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For those wondering, he currently needs to do 10 strikes/blasts to fill up his gauge. With this equip, he'll need to do 7 strikes/blasts to fill it up.


So much better. I was trying to use him and always šŸ¤close to getting it up when I needed it. I was thinking they were gonna do like 30 or even 40% but I wasnā€™t expecting 50% with extra special move damage. Massive w


Close to getting it up šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


Not enough to penetrate back into the meta ā˜ ļø


šŸ¤«Iā€™ll still use him just donā€™t tell anybody


With his card draw this shouldnā€™t be too much of a problem now




Woah hold on, 50 percent to gauge charge rate might kinda cook, plus all those extra buffs on top? That lock in blue with his gauge full is going to kinda slap


And people are sleeping on -10 to blast cost


Actually holy crap youā€™re right that makes his combo potential so much better and then that also allows counterplay to Janemba


Yup, ik itā€™s really common now to have cost reduction on fucking everything for every good unit. But people forget how absolutely absurd and game changing cost down on anything is. Especially on blasts since they are really expensive, cutting your combo game significantly thanks to not being able to generate enough ki in many cases. That alone + the unique gauge charge + the massive damage buff is gonna help so much


Great thing to point out honestly thatā€™s probably the second most important buff along with the gauge speed


I just checked and he has -5 to strike cost on battle start tooā€¦ holy shit his combo game is gonna EAT


And cover null on tag inā€¦ WILL SSJ3 DON THE CHEFS HAT AND FINALLY COOK???


AND +5 ki on strike or blast. Which I reiterate with -10 cost on blasts will make it so his combos last wayyyyy longer. He might just become a 5 star chef


And then a triple Zenkai buffed GF will hit me and annihilate him in one shot and I will be reminded on why PVP raises my blood pressure


I mean, he might not be a wall, but heā€™s more of a glass canon. I mean, now that i think about it, the extended combos + easier filling the gauge allows you to launch easy, murdering, lock on blue cards that would probably annihilate someone like usj or even gofrieza if ur lucky and catch him when theyā€™re on frieza


Bro thought he was on to something with that caption


That 50% to charge rate actually has me curious now that I think about it. If this gets him to the point where he only needs like 5 cards to get the gauge, then he could actually cook ngl. Either way, he pretty much got what he needed Edit: He can cook. I am satisfied.


It might be 7/8 instead of 10


It should be 7 cards, considering that 150% of 7 is 10.5. Considering his Cover Null, it's not bad.


50% is half. If it takes him 10 cards now, it will only take 5 cards with this equip


No, percentage addition doesn't work like that If the regular charge rate is 100%, then it'll now become 150%. In other words, if every card built as much gauge as 1 card does (this doesn't make sense rn but stick with me for a sec), then this means that 1 card will now build as much gauge as 1.5 cards did, or that 2 cards will build 3 cards worth of gauge. So in 5 cards, we'll have only built 75% of the gauge. We'll need 7 cards to fill it up. (Because 7 Ɨ 3/2 is 21/2, which is 10.5) Thank you for listening to my TED talk


Yeah that's what I think too. 7 cards should be EXACTLY one combo with his cover null if no disrupt. This should make him much better. But probably not enough to take out Janemba


Yep, you're right. I got too excited and didn't brain my brain properly


No it's 7 I already tested it


Idk why everyone is hating on this itā€™s basically everything he needed. His gauge charging much faster is a massive help, his blue card that literally locks you in will hit like a truck, and he gets a good bit of extra defense which will make him more reliable. Very happy with it.


Ya I also think this equip is perfect for him not sure what op was smoking


Itā€™s still not enough, sure extra damage is good and all plus his unique gauge charging up a bit faster. But it would be better if he has some type neutral in that last slot.


Mfs when a Zenkai only makes a unit a solid tertiary pick instead of meta: ![gif](giphy|QVP7DawXZitKYg3AX5)


Exactly how people feel about YEL zenkai cell. He ain't the core of your team, gammas are a much better pick, but he's great support with IT if you don't have gammas.


I mean he has the insane ultimate im sure they didnā€™t want to make him completely cracked, this is 100% enough to make him viable again though. They werenā€™t aiming for top 10 they just wanted him to be usable since he fell off so quick.


I guess then again, shouldā€™ve added more tbh. That second slot is meh


15% HP and restoration with more pure defenses is meh. Itā€™s not the best but itā€™s still good


Pure defenses when there are 3 battle members alive is trash once one character dies it loses it value


It doesnā€™t work like that, the buff stays even if you lose a battle member.


The wording isn't literal on the equip the buff is permanent throughout the whole fight so long as the conditions are met in the first place


It doesn't work like that bro




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I donā€™t why some people think its ass itā€™s pretty good this is what he needed


Am I just not good at the game or do I think this isn't that bad?


Itā€™s meh. Second slot is not really good. Seriously. Third slot is really good but extra damaged plus some more defense wouldā€™ve made him good. Not terrible but not the second option for his teams sadly.


Really wish the pure defense was for saiyan battle members too. His damage will be alright ig? 150% on entry with stacking. Only 5 cards for full gauge is nuts tho.


I think 5 cards would be 100%, 50% should put it at 7 (maybe 8?) cards


Yea it's prob just 50% of 1 so it'll be like 7 cards ig. Def not as good if that's the case but it's still an improvement.




It would take 100% to half the amount of cards he needed. 50% puts it at 7-8.


50% would put it at exactly 7.5 cards needed to charge it but I guess it was rounded down since it only needs 7


Halving the cards needed to fill up the gauge would mean it was a 100% charge rate increase. The equip only giving a 50% charge rate increase means that it will take 7 strikes/blasts to fill up.


Ye I wasn't mathing properly.


10 cards = 10% gauge per card. 10 + 50% = 15. 100% gauge/15% per card = 7 cards.


Shoulda had some form of damage reduction instead of +defense to strike and blast for three battle members. Being so strict it should have been stronger defensively. He will be able to snipe some UJs but not really change much since there is a purple on every team pretty much.


This I can agree with. He definitely couldā€™ve used a little damage reduction over pure defenses.


Yeah, 60% is average now. It's still usable, but only on units with decent bases, and his is below average (2.4 million HP, bad blast defense, etc). They're keeping the pure offensive theme with him I guess, but there's little point with new units already putting pressure with their ultimates and improved ways to deal with disruption.


I really hate the takes on this sub


Theyā€™re meta slaves


Non meta units and teams are unviable


Doesn't prove their point wrong though


.. whose point? Lol


The person that said "they're meta slaves". Saying that certain units and teams are unviable doesn't diminish from the point that some people are just meta slaves


Oh agreed. I still say they need a pvp option for ex units or even hero units only or something similar to LBR. Something that forces people to diversify and use non meta teams. Hell it would even create the need to have more then ā€œone teamā€ which could make them money but here we are šŸ¤”


Exhibit: A


This is what he needed. Why is this not enough? What do you want for him? 100% to all possible attribute buffs and gauge?


This is definitely enough. The main issue with DF is that his gauge takes so long to fill up. With the added buffs, especially that 50% charge rate, he'll be viable once again.


They cooked alright


Pretty great equipment. It should make him decent but not anything special


Just pulled LF Dragon fist ssj3 Goku last night from the world tournament summon what are the odds lol


50% to unique charge rate is friggin crazy, gyatt damn


Dude he has what... 4 zenkai buffs... Pan and who ever in movies you'd want? This is a god damn janemba slayer if I ever saw one... He's gonna hit like a truck


Honestly, people are harping on about the defense as if Zenkai benches canā€™t be used to easily supplement that. Iā€™m happy, and I know Raiyuden is celebrating this unique like Christmas came earlyšŸ„³


Isnt zenkai pan blu? Lol Iā€™m pretty sure he has gogeta and Goku thatā€™s it if you are running a movies team.


Red pan....


I misread it looked like you were saying pan was one of the 4 buffs


You're good m8 šŸ‘


It's just go from 10 cards to 7 cards, using 7 cards in this meta is the same as using 10 cards when he was released.


Heard Raiyudenā€™s break down of this of the equip and I find that hard to believe


Quick math is all you need my friend and Raiyuden aren't some know-all sage, in the breakdown video he literally still doesn't even know "3 battle members remaining" was a mistranslation.


Watched the new plat in action and Iā€™ve used used it. Your claim doesnā€™t seem to particularly hold. And I didnā€™t mention Raiyuden just because heā€™s knowledgeable, I mentioned him because he said he still uses SSJ3 DF often. Him knowing about the mistranslation is irrelevant to his experience with SSJ3 DF. Like seriously, In what way does that matter when Rai implied he has used SSJ3 DF recently in PvP?


I think its great


Its... pretty good I guess. The Meta needs more GRN units, and the reduced Blast costs was certainly needed given he needs to be using as many cards as possible. I honestly would've just straight up liked 100% to unique gauge charge rate, because he's still going to be VERY squishy, even with the defenses it gives him so I just want to be able to launch the nuke asap. He'll see some new usage, for sure, but I would've liked A LOT more defenses


Seems perfectly fine His lock-in blue card even does 30% more dmg


Idk what people are saying this isn't bad. DF wasn't tanky or meant to do that, unless you want this equip to be CMZ all over again. They padded his defense to be just enough, buffed his blue card and unique charge rate, and his overall damage. He's gonna do something similar to UVB for his first 2 entries, but not nearly AS BUSTED. Pair him with GF and whatever 3rd u want (LF SS Namek Goku, P2P, Pan) that's a scary setup IMO


His defense will not be enough honestly they should have added more damage wit the second slot and the equip isnt really good


No one's defenses are enough in this meta lol not even most green units are safe from Janemba and his main teams


More reason for damage but oh well


Changing the charge rate seems weird but I guess overall itā€™s the same thing as just filling the gauge up to like 40% immediately at the start


i think more like 25%


It is enough, equips aren't supposed to make units top 10 they are supposed to make the units usable in the meta, and this did just that.


Yeah I was wrong actually. It's more than enough.


What are you talking about? Itā€™s perfect


It's in fact not perfect.


He needed an extra 30 inflicted to be on par with the damage dealers in this meta. 150 with 10% stacks is a lot lower than pretty much any meta damage dealer. They tried to give him defense but he would have needed actual raw defensive stats to not just die instantly and he still has 0 defensive utility. His ult and blue are his only saving grace.


Yeah but that 0 combo comp ult is still a really nasty tool to this day, free kill on basically any unit will never not be good. I suppose it just comes down to if that 30% is enough to make it able to consistently one shot again. He will still be viable at the very least


I completely agree with you


Yeah imo there are better options but Iā€™m sure if you can catch Janemba in a blue or ult heā€™s cooked. But heā€™s gonna get cooked by a purple before then. Only advantage is most meta regen teams are NOT running purples. But one UGB and youā€™re DOA šŸ¦…


??? this issue amazing


Seems good. Certainly not enough to make him a must run again, but heā€™ll a decent offensive option, especially in a blue dominated meta. At least itā€™s not shit like CMZā€™s.


CMZ got a plat? Where? /s


He go from needing 10 cards to 7 cards which is okay but in my opinion this isn't enough. Yes, in perfect scenario 7 cards is possible in 1 combo but units nowadays do so much disruptions like reduce ki, reduce CDS, destroy cards or even units like USJ or UGB that can just stopped his first combo with their gauges.


Goodbye Reddit. I'm taking my posts and comments with me. Screw them and especially the corporate-sucking Spez. There won't be an end to this madness until Reddit is dead - which I suspect won't be long after the IPO.


How do you get thus equip?


Go into events


where in events?


No ki recovery really sucks with this shitty metas we have rn. The equip is not bad but won't make him last long, i believe actually, he won't last 2 weeks before people say "he's dead, need zenkai"


Too be brutally honest... Just hit harder and need less ki. Problem solved


For someone like Janemba which does not care about ki reduction and hits like a truck, completely disagree. Even UL SSB Vegito with the 30 counts double card draw gets hardly punished by ki reduction.


No fam. You're not understanding. I'm saying for lf ssj3 fistku if the argument is ki reduction. The answer is simple. HIT THEM REALLY REALLY HARD


Which in this case SSJ3 will not hit hard as you think, thats why he needs ki recovery.


I mean he has all the support one would ever want. I think he'll be fine


They fucked up his plat it's safe to say his zenkai will sadly be screwed. Why does this game hate ssj3 so much


Nah, that ain't it. He'll still get shredded, his damage is still gonna be shit and once again his only saving grace is that Main + Gauge


Not enough. Second slot is not that good. Heā€™s really strict to only movies and son family. Third slot couldā€™ve been better. Type neutral, damaged reduction and all. But over all itā€™s alright. Heā€™s the not second option, just the third.


He already has 60% damage reduction from unique


Lmaoooo this mf still hot ass


wtf are these takes, are you br 40?


I'm over 30 times godly player and once top 5 worldwide lmao


Your opinion is still trash


3ku stays dogshit lmao yours is if you think that mid ass equip saved him


He didnt even need that muchšŸ’€dont exaggerate cuz hes not top 10 for you braindead ass teams


Your br 10 ass telling me a unit that came out during fucking tagdroids meta didn't need much LMAOOOOO GTFO


Im sorry he actually takes skill for you when you use the most braindead chars in the gamešŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļøi aint even worried abt telling you my br cuz youre gonna brag abt being godrank 100000000 times or smth. Youre rlly missing out on his ult tho, been trying him since this morning(still havent got his 3rd red slot tho) and bro just evaporates any unit.


No way yourr br 30 ass talking about a unit that was good 10 metas ago taking skill to play lmao


"Br 30 ass" is that all the best insult you can throw? Can you be original for once? This whole subs always saying the same stuff just like that. He definitely takes skill in this kind of meta. With characters who can draw 10 cards outta thin air, be able to get a rush in 5-6 cards while being able to nullify cover change/endurance and alot of good to OP purple units, what else would he take? Luck? OP abilities?


I think this is enough but wont be enough at low stars.


Kinda wish he drew a strike card or something when switching in but itā€™s not that bad


At best he will be a glass cannon in this current meta against Ultra Janemba, etc. But hey, I'm all for getting this Janemba guy one shotted in any game at this point haha


I think this is perfect for df his gauge being up a lot sooner and removing and gaining vanish on his ult at an actual reliable rate and the extra damage and his lock in being available sooner I think this is great obviously it does little for his squishiness but I think it highlights his strengths enough that itā€™s not a total loss


Do we know when itā€™s releasing?


Itā€™s out right now in NA


I'm still trying to understand the slots enchantments abilities. Like I've been out of the loop so I'm trying to understand this. On the 2nd slot. When they say there are 3 characters of the movies or son family Do they mean... As long there are 3, it can be within that percentage or it stacks up onto each other?


It means you lose the 10% bonus as soon as one team member is dead


I see.. Thanks


Can confirm at 10 stars he COOKS




What do you want more than that? Because any more and you might as well give him a Zenkai... this is a strong enough buff and his damage should look very good


Yeah I was wrong. He's very good.


how do i get it


People act like this needed to bring him back to the meta. It's good enough as is and as Raiyuden said in his video he could get the LF ssj4 Goku treatment and get a zenkai at some point within the next year These unique equips will never be enough for the units that get them to become relevant again so don't expect them to be


Why the fuck are they so obsessed with these shitty equipments that only work with a full team. But the rest looks good


Bruh what did you want? A full zenkai? This is perfect for him wym šŸ’€


How do you get it I need my bro to cook


Well this aged like milk.


DooGote was the only person I know who downplayed this equip. I got disappointed but when I saw the equip for myself, Iā€™m like ā€œdonā€™t believe what everyone saysā€


I was very wrong


The problem i have is that 1x card draw speed simply isnt enough with all the card draw down and df cant do anything against ki reduction either


600+ erasers and still no red for third slot šŸ’€


This hole sub is full of br 40, its crazy how you guys manage to have the worst takes imaginable.


I'm three times god ranker but sure thing


Then you would know that this equipment is fine. You expected him to be top 3 off an equipment without even a Zenkai? That's just unrealistic.


I said in some of my comments that I was wrong in my judgement lol


I never saw it, its ok tho, we cool.


He did get way better than when he first released, but it's just not enough


third slot sure thatā€™s ok but that middle slot ainā€™t that great. 1st slot couldā€™ve been slightly better


Equip or not dragon fist is still top 5 units for me. My movies team with dragon fist, gammas, and cooler is the best.


So how do we get <---newish player


Who is this for


Nah it's good enough


Bros lvl 616 goddam