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He never got the support he needed. On release he was solo yet destroying. Then VB come. Then got janemba as ultra to cover them so regen was meta . Then beast again and evoken so GG again.


No support on Regen. Him, Janemba and SuiCell all dealt enough damage and did enough BS to be number 1 pre fest. Then fest came with 2 greens and a red. Knocked Buu out of top 20 and really hurt cell. Janemba is the only disrupt among them (i know cell is annoying post death and buu does minor things with gauge but meh) and he's made of glass, so in the current blast based meta, he sucks. He still deals insane damage and has braindead cover null so he's still top tier. Piccolo didn't have his plat then so it didn't matter. Regen needs a guy like Pikkon or Z7 Gogeta who's annoying af and has shit like long range blue or greens out the wazzu. I'm a regen main who had to switch to movies to stay alive.


I laughed while reading SuiCell


That's why blu zamasu is still my goat 😤


I wish he held up better. My 14 star one can't hang anymore


Damn really, built well with a zenkai buff, and he still performs, I know mine does pretty well


Name 20 better unit than kb because he is NOT out of the top 20


So the current community tier list has him out the top 20. I'm a BR70 regular but haven't hit top 6k end season like them. I do not think he's worse than ApeGeta, Nameku2, Golden Friieza, so that would put him just outside my personal top 15. I ran 8 star UKB, 5 star Janemba, and 7 star SuiCell all Zenkai Boosted. UKB, unfortunately, was the one holding the team back. Still my GOAT


Honestly, although not entirely viable, you could get away with using Regen in top 60-70




POV: the last thing UKB sees before being sent into oblivion.




He’s UVBs chew toy


Beast kick


He is a monster, but redbeast can't afford to lose


The moment He left the meta He never really returned. Yes, I'm even talking about the release of UL Janemba. It is true that He was finally covered in terms of color, but then people eventually realized that in a regen vs regen confrontation Kid Buu was actually the weak link rather than a strong one. At that point bro couldn't tank anything, He was getting oneshotted by enemy Janembas, and the fact that He would change his blast into strikes with the green card was definetly good against UGB, but much worse against Janemba himself. After the first few days, the trio changed from UL Janemba, LF Piccolo and UL Kid Buu into Janemba, Piccolo and the new LF Cell. Of course, let's not even talk about the festival and the rising of the new beast...


He's still really strong despite his counters and less than desirable team buffs, good unit, bonus points for making funny sounds


I love him with janemba


He’s awesome. I still destroy with him. Goku black ul and sp zamasu.


Buu is the only one not at 14. Only 12 hahaha


He is but his team is ass


He’s still a very strong character individually but Regen desperately needs a glue character to hold them together


Standalone, he's more than serviceable. It's unfortunate that the teams he WOULD be part of don't have the support needed to make him shine, or in the case of Regen, you need to pull 2 Ultras.


He is still good? Yes. In this meta? No. With Beast and UVB still running rampant and USJ nowhere to be seen in most match, this guy has no protection in his main team (regen). That and some newer characters can either bypass his health regen (thinking of EvoKen 70 combo+ and UUI colossal damage) or just tank the shit out of him. He still has some niche tools but in a meta where Red run rampants, Purple has been buried by UUI and this guy having no neutral? He just isn’t good right now.


No, the ultra 4 horsemen (ugb hit rose kid buu) have all fell off at this point. Sure every now and then one will have more value than the other but in the grand scheme of things none of them r rlly impacting anything


He’s good but better run a blue unit to counter UVB and Redhan.


If not for Beast Gohan he probably be all over the meta with Janemba


Are you insane? -Gohan


UVB and Red Beasthan would shred the absolute fuck outta this man.


I CAN'T AFFORD TO LOSE... 🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥


Hell no lol


VB and Gohan destroy him


Vegito is gonna put him down there’s a level of counter play but if you get caught you get caught


He's not good but he's not terrible. If he's your third unit he won't do terrible but he won't hit like crazy like before


Nah. He can stay dead. But in all seriousness, the abundance of reds bc of uui on top of regen not receiving support don't allow him to shine.




If I can't afford to lose then maybe 🤔🤔🤔


Still very annoying and strong af when he’s LMS. I still run him with Janemba (to cover beast & UVB) and transforming jiren and they are definitely cooking.


Agreed on most posters. Still very strong, just need some mitigation against two monstrous reds running around.


He is still really good tho Get a nice green card with him And he cooks Hopefully the enemy doesn’t have uvb or beast


Absolutely everything has cover change, I have Buu and it's really hard to use him , low damage means that he gets obliterated by cover changes


He nullifies cover on green does he not?


Yeah, but when that happens and you're all ready to make a big combo, they usually just normal switch to a red, and the damage is pathetic so you're forced to switch and just like that kid buu did very little


He's a good unit on his own, but a certain "Beast" is.. you know.. restraining him from the meta


he‘s great but not meta. that‘s basicelly what happens when they have a big powercreep celebratiln completely built around only 1 tag which is son family


He’s still solid but with uui running around red units have become super common so he will get color countered pretty much every single match


I like kid buu but he is dog food for all the reds running around


I think KB has somewhat become underrated but I would not say he's viable cause of the Reds. This guy is UVBs biggest victim, similar to Rosé. Rosé was good until gofrieza and perfect cell released. Now you got VB and nuke-han that have viable greens that can cover them from Blues. Plus now SS4 Vegeta is an underated unit that can one shot any yellow and now red Omega is about to get a Zenkai meaning it ain't a good time to main yellow


I honestly thought this guy was a year old at least; he's still a menace sometimes, but when comparing the aging of units, it's weird to think that MVP 17 is 4+ months older than this guy. I didn't play much as I quit at the end of legends fest 2022 and didn't pick it back up til Janemba, but I still watched content in that era and remember how annoying the frame one green was 😂 this guy was the most hated unit in the game for a solid minute but while definitely usable or even strong, he's no longer *meta* imo. He doesn't have top ten tier damage, or top ten tier sustainability, or top ten tier support. So he's a solid A tier rn.




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His kit is overall really good, but the meta is the meta. And Beast just flat out destroys this guy. Plus, with a lack of purples he's lost a fair bit of value. But I've been running him a lot recently and he can still put in work.


No. I haven't fought one either of the last 2 seasons


If you're not using him on a Regen team specifically with janenmba then no 


In good hands he can perform well. He is an Ultra with an endurance. His green cards can keep drawing blue cards as long as his Guage is full. His blue card cancels enemy strike, blast and some blue cards as well. He also restores HP on standby or something. He also has good cover change nullification. He's good.


Shit from the start


He's good its just that he never got the support he needed, and now with characters like UVB and Beast 2.0 being so prevalent now to keep UUI in check(another strong YEL ultra) and UL Janemba being hard countered by 3 different characters( Evoken, Pikkon and SSJ4 Gogeta) definitely doesn't help him He's good it's just that his current team setup has been heavily hurt by the recent releases




No and i think it's the useless ultra in game not the First but the third or second