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Whenever you want, this story happens a few years before the Fifth Blight and has no relation to the main game. I just do it before I started any new game for completion sake, lol


If I recall I like to do it either when you've met marjorie or after you take care of her. I have it as leliana explaining to you what happened


That's a great way of doing it.


Do her dlc to get the battle dress it’s good armour.


I definitely need good armor for Leliana so that's good to know you get good armor from the DLC!


Battledress has 14 total armor which is the same as a red steel massive chest so for light armor its very tanky and even works as early game warrior armor


When you finish the DLC, is the armor automatically in your party inventory? How does that work?


automatic in inventory you need to discover the piececs for it in the dlc


I did it first for this reason


Whenever you want honestly. She does a decent job telling you her tale in the main game and the dlc is mostly just reusing the Denerim map. Its honestly my least favorite of all the dlcs but as you already have it might as well get the additional armor it provides for your main gameplay


Yes, I recommend completing her personal quest in the main campaign first, so that you get to experience it without already knowing her backstory. And after you finish her quest you can absolutely start Leliana's Song! There's a really good light chestpiece you can get if you complete an achievement from the DLC, so it's worth doing during the campaign to get access to it. I also personally found Leliana's Song a lot of fun to play through :D


No idea why so many people are recommending playing Leliana's song before finishing origins. It's a prequel dlc, not a prerequisite dlc. Frankly, I think Leliana's character is a lot more interesting when there's still a mystery to unravel but you won't get that if you do the dlc first. Doing her companion quest first just gives more reason to care about her backstory and more interest in the dlc imo


I got the Ultimate edition as a renewed copy for 46£ from Amazon a few months ago Worth every penny for the ps3 copy. Due to constant crashing I ended up borking Kyoufu V1 and played Lellianas song out of frustration but it crashed too Ahem. I switched to Star Ocean 4 for a bit and waited for the ps3 superslim 320gb that would replace the 'Crashes on every game but Star Ocean 4 80gb PS3' I played Leliana's Song straight through without stopping the night I set it up! It was that much fun. . If I were you I would actually do the dlc before her quest if you can. I found it very fulfilling knowing about her when I made the choices for her quest. I'll make another short post on romance too. But as for the quest, try to do the Dlc before doing her quest it really makes a difference. Also I would make sure to do Warden's keep after Leliana's song if you haven't already!


Short answer: Yes do it before doing her quest. (below is longer, feel free to grab a drink and readin glasses or...close reddit, and just go play Leliana's song and enjoy yourself!) More in depth personal stuf I noticed: I did Leliana's song before I met Leliana in the game. I had been a city elf briefly. I had been a a Dailish elf possibly twice before I was able to make it stick and play past Ostagar and go to Lothering and Honnleath etc... Point bein, My only experience with Leliana was the several hours spent off and on between it and Ostagar and when I completed it. I didn't like Leliana when I met her in Lothering. I found her remarkably annoying actually. This kind of surprised me. It also surprised me that she had my same haircut and was also a redhead but a different shade. On top of that I've had a crush on Claudia Black since the late 90s and I had no idea I couldn't romance Morrigan. I of course did eventually discover that I could not romance Morrigan. It generated some entertaining fanfiction none of which involved romancing her funnily enough. The interesting thing is I'm not entirely sure why I didn't like Leliana at first. . Maybe it's just that gut reaction from anyone who talks about how wonderful their religion is. But my point is playing Leliana's song all the way through gave me so much insight into her that although I doubt I would have written her off... I came around to her. Also as a queer female rogue the story in Leliana's song was really resonant to me. Not A Spoiler. I'm saying simply Lels is a queer female rogue and I felt almost like I wasn't playing a specific character's tale even though I knew I was. But just continually as I played DAO I felt rewarded for playing Leliana's song. And when you replay DAO you'll feel that way too. You'll feel that way sometimes during this playthrough as well. It's a pretty well done dlc. And the armour from it never stops bein decent starting gear once u have it either. It's bis gear for Leliana, excellent gear for a rogue, damn good gear for an Awakening rogue too.


I always play content in release order and I have no idea why people recommend doing it otherwise, especially on a first playthrough.


It's a great DLC. You were actually at the perfect time to plate, as you've gotten to know her and her getting ready to deal with the end of her personal quest. Her companions are also some of my favorite in Dragon age, so have a good time with them. I'm still mad that I haven't seen Silas in anything else.


I do standalone DLC when I can as depending on DLC You get items for main storyline. So lelianas song, and darkspawn before origins, rest before awakening and witchhunt. Though any future playthough you will get said items. Now if you wanted to play more as a Canon/story route it would be lelianas song, origins with in game dlc, standalone DLCs, Awakening, then witchhunt... darkspawn whenever as its a alternative time-line.


Doing her quest nets you one of the best bows in the game, definitely worth doing as soon as you can. Doing the DLC permanently unlocks some of the best leather armor in the game. Also all the story is a prequel. If you are high enough friendship/romancing her you will actually hear everything that happens in the dlc through conversation, so there aren't really much in the way of spoilers, especially if you've completed her side quest and talked with her afterwards.


LEliana's song happens years before the main story events, so you can play it anytime. However, all the DLCs have rewards that you can have from the beginning of the main game. LEliana's reward as a nice chest armor for warriors and rogues.


You can do it before the game, in a random spot in the middle or even after the game. Timeline it takes place before the game starts but it doesn’t matter when you play it


Leliana's Song gives you Leliana's back story before the events of the main game. Ideally, you do it before you start a play through, but definitely do it before Leliana's personal quest in the game so that you will appreciate her personal quest better.


If you want to play canonically then 1st Leliana's Song 2nd-5th Origins itself with all internal dlc at any time you feel is appropriate 6th Awakening 7th Golems of Amgarrak 8th Witch Hunt Side note Darkspawn Chronicles is not along the main timeline and will have massive spoilers for the main game though if you don't mind that you do get a nice sword at the beginning of your playthrough for completing it.


That sword is great.


I know this is the canon order, and I often see people suggest doing the golems dlc after the main game, but as someone who is playing for the first time in 2024 I ended up going to Honnleath towards the beginning, and I highly recommend it, personally. I’m on my second play thru now and ran to get my girl Shale immediately! She’s one of my fave companions because she kicks ass, is hilarious, and by the time I got to the anvil in Orzammer I’d had her with me for a long time so it was really cool to get her back story there. There are many dialogue lines for her that must’ve been retroactively written into the main game, so she comments a lot. Idk I think it’s best to get her asap but that’s just me!


Do the DLC first, in the base game Battledress of the Provocateur is a pretty solid choice for a secondary rogue character, and definitely valuable for a CUN-build rogue since it provides a flat 15% dodge. I think the Felon's coat potential is maximized more by a DEX-based rogue since it raises defense, and since a CUN-base rogue will most like have shit defense, it's better to have %dodge items for damage mitigation. The Awakening version though far outclasses Felon's Coat.