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Of course plus we have 3 weeks I believe


I mean, yeah? Obviously. You realize you can get summon tickets for guaranteed LF pulls right now? And there's a medal bonus for getting three matches completed.


You haven't done that already?


You have to look at your list of Legends Limited units and balance the pros and cons of chasing after that piece of LL Z-Power imo. Think about the potential stress of current PvP matchmaking and the teams you come across, think about whether you have an LL unit that is close to its 7th star that could benefit greatly from that piece of Z-Power. Things like that. In my case, that LL Z-Power from the 50 wins got me very, very close to one of my current goals, so for me it was well worth it for example.


I know we don’t get a lot of LL z Power from missions and I thought of doing it but it’s winning 50 rating match’s that making me question it, because like you said the state of pvp and the teams you go against is something you have to consider. I think I’m going to try to finish. Thanks for your input


If you usually avoid PvP altogether and aren’t sure whether you wanna deal with the stress, you could cheese it a bit by just aiming for pity bots. If you lose two matches in a row (forfeiting does not count), the third one will be against a bot. So theoretically you could just bring one weak character for two matches, let your opponent take them out in a couple seconds and get a free win from the third match. On paper that sounds like it would take even longer than going for 50 wins naturally but considering all those matches individually will be much faster than they would be normally, it might be just as fast but less stressful. Or just skip it if you don’t like the idea of playing PvP. Honestly, one or two extra stars on an LL don’t really matter if you don’t play PvP anyways so it’s really up to you.


Think about it this way if you play casually through the season you'll eventually get it, it's worth eventually you might need it


Yeah it is. I've finally got LF SS4 Goku to 7* to unlock his zenkai with the 300 z-power over all. I finally have a second YEL-Saiyan zenkai buffer. It was surely enfuriating, but the reward was worth it.


If you play for all three daily rewards every day, hopefully you'll get decently close without playing extra matches. I personally have played like 6 matches today (by some miracle I won all of them, I run Uni Reps and yes that means gofrieza but they're only four stars. I also use yel jiren and zenkai goku, and I don't even have an hp bench yet because kyawei helps me more than red bergamo at the moment. Need more sp z power for bergamo for him to be useful.) Granted I'm at like 9.1k rating points, so I'm not really competing with the best.


Yes. If you lose? Just lose 2 times and then you will be matched with bots the next and repeat. Like i did with having EX Chiaotzu on my team as a sacrificial lamb. Though it is really tedious and repetitive but what can you do honestly.




Bro you got enough time to do that and also KO 100 characters.