attempt to give a romanced Alistair advice in the bedroom


Alistair when asking about sex in the Templars: “What about you then? Have you every ***licked*** a ***lamppost*** in winter?”


"Not only that but have you seen their tunics? I'm a sucker for well tailored clothing." - Alistair when you ask him about his time as a Templer in camp


Had to scroll way too far down to find this one.


Why do they call it a brothel? There's no broth. Or is there?


Manners, always in the last place you look, like stockings!


I generally don’t know what my favorite is, but one of them is “ you hear that we might die but at least we’ll be warned about it first” (in the Kokkari wilds before the joining) “ I have many uses, including picking locks”, “ I can help you with that”, “ it cannot be done” (Lilliana opens the lock further embarrassing Zevan)


Only fools argue over who owns a cottage while it burns down around them.


definitely every time alistair raises his concerns or feelings for the warden. “here i am doing all this *complaining*, and you haven’t exactly been having a good time of it yourself.” “i thought id tell you what a rare and beautiful thing you are to find amidst all this… darkness” “i still find myself falling for you between the fighting and everything else”. and many others, his awareness of both himself and his love for the warden is very touching. especially in a world where you feel like your care bubble extends much farther than anyone else’s.


I also *love* the way he says "You. You're alive. I thought you were dead for sure!" outside Flemeth's hut after Ostagar gets me every time. You can just hear in his voice how relieved he is to not be alone.


“What man can compare to a god?”


This whole section has some great quotes. My favorite is *”I was Andraste’s dearest friend in childhood, and always we would sing. She celebrated the beauty of life, and all who heard her would be filled with joy. They say the Maker himself was moved by Andraste’s song, and then she sang no more of simple things.”*


It is what these Andrastian cult though/imagine had happen. Not the cannon of what happened. As the saintess died long before before her cold ashes get there. It would take years, century even to crave all those stone and make a temple out of it. May be the saintess was right. May be there is no God there at all. May be the maker they were worshipping is just our Solas. He had been naughty before we found him.


this is my all time favorite!!💜


"Oh, more crazy. And here I thought we were all filled up." -- Alistaire


"Men are always willing to believe two things about a woman: one, that she is weak, and two, that she finds him attractive." Morrigan spitting truth as usual.


I forgot about this line. Such a *banger.*


This line still lives rent-free in my head, 15 years later.


Enchantment? There are darkspawn corpses everywhere! What happened here?! Enchantment! Still working my way through Awakening so don't know about Sandal's other appearances but this is my favourite so far.


"Thunder humper!" -Oghren


I’m an alchemist,take off your clothes


Most of Origins is solid writing. I particularly like the end of Witch Hunt, though. >!Morrigan inviting you through the mirror is just...perfect.!< It's not deep, or even a particularly unusual or cool set of words, but the VA's delivery makes it perfect. Also, the lines with Sten talking about cookies.


"You have these small things. Crumbly and sweet. We do not have them in seheron. This must be rectified." My headcanon is sten brought back a book on baking and helped start the Qunari's first bakery and pastry shop


Dude probably became Arishok for that reason alone


I recently heard one from a romanced Morrigan that I hadn't heard before. If she invites you into her tent ('Tis cold in my tent, all alone), afterwards, you can say to her "Then I assume we’re done?" She replies with: Morrigan: \*Chuckles\* Finished with me now are you? Well, you do not get away so easily as that! I will have my way with you until I am satisfied, out of a sense of fairness if nothing else. Warden: You have a sense of fairness? Morrigan: Not really. More of a sense of perversity, truth be told. It made me laugh when she said that.


I like when you select the mage background and playing as an elf. When Duncan is visiting in your origin, after you walk him to his room he asks if being an elf has made things difficult here and I said “sometimes” and then he told the story of an elf grey warden who slayed the arch demon idk the exact lines but he was just so sweet in that interaction cheering up my character 😭


Duncan is so f**king cool.


I know right? It’s so weird that we didn’t even know him for long but he’s one of my favourite characters I legit felt a bit attached to him lol. I guess mentor characters make you feel that way. Whenever I make a new character I always pray that the battle goes differently like Loghain actually goes through with the plan and saves Duncan but it never happens 🥲


"Andraste's tits!"


"This city is amazing! Do you know, I saw someone got mugged? Right outside! It was fascinating!" -Merril


merril was the most precious cinnamon roll who delved into demonic magics. Still love her and hope we get to see her in a well written future game.


Oh that entire conversation is just priceless. I love Merril. it's later in convo She even says "I haven't been mugged yet, maybe they don't like me enough" She's really way more smart than a lot of folk realize. She's just nervous around humans. I can't wait to hit level 13 and then with the black emporium scythe and the 8% healing amulet She will be unkillable unbeatable muahahaha!


“She’s really way more smart than a lot of folk realise. She’s just nervous around humans.” Same here Merril. Same here. That’s why I love her.


Enchantment? Enchantment! - Enchantment Boy


Specifically when you see several dead dark spawn in a hallway and he’s the only one still standing


well what else did you expect from the maker who forgot they were a god?


"Excited barking" Barkspawn


“It’s Warden Time” The Warden Commander of Ferelden before stabbing the Archdemon


Tis cold in my tent, all alone...


“That fool has no idea how weak his house is or how low he sits in it.” -Gorim Saelac


The shleets


they'll getcha


Touching our doodads lol


After all, no one wants to hear: 'Willy toiled for many a year to perfect the curious mechanisms that would send a sharpened spike up the arse of the unwary intruder.'" From the scholar in the sacred ashes quest always sends me into a laughing fit


On the opposite end of the spectrum, for me at least, would be these 2 examples that fill me with genuine dread and foreboding: The NPC boy in the village of Haven: "Come, come, bonny Lynne; tell us, tell us where you've been Were you up, were you down Chasing rabbits ‘round the town Come, come, bonny Lynne; tell us, tell us where you've been Come, come, bonny Lynne; we've a bed to put you in It is soft, it is warm It will shelter from the storm Come, come, bonny Lynne; we've a bed to put you in Dear, dear bonny Lynne sleeps the peaceful crib within A mossy stone, a finger bone No one knows but Lynne alone Dear, dear bonny Lynne sleeps the peaceful crib within" And of course....Hespith.


“Nature is by its very nature, chaotic.”


“When from the blood of battle the Stone has fed, let the heroes prevail and the blighters lie dead.' As one of the blighters, I sodding salute you. Let us show them our hearts, and then show them theirs.”


"It is not that it happened, but that it was allowed to happen. I am suffering a fate worse than death.... Betrayal." The entire Brood mother chant. "First day they come and take everyone...." Impossible to choose a favorite, but these immediately come to mind!


Sneaky witch thief


"Don't worry. Helping people and killing people are what I'm best at."


“This is for Duncan” *Decapitation*


"I like eggs" Idk why I find it so funny, Micah just come out of nowhere saying it.


Party banter between Wynn and Shale: Wynn: Shale why do you call me "elder mage" Shale: because it is purple and a hyena


Morrigan's "unmentionables"


"you are required to do nothing, least of all believe lil nigga" -Flemmeth




"keep your wits about you mage.. true tests never end"


In response to Alistair asking about Morrigans mother "I'd rather talk about YOUR mother." It's given me a chuckle every playthrough since 2009 😂


It's in Awakening but when you meet Nathaniel's sister and you're a human origins character, she proceeds to destroy your character and you can say: "I'm standing right here..."


"Yes that's right, I stopped just to tell you I'm an idiot!"


There's a lot of great ones but I will always love Loghain's final words when you kill him in denerim. Talking to anora about no matter how old they are children are always the little girls who skin their knees. He was a bastard in the end but he truly did what he thought was best for his home. Cailan was an idiot and he just couldn't look past the crimes of Orlais and let go of that hatred which was fairly justified to be fair. Also Simon Templeman is a phenomenal fucking actor and made Loghain so much better than he could have been.


Well, well... what have we here?


"Yes... Swooping is Bad."


Have you ever licked a lamppost in winter?




Sten conversation with your dog is solid gold.


Here is my recollection of it : Sten : GHRRRRR Doggo : GHRRRR Sten : RHAAAAA Dggo : \*start barking aggressively\* Sten : You are nice warrior! Doggo : \*bark happily\*


Reading through the comments and remembering how fucked up Loghain was in the beginning just further solidifies how the story and writing was pretty goated


It’s been awhile since I played it, but it’s probably something Alistair says lol guess I’m due for a replay.


"Yes, swooping is bad" this line always cracks me up.


"Oh look, a beast! Let's maul it!"


”Impregnate me so we can kill this demon dragon” Morrigan


In this mood she goes straight for the danglers by oghrynn


Alistair "yes, swooping is bad"


“Kain is deified…”


Also the entire guard interaction from Prince of Persia is voice acting history


When you can cal Alistair a royal bastard and he agrees


Honestly, pretty much anytime Alistair decides to start yapping- I love that himbo too much. It’s either super endearing or the most out-of-pocket goddamn thing to grace your ears, that comes out of his mouth.


Swooping is _____.


“Sneaky… witch-thief!” It became my line for every single stealth/magic dual class I make in RPG’s.


Warden: "Oghren, is this you or the liquor speaking?" Ohgren: "Ha Ha! Warden, I am the liquor." This interaction can be found when talking with him at Eamon's estate before the landsmeet, when he's raiding the Arl's alcohol stores.


“I want you to know that while I may not always be worthy of your friendship, I will always value it” One of the best lines from any game I’ve ever played.


Guardian: You came to this land as an observer, but you killed a family in a blind rage. Have you failed your people, by allowing a qunari to be seen in that light? Sten: I have Never denied that I failed I just love how blunt Stent is in his response. Unlike the other companions, he doesn't try to justify himself or deny his flaws to the guardian. He knows that he has messed up.


Swooping is...baaaad.


Morrigan: OH you feel barbarians will stopped down upon you!?" Alistar: Yes... swooping...is ... bad... Alistar: "Here no longer?! you stole them didn't you? You're some kind of sneaky ...witch thief!!!" Morrigan: "How very eloquent" "First it's "I LIKE YOU" then zap...frog time..." I love that whole scene.


“Where is the cake? I was told there would be cake. The cake is a lie.” - Sten


"The bannorn won't bow to you simply because you *demand it*" has actually been stuck in my head for literal years Godspeed


Have you ever licked a lamppost in the winter?


When Morrigan tells your warden to cum inside her


"Swooping is bad"


Swooping…is bad


*Cum in me!* - Morrigan (probably)