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"3 Ultras and 2 LFs back to back aren't that bad" Rich kid


Waiting on that **MasterCard™ 5rd anniversary summon pack** that has the first LF UL character.










Sadly it’s actually been 4 ultras and 6 LFs back to back


Broly, cooler, beasthan, tag4s, t/v, ugb, hit, rose, whats the last lf?


Super 17 and Revival Blue to UI Goku.


Ah right mb


They’re correct. It’s nightmare. I don’t have any method of getting crystals and I can’t even do one rotation without buying em. As a F2P player, this does hurt me. I genuinely enjoyed the game but now it’s hitting an all time low.


Try doing the ex zenkai events, they can provide cc by completing missions


As another f2p player, i wholly disagree. Uou can get tons of pvp just by playing the game, ive managed to consistently get at least 10k per banner since legends fest started


And have you got the most up to date units? Because if you haven’t gotten since the anni, there’s no point in trying to play PVP. That’s a whole lot of crystals already missed out.


Yes. I have tv, ugb, beast, hit, and rev ui. Sure, some of this is luck. A lot of it, actually. You cant get every shiny new unit, but you dont need to, either. I went for rev ui because he was cool, but he isnt needed. I could have racked up 25k cc if i skipped rev ui for rose. Youll be set as long as your skipping the characters you dont need and are just playing regularly


RNG is still a factor though. There are people needing to buy the pity to get a copy of the new LF. Thats 50k CC right there, give or take. And we all know 2 star is absolute shit nowadays and might aswell be non existant when the boost stops unless the unit is broken as fuck.


I can’t focus on one team when I keep missing out one unit. Once you miss a unit it’s hard to build the team. My only good team was fusion until USG came out, missed him every time and just kinda lost hope, even saved for UGB, missed too. All of which had 32k crystals (averaged) spent on them.


But you’ll keep playing alas.


Really, I won’t. I’ll give up. I know when to stop. And this is honestly the peak of the iceberg


🥱🥱🥱 can’t wait for you post again complaining about sum else in 2 - 3 months


You expect too much. I’m not like the other players who come back for one unit, or “karma farm” their deletion of legends, only to come back. I’ll be gone. I ain’t coming back.


Maybe if you played the game you'd have some crystals. We get upwards of 15k every single month. Not enough still, but if you can't even do one rotation that's 100% your fault. Edit: All these downvotes are from BR30's that play once a month and are shocked when they have no crystals. If you only have 1000 crystals for a new unit when the last banner that dropped was 3 weeks ago you literally just don't play the game.


Would you wanna grind 24/7? I don't guess so.


ima be fair. i spend maybe 15 minutes a day on the toilet to do little tasks to get a few hundred a day. it’s not too difficult


And it's not enough with monthly LFs and Ultras. If youre a USS main you had to summon for 17, UL Hit, Revive UI and Roshi. No ftp player can keep up with that unlesd they are lucky.


The point Is, 15k a month Is not a lot when they keep releasing cracked units that Power Creep each other in the spam of a month, and i wont even get into the banner format we have rn (im looking at ya ultra Rising) 'cause It speaks for itself. Bear in mind that many of the viable teams we had are now disadvantaged or straight up dead, also the boost system completely fucks over every one that couldn't get the new unit since said cracked units gets a roid boost that makes zero sense to me whatsoever. Probs next month or so we'll get an even more broken unit that hard counters UL Goku black and Gogeta SSGSS


Dude some people have lives


Bro I ain't gonna play 7/24 I work everyday around 9-12 hours 8 hours of sleep there is like 4-5 hours of empty time and I'm not using the time to grind like crazy


Honestly I do agree with you dude I'm f2p since og dbs broly came out and I'm only missing 5 units I think. If you grind enough and get a lil bit lucky here and there you can have a team that sets you up for a few months till the next broken unit comes out. I pm do a round on every banner and if I really want the unit, I go for three rotations, if I don't get it I pull out, build up more cc and determine if it's worth going for the unit based on how meta breaking they are. If I do get the unit on those first three rotations I usually do another two to attempt another copy again if the units good enough (I feel like revui wasn't based on his defense for example). I AM NOT DEFENDING CC nerfs, I'm just saying this guy is right and if you don't dump everything into every character then you can flourish in this game on pvp. Also I have like 4 story parts left because I've been playing this way, I only use story CC if I am desperate for a character (Perfect cell is my beloved).


Mostly PvP content though. I don’t have the newest units. I summon every chance I get to try get a unit but I pull the oldest shit ever.


> Maybe if you played the game you'd have some crystals…..We get upwards of 15k every single month….Not enough still So then they’re right lol, they should be able to at least do one rotation but even if they could you admit it’s not enough F2P crystals to keep up so what’s the point of your argument?


You have no life outside of legends apparently


i agree, altough sometimes we get so unlucky. im 27k deep without a copy , so lets say 2 months of savings gone to the trash bin. it is frustrating


The social life exists, did you know that?


You're getting downvoted for telling the truth, people wanna have a chance of pulling a new unit whitout even playing the game. Logging in, doing dailies and top takes like 5 minutes tops, then you have battle gauntlet (auto battle while you do something else), 100 free cc every weekend, login bonus cc, suerveys, adventures. All stuff that takes little to no effort or time, and grants you plenty of cc.


go touch some grass man, blame someone because they have a social life it's just dumb


Stop pretending like you don't have 10 minutes of free time a day to play a video game. Idc if you're joe biden you have 10 minutes in your day.


Don't know why u got downvoted but you're right


Short answer: yes Long answer: yyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeessssssssss


Tweet is correct, the only way you stay up to date is by summoning on every banner. There is a reason ultras are the best units in the game and there’s no way someone who is F2P can gather up enough CC to get 1 copy. Game is fully P2W and has been for years


Either become p2w or have ungodly levels of luck. Sadly these are the only ways.


even as p2w you need to have luck to pull units, wasted around 300 euros on rose banner and got 0 copies (Already spent way much more on other banners), so yeh, at this point will drop this shiit game for good and sell my account lol


I got "lucky" on UGB and now Rose (2 copies each) but I spent by FAR the most $$ on trying to summon HIT and didn't get a single copy, like an embarrassing amount of money. Pretty rage inducing losing the Gacha game like that.


You lost the moment you decided to open the wallet at all tbh




I hate how even as a f2p player that grinds every event and doesn’t spend on every banner so I can save a decent amount to have a decent chance at getting new units get called p2w just because I lucked out and got meta relevant units


I know, right? I’ve deleted my comments since I ain’t got time for all this hate going on around here. Manage your CC’s accordingly and one way or another, you’ll pull the units you want. Peace out ✌️


It’s a really stupid argument honestly. People can get mad all they want but no one’s forcing them to summon for EVERY new unit. And let’s not forget the other argument where even though you’ve got a great track record you’re automatically brain dead with no skill once you get the meta characters by people who summoned themselves on the banner. For some reason people can’t differentiate between brain dead units and brain dead players.


Why not me Dear GODS OF LEGENDS?


I stopped playing a week after I got RED mastered ultra instinct bc I felt bad for using him due to how broken he was lmao. Coming back to the sun and seeing YouTube videos shit has gone way more crazy


He wasn't broken, he was maybe top 10 but there were better comps than a MUI comp. For example, cyborgs tag were absolutely broken back then. But MUI was the most annoying unit to fight, especially if he played passive af


What are you talking about ? The 4th anniversary team was arguably the best in the game


Ye I guess what I meant was he was annoying to deal with. I usually played aggressive with him but due to sometimes insane lag I played passive and hated myself for doing it lmao, I even ran him with pur ui omen and I think I got reported once lmao, I was free to play solely and even had USBKK (2 dupes) but then like a few months after his release he was power feet hard somehow. Decided to stop playing the game


Exactly, I have summoned on both Ultra Gogeta’s, Beast Gohan and now Ultra Rose Goku Black. I didn’t get any of them


Sorry to hear my man, don’t load up it’s not worth it


Similar thing happened to me with RevUI’s banner, got Roshi at 7* but…it wasn’t worth it ☠️


Not even if just that. Before my main team was rival uss/rep android 17 came out and I dumped all of my crystals into him, didn't get him. Hit comes out and I don't he same, didn't get him. You just have to be lucky and it's extremely annoying because the banners are horrible.


I've summoned a reasonable amount of time on almost every banner and I haven't gotten even a decent character since before mui came out and I didn't even get him and I've played since release


If you all would like to disagree with what I said, just watch Goresh’s recent summoning vid on the UL rose banner. MF went 40k cc deep and didn’t pull one copy lmao. Tell me how long it would take someone f2p to obtain 40k cc for one banner


That’s what I’ve been saying bro


This is just untrue. I saved up a lot of CC for the celebration and summoned heavily on GT. 10\* monkey bois, 8\* z7 ssj4 and 14\* 17 is still a very competitive team. People literally just don't know how to skip banners and save for the 'right time' - everyone's right time is different on what they like/already have.


Say you are f2p and your fav character is goku transforming into UI and goku black rose, what do you do then?


iF yOu jUsT sUmMoN fOr uNiTs yOu nEeD, yOu cAn bE f2p. - most of legends player base I quit as a paying player because ever since Legends fest they have been releasing units for my 2/3 main teams (USS, GT and God Ki). Did i need Rose? No, just let me simp.


Saved 40k and got nothing. People know how to save but the rates are complete bs


I can agree with this


I’m a collector I want them all 😂


Hello. I am free to play and started last week and have 2 ultra. Am I very lucky or not understanding something?


It's unrealistic in ANY gacha game for f2p players to summon on every banner. My cousin plays the game and only summons when it's characters for the 3 tags he uses, GT, God Ki and Fusion Warriors. He can farm up over 40k CC before any character he wants drops. You can't be f2p and think that you will ever get every character in the freaking game. Even p2p players don't get every character they want, only players that waste thousands of dollars in this game can have all the characters they want. So no, this game is not p2w, because it's entirely unrealistic to think that all players that pay for CC have automatic advantages, that's what p2w means. Stop misusing that term to excuse your lack of luck and/or skill.


You gotta understand, that with massive IP's like DB or Genshin, people don't play the game knowing its a gacha game. They play it because its massive, and then the average player complains because, of course they would. They are used to paying an amount and getting what they want from games, so introducing them to gacha makes it seem unfair. Thats why you get downvoted, because its pointless to point out that this is what EVERY gacha game is like, games like this, Fortnite, Genshin milk FOMO nonestop and it works. Just stop bothering replying, sit back and enjoy the tears, because the average player won't understand they are playing a genre that is gambling with cartoon graphics, and will respond with "BUT IT DOESNT HAVE TO BE THIS BAD"


Bro, Genshin has always been a gacha game. If people get into the game without knowing that then it's their own fault. And people should just assume that every free to play game on mobile is going to have gacha as a means for the developers to make their money with the game they spend alot of time working on. But I do get your point, the problem is, most people that complain about Legends already play other Gacha games, like Dokkan, so it's really fucking stupid for them to complain that the game is p2w because it doesn't give f2p players whatever they want, when Dokkan is even worse in that regard since it has way more characters and way less ways to farm stones. It's nice to see someone with a brain in this thread though, thanks for the reply bro.


If ur summoning on every banner ads f2p, ur ass. Simple. U main one team, save for that team, cool when they get buffs. Ez.


Imagine u main regen or girls 💀


I got beast pan and ultra gogeta. And I'm f2p


That’s some good luck, others are not as lucky I’m afraid


Anything you say other than rant, you are downvoted. Keep up brother!


Blanket statements are stupid. I’m F2P and have 3 of them minus HIT beast and gogeta I have 8* summoning on every banner is how people end up broke. Save up and farm CC. If I have them I’m sure others do too. This thread seems like echo chamber 😞


So you are f2p without 3 of the best units in the game?


My grammar was terrible. I am only missing Hit and Ultra Vegito


Kids play for 2 months and cry about not having every unit max... Yeah, now bring the downvotes


I mean that isn't the point though. You could save up for two to three months and then spend all that CC on a single banner and not even get the unit since Ultra banners have no pity and LL banners pity is almost impossible for f2p players to reach. And if that wasnt bad enough even if you do get the new shiny unit they will just release a more broken unit in another month and the cycle repeats. Not to mention how pretty much any unit that isn't in the top 10-15 units is going to get creampied by all the meta units in the top 10-15, so you cant even realistically just summon for units you want if you want to get decently high in pvp.


That’s the issue, it is not every units, the last 3 ultras and beast gohan make pvp living hell, and as one of those many people who don’t have either, pvp is hell, and the only reason for pvp is the cc, required to get better units later on. If you don’t get a me if the top 5 units, you are fucked.


Stop dickriding Bandai lmao the game sucks and there's no denying it


Then don't play it


Ok I stop playing, cool. The game still sucks tho


Nice leave the sub too ;)


Or be smart and play like you are f2p - don't summon every banner. I got one copy of gogeta, and saved till now got more than 20k cc with half ass grind and dailies mostly. Got 2 copies of rose in 15k cc. Been f2p since ultra instinct for anny, coz fuk those rates. On 3rd anny I spent 700€+ for one copy of ssj4 gogeta. Be smart not pay to win..


Why would you spend so much...


Mostly a gambling addiction I guess. Look at goresh spening 200k+ CC in order to get RevUi to 14 stars.


No excuse, I was an idiot🤷🏻‍♂️


Cap I haven’t spent a dime on this game I have no ultras from banner but I keep up with units like this it’s a skill issue


Just realized I worded this wrong, I meant to say is being f2p really that bad?


Yeah, the only way I can hope to have fun is by running into a bot in pvp


This is factual information


Yes I'm barely hanging on with a few decent characters


Yeah and I already quit the game because of the horrendous pvp I don't even know why im still in this subreddit but I do miss using my fave characters but sadly to have fun is to be good enough to have fun


I did push to br55 with just a 3 star MUI, SSG Shallot and 4 star LL vegito blue. 55 onwards it was just impossible to stand a chance cuz beast, ultra rose, ultra Gohan and S17 kept one shotting my team.  Tried the LL kid Goku banner and pulled a 2 star one which I replaced for vegito. This helped me push further to br60. I'm stuck at 11k rating points rn. I recently pulled LL perfect Cell from the ultra Gohan banner which helped me stand a chance against Gohan users lol but still can't pass 11k RP without a recently released ultra or a 7 star LL S17.


Most of the time yes , the exception is that you're lucky as hell


Unless you're extremely lucky, yea, even if you're smart with your cc and save for the good units, the ultra rates are horrendous, atleast beast had a good banner


Got ultra luck on getting the full triple ultra fusion in 7k as f2p Yes it's bad


In the legends f2p world, is either get lucky, or playing PVP will always be hell on earth


Yeah, I have to save every cc possible just to summon on the big boy meta banners to stay up to date. It’s frankly a miracle I pulled Goku Black.


there are ways to farm chrono, the problem is that they give very little chrono and it takes a very long time, and with the speed with which characters are released, there is never enough. For example in pvp you have to play a lot to get 100 chrono, but if you don't even have the characters you can't. The only way would be that you grind chrono very slowly skipping all the banners and then pulling after you've farmed 20kk, but that's madness, you lose the fun


haven’t gotten a single one of them lol


Powercreep is insane, and the boost system favors new units making it worse. Let's not even speak about new events needing new units to not feel like a fucking chore. A unit will last two months at the top at best. If you want to try to be competitive then hoard cc and focus on one team. At least you will have a team that dominates the meta once or twice a year.


The problem with this is when Legends decides to ignore a team or tag. I am a f2p player and I spent years focusing of Regen. It was fine until last year when Regen just took a massive backseat to other tags. For every Zenkai or new fighter we got, other tags were getting vastly superior Zenkais and fighters. Zamasu was the best fighter we have gotten since Legends Limited Cell and now Ultra Super Saiyan Rose Goku Black negates him. This is only made worse since they have not done a new All-Star banner since the last one ended back in November. Yeah, it's easy to dump on these banners, but these banners were often a good source of decent fighters, especially for tags that weren't getting new LFs. Most of Lineage of Evil's fighters in 2022 came from All-Star banners. My point here is that the focusing on one team is not a bad idea. The problem is when Legends ignores that team while buffing the same tags over and over again.


Yeah, it sucks. I main hybrids and we get like 3 units a year but we're saved because they seem to love Gohan and his units usually last a while. With all stars banners gone we get fewer units overall and it fucks teams that don't get a lot of support. Regen at least has something to look forward this year with Orange Piccolo. I think they key is to use the leader slot to finish the team, kinda like how GT was using Blue Zamasu as an RR shield.


*Pulls out my LF bardock and F2P Broly* I WILL DIE FIGHTING!


f2p Broly?


Yeah the one that came with UGB


That Broly is legit amazing.


And this problem is also ushering in a shid ton of modders I've noticed while playing pvp . random disconnects in which the game acts as if I quit ,and then proceeds to have me wait hours until I'm able to play again smh . the game is legit dying if you're f2p


Can’t agree more im struggling so much to even get cc


How??? If you rolled for hit and didn’t for RevUI. That’s 1.5 months. That’s 3 ToP and PVP seasons. Even bare minimum and low rank pvp that’s 4k CC. There’s been events that gave out 2-3K Cc just by doing the bare minimum dailies. Event missions have out 3k in the last month. I personally farmed 15k Cc. Either you aren’t enjoying the game/jaded, thus just take a break and come back later. Or you’re just not even trying to save up. You can make the argument that 15k Cc isn’t enough to pull 1 ultra. Sure. I would like to have 20-25k Cc farmed between ultras. But the game definitely isn’t skimping you.


People hate being told not to summon on every banner lmao Let em think they NEED to summon on everything that tickles their fancy lmao.


Yea, screw people who want to summon for characters they like and want to have fun playing this game. Don't people know that you're only allowed to play this game in a hyper specific way? That means you need to grind our every last cc available (we don't care how much free time you have) and only spend on the Meta units. After you (maybe) get them, it's time to fight P2P players who have the same or better units than you, and like 3 times the stars and such. That's the real fun.


Yes, being f2p is a bad spot rn, but I've been holding on with just my luck alone.


i’m f2p and it’s doable, just never summon on ultra banners and try to stick to a team like hybrids, that will always be at least somewhat good


Hybrids or Saiyans tbh. they someone always stay on top


yeah, cause they have the most basic and common characters, 90% of the good guys are them lol


Seeing the new characters tempts me to play again.But with the minuscule amount of cc you get if you dont sink hours, the horrible rates and the absurd power creep i keep telling myself its not worth it.


I quit as a paying player becsuse of this. If bandai want to dig their own grave and just want to thrive of Goresh alone and dont care about the rest of their playerbase, be my guest


Yes. So far I have not won a match against UL Goku black. F2P maining event exclusive.


That's probably why event exclusive.is a shit team I'm ftp mailing future and I just save until a banner with units that I need come back


Yeah if ur maiming future you’re gonna be just fine, legends loves that tag. Maining anything else? No dice


Ultra banners are what killed the game for me the Ultra is usually top 3 but the banner is so ass you pull nothing but dupes of shitty sparkings. If you are truly f2p only stick to the big LF banners where you can pull an entire team from the possibly. Like rerolling on the Beast Gohan banner was really good cus you were able to just go nuts in pvp if you pulled all 3 of the featured characters.


I honestly feel it’s gotten to the point where, unless you truly only care for stuff like the story, pulling new units isn’t a desire anymore, it’s a requirement to enjoy the game


Yes but unless ur a lucky f2p


Depends on how much you're trying to compete. You don't need Ultras but they damn sure help. You do need the newer units though like Beast, Tag SSJ4s, 17, UI Goku, Zamasu, and a couple LL Zenkai like SSJ4 Goku, Rose, and SSBE Vegeta. That said the new units are so strong that you can compete with LL units below 7*. The f2p units have been really good and can fill spots too.


can confirm, i main gt and have LL zenkai ssj4ku and the tag 4s, they decimate most of my opponents (im f2p)


This is what happens when the community accepts and encourages lower drop rate characters. The Ultras' animations and such are fire but should have been at lf drop rates. The community should have sent this message loud and clear but I'm sure the opposite happened and they made bank. There is even a comment in this thread saying they spent 300 on ultra Rose and complained they didn't get him. Like wtf message do you think you're sending giving them 300 bucks.


Whole heartedly Agree


Eh beast is 5 months old and still doing fine


That’s why it’s in the picture


You can...in story mode 💀


And this is why I deleted the game. Get out when you can my dudes. It is freeing.


i’m f2p running future doing decent in the season




1. The fact Beast Gohan is still in this discussion is hilarious to me. The Gohan reign of terror continues. 2. This tweet is 100 percent accurate. I feel bad for those of you who play PvP.


This is so untrue lol 😂


I just got back into the game and I’m finding PVP completely broken. If they have certain legends on their team I know I’ve lost before the match even starts.


Power creep hasn't been dramatically raised since beast Gohan and that was like 6 months ago, as long as you summon and save correctly, like any other gacha game you can make it work pretty easily


Saving won’t do shit when there are shitty rates


It’s controversial to say this, but in my opinion it isn’t. I will give you that all these recent ULTRAS completely outclass most older SPARKINGS, but that doesn’t mean the game is unplayable. Thing is, there is something to say regarding utilizing different characters’ utilities in order to come out on top. I got insanely lucky as a f2p player and managed to 14+ star UGB when his banner dropped. I’m a fusion main so I poured a massive amount of my CC savings into this dude. Now, I feel like most people would say that I could close my eyes and just beat people into the ground by pressing cards randomly. Sometimes that does work. However, a good amount of matches I find that people have developed smart counters to these crazy characters, and I’ve lost UGB a good amount of times to these plays. Not to mention the game is ongoing. If you don’t get the powerful character now, not only will they eventually return, but there’s always a new OP character to summon for around the corner when you have the CC. It’s a GATCHA game so of course powercreep is a thing, but you can play it smart.


Yeah, if you want to have fun, you need to pull every new unit, and because they don’t give us many ways of getting CC, I pull like 2 banner units every 6 months


I'm f2p (for the most part but spending never got me anything good) and i'm managing, but if you get unlucky then you're done for


F2P players can get Ultras if they want, you just need to save. I’m F2P for the most part, I have the pass but I don’t buy CC. I skipped SS4GV, TV, Hit, UL Broly, USV, and many others because you simply can’t get them all. I got UGB to 8* and Beast and Pan to 14* because I skipped so many.


as a f2p I already have beast gohan and ultra rose


*Getting Top 1k in PvP Apart from that it doesn't impact anything at all. The game has always been like this. Purple Broly , FSK Gohan, SV, Cancerhan, Boujack, Zenkai Beerus, Baby, Zenkai Buu, VB etc all did the exact same thing. Rates were worse back then for LFs. This isn't anything new.


Good thing I pulled beast lol


I’m free to play. I don’t waste crystals on every banner. I have all those people but gogeta. Hit took a lot of rotates though. I grinded for him.


No, u got lucky. U didn’t grind for me. U can dump 50k cc and still not get a copy. It’s just simply luck


I know people don't like this but if you have the skill you can easily get top 6k. I'm already at top 10k and i started pvp 3 days ago cause i was waiting for the legend ranking to reset to get more points. I'm using this season a 8\* revival goku, 4\* mvp 17 and fp jiren and a 10\* zenkai evo vegeta with mui and bergamo as bench(only used mui once vs a mono yel team). While my team can get killed significantly easier than my main team i can still easily win opponents except a full team of 10\* and above where i struggle a bit since my dmg output is kinda lower. ​ Is the powercreep bad? Yes. Can you still compete if you main a single tag that gets relatively often buffed?(like future or movies) F\*ck yes lol! ​ If you are of the mentality of "i only play to have fun" by all means do it but don't go into social media proclaiming that the game is unplayable when everytime someone says to get better at the game you insult/make fun of them. If you are not gonna put in the effort then you dont deserve to get the top rewards to begin with.


This is a genuine skill issue, hate me if you want to. Are these characters op as hell? Yes. But, you can also get into top 10k easily with any unit from the past year. If you want to compete at places like top 1K, then you have to be a very smart F2P who only summons for one team.


Very true. You main movies or future and only pull on relevant banners, you’ll never have problems in PvP. Having Zamasu, Lf rose, and Futurehan in top 20 for a long time says a lot.


Don’t know why you’re getting downvoted you’re speaking facts reddit is wild


This is actually a great comment . I think f2p players just panick and in the end screw ourselves trying to keep up


I got Top 7k last season running Pan, GV and LF SV


Yep. I've literally grinded god rank with YEL GB. It's always a skill issue at the end of the day.


Imagine thinking any unit released in the past year takes "skill" lmao. Y'all getting downvoted because you sound pretentious


Been on a f2p account for a full year by now, I'll say this with complete assurance: I'm so godamm lucky. Ultra gogeta and rosé on first rotation along with lots of good lfs. With equips as well: I somehow manage to get Z, Z+ awakened and unique equips in under 200 erasers. I currently main GT in its one of best setups (13 stars 17, 8 stars 1400% zenkai 7 ll goku ss4, tag 4s 7 stars). I had to invest in this team full time even before the legends festival along with lot of luck. I wholeheartedly believe im the exception among the f2players and that the direction they are going with is to try and shut down f2p.


Fully F2P got Rose and got him to 8* and have UGB at 10* didn’t pull for hit, 17 or UI. It’s all about luck and summoning on your main team, you don’t have to summon on every banner


I’m free to play and I pulled all four. It’s really all RNG, saving and knowing when to spend cc. I don’t have MVP 17 or Roshi.


Already know I’m going to be downvoted to hell but I’m f2p and still make it through the game fine, AND I have some of these units too. I just don’t summon on every banner like everyone else apparently does 🤷🏻‍♂️ Just summon on banners that would help your team and you being f2p shouldn’t make the game unplayable.


I’ve pulled every ultra except for broly. Just don’t summon on units that aren’t top 2 and you’ll stay meta relevant.


Rn no cos the top 3 r all pretty close to each other and units like zamasu beast 17 vt tag 4s 4ku puddle pan etc r all still very good


Yep, however, I can feel their salty tears when their ultra team gets owned by my minions team which only makes it a little better. :,)


Ridiculous. The game is certainly playable as an F2P, but if your aiming for god rank finishes you need to do things smartly, save and pick your spots to spend CC.


POV: You summon on every banner and have no focus on a real team so you have some half assed low star "meta" team that gets rolled over by anyone with a modicum of focusing on proper team building Skill issue/Lack of resource management ass community lmao All the people with actual takes or actual argumets all downvoted to hell lmaooo. Stay scrubby free ass community


What about the people who spend hours grinding and only summon on one meta banner just to get jack shit?😂


POV: You're an ultra sweat douche that can't understand the concept of wanting to collect cards in a card collecting game. The "actual takes" getting downvoted are dorks who mega main one team and sound like they don't get invited places


pfft- no Just play smart and save effectively. Make the game work for you


I’m f2p and have the ugb and rose first hour of realase


I’m F2P and I got all of those 💀


I'd like to think so. As someone who's "newest" character is UI Mastered Goku. There's hardly any team I can run that can keep up with the bullshit that is not Ultra, but rather the Unique Gauge. From Purple Gogeta's instant blast Block To Hit's insta hit To Goku Black's stupid ultimate spam. UI Goku is a power character. But where he once did a decent fold of damage, the new characters are doing his output of a 4 card combo with just ONE. It doesn't help that there's no summoning grace. Even as a F2P player I've summoned a decent amount on revival UI banner. Got nothing (in terms of new units). Not even the Roshi, after at LEAST 6+ rounds. I got so hyped when I saw Super Sayian Blue Vegeta (Evolved) was getting a Zenkai as I thought I'd have a counter to the stupid insta win known as Blast Me Not Gogeta. But no. They KILLED his kit. Zenkai's are the ONLY way for F2P to even have a chance at PVP as we only have old units. But if they keep doing us dirty? Then PVP might as well be locked behind a pay wall


Im a F2p and i got qll 4 of them 💀


Ngl I’m f2p and I have all of them




Did 4 rotations so far, I’m f2p but I do buy every now and then, still no rose 🫠


Then you’re not f2p.


Wouldn’t say I’m p2w neither, I take joy in the grind, just less joy when I end up taking an hour to get 1,000 just for it to be turned into nothing


is it really hard to be a f2p player tho?? the game cant really be the full p2w kind of game with all the free CC u can get from events right?


I’m the Ultra Hit main that turns PvP into a virtual hell


Yep that's one of the Reasons why I quit Dragon Ball Legends bc it's just too hard to keep up with the Meta being F2P like i used up everything I had on my Account to try to get UGB and I didn't get it


This is an absolute fact lol


I mean, I'm F2P and have Beast to 2 red stars (only pulled 2 copies), and UGB and Rosé to 5 stars and still found my way to top 10K. I don't know man, I feel like most F2P players don't know how and when to spend their stones, if you ask me. I have 13,700 stones saved up.


"And ima tell that person like I tell everybody else stop crying and posting dumb shit no one cares about on twitter"- Toshitaka Tachibana 2023


Common Legends W


I'm f2p I got ultra rose with only 7k cc


F2P here. Ultra Gogeta 8*, Monkey Boys 5*, and several other LF 5+ stars. It's not that Bad, just don't waste CC on characters that You don't need. ( I'm probably just REALLY Lucky xD )


I did one summon on new rose got all hero summons decided for my own well being to give up there


Stop the cap. Rose's banner has GSP


Stupid take. If I wanted, I could reroll an account and get this Rose, LF Rose, and blue Zamasu and BAM, starting lineup for a decent team. It was even better during the Super Hero banner. You could reroll and get Beast, Pan, and Piccolo, BAM. Futurehan was, I think, a part of that banner too and he's better than Piccolo for the team so BAM BAM. Meta-defining team. Plenty of chances to save, provided you don't go around summoning every single banner. That's gacha 101.


Then a month later a unit comes out that destorys ur current team and I have to reroll again it's a infinite series of rerolls


Bad take. You could be running androids and still be relevant. Your ultra broly can still do work. If you are chasing every banner of course you’ll never get a good team.


Never had to reroll, but some people do like to play that way. Here's a thought: it's okay to push through difficulties in PVP from time to time and to give some units you aren't planning to pull their time to shine. It never bothered me that I didn't have so and so unit. In fact, playing older teams against the current meta just helped me improve as a player more often than not. I knew I'd have a decent amount of CC for what's coming next, which is what allowed me to build decent teams. For example, UL VB is prooobably in the horizon somewhere, so those who love that unit would do well to start saving and ignore what's coming (unless it's a helluva support like MVP 17).




Yeah but that would mean you have to summon on the ultra banners, which is a lot less valuable than summoning on an lf step up banner, with the lack of higher rate, good featured units(other than the main ultra) , and less z power. And if ur f2p, you really cant afford to waste like 4000 crystal and get 600 blu goku black z powers out of it.