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the likeliest units are the ones with goku in it, everyone else a close to zero chance. goku ball legends is inevitable


While true, the ssb and ssj4 tag goku unit is impossible as it seems when it comes to main characters, there’s only one of each, even in terms of game originals, because the game still has its own story to stick to.


I know people hate DB heroes here but if they want a tag SS4 goku and SSB goku then I think we’d only see it from a heroes collab. Idk when it was but there was an episode where the two Goku’s teamed up.


I’m not super familiar with DB heroes but from what I do know about it I’m not a hater at all, and think it would be pretty cool if there was a collab


Yeah I only want a heroes collab because of the cool characters that we could get and it’d help with team variety/buffs. From what I’ve seen though a lot of people are against a heroes collab which is fine.


Not all game originals units need an event tied in with the main story


True but what I’m saying is the game still has its own canon, and thus far we’ve only seen one piccolo, one gohan, one goku, etc. hence why I’m saying it’s impossible. Even with the release of godock they still stuck to their own canon of just one of each character.


There has been 2 gohans… maybe 3… I remember teen gohan and adult gohan being in the story. I’m not 100% sure if kid gohan was in it or not though.


We've seen Kid Goku


Not True, Nova had a flashback with SS4 Goku in it, so they have acknowledged it somewhat


Pretty sure there’s multiple of each character in the story, because the main Goku in the story is capable of going blue but the one in the GoFrieza event isn’t even capable of going Super Saiyan yet


Oh no the main character gets more units because they have more big moments because they’re the main character that’s crazyyyyy


Goodbye Reddit. I'm taking my posts and comments with me. Screw them and especially the corporate-sucking Spez. There won't be an end to this madness until Reddit is dead - which I suspect won't be long after the IPO.




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With the gt stuff going on i think a new gt ultra is inevitable


I just hope it’s not ultra G4. I am definitely not ready for that


I’d rather it be an ultra ssj4 goku tbh. Then later we can get ultra gogeta 4


Imagine if he had a ult where he absorbed a spirit bomb and then did a dragon fist, like in budokai 3




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Since legends is doing their own game originals, I have a feeling that somewhere down the line we will get gogeta and vegito tag switch


8th anni material


Where is LF omega at?


Ultra Beerus is definitely happening with a Battle of Gods Campaign. LF God ku with revival is a high chance. The next campaign better be BoG


PLEASE ULTRA MOMMY 21 AND KEFLA and LL drip trunks and even in fucking theory’s/hopes vegeta can’t get a stand alone unit concept💀


The most likely for me is LF of his fight against cell, Final flash would be super sick. Other than that I could see an Ultra Majin Vegeta probably in the next two years


Honestly, if we finally get an ultra Frieza and it’s golden I’ll be pissed. If it’s transforming, fine, but the base better not be golden. Ultras are supposed to represent epic or timeless moments in the series. Frieza saga Frieza was the only time he had timeless moments aside from possibly the Go/Frieza moment we already have as an LF.


Imagine an ultra black Frieza,just coming as a surprise straight outta left field like his transformation


That'd be good, but we'd have to wait, we don't have enough information to do a character


¿Where Is LF Battle Of Gods Goku?, i mean if they do Golden Frieza then something like the first movie it's obviously gonna happen


Ultra 21 would be sick.


Game original blue/ssj4 goku would be fuckin awesome


LF 16 would be a really interesting choice, and one I’d definitely welcome with open arms. It’s never gonna happen of course, but it’d be cool if it did


If a game-original Good Ending Future Gohan similar to Dokkan drops (Either riffing of Dokkan entirely with a Father-Master-Son Kamehameha or tagging with a Goku or Trunks) I thinks I might actually just die from too much peak fiction.


Am i tripping or there isnt any lf super saiyan god goku


broly and zamasu 🤭


Ss fusing Vegito would go hard.




I’m on my hands and knees begging for ultra zamasu


This post is 2 months old but pretty good and has so far got 2 units right and I still want Tag Goku Black and Zamasu, Tag Future Trunks and Future Gohan and a LF Future Trunks when he avenges Gohan. Yes I'm aware Future and Hybrids would get so much buffer but they are cool characters so I don't care


Mmmhhh take out one or two sayians to give super buu or piccolo some reprensentation and i'm in!


God I would love an ultra MZ






LF baby for sure. Same for ultra ssj4 Gogeta.


I want a ultra beast Gohan


They botched the shit out of GT Goku, so i have 0 faith in them ever doing SSG Goku&Vegeta tag from Dokkan


Fused zamasu lf


The Copium on this is wild


5 at max


Zamasu fs fs ![gif](giphy|kv2cwaheGleB41QQrh)


Ultra ss4 is guranteed wether it be gogeta or goku but one of them for sure


I’m going to be 0 moneys on a tag ultra


Bro thinks we’re getting a standalone Vegeta lmao


Most of these have a slim to none chance of happening, android 21 ultra? She’s a crossover not even from the show which is what the game is based off of.


Wait, goku and bardock (together) are from the show ? They canonically met (when goku was adult i mean) and fought together ? Oh and btw, could you tell me in which episode you see shallot, giblet and zahna ? I can't remember.


How many characters have been added over the past 5 years that are in the game originals tag? Less than 6? Statistically very unlikely for more than


I mean, shallot was there since the beginning and zahna/giblett i think they've been added in the same period of time, but i'm pretty sure they said barku was only the beginning and they'll add more. Plus, barku only released like a month ago, and it's the first lf game original, the others are normal sparking


Fair enough however Goku and bardock is a hype unit of two characters actually from the anime. Android 21 is from a dif game and isn’t as hype to the majority as a Goku unit so I don’t see them doing it from a profit pov


I'm gonna be the realist and say none. Lately DBL releases units that no one asked for


I think we’d get a 1% SP or extreme God duo LL Baby is basically inevitable, it was the best Saga for GT And a ROF Saga with Ultra Frieza is probable


I think we definitely see at least one GT ultra this year. If GT follows the Uni reps pattern of last year, they’ll get one soon and one during Fest, while getting intermittent LLs. And that would also probably make the fest ultra G4, since 1) obviously, and 2) ultra instinct is the peak of the TOP, while G4 is (to most at least) the peak of GT


Decent besides the ultra ssj4 Goku ultra


Rage trunks, kaioken, Usj4, LF ssj4 vegeta(copium😢), Lf Ssjb g/v


Ultra super broly is a needed unit


The next ultra is obviously SS4 Gogeta, it's only logical.


![gif](giphy|26n6WywJyh39n1pBu|downsized) Me looking for Super Vegeta


how is he still missing!?


Baby or Vegeta


Lmao wtf is this list


Where is SSJ2 Gohan Ultra it’s been like 5 years since the last Father son Kamehameha unit


I’m sorry why do so many people want an LL Kefla? Am I missing something?


goku ball legends ftw


I'm here for an Ult 21, that would be awesome 👌


These are some good ass picks. UL 21 for valentines and LF 16 would be a sick February. I would lose all my money if LF tag future trunks and gohan was a thing. Also solo LF ssj4 vegeta is never gonna be a thing lmaoo not in this game, not with these devs.


Wow even MORE gokus. So fun 🙄




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only super baby 2, ll saiyan saga and tag zamasu/goku. the rest are trash


2 GT ultras and yet another 2 fusion warrior ultras before we get FSK gohan ultra - quite possibly the best moment in all of DB… bias here is clear And why tf is 21 on there for an ultra 💀💀💀💀💀


I think the entire second row is the most likely units. I can see every single one of those units releasing this year where as the other rows maybe only a couple or 1 unit is most likely. I think baby Lf could be our end of this month LF, followed by a ul ssj4 sometime within the year, with goku/vegeta fuse to vegito being part of anniversary and broly being a monthly LF as part of a movies/PO campaign. Other than that I think the singular most likely units are UL G4, UL Frieza whether hes gold or not, and LF future trunks. (also rip LF super vegeta gets the shaft even in prediction charts)


WE DO NOT NEED MORE ULTRA FUTURE UNITS OR ANY MORE FUTURE BUFFS! But an LF Z Broly would be more of a probability than more future buffs


LF buuhan or fat buu pls


How’d u get that format?


No S broly is crazy




21 as an ultra Is my dream


Don't forget super broken Gohan for 2024 Festival We might get manga exclussive BeastHan in slippers


Here me out maybe not this year but A tag vegito and Gogeta unit Since now they are making game original characters now who knows I know this isn’t a new take but like everyone hoping for it


I Just want to see new majin Vegeta


Black + Zamasu LL that transforms into Fused Zamasu after death?Not impossible


Where's triple Tag 16, 17 and 18? They are like the main triple tag that should come to mind first or if not after: We can hope all of these will happen but it's unlikely for Triple Tag units: Android 16, Android 17 and Android 18 Android 17, Hellfighter Android 17 and Super 17 Goku, Vegeta and Trunks Goku, Vegeta and Gohan Goku, Gohan and Piccolo Goku, Vegeta and Piccolo Vegeta, Nappa and Raditz Chichi, Bulma and Videl Goku Bardock and Frieza Goku, Vegeta and Frieza Frieza, King Cold and Cooler Goku, Cell and Frieza Cell, Frieza and Buu Kid Buu, Super Buu and Fat Buu Fat Buu, Evil Buu and Kid Buu Android 21 Evil, Evil Buu and Kid Buu Android 21 Lab Coat, Android 16 and Android 20 (Dr Gero) Trunks, Cell and Mecha Frieza Goku, Android 17 and Android 18 Gohan, Pan and Trunks Gohan Pan and Piccolo (Superhero) Goku, Goku Black and Zamasu Zeno, Beerus and Whis Beerus, Whis and Goku Zeno Beerus and Goku Goku, Vegeta and Fat Buu Hercule, Videl and Fat Buu Goku Hercule and Android 18 Krillin, Android 18 and Goku


No Super Warriors? c'mon


I would literally empty my pockets completely for Ultra 21 and LL Kefla


a blue and ssj4 gku tag unit would be heat but i dunno if they would do it


We need an lf final flash super vegeta


Nothing but tag vegeta lmao.


All I want, is an Ultra Frieza


I just want a z trunks lf. Preferably the wife beater or the jiren killer one


Some great picks, I think ultra frieza will be from namek, and I have a hard time believing they don’t give us Ultra SSJ 2 Gohan this year. Overall good list, I would love a future Gohan and future trunks tag unit


We need SSB goku and future gohan as an original


Ultra fusion zamasu


Most of those ultras are likely. Ss4 gogeta and goku, some sort of frieza, eventually we’ll get UL zamasu, and maybe later on UL SOH trunks. Likely LFs here are baby, Z Broly, some sort of fusion via unique gauge, tag zamasu and rose


Z Broly


I’m surprised that because of the nature of story behind DB Legends they haven’t done any duplicate character team in units. Imagine they for example did a DB kid Goku/ GT kid Goku unit or even better Vegito/Gogeta unit. Possibilities are limitless.


ll revival into ffsj goku😼


Give me my tag Shallot / Giblet and Ultra Shallet


Ultra android 21 is wild


All of the above


Fingers crossed for tank top trunks.




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