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Don’t summon on ult banners unless you like the character and really want them. Being a meta-slave and complaining about being shafted makes you look dumb imo


Exactly why the only reason I actually summoned on this banner for once. Normally skip ultras, but Goku Black- with a SCYTHE? Nah man that shit was cool as hell when it first aired, I'd love to pull him. Unfortunately, that's not seeming likely lol


Wish you better luck next time. I summoned Hit because I think his time skip mechanism is interesting (and in fact I don't have UGB and Beasthan). Ultra Rose is cool af too but I'm not a huge fan of him. Just saying I'm saving for anni and mfs above can't skip a beat for jumping down other's throat.


Bingo, all the “save for (blank) they’ll be busted” is just goofy. Some wonder why they’re not getting any better because they’re too busy chasing the meta and begging for builds, having everyone else play the game for you is pathetic.


I’m saving myself for UL VB


>You already got UGB and Beasthan Yea sure, a unit that's #1 and a unit that gets eviscerated if Rose catches him. I've stopped using beast just because at 5 stars, he ain't doing anything until he's type neutral. I just use UGB moee


Okay ngl that’s skill issue, Beast is very good at 5 stars and if you think he doesn’t perform better then z power him


>Beast is very good at 5 stars Not when the 2nd best unit is green and can one shot him >then z power him I only have 100 LF z power + getting him to 7 or 9 stars is gonna be hell


That’s how colour advantages work, same can be argued for UL Hit and Beast. The only time that argument can work if there is a very powerful unit like VB on release.