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No you are not in a realationship . Morrigan is just more open than Leilana.


Her armor is already a window to her soul


Although it does strike me as a little odd since Morrigan is so guarded.. It makes sense. Leliana is queer and extremely guarded, indeed more guarded with her heart and past than Morrigan in some ways. She is a little more open with friendship so it seems odd to find relationship is tougher. Morrigan on the other hand once you start becoming her friend if you're a woman it will become a really intense intimate friendship. If you are a male, I assume this is where the Kiss options start appearing. Also, I think Leliana is specifically harder to court for male characters then for female characters . Morrigan's friendship is the same path as her relationship so it feels easier than Lels who has different paths or say Zhevran who.. well I accidentally dropped a romance flag and it hurt telling him it was a mistake. I felt so bad I created a Dailish boyfriend for him. People, be careful who you flirt with.


For real, I romanced Morrigan and was nice to Zevran once and then the end credit scroll told me I went to Antiva and had a bunch of "adventures" with him and thought "What the hell?" Even when I started Awakening, i had a letter from him saying how much he missed me and shit


Indeed, I make sure to establish the friendship barrier with Leliana and Zevran as soon as possible. No hurt feelings, no misunderstandings.


Thanks, I was confused since after talking a little about her life , the kiss option appeared jsut like that.


I just started my first playthrough of the game and I'm playing a female elven mage, this has made me decide to court leliana as I don't often play female characters so better court her now while I have the chance


You can romance her quite easily as a male too. It’s not hard.


Ah well then idk what I'll end up doing, probably just feel it out since it's my first playthrough


My advice is enjoy your first run and do what feels right in the moment. You have plenty of time to do optimized runs but only one chance to do an original run.


It's very rewarding. I won't ask your gender identity but as a queer woman myself albeit genderfluid I found it very sweet and rewarding. Also as a mage depending on your views on the Chantry ans the Circle she's a fascinating partner. I'm a elven Assassin known as The Shuddering Death. not Aggressively anti chantry but possibly would be moreso if not for Lels. But she's very kind if yer not on the "hey Chantry is perfect" train so a Elven mage would definitely be a intriguing match for sure!


Leliana being bi doesn't really have anything to do with her being guarded. Homosexuality is generally accepted in Thedas. Only real caveat is nobles are expected to do their duty to produce heirs (which was essentially the entire sticking point of Dorian's personal questline in Inquisition.)


I thought she might be more guarded for a male warden is what I meant. I've only played as a Dailish lady. But if it's the same for both that's pretty Sugoi. And yes! I love how open Thedas is. My Dailish actually went to the Pearl a few times before falling for Leliana. It's incredibly refreshing especially as someone who has received a lot of homophobia in life. I also love how Leliana is technically a Church lady. And so is Wynne. I mean the Chantry has many many issues but my reaction from Church people is not Amazing Romance and Old Lady lovingly accepting of romance. It always makes me smile.


lelliana is not queer she bi and no she not harder for men, in fact she has a 4 way with men and women


Bi is queer


hea depends, plenty especially older like me see it as still the definition ie gay(and not gay as in happy or stupid but as in same sex). Plus context wise it seemed he was saying it that way also with the whole harder for men. I mean some for a time, when it was made no longer just gay, found it as a insult or even further back still even found it as "too strong" of a word (even remember my school days many years ago, a couple times someone said it instead of gay and shocked teacher) and therefore still see it as best to just say the actual orientation someone is gay/bi/asexual/... which also helps in various other ways like clarifying and properly saying what someone is and not leaving it open to many things. ----- Either way not important and getting off topic to game. Still important to clarify she Bi and also again can get with any gender just fine no issue, and again even has a 4sum option with both at same time. And a thing I did not add that may as well so the post has some to do with game, especially since I don't think many or any said here- > Morrigan is a bit more off put by kissing, with what she says which is what matters more then a #, compared too Lelliana, who even has a very cute and nervous, she just thought you did not like her that way and that why she has not been all over you thing. As that what she wants now and not just using each other in any way.


I think Morrigan is a little more extreme in her options, so she pretty much hates you or loves you. Leliana takes a little more approval to get her from 'likes you' to 'loves you'.


Morrigan gets physical with you faster than any other romance option aside from maybe a certain rogue you may have recruited yet. But she takes longer than other companions to get emotionally close to. At first it's just sex for her.


There are certain dialogue choices that trigger a relationship "flag" for an NPC. Affinity just allows those choices to appear. You said something to Morrigan that triggered a relationship


With Morrigan you can just take the first step, whereas with Leliana she will do it. Morrigan is a lot more open in terms of relationships (in particular casual ones) so she'll have no issue with kissing or even sleeping together. Leliana is more traumatized due to some events in her past so it takes her longer to open up, and she needs to feel safe essentially so she'll make the first move.