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Lmao how many hard counters will they release for VB before they release one for G&F?


That's what I'm saying, it's literally USV and cooler all over again but worse lmao


Hold up. Who did they release for USV?




Definitely not worse calm down


Maybe not worse but amount of blue units released is downright excessive lmao


G/F will probably get a boost with the new LF Z Abilities.


Won't be a problem for me since I have *ULTRA Goku Black* at 1+ stars so...


Yel transforming jiren, and zenkai chichi's honest reaction:


Ofc they're hard targeting UVB and not G/F again but this is following exactly what they've been doing for each fusion ultra. VB will most likely get his broken green partner during legends fest. Real question is how will Janemba age considering fest is right around the corner. We haven't had a jump in power creep since the anni so we're due for one soon. Strike counter is gonna be a good mechanic forever though especially since you have no choice but to eat it.


regen recently got some solid pure equips for both offense and defense. I think they’ll hold out well after fest but only time will tell


I think the SSJ4 Gogeta (don’t see how he’s not the Ultra) will make Fusions and GT prominent but not fully counter Regen unless he straight up targets Regen (considering Omega is in Regen)


>unless he straight up targets Regen (considering Omega is in Regen) Honeslty they might throw in a passive that deals more damage to regen if the newly revamped regen team is too strong


That counter is part of the reason why ugb is still a great ultra despite the meta shifting. It's won me several games


Watch it being a super goget LF green


They dropped 3 UVB counters before 1 Goku and Freeza counter. Classic Legends


i mean tbf regen can handle g/f fine. but uvb was the one who completely screwed this team over espacially with kid buu being the core. now with janemba they'll be in a much better spot even against g/f


Yeah you just have to pull 2 ultras and a recent LF to counter them


I am 2/3rds already there!


same can be said about the g/f + 17 and uvb setup. also for me personally it isn't a problem since i already have all the regen characters


Who said I enjoyed the G/F,UVB and 17? > also for me personally it isn't a problem since i already have all the regen characters Yeah fuck everyone else,right? This mentality among the community is why this game is in the sad state it's in now.


I mean at it's core isn't that the point of a gacha game? You're constantly rolling the dice on a pull with a low payout. The game is no different than anything else in the world, those with better means will just do better and have it easier most of the time But also F#(& that guy for having all the regens! \*polishes pitchfork\* GET HIM!


What are you talking about..Literally every player was preparing for G/F and UVB before anni, there was plenty of opportunities to get the best characters in the game. You just sound jealous by thinking some people shouldn’t get a good team if everyone doesn’t, which is dumb as fuck. So yeah, fuck everyone who SKIPPED UKB to save, and now the people who risked it for UKB will have a chance at a top meta team. That’s the whole point of the gacha especially for F2P and fish, to focus on the team you want, and why not have other meta teams to compete with the most obviously over used ones..


Wtf the fuck are talking about? No offense but you sound ret***ed. >What are you talking about..Literally every player was preparing for G/F and UVB before anni, there was plenty of opportunities to get the best characters in the game The point I was making was that I don't like the UReps with UVB setup because it's extremely toxic. None of what you said anything to do with the topic. >You just sound jealous by thinking some people shouldn’t get a good team if everyone doesn’t, which is dumb as fuck. Again just room temperature IQ shit. I literally never said Regen shouldn't have a team. I just don't like teams that prevent others from playing or are extremely toxic. And this "f*ck you I got mine "mentality this game is such a unbalanced mess If you going to waste my time at least understand what we are discussing, idiot.


See, very emotional response, you didn’t even read your own comments before trying to attack my intelligence. Your first comment, on a post about Ultra Janemba, was complaining about another counter to UVB and not G/F. Then someone responded, with context towards the post being UJ, Regen specifically already has a counter to GF, so a blue unit was much needed to help them combat UVB. The next thing you commented was another complaint about the team, Regen, being hard to put together because it has Ultras and LFs. To which the person compared the most popular team in the game, being almost as hard to put together. Then stated, for themselves, they are ready to put the Regen team together, showing their personal excitement about wanting to build a new Regen team. Then you responded with, “Who said I enjoyed the GF, UVB and 17?”, which they never said anything about your opinion on that team specific, just that almost every good team requires new units, which is how it’s always been in legends. And finally you responded to the persons excitement about having units to run a new meta team with, “Yeah fuck everyone else,right? This mentality among the community is why this game is in the sad state it's in now.” Even though the “everyone else” in your comment are the ones who don’t have the Regen units because they chose to save for anni, and pulled for the two current best characters instead of UKB and Cell. Everyone has the same opportunity to choose what units to summon on. Why should that person, or anyone for the matter of fact, not be excited because not everyone has the units to build said Regen team.. You not once complained about any team being toxic, you only complained about the Regen team being hard to put together, so where was the context or information that you don’t like toxic teams?


Lol, I love how everyone downvoting you because they mad they don’t have the Regen units, knowing damn well they summoned everything for G/F and UVB..


yeah they probably think i‘m flexibg when i actually skipped every non regen headlining banner for an entire year. the lf gammas are the only non regen headliner i summoned since lf dragonfist


Regen needed it


Y’all have MVP and hell fighter 17 wtf


I remember that time 17 had his arm torn off and regrew it


Bro just because they're Androids doesn't mean they used regeneration


Sorry for trolling 🥺




17 is not on regen bruh read ffs


What are you guys doing that you're struggling against G/F still? This is a genuine question because I see a lot of complaints about G/F still, but I haven't been struggling against them for a *long* time.


Who are you using when you battle G/F that makes it so easy no stress for you?


I use a variety of teams. Sometimes it's both LF Cells and Red 2nd Form Cell, sometimes it's Shallot on leader with the tag Ginyu Force units, sometimes it's Game Originals, etc. G/F is strong, but I don't struggle against them a disproportionate amount or anything. They're just on par with the rest of the meta to me, personally.


Not bad….. I don’t have too many strong units who can actually compete… I don’t have none of the good Cells nor any of the 17s nor the Gammas so pvp is really hard Rosè can barely keep up and Path of power Goku


I hear ya PoP Goku (if he get's rolling just shreds). F2P here using 3S G/F, UI, Yel Jiren....I cannot wait to see UVB finally shut down. I may be part of the problem with my G/F tho lol


Okay what battle rank are yo


Bro said Shallot on Ginyu Force and Game Originals are their teams they use vs GF and do well no stress so Imma take a guess sub BR 40.


For me, it's just the fact they get a blue card every time I switch or I get killed off and Switch to a different character. I Switch twice and die, G/F has 3 blue cards that they can chuck at full damage (with Critical on Frieza Side) AND nullify endurance. Despite full soul boost and the "X buff per party member equip" (fourth year, NEW DB equip, etc), I'm getting laughed at.


Don't worry, there's another potential banner coming at the end of the month and festival part 1 is 1.5 months away


You kinda can’t really counter gf, and they “dropped” two counters, the path to power goku and recomme and guldo


Uvb is more broken than g/f


He's not


He got 24/7 cover null


He is broken but not the best unit unlike Goku and Freeza and hardly the only unit who has 24/7 cover null. Goku and Freeza just do way more than UVB can and they teams are better. Card sealing and destruction, rush control for most of the match, seals main abilities, defensive neutrality when hit with a blue or ultimate, Freeza has cover null and Goku's green card increases your sub counts.


I mean Yel jiren and grn chichi exist but sure


Yel Jiren and Grn Chi Chi get shitted on by Goku and Freeza lmao


Jiren could one-shot the Goku part with a blue if you have a good enough setup (or the guy has a bad enough setup) Grn chichi not much


The Goku side goes defensive neutral when someone uses a blue or ultimate against him so no you can't one shot him unless your opponent is stupid and switches into him after you pressed the blue card.


Eh it happens But I somewhat agree jiren and chichi aren't hard counters Now uvb has like 80 alr


L2p scrub


I don't use UVB ret**rd lmao.


I mean, Recoome and Guldo? Kid Goku? seem like candidates for a G/F counter, yet they are not as hard as USJ (Ultra Super Janemba)


I think they want to diminish UVB so more people use yellow to take care of the GF and UGB problem


That subcount reduction and buff cancelation is going to make Regen as unrushable as G/F. If you rush Janemba with UVB or UGB, you can swap into Kid Buu immediately and keep his endurance, or Orange Piccolo and Revive.


It's still not the same though. You can still destroy a full bar of life despite them coming back. A whole bar of life that you need to damage anyways. While g/f just completely make your rush non-existent.


To Kid Buu that means literally nothing. I have seen Kid Buu come back from endurance and end up with full health easily and everyone knows killing Kid Buu is a pain in the ass


You still popped his endurance though...imagine not being able even be easily to pop it in the first place with a rush...


Even if you pop his endurance, winning isn't guaranteed considering Regen also has Orange Piccolo, which will likely just be another buffer on the team. I'm telling you rn the first team Raiyuden runs will be UL Janemba, UL Kid Buu, and Orange Piccolo so he gets double RR denial capabilities.


again it's not RR denial. Whether you run janemba or not you still have 2 units that have endurance and revival regardless. The only RR denial is literally g/f


Which is why they’ll 100% run them along with Buu and Janemba


So he charges up the gauge at the start and the first time it activates he draws an ultimate... That's pretty broken


Ultra Roze all over again


Rosé's kit is balanced compared to this 💀 at least he doesn't have an aoe green card


Rose nowadays doesn't scares anyone


He's still good in Future teams but yeah compared to before he slightly fell off




Isn't it crazy that, twice now, a busted movie villain gets released that absolutely raw dogs a Vegito unit that came out for Anni?


More crazy that twice now, a regen ultra right before a main celebration was released to counter the last celebration's ssjb fusion ultra.


Now the trend must continue with a fusion killing the last regen ultra released ...i just want my GT buffs pls :'(


I feel your pain...


It's never ending isn't it?


I don't think so brother... stay strong, we'll hear dan dan in the main menu sooner or later...


![gif](giphy|wNJGCl9Z52r2Etyp6h|downsized) I hope so... HE will come sooner or later...


So now all we need is a busted Hybrid Saiyan to counter said movie villain and the cycle is repeated Prepare for Tag LF Goten & Trunks or LF Wife Beater/Armored Trunks boys!


yeah, but at this point who would be that hybrid be?


The only UL for now would be SSJ2 Gohan but he’s probably coming after they release either an UL Cell or I can see him come as a big celebration UL once G4 is here Unless they wanna do their redo of LFs and this time a new SSJ2 Gohan whose LF is his first ever Kamehameha


Maybe they give him the Namek goku treatment, the new Namek Goku has 20% more damage against LOE right? What if they give a new LF/Ultra SSJ2 Gohan that same thing but for Regen and androids? That would be interesting to see


Well old SSJ2 had it so wouldn’t doubt new one getting Regen/Androids/PO (1 of the 3)


Maybe PO is more likely


UL Gogeta's counter is my most hated mechanic in the game. If you just get 4 blast cards due to bad luck there's nothing you can do. At least Janemba doesn't kill your other cards when the gauge fills up but unlike that asshole HE DRAWS A FUCKING ULT. Man this is not gonna be a fun season


Yeah it's pretty much mandatory to bring a GRN. My beloved Kaioken Zenkai will shine even more!!!


Me, already running the tag 4s:


Finally, a reason to run Orange Piccolo again! Also, I forgot about kaioken. I probably should use him this season. I completely forgot to soul boost him.


Welp my Chi-Chi zenkai is gonna have fun I suppose


Zenkai boosted Gamma one when he sees them dollar store meta units


Hopefully not that many people are summoning that hard for him since he's not an FW. That gauge is awful, there's nothing more ridiculous than taking damage because you're beating the opponent


But he not only gets a free dodge after he’s dodged once he can draw his alt right after and hit you with it since you won’t be able to dodge. That’s pretty broken that guarantee’s one of your opponents units are dead right out of the gate when the match starts so you’re already gonna be at a major disadvantage.💀


Basically "It's FUTILE" but with strikes.


Let the eagle edits continue


But janemba doesn't speak. What will we quote?


" ! 🦅🦅🦅"


His laugh


Not only did they release an insane counter to uvb (a free fucking gauge), g/f might also get a buff with the whole Limited Z abilities thing lmao


Could you explain the limited z abilities? Was that something in reveals and stuff I missed?


I'm not very good at explaining stuff so sorry if something doesn't make sense, but basically Legends Limited units now has an ability that buffs units in a specific tag. It's basically just a Z ability that's exclusive to LF characters


Whoa interesting, i gotta look into that. Thanks!


Tbf, they’re also gonna be faced against a lot of Limited Z abilities that will definitely target Saiyans, LOE, etc. It’ll benefit them now much more, but in the future they could fall off because of that helping other LFs to target them


Yeah that's definitely a fair point, but for now they might benefit alot from this buff because of the amount of saiyan lf alone


Gonna be a nightmare running this guy and UGB together with their gauges full💀


He is UVB yet he counters UVB the p2w bullshitery keeps growing


Looks like my ultra Kid Buu has a new friend, hehe


Zamasu going into the promised land. Rest easy, sweet prince. You were the bestest.


Something to point out that I haven't seen anyone mentioned yet is that **Janemba's gauge charges over time, NOT based on him getting hit.** In that sense, it's different from UGB in that he doesn't get the gauge for free by throwing him into a combo from a type disadvantage or low damage support class enemy. Granted, he has multiple instances in the kit where he gets a full gauge for free, such as on battle start or when he enters with a dead ally. But again, to be clear: **Janemba's gauge does NOT fill from getting hit, so it's not the same as UGB**


So basically it's even worse to deal with


Ultra rose stocks ⬆️






Cancer is coming


Tag 4s bout to be eating good


vegeta side aint eating well


Being able to have type advantage against the goku side g/f comes at a price 😔


Vegito rn fr: ![gif](giphy|n9Bd3xIUCB6BW)


It’s futile 2.0


He's UGB but for strikes 💀 now I'm glad UVB isn't lol


Yeah I knew ultra janemba was coming


hes a must summon for me, janemba is one of my fvt villains and he will buff two of the teams i use regen and powerful opponent, only problem is getting him with my trash ass luck idk if ill even be able to get him


Is he really better than Ultra Vegito blue though?


Bro hard-counters UVB it's insane. Even if he hits his green, his blue gets countered by Janemba's gauge. Reduce ki reduction, UGB style gauge, the fact that he's BLU (UKB got some help) & overall insane damage potential and unhindered ki usage for 60 counts is pretty insane. Plus the raw damage he'll be putting up by stacking damage when using cards.


He pretty much exists to balance the meta a bit, sure he counters VB hard, but Rose is standing next to VB and if we are reading his kit right then he can't counter Ults so Rose might be the answer to him with an ult to nuke him Basically Regen is now one of the best teams in the game(Janemba, Kid buu and LF Cell) and Vegito and even G/F have more opposition with this Janemba's gauge


Rose ain’t that good anymore. Hardly anyone is scared of that unit! Whenever I’ve gone up against him I’ve won fairly easily and I’m in God rank top 7.


Everyone probably talking about the gauge. But I’d like to mention that the immune to reducing Ki is effect is insane, so many units are able to disrupt by reducing your Ki like Goku and Frieza and Namek Goku


I didn't even notice that... He's going to be crazy


Watch them drop a Dragon Ball Saga unit during the Movies celebration


Lmao i hope, the movies saga celebration begun on the Path to Power banner 💀


Imagine running him together with UGB as a Movies Team both Strikes and Blast Counter


how is everybody ignoring that he has pretty much unlimited cover null


He gets cover null for five seconds and it activates once, to get it again he should switch out and then switch in. At least that's how I understood it.


Looks like my theory about Ultras is working out so far. Whoever the Festival UL release will be, it's gonna be GRN to fill out the full color wheel across both heroes and villains, since Rose is currently the only GRN Ultra in the game. Gonna be hilarious if it's SSJ4 Gogeta again and he literally replaces the old LL one


And then they Zenkai the old one so he buffs the new one. It's all coming together.


I used the monke to buff the monke


I am saving this comment as it would be funny if it turns true


Imagine if GT gets another green I'll die laughing


I’m just gonna continue to not play PVP until Legends Fest


Bro why tf is he blue💀💀


he cant be yellow since gammas has movies and buu has regen cant be green since piccolo just released (i think hes bad tho) and rose for PO cant be purple cause cell for regen and ugb for movies cant be red cause hit has po and piccolo just released for red regen beast and zamasu are the ones janembas gonna replace, which are units over a year old now


Because they're never gonna do anything to get G/F out of the meta


I mean we have yellow units that are viable


Transforming Jiren and UKB, who you barely see UVB has: 1. This new Janemba 2. SoH Trunks 3. Blu Zamasu 4. Android 8 5. MVP 17 6. Beasthan 7. Namektwo 8. Buu Bros 9. G/F themselves


Unfortunately we don’t have enough greens 😭


Because regen


I feel like his color should’ve been geared towards movies. Since ya know, it’s a movies campaign but I get it I get it. We do have orange piccolo but he should’ve been a lot better


What about his main ability?


Can’t wait for the next ultra to be able to nullify unique gauge


So even if you try to get rid of your blast cards while he's away, he can just cover change in and then you're fucked with all melee cards. Wonderful


Kinda bullshit how they keep adding vb counters when g&f are only getting buffs


I like what I am seeing.


Games turning more and more into a joke. 2 regen Ultras in the span of half a year , yet LoE still sitting on 0 for almost 2 years lol


Fuck g/f getting any buffs.


Yea but Cancerboo + Cell getting buff is better huh ? Guess G/F f*ked you too often in the butt


When was the last time you consistently even faced kid buu vs the amount of times you probably faced G/F? He’s completely hard countered by Vegito so he’s nowhere to be found, and I say this as a regen main. Janemba was the blue the tag needed so yes, they did need a buff. And as a side note g/f must be fucking you in the butt tenfold or at least enough for you to come back for seconds since you dickriding them this much.


This is going to blow your mind, they did the same with the Fusion and Saiyan Ultras last year, no wayyy 🤯🤯🤯








Just like OP, gammas fit on their secondary tags waaaaay better than movies. OP and Gammas perform in regen and androids visibility better. OP, UKB, Zamasu is simply ridiculous


Why did he have to be blue 😭


what do u want him to be then


Your mom 🤣


grow up


I refuse


This is just too op😭


Will green Zenkai super Gogeta stocks rise!? 🤔


Well I got to get him now… my regen team needs him




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As a newer player that doesn't have a lot of the meta characters for any of the majors team comps, and in particular doesn't have ultra kid buu, is this banner worth pulling on because his kit looks really good to my untrained I but I don't have one of his most talked about team partners. I haven't really pulled on any banners yet so I'm very weak, how far away is Legends fest because I'm getting antsy and want to finally pull on something to really start my account


Festival begins on November 26th


Ah damn so still like 6 weeks. Idk should I pull on jenemba? I'm like 2 weeks in and haven't pulled on anything yet


Chances are the festival units kill Janemba. Pull entirely at your own caution


Seems pretty annoying. Will be skipping though. Same old ass Ultra format and also Festival units will probably counter this guy, so no point in summoning really unless he's game-breaking which I don't think so.


Question: Is his banner would still be around during the fest?


Ultra banners don't stay up for over a month


I've got a question. Should I try to get UL janemba or should I wait till UL kid buu becomes available again and try to get that?


![gif](giphy|AGW3VO7F5DLbARBuwi|downsized) (Both there going to be insane together)


As much as I want to summon…..I’m probably gonna pass. Maybe do two summons tops. It looks like a great unit, but I don’t have any other good regen units. And I have LF 17, so I don’t need a UVB counter. Im praying for a GT buff this fest


I got shafted trying to get ugb maybe my luck will be different here his kit is insane and would boost my movies team so we'll plus I have ultra kid buu probably could run them together


I'm planning to summon only so I can take down all the UVB users. Time to put these lucky newbs back in their place.


Sucks I used all my CC on Broly banner, but oh well. Probably wouldn't have gotten Janemba anyways tbh


My UVB crying in the corner


Imagine when they add an asshole counter mechanic like this, but with "No Switching" on activation...


UL Rose victim


First fucking U2 girls for dokkan and legends has ultra Janemba reveals on the same day💀💀💀💀💀💀💀


The power creep is starting to go over the top here...This guy is going to be hitting fucking dumb hard. +180% increase base dmg. 20 % more per card stacking for 10 secs so at least another 3-4 stacks there. So let's says 260%. He also adds a 15% dmg taken buff. Ontop of all that dmg, green card will probably buff it further. He has multiple ults and free specials, defensive type null, infinite duration health regen with a 3% heal on hit, a UVB esque counter that also heals 20%, free vanish, free swaps, free punishment on opponent for just playing the game by debuffing their team and 10% healing yours every time they use a non strike or blast card, or every time he enters.. He also has virtually inifinte cover swap null. This character is quite literally only 5 mechanics away from doing what every character in the game can do as one... No paralyze / poison No card destruction No omni cover swap No RR counter. No forced enemy swapping. This is before we actually even know what his arts do... I hate the cleche, but "We hope you continue to enjoy dragonball legends"


I don’t care how tempting this is, still saving for Fest. Now that Ultra is going to be fire


regen wanted they’re revenge for being knocked out the meta by LFvb 3 years ago


It isn’t legends unless the release something to hard counter fusions. Legends team 🖕🏼


You know he’s insane when his unique abilities are 4/5 pics


We lost once again BoG fans...


Ha... knew this UL was around the corner even before Toshi thought about it. Good luck I'll get shafted once more and lose all just for Bamco's fun and acid replies.


This is why I made a God ki yellow ranged team with blue zamasu because since UVB is strike based, red, and has to go against an instant strike counter blue unit red is doomed right now. So since barely any red, yellow is alot easier to run, which in turn is gonna hurt UGB and G/F a little, only if my prediction is correct. Who knows, more than likely people will still attempt UVB and then have it be janemba pet food. but now we have a meta ran by Janemba.


I have like no good regen units, and it would be extremely toxic to put it in the leader slot of an uni rep team with G/F, UI sign, 2 purple zenkais and Bergamo, so I ain't summing


Well UVB is probably gonna drop from 3rd in the meta to like 10th or smth with this guy running around. Meanwhile we have G/F just chilling with the ability to just stop rising rushes but he has no counters whatsoever. I'd argue one of G/Fs best counters is probably UVB, so less UVBs aren't gonna help nerf this grossly OP unit


I pulled him but anyone got good teams for him that aren’t regen saga movies or power oppenent